J uly 26, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A6 N orth P o rtland Bible College S um m er C ourse, 1995 O bituary Mrs. Ironia Lee Ollison Genesis I - II Foundations for a Christian View of God and Man A Sample o f Questions we’ll discuss: How can mankind understand God? What is God’s plan for man and woman? Is there any truth in evolution? Can we trust Bible chronology? Was there a world-wide flood? How did the races of humanity develop? Instructor: Michael Lidsey, Dean of North Portland Bible College Classes meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 pm ' August 1-31,1995 Location: In the new NPBC campus! 4905 N. Vancouver Ave? Registration and Tuition: still only $60, but if paid at the first session, $55. For more information, call 288-2919 7/ry 7 isfc fifßcdb (fine e f a M in d W A jd - 'd n ie d c a n Waïdb W fißwdti f y o - • J m an cati .K/guYafff . J t M ’ (fi/wn H a /iiM Í a i/ - djuda/u Funeral Services- Were Friday, July 21, 1995 at 11:00 A M. Place o f Service- Was Emmanuel Temple Church -1032 N. Sumner St Portland, Oregon Date o f Death - July 15, 1995 at Her Residence in Portland, Oregon Age - 84 years old - Cause o f death - Age Related Place o f B irth - W illis v ille , Arkansas on August 24, 1910 O ccupation: T eachers A id with Head Start programs in Portland, Oregon, worked there about 8 years. She has lived in Portland since 1945 and prior to Portland, she lived in Hope, Arkansas. S urvivors D aughter: Patsy P. O llison Portland, Or Son: Belton Ollison, Jr. Portland, Or Brothers: Johnnie M artin Youngstown, Ohio; Emeree M artin Co­ lumbia, South Carolina; Hersherly Martin Hope, Arkansas; Daniel Mar­ tin Portland, Or; Brother Herman Beasley Toledo, Ohio; Brother LeRoy Beasley Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Brother Otis Beasley Stockton, California Sisters: Leona Bailey Portland, OR; Sister Emmaline McFadden Wichita, Kansas; Sister Gennie V. Cunningham Gurton, Arkansas; Betty Hall Phoenix, Arizona Preceeded in death by: 2 brothers and one sister. Her Husband, Belton Ollison died several yrs ago. Also Survived by: -16 Grandchildren—26 Great Grandchildren & 3 Great Great Grandchildren. Burial at Rose C ity Cemetery in Portland, Oregon. rAio/Y u a y o e An nouHC&tnenl In jo y fu l anticipation o f our marriage. Me Cynthia Jones and Eward Simms together with our families invite you to share w ith us a celebra­ tion o f our love, ourheritage, and God’s goodness. The wedding was on Saturday, July first Nineteen hundred and ninety-five. PASTORAL INSTALLATION SERVICE JO: 0 0 a m - 6': OO/t m 2808 > iia iih t by L. R on H ubbard Communication is the root o f marital success from which a strong union can grow, and non communi­ cation is the rock on which the ship w ill bash out her keel. In the first place, men and wom­ en aren’t too careful “ on whom they up and marry” . In the absence o f any basic training about neurosis, psy­ chosis, or how to judge a good cook or a good wage earner, that tricky, treacherous and not always easy-to- identify thing, called “ love,” is the sole guiding factor in the selection o f mates. It is too much to expect o f a society above the level o f ants to be entirely practical about an institution as basically impractical as marriage. Thus, it is not amazing that the misselection o f partners goes on with such abandon. There are ways, however, not only to select a marriage partner, but also to guarantee the continuation o f that marriage; and these ways are simple. They depend uniform ly on communication. There should be some parity o f intellect and sanity between a hus­ band and w ife for them to have a successful marriage. In Western cul­ ture, it is expected that the women shall have some command o f the humanities and\ciences. It is easy to establish t f ^ educational background o f a potential marriage partner; it is not so easy to gauge their capability regarding sex, fam ily or children, or their sanity. In the past, efforts were made to establish sanity w ith inkblots, square blocks and tests with marbles to find out i f anybody had lost any. The resulting figures had to be personally interpreted with a crystal ball and then reinterpreted for application. In Scientology, there is a test for sanity and comparative sanity which is so simple that anyone can apply it. What is the “ communication lag” o f the individual? When asked a ques­ tion, how long does it take him to answer? When a remark is addressed to him, how long does it take for him to register and return? The fast answer tells o f the fast mind and the sanepiind, providing the answer is sequitur; the slow an­ swer tells o f downscale (into a state o f decreased awareness; into the low­ er level emotions, such as apathy, anger, etc.) Marital partners who have the same comm unication lag get along; where one partner is fast and one is slow, the situation w ill become unbearable to the fast partner and miserable to the slow one. ...T he su bject o f m arriage c o u ld not be covered in many chapters, but here is g iven the basic clue to a successful m ar­ riage — C om m unicate! Revival Talk On Love, Marriage 1 :0 0 -7 :0 0 fw i 97 W a /a id a y On Marriage Area residents are invited to attend a dinner and revival at the Holy Spirit Association o f Unification o f W orld Christianity Church, 21)5 S.E. 148th St. on Tuesday at 6 p.m. Guest speaker w ill be Rev. Levi Daugherty o f Norfolk, Va., who w ill present “ Restoration o f God’s Family,” a talk about love and marriage. Church O f Scientotogy ‘Volunteer ‘M inisters Given Salvation A rm y’s Harbor Light A Helping Hand W ith ladders and brushes, the Church o f Scientology Volunteer Ministers marched into Harbor Light M ission over the weekend to “ bright­ en up” some o f the office areas with a fresh coat o f paint. “ The Church o f Scientology supports those groups who really make a difference in the com m unity” , says V ic k i Schere, Church Community Relations Direc­ tor, “ and Harbor Light has definitely 7K