>T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 26, 1995 A S H E R ’S & C L A R K M e r c h a n d is e f ía te S h oe’s & Clothes New Law Targets Speeders 1/2 Off A senate bill authorizing the use o f photo radar in Portland and Bea­ verton has been signed into law by Gov. John Kitzaber. Flanked by Portland City C om ­ missioner Earl Blumenauer, State S e n a to r Ron C e a se , R ep. Ken Sliobcvk, Beaverton City Commis sioner Cathy Stanton and area resi­ dents, Kitzhaber pul a stamp on Sen­ ate Bill 382 designed to reduce ex­ cessive speeding in the metro area. Blumenauer told the Governor Larissa Clark, President A ssociates: Elton C lark & Johnny C lark Pager: 817-9935 — D e te c tiv e s from the C h ild A buse T eam a rre ste d a 4 5 -y e a r old so u th e a st P o rtland m an on a l l e g a t i o n s th a t he s e x u a lly ab u se d an 11 year old boy in 1993. M ichael E van L ew is o f 6537 S.E .87th A ve. w as c h a rg e d w ith first deg ree sexual abuse and A N N IV E R S A R Y ¡JjJortlattò © bserucr three c o u n ts o f fu rn ish in g o b ­ scene m a te ria l to-m inors. L ew is was lo d g ed at the Ju stice C en ter Jail. Judge D orothy B aker set bail at $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 . D e te c tiv e s arrested L ew is on T hursday in so u th east P ortland, W hile the ch a rg e s are in relatio n to a sin g le v ictim , the d e te c tiv e s $ Woman Dies In Traffic Wreck An 8 1 - y e a r - o ld n o r th e a s t P o rtla n d w om an died F riday in a tra ffic accid en t. M argaret C o le, rep o rte d ly was eastbound on S outheast M ain and w ent th ro u g h a red lig h t at the in te r s e c tio n o f S o u th e a s t 162nd. H er T o y o ta C o ro lla was stru ck on the p a sse n g e r side by a s o u th b o u n d P o n tia c F ir e b ir d driven by T eri Lynn H aw kins of S o u th east P o rtlan d . ¿r '95 C hallenge Saturday, July 29 Willamette Park Divisions for all levels o f play. Coed teams may have 6 to 10 players. 0 / /o Drapery Cleaning ALL FABRICS JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE’S CLEANERS McCall’s ’ Simplicity • Vogue’ Butterick •Burda ■“ * I 111 I III UHI Ks r ä y / / 1 STARK STREET1 ★ « H U I I s i l l HUI Its Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Laundry Special *8.00 OFF On Any Dry Cleaning Order Laundered Shirts 95* NO LIMIT Of $20.00 or More With $10.00 Incoming Dry Cleaning Order • Tiger Fake Fur • Calico • Sweatshirt • children's Fleece prints and • Flannels Much More! Minimum cut 1 yard All merchandise as is. All sales final RETAIL-WHOLESALE Plenty of FREE PARKING JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 7-31-95 Expires 7-31-95 ■COUPON! ■COUPON! i i Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special | *12.00 OFF Dry Cleaning or Laundered Pantsl On Any Dry Cleaning Order s2.99 ! Good On In Coining Dry Cleaning Orders Only | Mens or Womens 252-9530 j J Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | JEANIE'S CLEANERS j Expires 7-31-95 ’ I “I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special I I Sleeping Bag Cleaning I I Special s5.99 I Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS I Expires 7-3T-95" CARS’ BUSES ’ RVs 700 S.E. 122nd Ave P o rtlan d , OR I I I I I I I I I I I J Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons ■COUPON! BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FORi “MANAGER’S SPECIALS" I ■COUPON! JEANIE'S CLEANERS Continues • Summer Fabrics Expires 7-31-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ■COUPON' Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Warehouse Sale 99' A PLEAT Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Of $30.00 or More Outdoor Lined & Unlined Any Size Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons OFF ÍC 0Ü P0Ñ 7"" *4.00 OFF Of $12.00 or More J u ly 2 5 t h t h r o u g h A u g u st 8 , 1 9 9 5 with children, including as a volun­ teer at the Donald E. Long home, and possibly with the Boy Scouts in the 1970s. A nyone w ith inform ation or con cern s regarding this in v e sti­ gation should co n tact the P o rt­ land Police C hild A buse Team at 2 4 8 -52449. Man Arrested In Scam Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special On Any Dry Cleaning Order THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST ON THESE PATTERNS several jobs that involved contact Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Expires 7-31-95 OFF Signs will be posted at major entrances of Beaverton and Portland and a reader board displaying the speed of the vehicle will be posted within 150 feet of the photo radar unit. Citations will be mailed to the regis­ tered owner of the vehicle within six busi­ ness days and vehicle owners will have 30 days to respond to the citation. An evaluation of the radar dem­ onstration project will be prepared and provided to the Legislature. Portland Police Bureau detectives have arrested a Northeast Portland man in connection with the theft o f approximately $300,000 from a 76- year-old businessman during the fall o f 1994. In v e stig a to rs said that C ole The suspect, Robert Lee Ristick, DOB 12-17-53, had obtained the w as not w earin g a safety belt and money from Richard Kathrens allegedly to purchase and sell automobiles. the im pact ejected her from hei In addition, Mr. Kathrens was to receive monthly interest payments. car onto the pavem ent. Ristick allegedly ne,ver met these obligations, and each time he was . She su ffe re d head in ju ries questioned about the purchase o f vehicles or payments of interest, came up and died at the scene. In v e stig a ­ with an excuse and a request for additional cash. tors said the use o f a safety belt Becoming concerned, Mr Kathrens’ daughter and attorney contacted could have p revented the fatal the Fraud Detail, and an investigation was initiated on February I, 1995. in ju rie s. The results o f that five month investigation was presented to a P olice and em ergency p e r­ Multnomah County Grand Jury, and July 18,1995, Fraud Detail detectives sonnel urged m o to rists to use took Ristick into custody on two counts o f Aggravated Theft In The First th e ir b elts each tim e they d rive. Degree, a class B Felony. N o c ita tio n s w ere issued. ■COUPON' abile 50 are in v estig atin g the p o ssib ility th at o th e r ch ild re n have been abused over the past tw o decades. The ch ild ren , all m ales, have b e e n r e la tiv e s , n e ig h b o rs , or m em bers o f youth org an izatio n s that L ew is was affiliated w ith. Reportedly,’Lewis worked in JE ANTE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 Call Easter Seals to register at 228-5108. Registration deadline: Thursday, July 27 % land city commissioner said. The two-year photo radar test period will start Jan. 1. Photo radar is a system that combines a photograph of a vehicle and it’s driver with a record of the speed of travel as checked by a radio microwave or other electronic device. During die first month of the test period, only warnings will be issued. Photo radar will me operated out of a marked police vehicle staffed by a police officer only in residential and school zones. Man Charged With Child Molesting Join us in celebrating the of that the largest number of complaints received from the citizens of Port­ land are about excessive traffic speeds in residential neighborhoods and around schools. "W e have worked hard to imple­ ment educational programs and en­ gineering solutions, such as speed bumps, to encourage drivers to slow down, but until now, we have lacked enforcement resources. Photo radar is an excellent traffic safety and neigh­ borhood livability tool,” the Port­ To Achei Use hi LLlie }Jovtlanb (Ohscrucv Chinese Crayons Called Dangerous O regon H ealth D ivision nas issued a health alert for C hinese made crayons contain w hich c o n ­ tain dangerous am ounts o f lead. The box does not carry a m andatory ASTM D -4236 safety assurance label com plying w ith U .S.. art safety stan dards. A rt products not carry in g this a ssu r­ ance cannot be legally sold or used in schools. K auffm an said the cray o n s contain su fficien t lead to re su lt in excessive exposure and illn ess if the cray o n s are ch ew ed or eaten, which m akes them in a p ­ propriate for ch ild ren . Parents and teach es should be sure that any crayons used by children have the req u ired label notation ’’C om plies w ith A TSM D -4 2 3 6 .” T h o se th at do n o t should be destroyed or retu rn ed to the supplier. Lead ingestion can cause in ­ ju ry to the brain and nervous sy s­ tem s o f young ch ild ren , even at fairly low levels. O fficials said it is unlikely that persons using the c o n ta m i­ nated crayons only for co lo rin g or artw ork are at risk for e le ­ vated lead.. N o case o f illn e ss attrib u tab le to crayons have been id entified in O regon. P a re n ts c o n c e r n e d a b o u t childhood lead ingestion should contact their health care provider. The H ealth D ivision and U .S. C enters for D isease C o n tro l recom m end that all ch ild ren u n ­ der five years o f age be tested for blood lead annually. The crayons w ere tested a f ­ ter a private c itiz e n p ro v id e d them to H ealth D iv isio n and in ­ quired about th e ir safety. They are said to have b een obtained from a P o rtla n d re ta il o u tlet som etim e b e fo re A pril 20. In M arch, 1994 a sim ilar alert was issued and the U .S. C o n ­ sum er P roducts S afety C o m m is­ sion su b se q u e n tly re c a lle d la rg e q u a n titie s o f im p o rted c ra y o n s nationw ide.