Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 26, 1995, Page 14, Image 14

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P age B6
J uly 26, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver
®I|e ^Jnrthtitb CObscrucr
Diversity Vs. Affirmative Action
Continued from page B5
the minorities and women recent­
ly hired.
Corporations can avoid the
philosophical debate about affir­
mative action by couching it in
terms of self-interest.
“It's good business” is the
common refrain. Even skeptics
of m inority-hiring program s
agree this is true, though some
black employees question wheth­
er there are limits to how far a
company can go before white
customers balk If nothing else, a
minority-hiring program can help
to defend a company against dis­
crimination lawsuits.
But the case for diversity as
genuinely good business is grow­
ing. When there were no women
in the top ranks of Florida Power
Corp , shareholders wanted to
know why, said Pat Blizzard, vice
president of human resources at
the St. Petersburg-based utility.
Now there are two female vice
presidents and two female board
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