T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 19, 1995 P age B3 |Llortlauh (Obscruer ENTERTAINMENT “ M y album is all about what young guys and g irls deal with, in love, sex, and relationships,” says T o n y Thom pson, know n to m usic fans as the voice behind a slew o f hit tunes by the p o p /R & B team H i- Five. “The songs are a little more mature than the ones I did with the group ...but that’s because I ’m a lit­ tle older now, and I ’ve had a chance to experience some th ings m yself.. Sexsational isth e title o fT o n y ’s im pressive solo debut album on G i­ ant Records and he explains, “ A lot o f the songs deal with sex - safe sex, that is ! I guess from m y time with the group. I ’ve dealt with people thinking o f me as a sex sym bol, but now I want to take it to another level.” The sensual grove o f tunes like “ M ake Me Sw eat” produced by A I B. Sure! and M aurice Pearl, the standout “ Handle O ur Bu sin ess” produced by Jerom e Jefferson and D ave H ollister, or the nice-but-nas- ty “ Sla ve ” (written and produced by Jo d e c i’s D eVante S w in g ) are fine exam ples. “ I W anna L o v e L ik e That,” the album ’s first single, was written for T o n y by Babyface and features rem ix and extra production work by Ted dy R ile y . The song is a fresh breath o f romance, as is T o n y ’s h ip re v iv a lo fSte vie W onder’s 1969 classic “ M y Cherie A m o ur.” T o n y ’s step out into the solo league'com es on the heels o f four years o f hitm aking with H i-F iv e . He became a part o f the group in 1989, after producer V incent B e ll heard him sing New E d itio n ’s “ Is T h is The E n d ” over the phone and, w ith­ in months, T o n y was sign in g his first record deal as lead singer with T oiuj Thompson the group. The road to that turning point on his m usical jou rney began when the W aco, Texas-bo rn , O klahom a city- raised T o n y began sin gin g solos in the local church cho ir (under the direction o f his mother) at the age o f eight. He says, “ N ew Edition inspired me but I also listened to The Ja c k ­ son’s, M arvin G aye, Stevie W onder and D onny Hathaw ay, and I started sin gin g in local talent show s...m usic was alw ays a part o f m y life...” It was at one such show that n a tio n a lly-kn o w n lo cal m usician W i 11 iam W alton heard T o n y and rec­ ommended him to New Y o rk pro­ ducer B e ll. A fter com pleting a demo with R o derick C la rk , Russell N eal, M arcus Sanders and To rian o Easley -- “guys I had known form W aco, not as singers more as guys I ’d play sports w ith,” T o n y notes -- H i-F iv e became a reality, sign in g with Jiv e Records in 1990. The gro u p ’s career immediate ly took oft' with the release o f the N o I Pop and R & B smash "I I ike The W ay (T h e K issing G am e),” pro duced by T e d d y R ile y , H i-F iv e ’ self-titled m u lti-m illio n se llin g de but included several more hits, in e lu d in g “ I C a n ’t W ait A n o th e r M inute” and "Just Another G irl friend.” The 1992 fo llow -up C D Keep It C o in ’ On featured more hits (S h e ’ P la yin g Hard T o G e t,” a top five pop single, and "Q uality T im e ") and in 1993, Faith ful, H i- F iv e ’s third album on Jiv e Records was released N o w w ith S e x s a tio n a l, h is much-anticipated solo debut, T o n y ’ s ready for a w hole set o f new chal­ lenges. W o rkin g with producers like Joe (on "B re a k It D o w n ” ), and The Characters (on “C o m e O ve r” with its late n ig h t ’ in tim a te fe e l, “G oodbye E y e s” and “ M y Cherie A m o u r” ) w as, T o n y s says, “ Real cool. Everyone made me feel real com fortable and every body was down to earth. M akin g the album was a great experience...” T o n y , m an age r Jo n a th an Kin loch , and A & R executive Jeffrey Bowens spent a good deal o f time going over songs for Sexsational and the result is an album that showcases T o n y's strong vocal skills. Whether he’s grooving on “ I Kn o w ” (co-w rit­ ten by Mary J. B lige and produced by Sean “ P uffy” Com bs) or given his all on the standout “ Dance With Me” with its decidedly old school feel,’ Tony Thompson lays it all out on his Giant Records debut. Start to finish, the m u s ii’s on...and Tony? Sim ply, Sexsational! the sw ayin g " A ll I H ave ” ), w hich the guys vo ca lly finesse like old pros. “ W alk A w a y ” and “O ne More T r y ” are both harm ony-laden wonders, w hile “ W hat’s It L ik e ” is a good, old- fashioned m elodic, m id-tem po po ck­ et groove. “ Sunshine” is a sparse, thoughtful opus, contrasted by the funky “ Peach C o b b le r” -- whose sen­ sual double lyrics are quite tame com ­ pared to both the urgent “ B rin g Y o u r B o d y ” an the dow nright provocative but gro o vin g “ Bone.” O f course, at the center o f all this great m usic are the m agnificent voices o f U .N .V . Five-Day 1995 Miler Genuine Draft Waterfront Blues Festival R a is­ es A Record $161,000 And 69,500 Pounds O f Food Fo r O regon Food Bank Oregon Food B ank received a record amount o f donated funds and food - $ 16 1,000 and 69,500 pounds o f food - at the 1995 M i Her Genuine Draft Waterfront Blues Festival June 3 0-J u ly 4 Last year, the fest i va I ra ised $ 125,000 and 45,000 p o un dso f food. T h is year’s dollar total includes $12,000 raised by the Oregon Pot­ ters A sso ciatio n , whose members do nated and s o ld h u n d re d s o f handcrafted, sp ecially priced bow ls and other ceram ic dishes in a project called “ Em pty B o w ls.” People who bought bowls received vouchers for free soup at several participating res­ taurants. A ll proceeds were donated to Oregon Food Bank Last year, the Em pty Bo w ls project raised $8.500 for the food bank. “ We are gratified by the success Som e things just sound better in Spanish. For instance, take John “ M ilo ” Pro and O ctaviano S ilv a , a.k.a. S F Spanish Fly, a torrid new L.atino duo from San Francisco. R a p ­ idly clim b in g charts and m elting hearts even before the premiere o f their first album. S F Spanish F ly has already elevated b ilin gual pop m u­ sic to an unprecedented level. N ow , with the success o f their hit single “ D a d d y’s Hom e,” and with their debut Upstairs/W arner Bros. C D An ything Y o u W ant ready for re­ lease, the buzz on S F Spanish F ly is reaching a fevered pitch. Together less than three years, S F Spanish F ly reflects the savory cross-current o f cultures im pacting Am erican m usic today. Som e Latin , some reggae, some freesty le, and a lot o f dance and R & B to a long w ay in shaping the singular style o f S F Spanish Fly. Y e t more than any­ thing, the d istin c tly im peccable blend o f voices between O ctaviano and M ilo makes for one o f the most exciting young male duos in years. For proof, look no further than their debut album, A n yth in g Y o u IFMO INTERNATIONAL FREELANCE MODELS ORGANIZATION Models Needed Models Organization • Fresh Faces...Figu res.. Images. • N o Restrictions to A g e .Sex...Race. • M ay Q u a lify for International Screen Test • N o Experience Required! o o z GO c 5 o f this com m unity event, which had the support o f thousands o f people,” said Rachel B risto l Little , Oregon Food B a n k ’s executive director. “ W'e are grateful to those who donated time, food, money and talent to the O regon Food B ank through the M ill­ er Genuine Draft Waterfront Blues Festival. Everyone involved -- from sta ff to sponsors to volunteers to festival goers - has helped make sure that thousands o f hungry fam i­ lies in Oregon and C la rk County, W ashington, w ill receive badly need­ ed, nutritious food.” Bristol Little said 69,500 pounds o f food w ill feed about 5,200 people for four days. The donated food w ill be distributed to Portland-area food banks. The cash donations w ill en­ able O regon Food B ank to acquire and distribute at least 1.3 m illion pounds o f food to more than 650 O regon Food Bank network agen­ cies in Oregon and Southwest W ash- Want. Produced by M ilo and Ja zzy Jim , the album was written m ostly by M ilo and O ctaviano, with a few cla s­ sic covers added, including a C a rib ­ b e a n -fla v o r e d re m a ke o f the Sh o n d clls’ ‘6 0 ’s hit “C rim so n and C lo v e r,” “ When We Get m arried,” and both Spanish and E n glish ver­ sions o f another ‘6 0 ’s im m ortal, “ D ad d y’s Hom e.” Sun g a cappella, the song showcases the band's flair for artful vocal arrangements, and has already broken into the national Hot 100 as an independently distrib­ uted single. ington B risto l Little thanked sponsor­ ing businesses; Event Services, Inc., o f Portland, w hich organized the fes­ tival; the talented m usicians in more than 45 blues and gospel groups who performed in what has become one o f the largest blues festivals on the West Coast; and more than 300 O re ­ gon Food B an k board members, staff and volunteers who collected food and money, packed and moved food boxes, w orked at various booths and performed other activities support­ ing the event. M a jo r sp o n so rs w ere C o lu m ­ b ia D is t r ib u t in g , In c ., M ille r B r e w in g C o m p a n y , K G O N R a ­ d io and So u th w e st A ir lin e s , A C ­ C E S S C r e d it U n io n s and R a y - B a n S u n g la s s e s . O th e r sp o n so rs in c lu d e d P o rtla n d A re a P lym o u th D e a le rs , M u sic M ille n iu m , C a s ­ cad e B lu e s A s s o c ia t io n and D o v e B a rs . O th e r s o n g s in c lu d e the uptempo Latin freestyle track “Tre a­ sure O f M y Heart," the sumptuous R & B b a llad “ A ll I N e e d ,” the reggae-influenced “ L e t ’s Get T o ­ gether,” and the soulful title track, “ A n ything Y o u W ant.” B lu rrin g the lines between E n glish and Spanish, the two often alternate languages in the verses o f a song. Y e t whatever the style or lan­ guage, one word says it a ll about S F Spanish F ly: “ C aliente!” (In case y o u ’re w ondering, that’s Spanish for “ hot!” ). o D m Call Ken Groves at 287-3232 U .N .V .’sSom ething’s G o in ’ On was one o f the surprise success sto­ ries o f l9 9 3 -‘94 the gro up 's maver- ick/W am er Bros. Num ber I R & B single, “ So m eth in g’s G o in ’ O n ,” qu ickly established U .N .V . as d is­ tinctive newcomers am ong a slew o f young male vocal groups with their close-to-gold debut album. N ow com es U . N . V . ’s lo n g - awaited second album . U niversal N ubian V oices. One thing is imme­ diately clear; therm ’s no sophomore jin x here. The new album pairs sing- er/songwriters John “J - S k i” Powe, Shawn Powe, John “ J .C .” C la y and Dem etrius Peete (aka Peete) with some o f pop and R & B ’s finest hit- makers. The result is a collection sure to satisfy old fans and attract a legion o f new ones. “ So In Lo v e W ith Y o u ,” the album ’s lead single and video, pro­ duced by hitm eister D a v id Foster (W hitney Houston, A ll 4 One, M icha­ el Jackson), is an instant classic love anthem that was released sim ulta­ neously in two configurations-fosters tender pop version, and a tantalizing, sou I ful urban re-m i x by The M i xologist and U .N .V .’s J .C . A ffe ctio n ate ly dubbed “The W edding So ng” by fans, both versions o f the ballad seem to evoke feelings o f love and together­ ness whenever they are played. O n U niversal N ubian V o ices, the m usic speaks for itself. A m ong the gems are soulful ballads (such as The Gershwins’ OPENS T O N ic m ^ >1/ 19 pr^/andpeSS July 19-29 Civic Auditorium Tickets from $20. Charge by Phone 224-4400 or 241-1802 Illllllllllllllllllllll 111I H 11 EAST PORTLAND 32ND & E BURNSIDE 231 -8926 11 IJHil 1111111111111 I 111111 !. MUSI M IL L E rN N IU M NW PORTLAND 23RD 4 NW JOHNSON 248-0163 $15 & $25 Senior/Student Rush Tix: 1/2 hour before curtain at Civic box office only, cash only, valid I.D. required. (Subject to availability, except Sat. eves.) Liygjrom The Portland Opera! Don’t miss it f