Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 19, 1995, Page 8, Image 8

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P age B2
J uly 19, 1995 • T he P orti ano O bserver
Seattle Resident Slain
Portland Police Bureau De­
tectives, in cooperation with Crime
Stoppers, are asking for your help
in identifying and apprehending the
person responsible for a homicide
On Monday, May 15, 1995, at
about 4:30 in the afternoon, Bennie
Lee Hedgemon, a47-year-old black
male, was walking on the sidewalk
at N Jessup Street and N Albina
Avenue According to witnesses
th e su sp e c t ran up b e h in d
Hedgemon and beat him with a
wooden object. The suspect walked
o ff when a passersby came to the
victim’s aid.
Hedgemon was transported to
an area hospital where he later died
o f his injuries. Investigators are
attempting to determine the motive
for the attack
The suspect is described as an
adult male black, 6 '0 tall, weighing
150 pounds, dark complexion, with
a shaved head or close cropped
hair. At the time he was wearing a
white T-shirt and blue jeans.
Crime Stoppers is offering a
cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for
information, reported to Crime
Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in
this case, or any unsolved felony
crime, and you can remain anony­
mous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503)
Fraud Detail
Targets Scams
Against Seniors
The Portland Police Bureau’s
Fraud Detail has assigned a detective
to specifically investigate and moni­
tor fraud and financial abuse direct­
ed at senior citizens. To further assist
in locating and assisting victims o f
these crimes, the detective will be
working out o f the Aging Services
Division office at 4 6 IO S. E. Divi­
Seattle, W ashington Police De­
tectives in cooperation with Crime
Stoppers, are asking for your help in
solving a homicide that may have a
connection to Portland
On Tuesday, March 7, 1995,
David G. Loucks, a 34-year-old white
male, was found murdered in his
place o f business. Loucks was the
ow ner o f a recording studio called
Alternative Productions, located on
Aurora Avenue North in Seattle.
Loucks had been asphyxiated, and
professional recording equipment
stolen from the studio.
A subject calling from Portland,
and identifying h im self as Paul
Waller, had made an appointment to
meet the victim at the studio on the
day o f the crime.
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for informa­
tion, reported to Crime Stoppers, that
C r im e S t o p p e r s
David G. Loucks, 1
leads to an arrest in this case, or any
unsolved felony crime, and you need
not give your name. Call Crime Stop­
pers at (503) 823-HELP
Police Investigate Teen Murder
Portland police homicide detec­
tives are investigating a June 27 shoot­
ing that killed a 16-year-old north­
east Portland boy.
Patrick Curry II, suffered a bul­
let wound to the head.
Reportedly, he was riding in a
car w ith four others in the vicinity o f
northeast 12th and Failing when an­
other vehicle passed by and fired
multiple shots.
Curry was driven to Emanuel
Hospital at about 10:45 p.m. by his
companions. He was taken into the
emergency room by three people,
while the driver ofthe vehicle fled on
D etectiv es said they are un­
cle a r as to the exact m otive or
c irc u m sta n c es about the sh o o t­
ing due to a lack o f inform ation.
In a d d itio n to the absence o f the
d riv e r, the o th e r w itnesses w ere
d escrib ed as u n co o p erativ e and
A possible suspect vehicle was
described as being similar to a yel­
low or light-colored Chevrolet, per­
haps with a sunroof.
Anyone with information on this
incident is asked to call detectives
Kent Perry or Chery l K anzlerat823-
Reward money is also available
through the Crime Stoppers program
at 823-HELP
P o rtlan d P olice B ureau D e­
te c tiv e s in c o o p e r a tio n w ith
C rim e S to p p e rs, are a sk in g for
your help in id en tify in g and a p ­
p rehending the person or p e r­
son re sp o n sib le for a sh o o tin g .
On S unday, M ay 28, 1995,
at a p p ro x im a te ly 11:20 in the
evening, G lenn Earl L acy, a 17-
year-old black m ale, w as found
shot in the a rea o f N E A lb erta
S treet and NE 9th A venue. D e­
tectiv es believe L acy, w ho also
uses the nam es D evon B row n
and L ittle G in, may have en-
Glenn Earl Lacy
Contractors, DBE contractors and
others to help decide how to handle
contract bidding until we get clarifi­
cation from FHWA,” Lulay added.
“Together, we’ve agreed to continue
the joint government-industry effort
to meet current DBE goals on feder­
ally funded jobs because we all be­
lieve it’s the right thing to do.”
Luylay said ODOT and AGC
remain committed to both maintain­
ing a workable highway construction
program and continuing and equal
opportunity program. A partnering
com m ittee com posed o f ODOT,
FHWA, AGC and DBE representa­
tives will continue working on how
best to do business in the months
ahead, he said.
“ W e're working to maintain the
integrity o f the DBE program, de­
spite the uncertainty that exists to­
day. We mus, continue our highway
construction program and we re com­
mitted to helping prime contractors
hire DBE goals for any highway con­
tract using federal funds. State-fund­
ed highway projects do not have to
meet DBE contractor requirements,
Lulay said. DBE contractors usually
focus on specialized work such as
safety flagging, guard rail installa­
tion and pavement grinding.
ODOT sets DBE goals for fed­
erally funded highway construction
projects based on the availability o f
minority contractors and the nature
of the work on each job. The con­
tracts are awarded based on a combi­
nation o f lowest bid and the pre con­
tractor’s ability to hire DBE subcon­
tractors. “Although the goals may
vary slightly from job-to-job, O re­
gon’s annual DBE goal is 12.5 per­
cent on federal contracts," Lulay said
Contractors and subcontractors must
follow federal guidelines that govern
the nature o f the work when meeting
DBE goals.
“ We are all aware that a legal
challenge that stops all construction
isn’t good for Oregon. T hat’s why
w e're working together to move-
ahead cautiously,” Lulay said.
“We re not ignoring the Supreme
Court, but instead trying to comply
with instructions from the Federal
Highway Administration in order to
keep Oregon’s construction program
intact. We re seeking a quick defini­
tion o f guidelines from FHWA that
address the Supreme Court ruling.
Until then, our joint government-con­
struction industry committee will help
us resolve the issues,” Lulay said
Portland Police Bureau Homi­
cide detectives, in cooperation with
Crime Stoppers, are asking for your
help in solving a murder.
On Monday, April 3, 1995, at
approximately 12:30 in the morn­
ing, 40-year-old Frederico Vicente
Cordova and his wife had just left a
grocery' store, at 915 NE Alberta
Street, when they became involved
in a confrontation with four black
males in a light colored mid-size
vehicle, described as similar to a
Chevrolet Nova.
Mrs. Cordova, fearing that a
Frederico Vicente Cordova
M o to rists caught sp e e d in g
through highway and work zones
will be fined two times the normal
bail amount, according to a new law
which went into effect this month.
Officials from the Oreogn De­
partment O f Transportation and Or­
egon State Police warn drivers to pay
special attention when they see the
orange signs which identify a high­
way work zone area
“When drivers see those orange
construction sings, it means slow
down," says Larry Christianson o f
the ODOT transportation safety sec­
“There is equipment by the road,
changes in the roadway pattern, all
kinds ofthings that are different from
the road they arejust traveling,” said
Christianson. “The color orange is
your signal to slow down and pay
attention when driving O regon’s
roads and highways.”
Christianson said to remember
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The suspects offered to sell them
methamphetamine, and met the
undercover officers at a Southeast
Portland motel, where they were
taken into custody with the drugs.
Arrested were Pedro Montano
Aguilar, DOB 03-25-72 and Jorge
Vargas'Valencia, DOB 01-24-74.
Drivers Beware!
Work Zone Fines Double
1994 Pontiac
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charged with Possession and Dis­
tribution o f Methamphetamine and
lodged at the Justice Center Jail
with bail o f $500,000 each.
The arrests were part o f an
operation where narcotics Offic­
ers C h ris U e h a ra and E ric
Hendricks posed as drug buyers.
Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C.
fight might erupt, was running to
summon help when she heard gun­
When she returned to the scene
o f the confrontation, Mrs. Cordova
found her husband mortal ly wound­
ed and the four subjects and the
vehicle gone.
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash
reward of up to $1,000 for informa­
tion, reported toCrime Stoppers, that
leads to an arrest in this case, or any
unsolved felony crime, and you need
not give yourname. Call Crime Stop­
pers at (503) 823-Help.
Drug, Vice Seize Meth
that a work zone is a “crew ’s work
place, their office.”
Jim Dyer o f Salem is the father
o f a highway crew member killed in
a work zone.
H is son, T ony C o llie r, was
killed in May 1994 when a sem i­
truck hit him w hile w orking at a
site in southern O regon. S p eak ­
ing at a new s c o n f e r e n c e in
M edford, D yer asked m o torists
to be cautious.
“What killed Tony was an indi­
vidual’s lack o f attention for a sec­
ond or two,” Dyer said "I want peo­
ple to be alert that they are in a very
dangerous place, not only for them­
selves. bu, for the workers.”
The fines are applicable to all
construction, maintenance and utili­
ty operations on all Oregon streets
and roads.
Christianson says traffic-relat­
ed deaths in roadway "work zones
climbed from just three in 1985 to an
co untered m ore than one assail
ant, as n eighbors re p o rte d hear
ing num erous sh o ts fired.
Lacy, who w as se v e re ly in­
ju re d as a result o f the gu n fire
c o n tin u e s to rec e iv e m edical
treatm ent.
Crime Stoppers is offering a
cash reward o f up to $1,000 for
information, reported to Crime
Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in
this case, or any unsolved felony
crime, and you need not give your
name. Cal I Crime Stoppers at (503)
Officers from the Drug and
Vice Division seized almost five
pounds o f suspected methamphet­
amine from two men the evening
o f June 21. The street value o f the
m eth is e stim a te d at about
T he tw o su sp e c ts w ere
Transportation Department Redifines DBE Goals
The O regon D epartm ent o f
Transportation is working with the
Associated General Contractors o f
O regon, minority - and women-
owned subcontractors, and the fed­
eral government to help determine
how to do business in light o f the
recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling
affecting federal highway contracts.
On June 12, in a5-to-4 decision,
the Supreme Court called for tighter
standards under which federally fund­
ed highway contracts must meet Dis­
advantaged B usiness E nterprise
goals. The DBE program sets goals
that prime contractors must meet for
hiring minority - and women-owned
subcontractors on federally funded
highway construction jobs.
Although it appears the court’s
rulingcould substantially change the
way states set DBE contract goals,
the Federal Highway Administration
recently said exist ing DBE programs
must remain in force as a condition o f
receiving federal funds.
“Changes in the DBE program
are likely, but for the time being,
Oregon will follow the FHWA direc­
tive requiring federally funded con­
tracts to meet current DBE guide­
lines. said Tom Lulay, manager o f
O D O T's Technical Services Branch.
“ W e’ve been discussing this di­
lemma with oui J u s tic e Department
lawyers, the A ssociated G eneral
22555 SE Stark •
all time high o f 17 last year.
“ In fact, overall, deaths in road­
side work zones have climbed 50
percent since 1982,” he said.
But, Christianson adds, as dan­
gerous as it may be for workers,
statistics show that drivers and pas­
sengers are actually three times more
likely to be injured at road construc­
tion site accidents.
In 1993. the Oregon Legislature
set aside $1 million to pay for addi­
tional police patrols to spot danger­
ous drivers in work zones around the
I hat em phasis is co ntinuing
this highw ay co n stru c tio n se a ­
son, according to Jim Stevenson,
head o f the O regon S tate Police
patro l division.
“Safety on our transportation
system is a priority," Stevenson said.
We are serious about citing persons
who drive dangerously in or near
work zones around the state.”
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