P age BK Garlington Mental Health Center J uly Auto Service Worker I Public Notice M isc e lla n e o u s M a in te n a n c e W o rk V a rio u s lo catio n s P ro ject No. M 5 -9 9 0 2 Sum m ary Statem ent of M inority and W om en Business E n­ terprise (MBE/W BE) Outreach Program of the Portland HOME C onstortium . Sealed bids will be received at the H ousing A uthority of Portland (HAP), 8910 N. W oolsey A venue, Portland, O regon, 97203, until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, August 17.1995 for labor and m aterials to provide m iscellaneous m aintenance w ork at various residential locations in M ultnom ah County. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. No bidder may w ithdraw their bid after the hour set for opening thereof until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. The City of Portland, City of G resham and M ultnom ah County as m em bers of the Portland HOME C onsortium receive an annual entitlem ent grant under the U.S. D epartm ent of H ous­ ing and Urban Developm ent HO M E Investm ent Partnership Program . This program provides funds for the developm ent of affordable housing for low and m oderate incom e house­ holds. The basic work consists of rem oving and replacing side­ walks, curbs driveways, roofing, gutters & dow nspouts, and exterior painting at locations to be identified later. Bid docum ents are available at the HAP office noted above. A $20 (twenty) deposit for one and $20 (twenty) for each additional set is refundable when docum ents are returned in good condition within 10 days after bid opening. The H ousing A uthority of Portland m ay reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and re­ quirem ents and may reject any or all bids and w aive all inform alities if, in the judgem ent of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Q uestions regarding this project should be directed to David W alter at 735 -4 2 10 . HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Barry Philpott PT-Teacher Aide PT-Teacher Aide working w/ families at risk. Resp. incl. assisting teacher in pre-school classroom & assisting children on/off van Req. H.S. Diploma/ GED & 1 yr related work expe­ rience. Resume/Appl: VOA- Family Nursery, Attn: Lorraine Barton, 537 SE Alder St., Ptld, Or 97214. Equal Opportunity Employer C onsortium m em bers will conduct direct outreach to certified M BE/W BE com panies to inform them of contracting opportu­ nities. For HO M E contracts over $10,000, C onsortium m e m ­ bers will advertise in m inority m edia and register plans at plan centers. The bulk of contracting will be carried out by recipients w ho are property owners involved in housing developm ent projects. All HOME recipients will be provided lists of certified M B E / W BEs, be required to include language encouraging general contractors to use M BE/W BE subs, and be required to report on their accom plishm ents. A dditionally, HO M E recipients of sum s over $100,000 will be required to publish bid requests in m inority m edia and register specifications at appropriate plan centers. The C onsortium will prepare an annual report and a sse ss­ ment on outreach efforts. Q uestions m ay be directed to the City of Portland, Bureau of H ousing & C om m unity D evelopm ent at. 823-2386. Director of Low Rent Public Housing Sub-Bids Requested Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Sub-Bids Requested Bid Pkg 1 - Excavation, S horing, Piling and Site U tilities Prebid C onference: July 24, 1995 at 9:00am W a s h in g to n C o u n ty J u s tic e C o m p le x Bid Date: August 1,1995 * 2:00 PM Bid Package 1 Demolition - Block A Bid Date: July 27, 1995 at 2:00 pm HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON 1300 SW 6th Ave. • P.O. Box 1300 • Portland, Oregon 97207 Bid Phone: 503-221-8811 Fax Number: 503-221-8934 Oregon License #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids and material proposals from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans or emerging small business enterprises. Receptionist FOX 49 KPDX-TV has an im ­ mediate opening for a recep­ tionist with excellent phone, typing, and communication skills. Experienced with multi­ ple phone lines, public con­ tact, and WordPerfect. Back­ ground in broadcasting pre­ ferred. Obtain the required employm ent application by calling (503) 239-4949. Sub­ mit employment application, resume, and salary history in person or by mail no laterthan July 21, 1995 to: KPDX-TV, 910 NE MKL Jr. Blvd., Port­ land, OR 97232. Women and minorities are urged to apply. Dateline: Meet someone like you! 1 -900-388-0200 ext. 2694 2.99/min. 18+ Procall Co. (602) 954-7420 -FREE- $ 1 9 5 0 P ortland O bserver **Advertisement For Bids** City of Eugene, Public Works Maintenance $1,857-82,251/mo Child and family therapist need­ ed to provide outpatient ser­ vices to culturally diverse pop­ Performs routine servicing and ulation of children ages 0-21. preventive maintenance of a Exp working w/minority youth wide range of City vehicles & families desirable. Masters and equipment. Should be in mental health related field knowledgeable in the princi­ or bachelors & 2 yrs clinical ples and methods of auto and exp req. truck maintenance, service Clinician needed for outpatient station operations, and safety counseling division. Exp w/ precautions of equipment. brief treatment for culturally Requires one year ot experi­ diverse population of adults & ence servicing or repairing a families Masters degree req. wide variety of vehicles or License pref. equipment. Must have valid Crisis clinician needed to pro­ Oregon driver’s license. Posi­ vide phone and walk-in triage, tion Is Swing S h ift-O b ta in community outreach, assess­ application and supplem en­ ment, on-call and hospitaliza­ tal questionnaire at City of tion services to diverse popu­ Eugene, Human Resource lation of chronically mentally and Risk Services, 777 Pearl ill adults. Min 2 yrs prior exp Street, Room 101, Eugene req. Masters degree in m en­ OR 97401. (503) 687-5061. tal health related field req. AA/EOE Outpatient therapist exp in brief treatment for CMI adults with Mental Health personality disorders, PTSD Specialist II and crisis recidivists needed. Three Positions Available Min 2 yrs exp req. Group & one (1) Child MHS II family modlities a +. Masters degree req. LCSW pref. Experienced child & family ther­ apist to work semi-indepen- On-call adult caregivers need­ dently in outpatient satellite ed to assist mentally ill clients in activities of daily living & clinic in Lebanon, OR who is able to work with victimized problem solving in residential mentally ill & behavior disor­ setting. Min 1 yrpriorexp pref. dered children, adolescents Competitive salary & benefits. & theirfamilies. Requires skills Send/fax cover letter & re­ in assessm ent, individual, sume to: Garlington Center, family & group psychothera­ 4950 NE MLKing Blvd, Port­ py. Send resume to Clifford land, OR 97211 Attn: HR FAX: 249-8235 Hartman, Ed.D. EOE Minority/disabled encour­ Two (2) Adult MHS II positions: aged to apply. A) Advanced therapist to work sem i-independently in small satellite clinic in Lebanon, OR Airport Facilities with a diverse population of Crew Supervisor adults with acute & chronic City of Eugene mental illness. $2,744-$3,494/mo. B) Advanced therapist to pro­ Assists the Airport Maintenance v id e c ris is in te rv e n tio n , Manager with the overall ad­ precommitment investigation, m inistration, direction, and & brief psychotherapy with a s u p e rvisio n of the airport diverse adult population in the maintenance staff. The pri­ Albany office. mary focus of this position will Adult MHS II required skills are be the maintenance of the air­ assessment, brief treatment port's terminal complex, in­ planning, & individual, family, cluding roadways and park­ & g ro u p p s y c h o th e ra p y . ing areas, as well as other Knowledge of severe mental structures on the airport that illness, crisis intervention, are maintained by the City. precommitment investigation, Additionally, this position will & case management needed. have responsibilities related S end re sum e to C a ro lyn to the staffing of airport oper­ Neve, ACSW, LCSW. ations a ctivitie s. Requires MHS II requires a master’s de­ Three years of responsible gree in a mental health field field maintenance experience plus at least 4 years of post in institutional and industrial master's experience & State building custodial and upkeep license. The starting salary responsibilities in a lead/su- forall positions: $2108-S2443 pervisory capacity. Closing per monthly. Open until filled. Date: August 4, 1995. Obtain Linn County Mental Health application packet from Hu Services, PO Box 100, Alba­ man Resource and Risk Se ny, OR 97321. vices, 777 Pearl Street, Roo Equal Opportunity Employer 101, Eugene OR 97401. (50 Youth Services Consultant. 687-5061. AA/EOE Join the Oregon State Library's dynamic Library Development Team. Be a champion for chil­ dren’s services in the only POWER Ads state that has dedicated 100% 4 insertions of its state aid to improving library services to children and for the price o f 3 youth. Coordinate the Oregon Center for the Book and Ore­ gon In te lle c tu a l Freedom Clearinghouse services. The successful candidate will have an ALA-accredited MLS and Maximum o f 15 words. three years of professional li­ Place your ad 4 times, brary experience including pay for only 3 insertions. one year of experience in li­ Must run 4 consecutive issues. brary services to children and youth. Compensation range POWER Ads is $2,605 - $3,471. Applica­ Phone 288-0033 tion information is available Place Your POWER Ad from Judyth Leigheit, Oregon State Library, State Library Today Or Write B u ild in g , S alem , O re go n Your POWER Ad On This 9 7 3 1 0 , (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -4 2 4 3 , Blank And Mail To: E xt 221, (ju d y th .f.le ifh e it POWER Ads, PO Box 3137 @state.or.us.) Portland, OR 97208 Application deadline is August 25, 1995. The Oregon State Library is an equal opportuni­ ty, affirmative action employ­ er committed to cultural diver­ sity. 19, 1995 • T he A Bicycle Repair & Safety School for Kids BIKE S A L E S Road, MTN, Hybrids, Cruisers, Collectables, BMX & S E R V IC E Tune ups, Overhauls, Flats, New & Used Parts 20% off helemts & access w/ bike buy Volunteers & donations apopreciated' 2 4 0 7 N E A lb e r ta 12-7 p.m. Mon-Fri / 10-6 Sat 503-288-8864 CCC is a non-profit school, donations Recruiter Category Admission Counselors We are seeking self-starting in­ dividuals who will be respon­ sible for screening and recruit­ ing candidates for the state wide Job Corps Programs. Applicant must have experi­ ence working with economi­ cally disadvantaged youth. Bachelor's Degree required or related experience may be considered in leu of formal education requirements. Let­ ter of interest and resume must be received no later than Fri­ day July 21, 1995 at the fol­ lowing address: Human Re­ s o u rc e s , S p rin g d a le Jo b Corps Center, 31224 E. His­ toric Columbia River Highway, Troutdale, Oregon 97060. Mental Health F u ll-tim e, s w in g -sh ift Team Leader position available in s h e lte r fa c ility lo ca te d in Troutdale & serving male ado­ lescents. Starting salary is $16,500 - $17,000 annually + benefits. Requires personal transportation & ability to meet corporate auto liability require­ ments. Prior supervisory ex­ p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . N o n ­ smoking environment. Obtain required agency application at Janus Youth Programs, 738 NE Davis. Position open until filled. We value diversity. Major Telephone Co. Now hiring Technicians, Install­ ers, Acct/Serv Reps, Opera­ tors. No experience neces­ sary. To apply, call 1 -219-755- 0033, ext. F22 6am to 6pm, 7 days. E Invitation To Bid 1995 VHA Infill Home Ownership, Phase I New construction, 3 two-story, three-bedroom homes on scattered sites in Vancouver, WA. Bids will be accepted for a General Contract, including Mechanical and Electrical work, until 2 :00 p.m ., August 7,1995. All bids will be on a lump sum basis; segregated bids will not be accepted. Invitation to bid and proposed forms of contract documents, including plans and specifications, will be on file as of June 17,1995 at local plan center. Plans and specs may be obtained at the Housing Authority of the City of Vancouver, Phone: (360) 992 0202, Ext. 102. A $50 refundable deposit is required. Hillsboro, Oregon Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon Bid Ph one: (503) 221-8811 - B id Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 9 3 4 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty J u v e n ile J u s tice C o m p le x P hase 3 D e ten tio n H o u sin g Portland, Oregon Bid Package #1 - All Work Except Concrete Bid Date: August 3, 1995 11:00 am @ Hoffman Construction Company Bid Package #2 - Concrete Work Bid Date: August 3, 1995 2:00 pm @ Multnomah County Purchasing Office 10 Day Advance Prequalification with Multnomah County Required for bids in excess of $50,000 Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon Bid P hone: (503) 221-8811 - B id Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 9 3 4 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested Multnomah County Central Library Renovation Partial Rebid (Ornamental Metal, Millwork, Join Sealers, Wood Doors, Accordion Fire Doors, Entrances & Storefronts, Wood Windows, Glazing, Wall & Corner Guards, Identifying Devices, Lockers, Metal Shelving, Compact Shelving, and Window Treatment) Bid Date: August 1 5,199 5 • 2:00 PM 10 Day Advance Prequalification with Multnomah County Required for bids in excess of $50,000 HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON 1300 SW 6th Ave. * P.O. Box 1300 • Portland, Oregon 97207 Bid Phone: 503-221-8811 Fax Number: 503-221-8934 Oregon License #28417 Weareanequalopportunityemployerandrequestsub-bidsandmaterialproposals from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans or emerging small business enterprises. Advertisement For Bid Sealed bids for the Fairbanks Hall Repiping project w ill be received by the Oregon State Board of H igher Education until 2:30 PM, local time, A ugust 15,1995. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on August 1 6,1 99 5 at 2:30 PM local time. All bidders m ust be registered with the C onstruction C ontrac­ to r’s Board. A dditional inform ation m ay be obtained by contacting Facil­ ities S ervices, 100 A dam s Hall, C orvallis, O regon 97331- 2001 or telephone 503-737-7694.