•t' K eijo H unter “Compromise & Holiness Never Kissed” It seems that we live in a time that is Full ofcompromise. Individu­ als go to college to attain a degree in order to get a high paid, high pace job which calls them to give up nights oF quality time with those For whom they are working to support. Compromise. It is no longer in style For chil­ dren to keep there virginity. It is not so shocking, anymore, to see a twelve or thirteen year olds pregnant. It is not so surprising, anymore, to see a young boy running around making sexual conquests out o f the beautiful temples that God has ordained to be set apart for him. Boys will be boys. Compromise. Even the world has noticed that the pendulum of time appears to be embarking on a new era. The popular music group, Luvert, made a song a couple ofyears ago called the 'Good ‘Ol Days! The song reminisced of a simpler time when the biggest prob­ lem in school was popping gum in­ stead of shooting guns. Yes, everyone seems to be on the road to destruction fueled by the gas of compromise. While their is a plague of de­ struction roaming the land, what lies at the heart of the issue is not only compromise but a blatant disregard for holiness. 2 Timothy 3:1 says. "but realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of mon­ ey, boastful arrogant, revilers, dis­ obedient to parents, ungrateful, un­ holy, unloving, irreconcilable, mali­ cious gossips, without self-control, brutal haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of plea­ sure rather than lover of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power . ..” Indeed, the prophecy has come true. The world has distorted the meaning of holiness. When people speak of a "holy church”, some once cheerful countenances turn into gri­ maces of displeasure of disdain. But the church is not to be defined by the world but rather is here to be used by God in order to transform those who are in it. Holiness is derived from the root word holy. Holy means to be set apart by God. The word tells us that Christians are a people of God’s own possession. (Peter 2:9) We have been set apart by God and are to be holy. The word com­ mands it. "Be Holy for I am Holy." (Lev. 11:44) So what is the problem? The problem comes when we illegitamtely put self on the throne when it is a position that can only Loaves & Fishes BISHOP FOSTER CELEBRATES 90TH BIRTHDAY Family Fun 1 1 am to 6 pm Food Live Music Laurelhurst Park Saturday July 22nd Area residents are cordially invited to celebrate the 90th birthday of Bishop J.C. Foster, pastor of the St. Paul Church o f God in Christ. Foster has led the Portland church for 50 years and is the oldest African American Bishop in Oregon. He also serves as the State Bishop of Oregon, Jurisdiction No 2, for the Church of God in Christ. A special celebration honoring this great and wonderful man of God will beheld Sunday at 4 p.m. at Matt Dishman Community Center 77 N.E Knott. Everyone is invited tojoin in with the congregation ot St. Paul, family and friends in rejoicing and giving tribute to such a deserving servant of God. Bishop Foster is a living legend. His generosity and love have been a true demonstration o f God’s word. The celebration will consist o f a small program and refreshments. Yvonne Richmond is the event coordinator. She can be reached at '’83- 5474. legitimately be filled by God. We truly become lovers of selfand main­ tain a form of godliness denying the power thereof. (2 Tim. 3:1) Acts 1:8 says that we shall re­ ceive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. That means pow er to say no to every filthy sin that rises up against the know ledge of God. That means power to say no to ever temp­ tation that presents itself. We do not have to compromise the name of the Lord with the things of this world. "Whoever wishes to be a triend of the world makes himself an enemy of God." (James 4.4(b)) We do not have to resolve our­ selves to a less than victorious life of sippin' and dippin’ when we serve the very one called Victory. Christ came that we might have life and it abundantly. (John 10:10). We deny ourselves the blessings of God when we compromise his name for our own, or anyone else’s, sake Compromise is not always some­ thing that is large - scale, visual or immediately recognizable to the hu­ man eye. It can also be “small”, seeming­ ly minute things that are used to create deep wedges in our spiritual armor. Count the costs before you think to compromise. You could be letting down much more than your­ self. (J • /rcont * W wi wUnm S p o n so rs: From The Inside Out Portland Gang And Youth Summer Feeding Program Monday-Friday, June 19th. Thru August 31, 1995 Breakfast From 7:30 A M. To 9:30 A M Lunch From 11:30 A M. To 1:30 P.M. From Ages 3-19 Now Is A G reat rim e To Be A Loaves & Fishes Partner St. Mark Baptist Church 103 N. E. Morris Portland, Oregon 97212 & Parks Ministry H e want to offer you and your employees the chance to WIN ATRIP FOR TWO To Hollywood & The Tonight Show with Jay Leno // 's easy, h s free I t ’s fun. find out how to become a partner and have fun at Foodstock Call 777-2424 and you could be on your way to Hollywood! Each Saturday I hroughout The Summer, We W ill Host An Outreach Program In The Park From 12:00 Noon To 5:00 P.M. W ith Recreation, Refreshments, And Gospel Music For More Information Call (503) 282-3975 or 287-7457 (Baptist L eader’s Accusers (Must (Pay Those who challenged Henry Lyons’ election as president of National Baptist Convention must repay his expenses from the nine-month battle. by J ennifer S. T homas , T imes S taff writer The Rev. Henry J. Lyons, pres­ ident o f the nation’s largest African- American religious organization, was vindicated when a D.C. Superior Court Judge ruled that rivals who alleged vote fraud must pay him $150,000 plus attorneys’ fees and other legal expenses. Attorneys for Lyons were noti­ fied of the final action late Tuesday night. The ruling marks the end of a nine-month legal odyssey and a bid to prevent Lyons from taking the reins o f the National Baptist Con­ vention USA. Secretaries, wives and even the mother of one o f Lyons’ rivals were involved in the scheme to block his takeover. “This court has never witnessed and hopes never again to witness the kind of fraud perpetrated on this court as well as the despicable, conscious and collusive conduct demonstrated by the plaintiffs, the defendants and Rev. Henry J. Lyons their respective counsel in this case- at-bar,” Judge Zinora M. Mitchell- Rankin wrote in her decision. Lyons, head of Bethel Metro­ politan Baptist Church in St. Peters­ burg, won the leadership post at a Sept 8 meeting in New Orleans. He defeated the outgoing president's hand-picked successor, and that per­ haps is where the troubles began. A month later, Lyons was pre­ vented from formally taking the reins “World of Adventure // a Multi-Cultural, Music and arts Day Camp at First Presbyterian Church 12th & Alder SW July 10- August 18; 9 - 4pm w/ext. hrs $80 - 90/week call 228-7331 Mt Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8.00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (50J) 240-PRAY o f the 8-mi 11 ion-member National Baptist Convention when a group of Alabama church members obtained a court order freezing church busi­ ness, alleging voting irregularities in the Lyons election. To get the court order, the Alabama group produced signed legal affidavits from 44 church members who said they had been denied the right to vote in the elec­ tion. The tides turned in October when Lyons produced some of the individ­ uals whose names appeared on affi­ davits. Many told Mitchell-Rankin that they had not signed the affidavits. Some had actually voted. Some weren’t eligible to vote. Some had not even attended the New Orleans convention. At that point, Mitchell-Rankin lifted the freeze on church business, allowing L.yons to assume the duties o f his office, and ordered attorneys to determine how many of the affida­ vits were faked. “We went down to Alabama to interview some of these people and we were just dumbfounded by what we found,” said Jim Regan, an attor­ ney for Lyons. Ms. Harveta Jackson, an Ala­ bama pastor’s secretary, conceded she signed an affidavit knowing full wel I she wasn’t eligible to vote. Betty Merriweather, the wife of an Anniston minister, admitted that she had in fact voted. Ruthie Mae Kimber, the mother of the campaign manager for Lyons’ chief presidential rival, said she per­ suaded a notary to validate the affi­ davits after falsely informing him that she had seen the individuals sign them. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it,” Regan said, referring to the pervasiveness of the fraud Regan said the award o f at­ torneys fees and legal expenses should be substantially larger th an the $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 p u n itiv e award, since it includes the costs o f transportation and lodging for every witness who testified or participated in the case. Lyons’ predecessor, the Rev. I.J. Jem ison, and attorneys for the Alabama plaintiffs did not respond to phone calls W ednes­ day. «w ./fa /e m e n f .Dry f f ù e ¿Kalb One o f a M n d TP ?. nie) toan Worlds TP Pßoefo ■ df)n— dimoienti .'tdeulafpe t l i i l r (fie n ‘f l c r / m c n / a i f - . ‘h à f a y J : O O - 7 : OOft m <£t. W f fa fa lr fa y 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 • • • • • Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 We Invite You To Come A nd Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is All. Dr. Joe S. Bardie, Pastor FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 42.24 S.E. 62nd Avenue (between Powell & Poster) Portland, Oregon 97206 SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm FRIDAY Evangelistic Service 7:00pm DAILY Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm JÒ: 0 0 a m - 6 : O O ftm 2808 tAP - ffatfht /affici t'/finy tfMwf. ft fue 7 '' dfuciatf P/acftion (.508) 288-5246 Lighthouse Church Of God In Christ 8138 N Hudson Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-3558 * Church (503) 283-0169 * Home Elder Tom Moore, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A M. Sunday Morning yVorship 11:45 A M. YPWW 6:30 P.M Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 P.M Tuesday Prayer/Bible Band 7:30 P.M. Friday Worship Service 7:00 P.M “Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor And Are Heavy Laden, And I Will Give You Rest, take My Yoke Upon You And Learn Of Me." Matt. 11:28-29 (503) 774-5470 We have a place for you Come fellowship with us! PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson. Jr • Dr Ida M Simpson A Welcome Is Awaiting You!