► » m .*»?-«*U** _ _,___ L__ . J uly 12, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A6 Ted About Nigeria frica sadly stands alone, a misunderstood continent... imperfect patches of its culture and tradition are often beamed to an ignorant world.“ It V as precisely a year ago that I A observed the above statement in this column. I told you how the western media, glorifies in giving you the side o f Africa that would invariably dissuade and drain your love fo r that continent. Before CBS washed N igeria's dirty corruption secrets before the entire w orld on 60 Minutes the last two weeks, it was horrible stories about death and disease in A frica and gory pictures o f a ravaging Ebola virus prowling the streets o f Zaire looking for whom to devour. Before then it was Nigeria con men caught in the camera lenses de­ frauding white foreigners. I know by now you are wondering why and asking how did it happen that all these vices and diseases are embed­ ded in the fabric o f Africa societies? I f y ou had w atched the 60 m in­ utes piece, you might think bribery and forgery originated from Nigeria, a country o f about 120 m illio n black folks. M aybe i t ’ s o n ly g o in g to be a little tim e before a psycho w o u ld wake up and te ll the A m e rica p u b lic that vice or c o rru p tio n o f a ll kinds comes from A fric a s im ­ ply because a couple o f sick N i­ geria n s a ccepted b rib e s fro m CBS reporters. B efore then let me refresh yo u r memory that lon g before now , most A fric a so cie ties or p re cise ly N ig e ria co m m u n itie s were an em bodim ent o f peace and p u rity . C o rru p tio n o f any k in d was fo re ig n to o u r society and b r ib ­ ery wras an a bo m in atio n p u n is h ­ able by banishm ent. That was u n til the E uropean came and changed o u r m ethod o f b u yin g and se llin g . They intro du ced us to “ lo b ­ b y in g .” a m ore refined w ord fo r b rib e ry . These fo lk s bequeathed to us a system that encourages fraud at the expense o fo u r b ro th ­ ers. I t ’ s a legacy that our c o lo ­ n ia l master le ft behind N ig e ria stands as one o f the richest co untries in natural re­ sources. It is the fifth largest sup- p lie r o f crude o il to A m e rica . M uch o f its beauty have been sw allow e d in a negative m edia b litz o rc h e s tra te d by faceless enemies o f A fric a . Show me a co u n try w here there is no b rib e ry and c o rru p ­ tio n. W here m oney cannot buy you a n yth in g , in c lu d in g a pass­ port. D o n ’ t be m isled. It is a ques­ tio n o f conscience fo lk s . N o th ­ ing e x tra o rd in a ry . G reat G ran d p a re n t/ P aternal: V irginia o f Camas G reat G randparents/ M a te rn a l: Olive & Alva Promise King is an associate editor o f the Portland Observer He was born in Nigeria, West Africa. 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