T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 12, 1995 P age A3 Good In the Hood, Another Success Good In The Hood is a two day M ulticutural Music and Food Festi­ val, held on the grounds o f the Holy Redeemer A rea Campus at 127 North Portland Blvd. This years M ulticutural Festival was held from 6 - 10pm July 7th and from noon-1 Opm July 8th. There was music, dancing, food, arts & crafts, events for children from every culture, from African to Irsh. Good In The Hood was put to­ gether by the Neighborhood Out­ reach Association. The goal is, plans to promote the many positive aspects o f North and Northeast Portland liv ­ ing. The proceeds fo r this event pro­ vide educational scholarships to needy families and contribute to the neighborhood groups w orking to bring about positive changes in North and Northeast Portland. The 1995 Good In The Hood was great success and the association w ill hope for and even larger success fo r 1996. Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS • • • • • ▲ Student in the program re­ ce ive breakfast and lunch each day, as w e ll as incentives d on at­ ed by area businesses. H ig h ­ lig h tin g the program are T h u rs­ day awards cerem onies, F rid a y fie ld trip s and a p ic n ic on the last day fo r students, parents, s ta ff and program supporters. The K in g p rogram , w hich runs th rough Ju ly 28, receives some $ 33,000 in grant fu n d in g Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law • • • • • Landlord/Tenant Small Business Law Product Liability Criminal Defense Collections Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 For your free initial consultation. NIA Technique® The Rosas Some local merchants display African clothing, arts and crafts. uilding Self-Esteem Continued from Front CHOICES from local o rganizations in c lu d ­ ing the M e ye r M e m o ria l T ru st, O re g o n C o m m u n ity F o u n d a ­ tio n ’ s C la yto n S train Fund and Edna H olm es T ru st Fund, B la c k U n ite d Fund, P ortland G eneral E le c t r ic , P P & L , C a m p b e ll G roup and F irst Interstate Bank. For More Information, please contact Lauren Hopson at King, 280-6456 or Lew Frederick, direc­ tor o f Public Information and Com­ m u n ic a tio n , P o rtla n d P u b lic Schools, 331-3304. New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies Non-Impact Aerobics Mon. Wed. Fri. 5:30 - 6:30 Taught by Use Mirante. Come in for a complimentary class. POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS ZERO INITIATION FEE (to m * restriction« oppfri Through July 31,1995 IT 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street YWCA Coed • Weight Room • Cardio • Massage • Aerobics • Pool 1111 SW 10th • Portland • 294-7420 YWCA Fitness Center: For Total Well-Being 228-4651 FREE ALBINA HEAD START PROGRAM Photo by Dwaine Lewis -------------------------------------- B a n k in g on A m e r i c a * --------------------------------------- Full Day Program for Children (3,4,5 years) LOW INCOME FAMILIES Parents qualify if working beginning jobs, in training or presentely in school. Get a line of credit for your business. Plus a checking account with no monthly fees until 1996. We think it’s time someone made a big deal about small business. That’s why Bank o f America is introducing a new line o f credit. Now, small businesses w ill have exactly what they need. It ’s called the Advantage Business Credit Express Line. A $10,000 overdraft line o f credit that lets you tap in anytime for payroll, expenses or that laptop you’ve always wanted. And second, there’s a business checking account w ith no monthly service fees until 1996. There are also extra discounts that make it easier for you to switch, such as $50 o ff your first check order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . Lutheran Inner City Ministries (LICM) Every branch manager is there to help and act as your business banker. O r you can call our business banking customer service 24 hours a day to help w ith any questions you may have. This is a limited time offer, so stop by any BofA branch today or call 1-800-USE-BofA fo r more information. This new credit line could do wonders for your bottom line. Located At 4219 N. E. MLK Jr. Blvd. & Skidmore Presents The Gallery Of African Wildlife And Contemporary Art From Washington, DC. Saturday, July 15, (only) 12:00-6:00 P.M. Now my cash flow is und my control. C ustom ers w ill have access to the w o rk s o f several East A fric a n A rtis ts , in c lu d in g the in te rn a tio n a lly k n o w n A b stra c t and M ix e d M e d ia A rtis t, O m a r E l-S habu. W isso n W est, a graduate o f T he U o f O , an Ex-Peace C ore V o lu n te e r to A fric a , and M an ag er o f the G a lle ry , is m a k in g th is a S pecial F und R aiser fo r L uth era n In n e r C ity M in is trie s . T he C o m m u n ity is in v ite d to com e, take advantage o f this o p p o r­ tu n ity , and support The C o m m u n ity C e n te r’ s E ffo rt. F o r M o re In fo rm a tio n C a ii The C enter: 2 8 I-7 U 3 6 W isson W est can be reached at: 301-808-6987 (FAX 3OI-8O8-7254) \ ________________________________ ___________/ M ike from legal hat this important message 'T h ia offer ends 7 0 1 * 5 and is not valid with any « h e r offet Advantage Business ( redn " Express I me available up In $10.000 and requites automatic payment Hom a B ofA business checking account O ffer applies Io non-analyeed business checking accounts and only wanes the monthly service fee Subject to standard opening procedures and rules o f account See branch few details" C I W Bank o f A m erica Oregon M em ber FOB 1 ,' ■' -V c - s- - • , • • • • ’ . A.'- -' : ¡1WW