» , ft . . ••■' * • r ~ - < w í - : . ''• • • < 4 ■ - - ’ ■ - ■- • <* > *-'• kt 1 he P ortland O bserver • J uly 12, 1995 A by P age B5 L T E R N A T I V “Spiritual Bankruptcy” M. I saacs Are most American spiritually bankrupt? Based on the daily news on Television, the daily newspapers, the observed actions of people on the streets, on buses, in schools, etc., I would say yes, these people are spir­ itually bankrupt. We’ve come a “long way, baby” from where we started; but somehow we’ve left behind that hope in God, which propelled our Ancestors to­ ward freedom, dignity, and support of each other; that hope that helps us to love one another, realizing we can go nowhere without taking someone with us. As my Pastor says, “We are in this thing together”. We have many, many Churches throughout Portland and Multnomah County, indeed, throughout the na­ tion. Many, many ministries are un­ derway; needed and appreciated. Why, then, do we see more and more evidence o f spiritual decay? There is overwhelming evidence of disre­ spectful children, overbearing teens, “drug-high” adults and grieving, scared, angry senior citizens. Chil­ dren play and fight together, with emphasis on fighting; quick to re­ spond to any stimuli with violence, having absorbed wi II the actions seen in the home, on T.V and on the streets or their neighborhood and in their schools. A single mother supports her child’s dislike o f school discipline, dislike o f teachers, dislike of sharing and studying. She takes him out of school and attempts to teach him at home. I ask you, what kind o f teenag­ er and adult will this child grow into, having learned that whenever he dis­ likes something or someone, he can “just leave”? What happens to this child while the mother works every­ day? With whom does he communi­ cate? What lessons does he learn while mother is away earning a liv­ ing? Who supervises this child while mom is away? Children learn many lessons during all the hours they are awake. This particular “sponge” ab­ sorbs a portion of all of which he comes in contact. Thus, violence on T V., gang contact, inappropriate telephone conversations, etc., be­ comes this child’s daily bread. He will grow up into another non-pro­ ductive, violent, illiterate and anti­ social, spiritually bankrupt individu­ al. What has happened to “love they neighbor”, respect your elders, hon­ or your parents”? There are alterna­ tives to being foul-mouthed fools and violent animals. Senior Adults should not have to be afraid to go grocery shopping alone, or afraid to go to Prayer Meetings at night. Our senior parents should not feel they have to “lock-up” at sundown and stay inside until daybreak in order to preserve their lives. Bars on win­ dows are evidence of fear, but still are not deterrents to thieves and vio­ lent people. Church programs and ministries are fine i f ’People repair”, and teach­ ing godly concepts and instilling godly attributes are the focus o f such programs and ministries. But, if we look closely we'll find that most pro­ grams and ministries are used to de­ velop and enhance a feeling of pride in the Church building, and in a par­ ticular congregation and Pastor and to raise money. Most of these minis­ tries are used to uplift the name and Ruth Dobson, soprano Richard Zeller, baritone Rodney Menn, piano WILL PERFORM A (Benefit Recitai fo r Cantores in Tcciesia E S Prayer And Country: Who Has It Right? by inflate the ego o f a particular leader, rather than the name of God Idols arise and flourish, supported by the entire Church congregation; the sad thing being, they don’t seem to real­ ize that they are making and worship­ ping idols. In our society', freedoms are ex­ ercised without restraints. Authority in the hands of spiritually bankrupt people is a very dangerous thing. It is a matter of urgency that we recog­ nize the decay in our society and its source We’ve given control of our homes, our children and ourselves over to lust, envy, money and easy pleasures, usually at the expense of our very souls. We must start a new program, a new life by rescuing our children (and we must help each other to do this job) shaping and renewing their minds; for I fear the older ones are beyond our weak assistance, unless, through our prayers, God himself intervenes. We have no other alter­ native for peace, harmony and love. We must wrest power and authority from the hands of those who are spiritual ly bankrupt. We must do this by voting for, upholding and sup­ porting Godly men and women in our government, in ourChurches and in our homes. Parents must become concerned and informed and involved in the school system which controls their children most of the day. We must know and support the men and women who’ve shown by their works that they love people of all ages, races, creeds and colors. Each of us must examine our attitudes and our relationship with God. Each o f us must ask ourselves, AM I SPIRITU­ ALLY BANKRUPT? K e i jo H unter Finally, it seems, the United States is getting it right. For years, America - the coun­ try who symbolically boats "In God We Trust” - has twisted the well- known theory o f church vs. state. For most Americans, church vs. state legislation has been inter­ preted to mean protection o f the state from the church. On June 29, the U S. Supreme Court set a clear­ ly different message. A largely divided Supreme Court set what may be a precedent for greater government financial support for religious organizations. The high court ruled 5 to 4 that the University of Virginia was con­ did not come directly from the state but from student activity fees and that an outside printer, not the students, would receive the allocated money directly. Judge Sandra Day O’Conner stated that the decision was based on the facts of the case and chose to write a separate opinion than the majority on the high court. So what does all o f this mean for religious folks? Only time will tell. With groups such as the Klu Klux Kian - who in the name of free speech also recently won a “reli­ gious” case to erect a cross in a state-owned park - it’s clear that all that glitters truly is not gold. stitutionally required to subsidize a Christian student religious magazine on the same basis as any other stu­ dent publication. The majority of the high court rejected the university’s argument that it would violate the constitution al separation of church and state to use university funds to subsidize the religious magazine. The principle against direct gov­ ernment financing of religious activ­ ity is a well-established one. So does this ruling override that? Probably not. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy em phasized that there are sever­ al aspects that make this case unique: prim arily that the money The Portland Mass Choir gathers in celebration of its debut gospel album “It's Jesus. ” The choir performs an album release concert, free to the public, Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Mount Olivet Baptist Church, 8301 N. Chautauqua. To A d v e r t i s e In (The :)Jnx*tkxnb ( D b s c iW r Cult 503-288-0033 ✓ ---------------- :------------------------------------------------- \ dfafeyrtcn f Baby’s Name: Wateshia . Latrice Warren Date of Birth: 6-30-95 Sex: F M other’s Name: Carolyn Lorraine Warren (Of Portland, OR) Weight: 4-12 Length: 17 3/4 Sisters: Ro,Curra & Tishia Warren / Mafo One o f a M i n d VA r dweMM/deb M fd i-M n w d e a n ^oard) VA MooÁú 7:30 P.M., Friday, July 14, 1995 Parish Hall at St. Patrick’s church Northwest 19th Avenue & Raleigh Street Portland, Oregon ■ dfu ¡ GOSPEL ALBUM RELEASE CONCERT ŸicrhteJr/ay - ¿htr/ay J :OO-f:OOfwt July 15,1995 • 7:30 pm • Mount Olivet Baptist Church • 8501 N Chautauqua Songs and operatic selections by Jm eo f an Tapes and com pact discs now available at music stores. V d h fu iifa y Hugo Wolf, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Francis Poulenc, Claude Debussy, Kurt Weill, Charles Gounod & Jerome Kern JO: OOa/m - fi: OOfi m Proceeds from this recital will benefit Cantores in Ecclesia, the resident choir o f St. Patrick ’s Church, in its November tour o f Mexican cathedrals, churches & shrines. 2808 'A i fi/bic r lía iif/t VAidfwi JUnff d d w f. - U rriiay fa d c M n (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -5 2 4 6 Call 295-2811 for ticket reservations Ms Codins Recuperating Ms Evelyn Collins founder of the Grace Collins Memorial Center and better known as Miss Collins is presently recuperating from a skin graft to her leg. We would like to solicit your prayers for this long-time community activist. All questions may be directed to 281-6930, ask for Irma or LaRan \ ___________________ _________ _____ _____________________________ ' Mt Olivet Baptist Church PMC is now recruiting committed Christian singers and musicians who are interest­ ed in Gospel music ministry and future recordings. Must be 18 or older and under 100 years of age. For more information please contact Ada Tellis at 288-4413. "World of Adventure" a Multi-Cultural, Music and arts Day Camp at First Presbyterian Church 12th & Alder SW July 10 - August 18; 9 - 4pm w/ext. hrs $80 - 90/week Lighthouse Church Of God In Christ 8138 N Hudson Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-3558 * Church (503) 283-0169 * Home Elder Tom Moore, Pastor call 228-7331 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. W orship Services 8:()0ain & I 1:00am. Church School 9:30 to l():30am, Bible Study, W ednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church W illi A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 A.M. 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue (between Powell & Foster) Portland, Oregon 97206 Sunday Morning yVorship 11:45 A M. YPWW 6:30 P.M. Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. Tuesday Prayer/Bible Band 7:30 P.M. Friday Worship Service 7:00 P.M. I Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7 :00pm "Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor And Are Heavy Laden, FRIDAY And I Will Give You Rest rake My Yoke Upon You Evangelistic Service 7:00pm And Learn Of Me." Matt. 11:28-29 Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm We have a place for you. Come fellowship with us1 A Welcome Is Awaiting You! 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 SUNDAY DAILY (503) 774-5470 PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr • Dr Ida M Simpson • • • • • Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 We invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is AU. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor »