> • 4* ß >• *v V • •tk • . _ • i ' . •»»'» ’ J* ' -SV*i * «- & ' " '• M - i^ >' • < •**.' • • »A } • a . . ± *' H W »Jt M H J uly 12, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B4 . r/zZi EMTÈKTAIHMEHT QTtje 5ßortlan0 ffibseruer There's really no secret behind the name, explains members of the Washington, DC.-based rap group, Questionmark Asylum. The group delivers their own unique brand of hip hop, combining traditional rhymes with a somewhat different style of melodic vocal delivery. The group's debut album is on Kaper/ RCA Records. In deed one of Portland’s finest up and coming young artists dazzled a packed house this weekend at Shango's. Kirk Green's laid back easy listening and very danceable music set the mood for a great evening. You can catch him every Thursday for the next few weeks at Shango's, a new night spot on Park Ave. in down town Portland. er B eauford) weaves a mesh o f There was a tim e when every ro c k 'n ’ ro ll movement sprung from the grass roots. W h ile much has changed over the years, a band w ork- in g e n tire lyo n its o w n -o u ts id e the around.” Those die-hard fans have also snapped up copies o f the band’ s self- released d ebut, Rem em ber T w o Things (over 130,000 copies since parameters o f current trends - can its fa ll 1993 release) - a remarkable in d ivid u a l approach, m aking the Dave M atthews Band a tru ly eclec­ generate the kind o f organic elec­ tric ity that marketers spend a fo r­ tune tryin g to create. Case in point: feat, considering the album was in­ dependently distributed. W h ile the band notes that the first release may have hinted at their potential, they are satisfied that Under The Table tic ensemble. “ The way 1 look at it, we have fiv e lead voices in th is band,” M atthews says. “ I may be the first thing people notice, since I do the C h a rlo tte sville , V ir g in ia ’ s Dave Matthews Band. sounds that Details described as “ unpeggable and to ta lly a d d ictive.’ Each member showcases a h ig h ly s in c e A nd Dream ing, their RCA debut -- singing, but there are tim es when Matthews put together the genre­ blending quintet, its charged live performances have come to pack produced by Steve L illy w h ite (U 2, T a lkin g Heads, R o llin g Stones) — captures the nuances o f the intricate L e R o i’ s sax is the voice, and times when B o y d ’ s v io lin is at the front. And in C arter and Stefan, we have clubs, theaters and arenas across the country. “ It’ s been a very natu­ interplay that marks the band’ s com ­ plex live shows. The critics agree: something that goes far beyond a simple rhythm section. There are ral, very low -key progression,” says R o llin g Stone called it “ one o f the very few times when the audience Matthews. “ I d o n ’ t feel like w e ’ ve most am bitious releases o f the year.” has ju s t one th in g to listen to .” had this drastic, overnight success. W ith singer/guitarist M atthew s’ One exposure to the tw elve I t ’ s basically been a matter o f w ord- of-m outh - people lik in g w hat vulnerable, expressive voice at the fo re , the band (reedm an L e R o i M oore, v io lin is t Boyd Tinsley, bass­ songs on Under The Table A nd In th e th re e ye a rs they’ ve seen and b rin g in g some friends w ith them the next tim e ist Stefan Lessard and drum m er C art­ Dream ing imparts the sense that this band is o rig in a l enough to defy pigeonholing. Evocative Join THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND and the Urban League Guild for a Gala OPENING NIGHT BENEFIT G O ^ X > 4 ♦ Wednesday, 7:30 pm JULY 19 - CIVIC AUDITORIUM Tickets: $20, $27, $40, $50 Also on salt: Pre-Show Patron Dinner at Marriott Hotel ft Pre-Show Community Reception with Miss Black Oregon at Civic Auditorium For tickets and information call the Urban League, 280-2611 'S a t & f a M In association with: A place of peace and unity. Uk-WEST COMMUNICATIONS @ Brian Tate President 333 SW Park Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Phone: (503)242-3883 JJbX o IFMO INTERNATIONAL FREELANCE MODELS ORGANIZATION Models Needed Models Organization • Fresh Faces...Figures...Images. • N o R estrictions to Age. Sex Race. • M a y Q u a lify fo r International Screen Test • N o Experience Required! Call Ken Groves at 287-3232 J | | ß io 5° August 1 - 6 Civic Auditorium c u o iim "Young Adult Special" »10 discount 16 & unde.. Tues. & Wed. select seats only. ’ , deadlir Signed performance 8 /2 deadline for reserved signed seats 7 /2 6 s i. B 1 For Group Discounts Call: (503) 209-4095 ILL! 1LLL111IHIP s s a a s a a s « gjnr _____ -ruzzati// / uasm xn ^^oe=eet3O Ai (5v3) 224-4400 EAST PORTLAND 32NO&E BURNSIDE 231-8926 M U S IC M I L L E N N IU M NW PORTLAND 23RD 4 NW JOHNSON 248-0163