P age B2 J uly 12, 1995 • T he SEI SUMMER CAMP HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS TOUR SOUTH AMERICAR The H arlem G lo b e tro tters continued their successful month­ long tour o f South A m e rica this weekend draw ing over 40,000 fans to four sold out shows in Sao Paulo, B ra zil T h e Globetrotters have drawn over 110,000 fans to their games since this tour began in Bucaram anaga, C olu m b ia on June .»•-’¿ Ili L j y 1 Kw | 5. The team had to turn aw ay as many as 2,000 people at each o f the shows in Sao Paulo Fans in­ side the arena witnessed exciting Globetrotter basketball where in one game Globetrotter rookie cen­ ter G lo ve r Jackson had a literal rim -shattering slam dunk where his head and arms soared above the rim and then he broke the backboard. T h is dunk caused an injury to him requiring 13 stitches to his right shoulder A t the end o f the game the next day, guard Barry "H ig h R ise ” H ardy shattered a sec­ ond backboard with a high -flyin g, m ystifying dunk. H ardy was not injured, how ever, the standing room only crowd o f nearly 12,000 lingered in the arena for nearly 45 minutes after the game had ended. “ The fans in C olu m b ia, M ex­ ico aftd B ra zil have been very re­ ceptive to G lobetrotter basket ba II,” Harlem Globetrotters owner and chairman Mannie Jackson said who attended the games in Sao Paulo. “ They experienced the true essence o f our new game w hich is a new generation o f talented athletes and su perio r fa m ily entertainm ent. W ith the overw helm ing response we have had from the people there, we are currently m aking plans to return this Fa ll and next Sp rin g .” T h e H arlem G lo b e tro tters were asked to extend the tour four games but the team concluded this current tour in R io De Janeiro on Sunday, Ju ly 2, before more than 20,000 fans. The Harlem Globetrotters are the most popular fam ily entertain­ ment show in the w orld as they have performed for over 100 m il­ lion people in 113 countries in the past 69 years. f: *' If THE U.S. SUPREME COURT RULING ON STUOENT ATHLETE ORUG TESTING It w ill not be long before a typ­ ical day at school for m illio n s o f m iddle and high school kid s w ill involve being herded to the bath­ rooms and forced to urinate in front o f someone they probably d o n ’t even know. They are to be tested that day for illegal drugs. The highest court in the land has made it perfectly clear - at least six o f the most honorable justices have. G o to school and you can be tested for illegal drugs; at any time and for no other reason than the luck o f the draw. The inevitable outcome for many yo ung people who do have a drug abuse problem ? T h e y w ill stay away from school. A w a y from the "guard­ ian and tutor o f children” as Justice S c a lia waxed so eloquently. A w ay from those who could help - i f only they could be trusted - into the arms o f those who exploit. A ga in we are fightin g a public health disaster with cops, judges, and total intolerance. It ju st keeps getting worse. H um an fo lly asid e fo r the m o ­ m ent. I ’ d lik e to th a n k S c a lia and h is fiv e o th er h y p o c r it ic a l and h y s te ric ch u m s fo r ju s t g iv in g the a n t i-p r o h ib it io n m ovem en t th o u sa n d s, p e rh a p s m illio n s , o f y o u n g and e n e rg e tic a c t iv is t s . T h e y w ill not be k id s fo re v e r, they w ill not s u ffe r th is in d ig n it y w ith o u t p ro te st. T h o s e o f us w ho w o rk in the m o ve m en t m ay w e ll lo o k b a ck upon this d a y, and v ie w it as a w atersh ed o f su p p o rt for the e ra d ic a tio n o f d ru g p o lic ie s that s im p ly do m ore harm than go o d . Kidsational Summer Sundays The Squ are’s new series w ill please kid s o f all ages. Sum m er Sundays w ill have a whole new appeal for parents who are looking for som ething new, e x ­ citin g and different to do with the kids. Kid sational Sum m er Sundays is a new summer series produced by P io n e e r C o u rth o u s e S q u a re . Kidsational Sum m er Sundays w ill offer interactive, educational, infor­ mational yet fun program s for c h il­ dren to enjoy with their parents. Generously sponsored by Port­ land Putt, Kid sational Sum m er Su n ­ days kicked o ff on Sunday, Ju ly 9th with Science and Nature D ay. O M S I took over The Square from noon until 5:00 PM with overw helm ing science & nature displays. Fo r the kinder and gentler audi­ ences, M acaw La n d in g Foundation featured some o f nature’s most beau­ tiful, co lorfu l and intelligent anim als - macaws. The Square’ssecond Kidsational Sum m er Sunday w ill be Heritage D ay on Sunday, Ju ly 30 from noon until 5:00 PM. The Oregon H isto rical So ciety w ill be teaching children how to pan for go ld, how to wash clothes with an old fashioned wash board, and how to make yarn dolls. Entertainment w ili be provided by the O H S ’s Fo lk A rts fo lks and the Portland Sto rytell­ ers G u ild . K id sa tio n a l Sum m er Sundays 1995 w ill continue on August 13th and 20th (Sund ays, o f course) with Health and A thletics D ay and Art D ay. Artquake w ill feature a special M onday edition o fK id sa tio n a l Sum ­ mer Sundays as part o f its festivities on The Square on La b o r Day. A s w ith a ll S q u a re events, K id satio n al Sum m er Sundays is free and open to the public. KILTED CELEBRITIES TOSS KEGS FOR CHARITY Portland area celebrities and o n-air personalities Jo e B e cke r, Steve Barlestein, Paul Lin nm an and Anne Schatz (w earing kilts, no less) w ill vie to see who can throw and empty keg the furthest on Thursday, Ju ly 13, at 1 p.m. at Portland B rew ­ ing C om pany, 2730 N W 31st A v e ­ nue. The event w ill help k ic k o ff the Portland Scottish H igh lan d Gam es, and Portland B rew ing w ill donate $500 to the winners favorite chari­ ty- “ M ac” M acTam ahan, Portland B re w in g’s president A le Meritus, w ill be on hand to ju d ge the com pe­ tition. Jim M cG o ld rick, a partici­ pant in the Portland H igh land games, w ill coach the participants on prop­ er form and technique. “ ” It occurred to us that one o f the m issing events at the Scottish H ighland Gam es is a celebrity keg toss, and w e’ve rushed to fill the Join in the Anniversary Celebration of (E l| e void,” said T o n y Adam s, Portland Brew ing President and C E O . “ And i f Lia m Neeson and Mel G ib so n can wear kilts, w ell, so can the partici­ pants in this event.” The public is welcom e to at­ tend the event. The 43rd Annual Portland Scot­ tish H ighland Gam es w ill take place on Saturday, Ju ly 15 from 9 a.m .-9 p.m. at Mt Hood C om m unity C o l­ lege. Portland Brew ing C om pany, located at 2730 N W 31st Avenue in Portland, was formed in 1983 to produce handcrafted ales for the Portland beer market. To d ay, Port­ land Brew ing Com pany brews and bottles M acTarnahan's A le , O re ­ gon Honey Beer, Wheat Berry Brew and Portland A le as w ell as a variety o f tap specialty and seasonal beers for distribution throughout the West­ ern states. CLIFF HANGER TO NBA LABOR TALKS m K eijo Hl NTER T h e y have nerve Just when our pulses start to calm the state­ ment came O n June 30, N B A C o m m is­ sioner D av id Stern announced the first w ork stoppage in league histo­ A re you kid ding? Unfortunate­ ly, they were not H ours after a clim atic draft, the N B A announced that it w ould add itse lf to the list o f w o rk stoppages in p ro fe ssio n al sports. The stoppage came in the form o f a player lockout after the expira­ tion o f an agreement made between the players and owners last October. A N N IV E R S A R Y A t the heart o f the dispute are the salary cap, player m obility and a luxury tax for the league’s highest paid players. Som e players believe the tax would hinder m ob ility as w ell as lim it salaries. W hat does this all mean for fans? Besides a few grim aces, no, much - for now anyway. T h e lo c k o u t c o n v e n ie n t ly comes during the o ff season, but prohibits players from practicing with their teams and brings a pre­ mature end to the summer leagues. The real effects o f the lockout remain to be seen, but w ill certainly surface when game t ime rol Is around this fall. SH O O TO U T F O R C H R IS T ! ^ .lo r t la n h Enter the 5th James Boozer Golf Tournament, and win this 1995 BMW convertable. 5th Annual James Boozer Golf Tournament Saturday, July 15, 1995 • Tournament Begins @ 8:00 AM Gletulovcer Golf Course • 14015 NE Glisan St. • Portland, OR 97230 C L U B Self Enhancement Summer Camp students pause for special ceremonies as Tony Hopson, president of the organization, receives a $15,000 Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities grant from Sal Muscardin, owner of the downtown McDonald's at 9th and Alder. Muscardin told the group he was rooting for their success. “I started as a French fry cook at McDonalds and now own a store. I'm sure you will do even better," he said. (Photo by Michael Leighton) ry O D b scru cr P ortland O bserver G olf Pro: Mike Niece • Format: Modified Scramble * Limited To First 150 Players Dinner at Emanual Hospital Atrium • 501 N. Graham • Portland, OK • 7:15 PM Trophies & Prizes • Hole In One Contest • Door Prizes • Silent Auction Name_____________________________________________ □ $ 75.00 for 18 Holes □ $100.00 for 18 Holts with Guest Celebrity A ddress______________________________________________ □ $265.00 for 18 Holes per Foursome City/Statc/ZJp_________________________________________ VISA/MC # _____ Sigilline _______ Saturday, July 15, 1995 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm FREE Fried Chicken & Grilled Hamburgers Speaker: J.W. Friday Morning Star Church Trophies and Prizes W IN a Walkman, basketball, Entry Fees l’honc(s)_____________________________________________ THREE-PO INT S H O O T-O U T CONTEST 128 NE Russell, Exp. D»te Entry Fee Includes Dinner For T\vo. 10% Discount i f received by June 19. or music cassette! M ICHA EL JO R D A N H IG H L IG H T V ID E O Come for a fun time: ages 9 - 20 plus for info, call Danny at 249-3750 all participants must stay for complete program for food Questions??? Contact Kimberly Money at 321-5119. Please make checks payable to: Omega Boys & Girls Club. Mail entry form with payment to: Omega Boys & Girls Club • P.O. Box 11771 • Portland, OR 97211. « 4 Sponsored by Grace Collins Memorial Community Center «