. u n .XtCTT. > W3 S.-»; V 57*53« P age AK J uly 12, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Jarlian i» bserucr DAWSON ROW HOUSES CITED FOR UUARIUTY Dawson Park Place, a new sev­ en-unit row house development in Portland’s Eliot Neighborhood is being recognized as an example o f good urban and community design. The developers o f the housing project are being awarded one o f the first ever G o v ern o r’s Livability Awards by Livable Oregon, a non­ profit charitable organization put­ ting the spotlight on efforts support­ ing O regon’s transportation and land use goals. Dawson Park Place was built by the private non-profit corporation HOST (Home Ownership a Street at a Time). “ We are delighted to receive this exceptional award which focus­ es on the importance o f providing affordable home ownership for the citizens o f this state,” said Howard Nolte, HOST executive director. Dawson Park Place is one o f the largest HOST projects in the history o f north and northeast Portland, the result o f a joint venture between the organization and Portland Commu­ nity Design, also a non-profit corpo­ ration Located at the corner o f North Williams and Northeast Morris, the housing also received support from U S. Bank, Portland Development Commission, Emanuel Hospital and Pacific Power and Light. Livable Oregon is made up o f citizens, businesses and public offi­ cials concerned with the maintenance and well-being o f the state o f O re­ gon. Its mission is to build livable communities through inner city revi­ talization, education and advocacy for good development. Since 1991, HOST has created 35 affordable home ownership op­ portunities for low and moderate- income families. For information on purchasing one o f these new homes, call 331-1752. Oregonians Can Get Cool Savings Oregonians can get some cool savings this summer and save on their heating bills this winter. Cash rebates o f up to $400 are now avail­ able to help anyone who heats with oil save money through energy con­ servation. As a special incentive, the Ore­ gon Department o f Energy State Home Oil Weatherization (SHOW) program is offering all households that heat with oil cash rebates o f 25 percent o f the cost up to $400 for insulation or a new high efficiency, flame retention burner. Funding for the rebates is limited and will be available with no maximum income limit on a first-come, first-served basis until the money is gone. Orego­ nians who heat with oil can call the SHOW program to receive a free home energy audit, a free furnace efficiency test and for a limited time only, cash rebates o f up to $400 for money saving insulation or a new high efficiency oil burner. Low inter­ est loans are also available to pay for those measures and for new, energy saving windows or high efficiency, replacement oil furnaces. The loans are offered by participating lenders throughout the state at 6.5 percent interest to people who heal their home with oil. Through the free home energy audit, homeowners and renters can learn what they can do to save the most money. Each homeowner or renter can receive one free home energy audit. Trained energy spe­ cialists will go through their home with them and tell them how much the measures may cost and how much they can save. They can then decide which actions make the most sense for them. People who have already had a SHOW audit can still qualify for up to $400 in cash rebates. All rebates must be approved by the O r­ egon Department o f Energy before the work is done. Anyone who heats their home with oil can schedule a free home energy audit by calling SHOW toli- free at 1-800-452-8660 statewide or at 659-3204 in Portland. People who want to take advantage o f the special rebate offer should call soon before the money is gone. SH O W is a program o f the O regon D epartm ent o f E nergy and funded by the O regon fuel oil industry. The D epartm ent o f­ fers in fo rm atio n , tech n ical e x ­ p ertise, and fin ancial incentives to O regon h o u seh o ld s, business- Dad’s Pacific Power’s Tips For Keeping Cool 1. Keep shades andblindsclosed during the heat o f the day especially if your windows face south or west. 2. Use light co lo re d sh ad es or b lin d s in the sum m er to re fle c t the su n ’s rays. R eflectiv e w in ­ dow film also will w ork b u ty o u ’ll w ant to rem ove it when the w eath ­ er gets cold. 3. Incandescent lights generate heat, and so do dishwashers, ovens and dryers. Use lights only when needed and run heat-generating ap- pl iances in the evening or early morn­ ing. 4. When cooking, use micro- wave ovens, hibachis and outdoor barbecues. 5. Use fans, Small fans cool you directly by evaporating moisture from the skin. Box and ceiling fans cool your home by moving air within rooms or throughout the house. Win­ dow or attic fans replace air in the house with cooler air from the out­ side. 6. Plant deciduous trees (trees that lose th eir leaves) on the south sid e o f y o u r bouse. T hey w ill block the sun in the sum m er and let w arm ing rays th ro u g h in the w inter. P lant e v e rg re en s on the north and w est sid e to block the su n ’s heat. 7. Install insulation in attic, floors and walls. Insulation makes your home cooler in the summer and warm­ er in the winter. 8. To seal air leaks, use caulk­ ing, sealants or crack filler around windows, doors and other areas. 9. Open windows in the evening and early morning when it’s cooler When you leave the house, close the window to trap the cooler air inside. Ventilate at night by opening win­ dows and using fans. Service Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote (iD h se v u e r Cull 503-288-0033 4 V In GOD almighty we trust 281-5935 Before After Licensed • Bonded • Insured 901 N .E . R oselaw n Portland, Oregon “ L a st W e e k , W e W a l k e d I n t o U.S. B a n k A n d L e f t W it h B e d r o o m s A n d A B a t h .” “1st Class Guarantee" A-ZEBRA . rmls i=f Realty Inc. 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 George A. Hendrix MBA. GRI, Broker 1111 (5 0 3 ) 2 3 0 1 3 9 0 . (Res.) 2 8 7-6837 O w n i n g a home is something you should be able to do. SAVE MONEY, BUY A HOME Even if you don’t make a million dollars, drive a fancy car, or have more credit than Donald Trump. That’s why we’ve designed HomePartners'“ loans. They help more people become home owners because qualifying is easier. And there aren't a lot o f hassles, either. So before you write another rent check?apply for a HomePartners loan with U.S. Bank. Just call our Community Lending Specialists at 503-731-1077or stop by your neighborhood branch. As always, we’ll leave the welcome mat out for you. The higher the rent the more you pay for nothing. COMMISSION MEETING PDC is the Q ty of Portland's urban renewal, housing and economic development agency. Po’ Folk Construction, Inc. Singles & Seniors, I can help you! $500 a month rent is $6,000 a year or $30,000 in 5 years of nothing! Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. Citizens with disabilities may call 823-3232 or T D D 823-6868 for assistance at least 48 houis In advance. QDbeeriter LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE ,975 D evelopment Date: July 19,1995 Place: Portland Building 1120 SW 5th, 11th Floor Commission Room Portland, OR Time: 9:00 a.m. % 31 Ije Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 I will show you how. "COMMISSION Advertise In — lie ■ - C E L E B R A T IO N healing oils IDC porhand ** es, and a governm ent agen cies to help them save energy and p ro ­ tect O re g o n ’s q u a lity o f life. Few homes in the Portland/Vancouver area cost less than $100,000 Northeast homes are going to people who know value. H o m e L o a n s F r o m Don’t delay. See me today for a home. U.S. B a n k How can we help? I will work with you to get financing. "0 George Hendrix A-ZEBRA R e a lty I n c . Portland Office: (503) 230-1390 • Vancouver Office: (360) 690-0281 M -A F -m X BANK, < 1995 U S. Bank H om e loam are made by a mortgage lending alliliate o f U S Bank EQUAL HOUSING