■■i •“ -* 'T <■ L.» » 2 -4 '- ^ .* * * L . r -• I uh P ori land O bserver » J uly 12, 1995 P age A 7 UNJONZAVENUE> N A Ï M ’S GLÁ s V c OMPANY; Hair Connection Full Service Salon ANDREWS WHOLESALE A ll T y p e s O» A u to . P ’a le a n d W in d o w G la s s Storm D o o n arto Windows 4603 N. Williams Ave Portland, OR 97217 (503) 28S-3171 — 4 709 N E M IK Jr Blvd Home/Commercial Sales Ponland O regon 97211 LORRAINE HLAVINKA W oman Owned 503-351-3413 Cellular 503-240-0368 Home Phone 249-5886 7127 N. Leonard Portland, OR 97203 Jefferson Andrews Owner z J.L.S. Lawn Service î jî o r t la n ô (© b s c ru e r office: 503-335-0263 pager: 503-940-7721 celebrates its... SERVED M elody M a h e r (S03) 245-2802 F ax 246-4309 PHONE 288-8768 P. O. Box 80013 P ortland, O R 97280 E a r l's B a r b e r Shop HERE 1721 N E A lb e r t a P o r t la n d , O R O n W IN E T u e s d a y - S a tu r d a y 8 :0 0 AM - 6:00 PM J o e ' s P lace The Friendly Tavern S ty lis t O w ner — E a rl 1801 N E. ALBERTA PORTLAND, ORE. 97211 JOSEPH BENJAMIN ST. MICHAEL’S LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL NE 29TH and Dekum (503) 284-9061 op ( H ¿ flp n ) N?U Christopher Proprietor A H H I RE R S A R V D i s l i n i l i v e ('tite r in g Estimates [ctfo,pBEEP^ TAP O« IW A d u lt A 7 > 282-0000 3- year-olds meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 4 - year-olds meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Classes begin the Tuesday following Labor Day each September JENKINS AUTO SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN AUTO TRAMSMISSIONS COMPLETE ENGINE OVERHAUL 4 ACCESSORIES 111 I l f St. Michael’s Preschool admits students of any race, color.or national or ethnic origin. ■ T H E E S S E N C E O F M IN D , B O D Y & S O U L » 2 7 2 8 N.E. MLK BLVD. (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 -4 1 4 4 PORTLAND, OR 9 7 2 1 2 pager: 2 3 7 -6 7 7 7 ART JENKINS 3945 NORTH WILLIAMS AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 97227 For further information call the Church Office at 282-0000. Prices effective July 12 through July 18,1995 at your nearby Safeway store. Fresh Tender Sweet Corn 19-0unce Progresso Soups a • Split Pea, Lentil, Minestrone, Tomato/Pasta, Vegetable or Hearty Black Bean FIRST TWELVE, Additional at regular price Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guidi In Your Mail Box ...And Save More Shopping At-Safeway! f OF I ■ Enjoy Extra Savings With The e x t r a In-Slam. Safeway Savings Guide “• n ah at y your ctn/A ■ ■ n A n u r a m v r i/j v trt w r v Qatoujay u iu n u f aivrvi V