î T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 12 1995 Safe Summer Fun: From the National Safe Kids Campaign Relaxation, family vacations and loads o f warm weather activities - that is what summer means to most Americans, especially children. Sum­ mer break revs up most every c h ild ’s desire to cram in as many adventure- packed activities as possible before returning to school. That is why par­ ents and caregivers must make their children’s safety a top priority dur­ ing what doctors and emergency room stafl'call “ trauma season." More un­ intentional childhood deaths and in­ juries occur between the summer months o f May and August than any other time o f the year. “ W ith all o f the excitement that accompanies summer, adults and children often put safety on the back burner,” said Heather Paul, Ph D., executive director o f the National SAFE K ID S Campaign. “ There are many simple ways that families can make their homes and communities safer for kids. No one anticipates that a tragedy w ill strike during this fun-fi I led time, but this is when children are pushing their abilities to the lim its,” she add­ ed. By putting safety first and fo l­ lowing the guidelines below, you can help ensure endless safe summer fun for the whole family. Backyard Basics Your home is most likely regard­ ed as the safest place for your children to play. What many parents and caregivers forget is that injuries can happen anywhere, even in your own backyard, i f certain safety precautions are neglected. Follow these guide­ lines to help yo u r child re n safely enjoy playing in y o u r backyard: • Always supervise children, even i f they are “ only in the back­ yard.” • Make sure all fences and gates are secure. Fix broken rails and check to see i f there are any protruding parts. • Remove poisonous plants. Many common household and gar­ den plants can be poisonous, and should be kept out ofchildre n ’s sight and reach. I f you have any concerns about a plant, contact the nearest Poison Control Center or a medical professional. Keep Syrup o f Ipecac on hand, but use only after consulting a doctor or emergency medical per­ sonnel. • Keep tools out o f children’s reach. Never leave gardening tools where children can find them or fall on them. • Lock up barbecue grills and gasoline containers. • Make sure children drink plen­ ty o f water Children can become dehydrated. Periodically bring chil­ dren inside for a rest and a drink, especially on hot and humid days. Make sure children use sunscreen when necessary Getting To Know Your Neighborhood There is always comfort in know­ ing your children are playing only a few blocks from home However, this comfort can give you and your children a false sense o f security when it comes to safety . The National SAFE KIDS Campaign suggests following these tips for playing safely in the neigh­ borhood: • Fam iliarize your s e lf w ith neighborhood play areas. Inspect playgrounds for rusted or broken equipment and dangerous surface such as concrete or asphalt. • Warn children about unaccept­ able play areas Garages, construc­ tion sites, abandoned buildings, rail­ road tracks, dumpsters, waterfronts and unsupervised swimming areas may appeal to a child's sense o f curiosity, but they should be strictly off-lim its! • Children under age 10 should never cross streets alone. Remind children ages 10 or older o f the rules o f pedestrian safety such as using sidewalks and looking left, right, and left again for traffic before crossing the street. Safe And Smart Cycling M ost every c h ild yearns fo r a b ic y c le d u r in g the s u m m e r, dream ing o f new paths to trium ph and tra ils to blaze. W h ile frien ds are away on vacation, a b ic y c le can become a c h ild ’ s stand-in Community Child Care Forum » Franciscan Enterprise, Common Bond, and Albina Ministerial A lli­ ance’s Family Day Care w ill host a community meeting for parents and families on child care programs and services available in the K ing Neigh­ borhood area. TheCommunity Child Care Forum w ill be held from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on Wednesday, July 19 at the King Neighborhood Facility, 4 8 15 N. E. 7th Avenue Residents o f King Neighborhood and surround­ ing community are invited to attend this free forum. Child care w ill be provided as a “ children’ s Fair” with supervised activities such as face painting and storytelling. Franciscan Enterprise is one o f four non-profit community develop­ ment corporations in Oregon partic­ ipating in processofidentifyingchild care needs in their service area com­ munities. Franciscan is w orking with a Planning Committee to assess child care needs and available supply in King Neighborhood. The Com m it­ tee w ill identify several possible projects for Franciscan to undertake in the coming year, such as develop­ ing a store-front child care resource center in the neighborhood. Before the fin a l p ro je c t is selected, Franciscan would like further com­ munity input Franciscan owns over 30 residential properties in N orth­ east Portland which are rented to low-income families. I-.. ■ Public Awareness Event Martin Luther King, Jr. Common Bond, A Community Celebration o f Families, is a parent- chili) development center located at 4 9 19 9th Avenue. This Volunteers o f Am erica/Urban League Program serves families with children ages birth to 3 years. Common Bond’ s services include parent information classes and support groups, personal home visits, drop-in play group ses­ sions, children’ s health screenings, and service referrals. Common Bond provides a safe, stimulating environ­ ment forchildren that features equip­ ment, books, and toys specially de­ signed for young children. A lbina M inisterial A llian ce ’ s (A M A ) Family Day Care program is the North/Northeast Portland con­ tract agency for Metro Chid Care Resource & R e fe rra l (M e tro C CR&R). Metro C C R&R is a coali­ tion o f four referral programs in the Tri-C ounty area, linking child care providers and parents. A M A ’ s Fam­ ily Day Care Program is a free ser­ vice for parents and child care pro­ viders. The program offers parent referrals, information on quality child care, and child care subsidies; it pro­ vides child care providers with sup­ port services and technical assistance. Join in celebrating ^lortlanb ANNIVERSARY ( O b s c w e r ’s twenty-fifth anniversary. com panion w h ile searching fo r new summer adventures. U n fo r­ tunately, c h ild re n o fte n attem pt risky stunts and e x h ib it careless behavior. A c c o rd in g to the U S . Consumer P roduct Safety C o m ­ m ission (C P SC ), 88 percent o f those in ju re d w h ile p e rfo rm in g stunts are c h ild re n ages 14 and under. Each year, approximately 300 childienages 14 and under are killed and another 400,000 are injured in bicycle-related incidents. Two-thirds ol all bicycle fatalities occur between May and September. Using a bike helmet every time you ride is one o f the follow ing safe cycling guidelines recommended by the National SAFE K ID S Campaign: Purchase an approved bicycle helmet for each child. Insist the hel­ met is worn correctly every time the child goes for a ride. Helmets reduce the risk o f head injury by 85 percent and brain injury by almost 90 percent (Buy only helmets that meet safety standards.) Teach children safe bicycle be­ haviors. Emphasize the fact that a bicycle is a vehicle, not a toy. Check with local safety' organizatios to find PDC Promotions In Two Departments The P o rtlan d D eve lop m e nt C om m ission has prom oted tw o s ta ff m em bers in the W o rk fo rc e and T arget In du strie s D e p a rt­ ment. Lynn St. Jean has been p ro ­ moted to the new p o s itio n o f W o r k fo r c e D e v e lo p m e n t P roject M anager overseeing the creation o f re g io n a l w o rk fo rc e d evelopm ent in itia tiv e s in ta r­ geted ind ustrie s. St. Jean w ill manage p ro je cts related to ta r­ get in d u s try deve lo pm e nt, jo b crea tion , and program s to in ­ crease the supply o f local trained w orkers. She w ill also assist in m arketing P o rtla n d ’ s w o rk fo rc e to a ttra ct and retain com panies to the area. Jess McKinley, Project Manager, Portland Development Commission St.Jean has been w ith PDC since 1989, most re ce n tly as the JobNet Placem ent C o o rd in a to r in Families Escape With Detectors Working smoke detectors may have saved the lives o f four adults and 11 children when flames swept through their northeast Portland apartment. Officials said the detectors were installed about a month ago when the fire department was dis­ patched to a first aid emergency at the apartment at 10 N.E. Fargo St. The crew noticed there were no smoke detectors and installed four o f the devices free to the fam­ ilies who were living there. C° t T b «* CU t T 4069 N.E. M.L.K. Blvc & 162nd & Division (Division Crossing P D C ’ s JobNet program . She has a B .A . in Science from South­ ern O regon State C o lle g e in A shland, Oregon. Jess W. M c K in le y has been prom oted to the new p o s itio n o f W o r k fo r c e D e v e lo p m e n t P roject M anager. He w ill m an­ age the b u ild in g o f systems and c o m m u n ity capacity to assure that targeted co m m un ity re si­ dents can access jo b o p p o rtu n i­ ties o ffe re d by P D C ’ s econom ­ ic developm ent a c tiv itie s . M c K in le y jo in e d PDC in 1991 as P roject C o o rd in a to r in P D C ’ s J o b N e t P ro g ra m . He holds a B .A . in R e lig io n from W arner p a c ific C olleg e in P o rt­ land. 'Elie Gershwins’ lorffindpess “ They worked tonight and may have saved the lives o f all the NEW, RETURNS OVERSTOCK out about bicycle safety days and rodeos, and have your child partici­ pate. Make sure the c h ild ’s bicycle works properly. Are reflectors se­ cure? Test the brakes. Can the child completely grasp handbrakes? Does the bicycle stop right away? Make sure gears shift smoothly and tires are secured tightly and properly in­ flated. F a m ilia riz e y o u rs e lf w ith the c h ild ’ s b ic y c lin g e nviro n m e n t. Encourage the c h ild to b ike in safe environm ents, such as those w ith b ic y c lin g environm ent. occupants." o ffic ia ls said, last Wednesday, follow ing the 9:45 p m. fire. A faulty electrical fan cord was blamed for starting the fire in the 2nd floor o f an apartment. Fire was coming out o f three windows on the second flo o r when firefighters arrived. July 19-29 Civic Auditorium Tickets from $20. Charge by Phone 224-4400 , 241-1802 JJve Irom The Port kind Opera! Don't miss it. L IQ U ID A T IO N OUTLET C O M E A N D SEE W E J A T Y O U R M O N E Y W IL L BUY A T 5 0 % T O 7 5 % O FF RETAIL Memorial Statue Fund You are cordially invited to attend a fu n d raising event and preview o f the Martin l.uther King, Jr. Statue, which will, ultimately, he located at The Oregon Convention Center Cascade Community College 705 North Killingsworth Portland, Oregon Saturday - July 15, 1995 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Please come meet Michael Florin Dente, the local sculptor who is responsible fo r this fine piece o f artwork A ll donations, large or small, w ill be greatly appreciated. For more information, call Laurie at 503-283-1638. P re s e n t 10% c o u p o n w ith p u rc h a s e fo r a d d itio n a l s a v in g s . Expires 6-09-95. Furniture • Bedding • Clothing Rugs • Housewares • Tools • Toys Electronics • Lamps • Flateware Auto Accessories And Much More! QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE ITEMS NEW STORE HOURS OPEN WED-FRI 10-6, SAT 10-5 5 th Y ea r A n n iv e r s a r y S a le Free Gifts With Any Advertised Purchase Regularly Short Sets..............................$29” ......................... Double Breasted Suits.........$179” ....................... All Women’s Outfits............$59” ......................... All Snakeskin Shoes............ $159°°- $129” .......... Snakeskin Belts................... $105°.......................... 2929 NE A L B E R T A , PO R TLAN D , OR (503)281-7164 Sale Price ..$19” ..$109” .. $39” ...$99no ..$ 7 " VISA • MASTERCARD PERSONAL CHECKS • LAYAWAY 1 «