Outdoor Experience For Youngsters Metro Regional Parks and Greenspaces is offering a new day camp program in July called Wildtrack Day Camp > Questionmark Asylum The group delivers their own unique brand o f hip hop and traditional rhymes. h* asylum See Metro, page bl. See Entertainment, page B4 M rs . F ra n c e s S c h o e n -N e w s p a o e r U n i v e r s i t y o f O re p o n L ib r E u g e n e , O re g o n F'< 250 97403 THE i n e a Biological Warfare Iraq has admitted that it secretly man­ ufactured two kinds o f deadly bacteria before the 1991 Persian G ulf W ar in suffi­ cient quantity to slay millions o f people. The Iraqi government said a remote desert factory produced an immense quantity o f the germs that cause botulism poisoning and anthrax infections. Rajneeshee Death Plot Trial Opens The trial o f two British women charged with plotting to kill the U.S. attorney for Oregon in 1985, opened last week in Port­ land At the time o f the alleged plot. Sally Anne Croft and Susan Hagan were follow­ ers o f Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and resid­ ed in the former central Oregon commune. Prosecution Links Hair To Simpson On the verge o f resting their case againstO.J. Simpson, prosecutors last week presented hairs and fibers they contend link Simpson to the murders o f Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Good In The Hood: TheStrawberries, a delight for all cultures. Inset: Adrianna Carr and Norman Sylvester. See related story on page A3. Noelle Shakes Up Sheriff’s Office Assistance Haiti Elections Delayed Runoff elections for parliamentary seats and municipal posts were postponed in Haiti last week after political parties protested widespread irregularities in the first round o f voting. Light-Rail Funding Urged 4 « Portland and Milwaukie officials ral­ lied behind light-rail last week^vith U.S. Rep. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., then signed a letter urging the Oregon Legislature to fund a Portland area south-north line. If lawmakers don’t commit $375 million to the project, federal officials probably w on’t pay for half o f the $2.8 billion project and that could delay the line for at least a decade. Helms Blocks AIDS Bill Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., wants to reduce the amount o f federal money spent on AIDS sufferers because he says, it is their "deliberate, disgusting, revolting, conduct” that is responsible for their dis­ ease. The senator’s determination to re­ duce AIDS spending comes as Congress considers reauthorizing the Ryan White Care Act o f 1990. Gingrich Embarks On Book Tour Newt Gingrich, calling him self the Republican Party’s em otional leader, kicked-off a national book tour last week. The House speaker is taking advantage o f the run-up to the presidential primary sea­ son to sell books and introduce him self to potential voters. Hatfield Wants Time, Lonsdale Runs Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-Ore. said last week he's going to take more time to decide whether he wants to run for re- election Hatfield was first elected to the Senate in 1966. Democrat Harry Lonsdale, who ran for the Senate in 1990 and 1990, is the first person to official announced his candidacy for the seat. Photo by Duane Lewis by I P romise K ing t did not take long, for Sheriff deputies and commanders to realize that their new chief executive Dan Noelle means business. Barely a month after Noelle took office as Multnomah County Sheriff, he started making readjustments and re-organizations as he deemed necessary. “W e are going to focus our energy and activities in running the jail and corrections. Part of that is we made some organizational changes,” the new sheriff told the Port­ land Observer in an exclusive interview last week. The office has had more command struc­ ture and two separate organizations - one dealing with corrections and another dealing with law enforcement. Now the former Assistant Police C hief is reducing the amount of Command structure and coordinating the Corrections and Law Enforcement together. “We are going to use more Correction Commanders positions. In the past very few o f the Corrections Commanders have been able to function at top command level," Noelle explained. Three of the office's five Commanders, V era Pool, Jacqueline Jamieson and Rich Haug all from Corrections, would in effect be saddled with the responsibility of running a large portion of the organization, the Sheriff said. Earlier, in his campaign, Sheriff Noelle had voters to get tough on crime and expand jail space. He also pledge to eliminate dupli­ cation of effort and cut administrative fat. The Sheriffs priority now is providing more jail space. “The main thing we are about to do now is look at space and how it is being used,” Noelle said. The Multnomah Sheriffs office is re­ sponsible for the administration and opera­ tion o f five jails - The Detention Center opened in 1983, Court house jail, built in 1962, The Restitutional Center which has been in operation since February 1987 and recently the Inverness Jail. These space would be put to maximum use as long as Measure 11 and Senate Bill 1145 is in effect. SB 1145 contains provisions that rest responsibility for Community Corrections to local communities. Supporters o f the bill argued that study “When you help kids build their self­ esteem, their work on building basic skills comes much easier.” That philosophy, expressed by program coordinator Lauren Hopson, is the founda­ tion o f a summer program now involving some 90 youngsters at King Elementary School (4906 NE 6th). The five-week pro­ gram, which runs from 8:30 a m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, also provides students with leadership skills designed to help them succeed Students in Grades 3-5 who were per­ forming below grade level in school, are eager to learn and are supported in their school efforts by their parents were identified by their teachers to participate in the summer session. Dan Noelle EDITORIAL HEALTH METRO SPORTS A2 B3 Bl B2 after study has confirmed that local programs get the best buy for the buck and also produce less recidivism. G overnor John Kitzhaber who already s igned the B i 11 passed by the state legis latures had recommended a transition o f authority and administration for Community Correc­ tions from the state to local government. But the new Multnomah County Sheriff is apprehensive o f what might happen in the local corrections with this change in guard. “ I think SB 1145 was a mistake because in effect the state has always been able to house prisoners more cheaply than the Coun­ ty,” Noelle contended. The Sheriff also express fears that when the state transfers responsibility to the coun­ ty, it remains locked into that mandate even when there is a decrease in funding. “ I am afraid that will happen here,” Noelle stated. The state governor however has set fund aside in his budget to deal with the impact of M easu re 11 on local c o rre c tio n a l facilities.Funds toconstruct local correction­ al facilities sources said, would be available as early as next mouth. Noelle does not seems to be moved by this. “Yes, the governor has promised funds for additional sp a c e , the problem is whether it is going to be enough in the future,” he pondered. “The county needs about 700jail beds in order to handle this extra,” he added. Noelle brought to the sheriff office enor­ mous police experience spanning decades. He studied to earn his bachelor and master degree in Administration o f Justice and Public Administration while on the Po­ lice force. Each 15-student classroom is supervised by a teacher and educational assistant, with a student helper and adult volunteer who are King alumni Student helpers, funded by the Private Industry Council, are members of K ing's second “I Have A Dream" program class, according to Hopson. ▼ Payments Slashed eneral assistan ce pay­ ments will be cut 25 percent this month for hundreds of Oregon residents'. G According to the Oreogn Department o f Human Resources, at least 2,400 people will be affected by the reduction, the result o f state budget cuts by the 1995 Legisla­ ture. O f those cases, 1,900 people will get monthly payments o f $210 from the old amount o f $286, while 500 will be cut off from state assistance all together. “This isn’t just a little adjustment,” said Sen. Shirley Gold, D-Portland. “Fora lot o f people that’s the difference between making the rent and being homeless.” Gold said “to make matters worse,” notices o f the reduction were send out in mid-June to take effect July 1. “Two weeks' notice o f a reduction is unconscionable,” Gold said. Julia Woznack, a recipient o f general assistance, called Gold after receiving no­ tice o f the reduction. Woznack, who is disabled, says the reduction will force her out o f her home. “I’m just getting by now. The $76 cut will leave me homeless,” Woznack said. Under agency rules, Woznack is re­ quired to maintain a household for six months before her child, now in foster care, can live with her. “Now with the announced cuts," she said, “ I will be evict­ ed and may lose the chance o f having my son with me.” Gold, who voted against the DHR budget bill, said “I and other Senate Dem­ ocrats tried to prevent this very situation. We warned our Republican leaders that our state was heading for a situation where our most vulnerable citizens would be paying the freight. That’s exactly what the R epublican-controlled Legislature has done.” Continued to page A3 ENTERTAINMENT B4 RELIGION B5 CLASSIFIEDS B6 ft