. ¿¿»«¿A* ^5u'w ' i m 5, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B8 S io w 1. 3 une 26—■ Julu You can now get your own VISA CARD ¿5 m o i / f / o u / m im Com plete, sign and mail the Application/ Agreement below to: 2737 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97212 2. Be sure to include your money order or personal check in U.S. dollars lor $625.00 or more (in increments Of $600) made payable to American State Bank. Receipt of funds opens a savings account in your name. Each increm ent o f $ 6 0 0 .0 0 deposited in your savings account establishes a $500 line ol credit for you. 3. Your new VISA card will arrive within three weeks. If your request is denied for any rea­ son, you will receive all your money back, including the $25.00 application fee. •h z : oû i 1 /iflfis Q jeu lH ana." • BAD CREDIT • NO CREDIT Ÿ^ADING TßEf o fy y tfy ; American State bank V IS A CARD S u m m e r 1933 io Call our Bankcard Department (503) 282-2210. • BANKRUPTCY C V E D T T DISCLOSURES. Applicuion F w »25. Aaou.1 F u c i M a r RMr I I * . I * F iyn w a Baa »15; Arw w l M,n*wrrf>.|> F m »45. C ~ li Adraaw Far »5 er 2 * • LOW INCOME U i r a u r . O w r Th> U w l F w SIS: O ra n Fm od 25 da)«. W r u u ih t a r a n r daily k a lia n M k o d 10 comfida Ika balaan SECURED VISA APPLICATION / SAVINGS ACCOUNT AGREEMENT Name:----------------------------------------- -— ---------------------------------- ------ — ------------------------------------------------------- — - Address:-------------------------- ------------------------------- -— — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City:___________ _______________________________________ Home Phone: (______) --------------------------------------------- 'Vi or* t i State:-------------------- Z ip :-------------------------- Work Phone: ( --------- ) ---------------------------------------------- Social Security Number: -- ---------- ,------------------------------------------------ ■ Birthdate:-------- Name of Employer:--------------—— -------------------------------- —------------------------------------------- M y chock o l (not le u than $625 0 0 ) --------------------------------------- U onelooMd Y u . 1 want to open a V IS A account I understand that tha inuraat u vin g o account at American Stale Bank w ill serve u collalcral (or my Secured V IS A account and it folly inaund by F D IC . Signature:___ .. --------------------------— — Date:------------------------------------------- American State Bank, Portland, Oregon • Member FDIC T H if If No O R D IH A R y a Drug, Vice Seize Metti T R E E ___ ü ü ß 5 ..< < up çPareriVb-h») Officers from the Drug and Vice Division seized almost five pounds o f suspected methamphet­ amine from two men the evening o f June 21. The street value o f the m eth is e stim a te d at a b o u t $200.000. T he tw o su sp e c ts w e re charged with Possession and Dis­ tribution ofM ethamphetamine and lodged at the Justice Center Jail with bail o f $500,000 each. The arrests were part o f an operation where narcotics O ffic­ ers C h ris U e h a ra and E ric Hendricks posed as drug buyers. The suspects offered to sell them m etham phetam ine, and met the undercover officers at a Southeast Portland motel, where they were taken into custody with the drugs. Arrested were Pedro Montano Aguilar, DOB 03-25-72 and Jorge Vargas Valencia, DOB 01-24-74. Subscribe To The Portland Observer! 288-0033 TH e P o R t I a N c I ObsERVER W e I comes t H e K orean A merìcan G rocery A ssocîatîon of O reqon D e I< um Food M ar I œt 8 0 0 N.E. D e I ojm B oston M ini ' M ar I œt 726 N.E. K ì II ìnqswort I h K C Food M ar I< et 509 N. KilliNqswoRTk 2 8 2 -6 7 7 6 2 8 9 -7 4 5 0 2 8 5 -1 2 4 0 SoNNy Kiivi, O wner AI òerta S t . M ar I œt 915 N.E. A ìnswort I- i M ar I œt 5949 N.E. 50 t F AÜ3ERTA 2 8 1 -6 5 8 8 2 8 1 -0 4 7 9 K ìnq Food M art 5 5 1 0 N.E. MLK Blvd. P rescott C orner M ar I< et 1460 N.E. P rescott Pldilly C a F e 445 N.E. KilLiNqswoRTh 2 8 1 -0 5 5 7 2 8 4 -7 4 1 8 2 8 8 -9 5 6 7 W e ÂppRECÎATE Y our B usìness Ai\id S upport ThANk You r? r‘ & 7 - - Pi ■MSWI