.n P age 5, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver B? Chris McKernan Joins Princeton Sales Representative Heads New O ffice In C o m p an y’s Northwest Expansion V »•’/•I C h ris M cK ernan has jo in e d P rin ceto n C ap ital F in an ce Co as s a le s r e p r e s e n ta tiv e an d h as h elped open the c o m p a n y ’s first o ffice in the N o rth w e st, located here in P o rtlan d “ I'm glad to be p art o f the co m p a n y ’s a g g re ssiv e ex p an sio n in this a re a ," M cK ernan said “ I jo in e d P rin ceto n C a p ita l because o f its very c re a tiv e a p p ro ach to helping sm all- and m ed iu m -sized b u sin esses so lv e w hat m any say is th e ir num ber one p roblem : ac- Chris M cK ernan cess to c a p ita l." He will offer specialized financ­ ing programs ranging from S I0,000 to $10 million His service area is Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon­ tana and Northern California. McKernan brings eight years o f experience in commercial finance, especially asset-backed loans and factoring, to the company. He earned a B.S. in Business Administration and psychology from the University o f Oregon in 1986. He lives in Van­ couver, Wash. The o ffic e ’s address is One World Trade Center, 121 SW Salm­ on, Suite 1100, Portland, Ore. 97204. Telephone numbers are (800) 865- 4103 and (503) 295-2292; the fax number is (503) 295-2587. Princeton Capital Opens Portland Office Princeton Capital Finance Co., a commercial finance firm provid­ ing innovative, asset-backed loans to smal I businesses experiencing dif­ ficulty obtaining traditional financ­ ing, has opened an office in Port­ land. "W e bring large institutional fi­ nance and business-management ser­ vice to small businesses," says pres­ ident Gary V. Hover, who estab­ lished the company with G. Mark Loreto in 1988. The company today finances more than S400 million in loans and plans to reach $1 billion in 1996. Princeton Capital specializes in supporting m inority-and women- owned businesses perform ing on contracts with federal, state and local governments and large corporations. Federal contracts alone with these businesses total an estimated $10 billion. The company also offers revolv­ ing lines o f credit secured by receiv­ ables and inventory to help business­ es hire employees, acquire equip­ ment and materials, and fund research and development needed to com­ plete the contracts and build new business. “ We d e liv e r unsurpassed se r­ vice and m ore flex ib le fin an cin g On S atu rday , Ju ly 15, O re ­ gon A thletic C lub, Inc. and AMF C ascad e L anes on the co rn e r o f N .E. 82nd Ave. and N .E. Russell St., a c ro ss from M adison High S chool w ill host a se rie s o f fun a c tiv itie s to b e n e f it A lb in a Y outh O p p o rtu n ity S ch o o l, Inc. A Y O S is P o rtla n d 's o ld est a l­ te r n a tiv e s c h o o l fo r a t risk youth. S ta rtin g at 4 :3 0 p.m ., bowl for fun at C ascad e L anes, only $2 .0 0 per gam e and in clu d es free sh o e s and b a ll. A lso , p le d g e sh e e ts a re a v a ila b le th e re for those w ould like to c o lle c t p e n ­ nies p er pin or p ledges for the school. From 4 :3 0 p.m . ‘til 6:00 p.m . the O lym pic size, heated in door pool at O regon A thletic C lub will be the site for swim a lap. P ledge sheets are at the club for per lap d o n atio n s or flat p le d g e s to aid the school. The public is invited to a bar­ becue and pool party at Oregon Athletic Club from 6:00 p.m. ‘til 8:00 p.m Advance tickets, avail­ able in the C lub’s deli are $3.75. Cost at the door is $4.00. Net pro­ ceeds will benefit Albina Youth Opportunity School, Inc. In fo rm atio n : 284-6033 254- 5546 - John at O regon A th le tic C lub 255- 2635 - B eckie at C ascad e L anes I I I ¡COUPON! In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l I *4.00 OFF I I On Any Dry Cleaning Order I O f $12.00 or More Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I I I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 7-31-95 I I I In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l i I I I *8.00 OFF On Any Dry Cleaning Order O f $20.00 or More Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 7-31-95 ¡COUPON: I I I I J 1 I I I I I I I I I In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l *12.00 OFF On Any Dry Cleaning Order O f $30.00 or More Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 7-31-95 I I a In f la t io n B u s te r D ry C le a n in g S p e c ia l Drapery Cleaning Lined & Unlined Any Size 99* A PLEAT Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I I In f la t io n B u s te r L a u n d r y S p e c ia l I I Laundered Shirts I 95e NO LIMIT I W ith $ 1 0 .0 0 In com ing D ry C le a n in g O rd e r I Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS I Expires 7-31-95 i J ■COUPON! For N ew s USA (NU) - In the past, I've told you about ways to protect the physical beauty of your car. I’ve included tips on selecting a repair shop, inform a­ tion about body work, item s to in­ clude in a road assistance kit and products to protect the interior against dirt and stains. The folks at 3M, who offer some o f the leading retail car care prod­ ucts, including the spray can auto version of Scotchgard cleaners and protectors, have asked me to share a few tips that w ill help protect you and your family when driving. • D o n 't drive a rental car until you know how the locks work. • Take a fender-bender to protect yourself in the event of a deliberate “accident.” • D on’t stop if the driver in the car behind you flashes the headlights. members o f the O B G C , teaching o f basic su rvival skills, responsibilities to fam ily and community involvement are a priority. Issues such as the principle rites o f passage involved in becoming a man or woman, spirituality, pride, self esteem, respect for themselves and others, are reinforced in a positive manner. One o f the ways the club raises funds to support workshops and field trips that are an important part o f their program is through its annual g olf tournament and dinner. The Jam es Boozer M e m o ria l G o lf Tournam ent in honor o f the late James Boozer a man who was highly regarded in the comm unity for his dedication, contributions, and the compassion and concern he showed for the young people o f Portland. The 5th A n n u al JAMES BOOZER Memorial G olf Tournament & Dinner Saturday, July 15th, 1995 Glendoveer G olf Course 8:00 A.M. In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l Mens or Womens • • • • • Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law • • • • • Road, M T N , Hybrids, Cruisers, Collectables. B M X & S E R V IC E Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | JEANIE'S CLEANERS i Expires 7-31-95 « — — — ■ w In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS J e a n ie 's C lean ers Expires 7-31-95 Emergency and law-enforcement ve­ hicles have flashing red or blue lights and sirens. • If you are followed, head for the nearest police station, fire station or open business. D on't head hom e or park in a de­ serted area. • M aintain a half tank o f gas at all times. • Know your destination. Choose well-traveled and illuminated routes. • If your car breaks dow n at night, turn on your emergency flash­ ers and stay in the car. If som eone stops to help, ask them to summon police or a tow truck. • At stoplights, leave the car in gear. If som eone approaches you, be ready to honk the horn. • As you approach your car, car­ ry keys with the ends protruding through your fingers, to use in d e­ fense if necessary. One more thought about Scotch­ gard products: O zone-depleting chem icals have been removed from **» a new water-based formula without affecting protection qualities. Jeff Keller can he heard nationwide every Saturday * * * B e in g b r illia n t is n o g rea t feat if you respeet nothing. — Goethe * * * H istories o f the dow nfall ol k in g d o m s, and r e v o lu tio n s o f e m p ir e s, are read with g rea t tranquillity. — Sam uel Johnson Advertise In (T h e * * * From a worldly point o f view, there is no m istake so great as that o f always being right. — Sam uel Butler (O h s e m e r Cull 503-288-00^3 0OIN CAR WASHES DRIVE IN TODAY! CARS • TRUCKS • VANS 7111 N .E . M artin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. (b etw een Portland Blvd. & Lom bard S t.) 2 4 0 7 N E A lb e r ta 12-7 p.m. Mon-Fri / 10-6 Sat CCC is a non-profit school, donations I J I E a s e a n d r e la x a t io n a r e p r o fita b le to all stu d ie s. T he mind is like a how, the stronger by being unbent. — Ben Johnson Volunteers & donations apopreciated' 503-288-8864 | Sleeping Bag Cleaning Special *5.99 r20% off helemts & access' _____ w/ bike buy______, Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 For your free initial consultation. I I ■COUPON! N* T u n e ups, O v e rh a u ls , Flats, N e w & U sed Parts Landlnrd/Tenant Small Business Law Product Liability Criminal Defense Collections ‘ I I ’2.99 BIK E S A L E S Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS | Dry Cleaning or Laundered Pantsl A Bicycle Repair & Safety School for Kids C H O IC E S I I ■COUPON: Sim ple Steps to K eep You Safe in Your C ar By Jeff Keller J I •I Expires 7-31-95 A round the H ouse community oriented organization in Portland, Oregon. The O B G C gives to African-Am erican youth a positive alternative to street and gang activity, thus decreasing the risk o f anti-social behavior. Members are exposed to the history, contributions, values and ethics intrinsic to the African-Am erican community, not just nation wide, but the world over. The men o f the Coalition and women in the community serve as role models and mentors to the I I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS 5 4 0 3 N E 42n d A ve. The Omega Boys & Girls Club (O B G C ) is a non-profit organization sponsored by The Coalition Of Black Men a I I I I I I I •COUPON« J ■COUPON! th an m ost banks at co m p e titiv e rates and u n d e rsta n d the im p o r­ ta n c e o f fin a n c ia l c o n tin u ity to the grow th o f sm all b u sin e sse s,” H oyer says. B esides its h eadquarters in Princeton, N .J., the company has offices in W ashington, D.C., Hous­ ton, Dallas, New Orleans and Phoe­ nix. T he new local office is at O ne W orld T rad e C en ter, 121 SW Salm on, S uite 1100, P o rt­ land, OR 9 7 204. T elephone num ­ b e rs a re ( 8 0 0 ) 8 6 5 -4 1 0 3 and (5 0 3 ) 2 9 5 -2 2 9 2 ; the fax num ber is (5 0 3 ) 2 9 5 -2 5 8 7 . Barbecue! Pool Party! Swim A Lap! JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 □