d i* f 5, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A6 Wife ^ o rtla n h baeruer YouthBuilders To Itäin Youth, Build Homes City Commissioner Gretchen Miller Kafoury, Congressman Ron Wyden and Mayor Vera Katz recent­ ly announced receipt o f a $1 million fe d e ra l g ra n t for P o rtla n d YouthBuilders. The new non-profit organiza­ tion, working with youth in inner north and northeast Portland, will open its doors this fall, with 30 high- risk young people. It w ill provide intensive employ­ ment training, leadership develop­ ment and education while they build affordable housing. Participants will spend half of their time in classroom education preparing for their high school diplo­ ma or GED and the other h alfo f their time on the construction site. Initial building plans call for gut rehabilitationsofS single-family units able housing and the community gains a new set o f role models.” The grant, one o f three awarded in Oregon and one o f 72 nationwide, was selected from among 325 appli­ cations. "This program is a good exam ­ ple o f how the city can meet our critical challenge o f expanding eco­ nomic opportunities by linking new jobs with worker skills,” said Katz. "And it targets an area of the city that has too long been neglected.” The grant request, submitted by the city's Bureau o f Housing and Community Development on behalf o f Portland YouthBuilders, was the result o f almost two years o f work and preparation by a 22 member co­ alition. The coalition included represen­ tatives from Portland public schools. and new construction o f a five-unit a p a rtm e n t in p a rtn e rsh ip w ith Franscican Enterprise, N ortheast Community D evelopm ent Corp., Housing Authority o f Portland and Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives. For their involvement, partici­ pants will receive intensive skill train­ ing, a living wage stipend, a $2,300 education aw ard upon graduation and the opportunity to participate in de­ cision-making related to the design and operation o f this new organiza­ tion. "This is the kind o f program that so many people can get excited about,” said Kafoury. “Young peo­ ple get an education, tangible skills and an opportunity to be part of a positive force in the community: the city gets additional units o f afford- Urban League o f Portland, Youth Employment and Empowerment Pro­ gram, Portland Habitat for Humani­ ty, Northeast W orkforce Center, O r­ egon Outreach, Northwest Regional Education Laboratory, the Private Industry Council, Multnomah Coun­ ty Department o f Children and Fam­ ilies, Portland Development Com­ mission, Albina Ministerial Alliance, Tri-County Youth Services Consor­ tium, Open Meadow Learning Cen­ ter, Portland Community College and Portland House o f Umoja Po’ Folk Construction, Inc. V ■ - <*> - In G O D almighty we tru st 281-5935 Before After Licensed • Bonded • Insured 901 N .E . R oselaw n Portland, Oregon Townhouses Open At RiverPlace M ayor V era Katz, Tram m el Crow Residential executives and oth­ ers recently celebrated the comple­ tion o f 182 townhouses at RiverPlace downtown. The $16 million development is located at the com er o f Southwest River Drive and Moody Avenue. It offers a mix o f studio, one, two and three-bedroom townhomes style units for low, moderate and middle-in­ come families. "Any vision o f our economic future must include housing adjacent to our jo b base,” said Katz. "W e must locate residents near essential ser­ vices to reduce vehicle miles and encourage the use o f mass transit. This project and others like it move us quickly toward that goal The development consists o f 12 three-to-four story buildings, featur­ ing ground level stores and home office space. The project is 67 per­ cent leased and full occupancy is expected by the end o f the month. To make high-density, afford­ able residential development finan­ cially feasible, the housing compo- room townhouses with home office space. Each townhouse includes a one or two-car garage. The P o rtland D evelopm ent Commission has guided the overall commercial, office, recreational and residential development o f the south W aterfront neighborhood over the last 15 years. “Our goal at PDC,” said PDC Commissioner Kay Stepp, “is to work with private partners to provide a full range o f housing and quality rede­ velopment for Portland’s neighbor­ hoods and businesses. This project is an excellent example o f how we are working toward that goal.” Currently, RiverPlace is home to about 700 residents and 525 jobs. With the completion o f the Pacific Gas Transmission building in Au­ gust, an additional 250 jobs will be located at RiverPlace. Persons interested in leasing res­ idential or commercial space in the new p ro je c t should call Johna Sheperd o f Trammel Crow at 228- 1800. nent o f the development is exempt from property taxes for 10 years. Under conditions o f this tax abatement, 3 percent o f the units must contain low-income persons, making less than 60 percent o f the region’s median income. Two percent o f the units are set aside for moderate-income persons, those making no more than 80 per­ cent of area median income. Seventy percent o f the units are set aside for middle-income families. Currently the re g io n ’s m edian incom e is $34,150 for a two-person household. The innovative design o f the project com bines affordable and high-density living while creating a unique, pedestrian-friendly neighbor­ hood, officials said. The buildings feature an exteri­ or facade of wood, decorative block and stucco. Twenty-ope o f the units are stu­ dio flats, six are one-bedroom flats, 74 are one-bedroom townhouses, 61 are two-bedroom townhouses, 18 are two-bedroom townhouses with home office space, and two are three-bed- 5 th Y ear A n n iv e r sa r y Free Gifts With Any Advertised Purchase Regularly Sale Price Short Sets............................. $29”.................................$19’ Double Breasted Suits.........$179” ...............................$109’ All Women’s Outfits........... $59” .................................$399 All Snakeskin Shoes............ $159°° - $129” ................. $99°° Snakeskin Belts....................$10’°.................................$7" VISA • MASTERCARD personal checks • layaway 2929 NE ALBERTA, PORTLAND, OR (503)281-7164 At First Interstate Bank, Hearings To Address Medicaid Changes Sen. Bob P ack w o o d , R -O re., chairm an o f the S en ate F inance C om m ittee held tw o hearin g s last w eek exam ing the M ed icaid p ro ­ gram . M edicaid is the health in su r­ ance p ro g ram fo r lo w -in co m e individuals w hich is funded jo in t­ ly by th e federal g o v ern m en t and the states. It is the th ird larg est so cial sp en d in g program in the federal budget. O nly S ocial S ecu rity and M edicaid are big g er. P a c k w o o d s a id M e d ic a id spen d in g has e x p lo d ed o v er the last 20 years and w ill c o n tin u e to skyrocket. He said fe d e ra l M e d ic a id spen d in g has risen from $3 b il­ we can help you get I f YOU into a dream home you D O N ’T never dreamed you T H IN K YOU’D QUALIFY could afford. With our first-time-buyer A nni v ersa r^ FO R A HOM E LOAN, CELEBRATION of programs, low down- (T ljc ^ i l i i r t l a n ì » ( D h e e r n e r Families Escape With Fire Detectors Working smoke detectors may have saved the lives o f four adults and 11 children when flames swept through their northeast Portland apartment. Officials said the detectors were installed about a month ago when the fire department was dis­ patched to a first aid emergency at the apartment at 10 N.E. Fargo St. The crew noticed there were no smoke detectors and installed four o f the devices free to the fam­ ilies who were living there. “They worked tonight and may have saved the lives o f all the occupants,” officials said, last Wednesday, following the 9:45 p m fire A faulty electrical fan cord was blamed for starting the fire in the 2nd floor o f an apartment. Fire was coming out o f three windows on th e seco n d flo o r w hen firefighters arrived. caused states to lose control o f their Medicaid spending. “ We need to take a step back and look fo r w ays to co n tro l the co st o f th is program and give sta te s the a b ility to decid e how best to m eet the p a rtic u la r health care needs o f th e ir low -incom e re sid e n ts,” P ackw ood said. T he first h e a rin g s w ere held last w eek and re c e iv e d testim ony from several g o v e rn o rs' p e rsp e c ­ tiv es and ex am in ed the histo ry o f the M edicaid program . lion in 1970 to $15 b illio n in 1980 to $40 b illio n in 1990 to alm ost $90 b illio n this year. The C o n g re ssio n a l B udget O ffic e e s tim a te s th a t fe d e ra l M edicaid sp en d in g will double again in the next seven years. "Medicaid is also a budget mon­ ster for states,” Packwood said. “ Medicaid is the first or second larg­ est expenditure o f every state's bud­ get. Over the last decade, Congress had added mandate after mandate on the states. These m andates have CONGRATULATIONS, LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 1975 Singles & Seniors, I can help you! payment plans and fixed “1st Class Guarantee" A-ZEBRA R£A*.TO*» rmls O ' THAT’S THE FIRST Realty Inc. we have home loans to 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland. Oregon 97232 George A. Hendrix MBA. GRI. Broker or variable rate options, QUALIFICATION. (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 SAVE MONEY, BUY A HOME accommodate almost everyone. So stop by and I will show you how. talk to a First Interstate $500 a month rent is $6,000 a year or $30,000 in 5 years of nothing! The higher the rent the more you pay for nothing. Few homes in the Portland/Vancouver area cost less than $1 00,000 representative today Northeast homes are going to people who know value. Don’t delay See me today for a home. YOU O Congratulations I will work with you to get financing. First Interstate Bank George Hendrix A-ZEBRA R e a l t y In c . Portland Office: (503) 230-f 390 • Vancouver Office: (360) 690-0281 i=l Loans subiect to credit approval O ther conditions may apply LENO e S D I995 First Interstate Bancorp may be in order.