- . » • ■ * í’ ; P age • Z» - B2 !'••• -f V « <• f J une ¿ ’ 21, 1995 » T he P ortland O bserver CLASSIC FETES PROS AND PROSPECTS Damon Stoudam ire o f Port­ land, an all-am erican with the U ni­ versity or A rizona, leads all scor­ ers after the firs, w eekend o f the Portland T op Prospects Pro Am Slimmer B asketball Classic. Ray Ross o f the U niversity o f Portland was nam ed player o f the week with a 29 point scoring av er­ age. The results after week one: Saturday, June 17 Spurs 78, K nicks 9 1 Ray Ross 30 Damon Stoudam ire 4 1 Hawks 68, Lakers 65 Tony H am pton 19 Darnell V alentine 18 Sonics 80, C avs 58 Robert Key 24 M ike D oleak 12 Kevin Duckw orth 17 H ornets 78, Suns 85 Cannon C hatm an 25 LaVon Vann 2 1 Sunday, June 18 re' T , ' r r ’he, 22? d annual bmadcas' 01 An Eveni"S 0 F Championship SKaPng airing Wednesday. M y 26 at 8 pm ET on rtSS (check local listings). This popular figure skating exhibition also features 1995 U. S. Ladies Silver Medalist Michelle Kwan. Y P Suns 78. Spurs 76 Lavonn Vann 2 1 Kzell W esson I9 LaRon Bristol 17 BOYS OF SUMMER RETURN TO CIVIC H ornets 61, K nicks 82 D enm ark Reid 23 Cannon C hatm an 21 Ray Ross 28 Erin C ow en 24 Cavs 75, Hawks 82 Antoine Stoudam ire 22 Anthony B utler 21 Tony H am pton 15 N ico Harrison 20 Sonics 90, Lakers 60 C harles M cK inney 26 Robert Key 19 Darnell V alentine 19 For one night last w eek, P ort­ land was a big baseball town, and for the 19,658 who m anaged to m ake it to Civic Stadium , they saw the P ort­ land Rockies bring back a gam e this town will again have the opportunity to grow on. The Rockies opened their 1985 C lass A N orthw est League season with big league class, as the young men in pinstripes squeaked by the Eugene Em eralds in front o f a truly invigorated crow d, bv a single run 3- 2. It w asn't ju st the nearly 20,000 people that m ade opening night so special, it was m uch more. 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 0-2 0-2 0-2 F rom th e h ila r io u s San D i­ eg o C h ic k e n , th e ra c c o o n m a sco t or ju s t ch e w in g se e d s in the stan d s an d w a tc h in g A m e r ic a ’s p a s tim e p re s e n te d in a q u a lity fa sh io n . th e fa n s se e m e d to lo v e e v e ry m in u te. T here was advertising every­ where, but the way the rockies tied the prom otions to the game itself was very classy. Rem em ber folks, this is Class A Baseball being m arketed in a grow ing m etropolitan area that hasn t supported the sport for many years. It takes a big league effort to bring the kids and mitts, families o f four and the disgruntled m ajor league fans to the park to watch a gam e whose players are ju st out o f high school and college and who are ju st starting their dream. Bv D anny B ell T his w as an im probable year for the N BA cham pion H ouston R ock­ ets. Ending the season with a 47-35 record, the d efen d in g ch am p io n s entered the playoffs sixth seeded in the W est and having to play a mini- sen es against Utah, a team having one o f its best seasons ever. U tah prom ptly w ent up 2-1 and the w riting was on the wal I. Yet som e­ how H ouston persevered and won. The R ockets advanced to the next round against Phoenix. A gainst the Suns, they proceeded to dig them selves into a 1-3 hole. Charles Barkley w asconfidently pre­ dicting Phoenix would and advance to meet San Antonio. But H ouston found a way to win three straight, beat the Spurs and advance to the NBA finals. But the general consensus was that O rlando had too many w eapons for an aging H ouston Rocket team. The M ag ic’s young legs, exuberance The NBAs WIN ONE MILLION DOLLARS’ ALL PORTLAND AMATEUR GOLFERS ARE INVITED TO DO JUST T H A T - WIN »1,000,000 CASH PLUS A 1995 VETTE, A T THE HERON LARES / OREGON FOOD RANK. M illio n The R ockies bring back to P ort­ land a brand o f baseball w here the players are really hungry and they play the type o f baseball, us folks that c a n ’t even im agine, can really grow found of. T h e se p la y e rs do h av e d re a m s o f fin d in g th e b ig le a g u e s so m e d a y a n d th e ir lo v e fo r the g am e is v ery s tro n g at th is sta g e in th e ir c a re e rs . The players w ere undoubtedly playing in front o f the biggest crow d o f their lives and they really show ed som e enthusiasm . Many things m ade this night special. The clouds parted as the players took infield before the gam e, “ Take Me O ut To The Ball G am e,” was sung by standing fans and a spectac­ ular firew orks show follow ed the game. But m aybe it was ju st the fact that baseball is back and being part o f someth ing so c lose to the heart, breeds excitem ent. T h is is a n e w b e g in n in g fo r P o rtla n d an d w ith th e R o c k ie s p u ttin g o u t a q u a lity an d in e x ­ p e n s iv e p ro d u c t, th e fu tu re fo r th e b o y s o f su m m e r an d th e fan s o f a g am e th a t b ro u g h t us so m any h e ro e s , is s h in in g b rig h t. Houston Was Worthy Of Coveted Crown Standings Hawks Knicks Sonics Suns Cavs H ornets Lakers Baseball is a sport ofatm osphere and a certain electricity that the gam e and stddium present. Jack and Mary Cain, ow ners o fth e Rockies and their great sta ff put on quite the show. It was a brand o f baseball m ore than a few people in attendance must have fallen in love with for the first time. “ W e 're thrilled, said Jack Cain, on the success o f opening night. “ It's ju st that w ere a little in d isb elief right now.” O f i l l f i i < Shoo! o n t (ONLY SI A SHOT) TOR ONLY »100 PER ATTEM PT. "ANYONE" CAN COME OUT AND TAKE A SWING AT SCORING A WO YARD HOLE ■ IN - ONE. THF. FIRST L IV I G O LIT RS WHO ACF I I IN THÉ FINAL!?, POCKET $1.1)00,000 FACH' C 4D Ä V S ONLYT) WHEN: Jaat SStk * July k t— Saai • 8pm Daily WHERE Heroa Lakes Golf Coarac__ (at tke driviag rang«) WHO: ANY GOLFER, ALL SKILL LEVELS! Terrell Brandon Wants U at his 4th Annual Free Basketball Clinic Saturday, July 29, 1995 10am- 4pm living Park corner o f NE 7th & Fremont Bring this aJ A r r t o w 5 FREE S H O TS $5 value ,u Shootout' Registration Forms: aAA. NwrrBMf I) *'''<•< It»*' ME&7EL For additional Info call 655-9916 Williams Street Market House of Sound Records Doris Cafe Terrell Brandon and hunger for a league ring would dom inate a team w hose chem istry w as suspect and who w ould rely heavily on H akeem O lajaw on A l­ though Clyde D rexlcr w as a proven superstar, no one could figure out how he w orked into the equation. W hat the prognosticators failed to recognize w hat that O lajaw on was having the most im pressive playoff perform ances in the history o f the gam e and D rexler was turning in consistent stellar perform ances av ­ eraging over 17 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists a game. But more important, was the play o f their supporting cast. T hroughout the playoffs, a third and som etim es fourth p lay er, step p ed up, be it C harles H orry. Kenny Sm ith or Sam Cassells. W ho could forget Kenny Smith perform ance in G am e I against O lando, m aking a record 8 three poin ers, including the regulation garni tying three point shot with 5.5 sej onds on the clock. In the post season, the Rockets cl feated the number 1,2, 3 and 4th rankc teams in the league, teams with records < 57 wins or better. In an 82 game seasoi that s awfully hard to do without heir mentally tough. H ouston rose to the occasio like the cham pions they are. Even i the face o f adversity, they refused t give in without a fight.They demon strated trem endous courage again? overw helm ing odds. In sw eeping the O rlando Magi they dem onstrated they were worth o f the coveted NBA crown. Clyde Drexler Deserved It C o n g r a tu la tio n s to C ly d e D rex ler. F o re v er the p ro v e rb ia l gentlem an. Drexler was calm and cool even in victory. His most em otional statem ent: "How sweet it is,” D rexler said, as the NBA trophy was presented to the Houston Rockets after elim inating the O rlando M agic, 4-0. For 20 years o f organized b as­ ketball. D rexler had been a bridcs- m aid at least five other tim es, in high school, twice in college and tw ice in the NBA finals with the Portland Trail Blazers. But it took an uncharacteristic display o f discontent and a p roviden­ tial trade to realize an elusive prize, the ring o f a cham pionship in the NBA Admittedly, Drexler should have several productive years ahead of him and this is not the end o f his career. He is how ever, a deserving candidate to receive this honor after all his other achievem ents. And too, in a way, D rexler vi­ cariously brings hom e a ring for Po(t- land. He has long been o u r spoijs figure favorite son. D rexler quickly m ade it a poifit to recognize that his ring w as fpr Portland as well as it was H ouston. He also com m ented on how he in­ tends to keep a residence in Portland because o f the way he feels about Portland D rexler sp la y was instrum ental in the R ockets w inning the series. He proved a lot ol his detractors wrong Y et alw ays low -key and deflecting accolades, D rexler was gracious to all concerned in victory, no, show ing bitterness for past m istreatm ent or defeats. Clyde the G lide is ae lass act and deserves our best w ishes and su p ­ port.