Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 21, 1995, Page 5, Image 5

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    T ul P öki land O bserver • J une 21, 1995
P agi A 5
Nears For
Citizens interested in
the future of transporta­
tion matters in Vancouver
and C lark County have
until Friday, June 30 to
submit applications for a
seat on the Transportation
F utures C itizen s Study
C om m ittee. Applications
are being accepted for the
committee which is being
e sta b lish e d to exam in e
transportation issues fac­
ing Clark County.
The group will look at
transportation systems (in­
cluding carpool lanes, a
third bridge and light rail)
for the county and the re­
gion. The committee will
also look at the role of tran­
sit in the community, the
impact of changing tech­
nology, funding opportuni­
ties and constraints.
Meetings will be con­
ducted at least monthly for
seven months. The commit­
tee will submit findings to
the Vancouver City Coun­
cil and C lark County Board
ofCommissioners in March
of 1996.
C itizen s representin g
a variety o f occu p ation s,
areas o f in terest, d em o­
g r a p h ic d iv e r s it y and
g e o g ra p h ic d istrib u tio n
are sou gh t for th is com ­
m ittee. To apply con tact
M o n ica W e lle at 6 9 9 -
2375, ext. 4883 or Sara
K ing at 696-8005.
Russian Celebration
I he C hkalovsk Com m ittee o f
Vancouver and Northwest M edical
I earns International have combined
efforts to sponsor a benefit to im ­
prove the pediatric ward in the hospi­
tal in C hkalovsk. Russia, the benefit,
titled"P artnersforC hildren, ’ is Tues­
day, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Red
Lion Innat the Quay Russian cuisine
w ill be featured anda U krainian c h il­
dren’ s dance group w ill perform .
C hkalovsk citizens have raised
funds to equip the m aternity ward
through partnership w ith Northwest
M edial Teams International. A con­
tainer o f supplies and equipm ent was
shipped to Chkalovsk in M ay. N o rth ­
west M edical learns international
matches all funds raised. For each
$ 1 2 ,0 0 0 ra ise d th e y w i l l sh ip
$120.000 worth o f medical supplies
and equipment.
cy initiated in 1937.
A delegation o f Russian busi­
ness people representing w ood prod­
ucts, champagne, o il and aviation
interests w ill visit during June's com ­
June 20, 1937 was the date o f
the w o rld ’ s first Transpolar flight
when three Russian fliers landed their
A N T -25 at V ancouver’ s Pearson
Airpark and were greeted by General
George C. Marshall. A memorial to
the daring aviation feat was dedicat­
mem orative activities relating to the
Transpolar F lig h t monument, the
Russian delegation w ill arrive in Se­
attle, visit Boeing Museum, come to
Vancouver for June 20 activities and
then continue on a trip to see the
West Coast. The Transpolar Flight
Com m ittee is assisting the Russian
delegation w ith scheduling.
The Transpolar F lig h t M o n u ­
ed in 1975 through the sponsorship
o f the Transpolar Flight Committee
and a ceremony is held there each
June 20 commemorate the flig h t and
ties between Vancouver and Russia.
Bringing education to Oregonians in an exciting environment
is the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. OMSI had
information about its programs at Saturday's Juneteenth
celebration at Alberta Park in northeast Portland.
Celebrating Juneteenth!
A link between Vancouver and
C hkalovsk, Russia, has been estab
lished by several recent cultural ex­
changes between the tw o cities
ment w ill be moved from its place on
SR 14 to the Pearson A ir Museum in
late June when the highway is under
Chkalovsk is a city o f about 35,000
construction. A t its new home it w ill
continue to represent and sustain the
international g o o d w ill and diplom a­
Valeri Chkalov, p ilo t and command­
er o f the 1937 flight.
parade down
Killings worth
is a march
for unity and
a celebration
of freedom.
observes the
release of
slaves in
Texas two
years after
in Russia, and is the birthplace o f
Vancouver Parks & Recreation Has
Day Camps For Youth And Preschool
Daycamps w ith an accent on a
positive summer recreational expe­
rience fo r children 5 to 12 years old
w ill run from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., M o n ­
day, June 26 to Friday, Aug. 11, at
M arshall C om m unity Center, 1009
East M cL o u g h lin B lvd . T his variety
o fa c tiv itie s , mini-camps, clubs, fie ld
trips, guest speakers, and clin ics is
sponsored by The Vancouver parks
and Recreation Department. The pro­
gram w ill have a sign-skilled sta ff
Parents receive a 20% discount
o f f the registration rate fo r a second
child. Scholarships are available to
those in need. C hildren must have
com pleted Kindergarten.
Register fo r Day Camp through
Bagley C om m unity Center. 4100 E.
Day Camps For Preschoolers
Summer day camp fo r preschool
Weekly program plans are as follows:
Plan Potions
W eekly
Out City hi City
4 Weeks
A 7a.m -6p.m . ( 11 hours) $95.00
B 8a m -5 p .m .,
__o r 9a.m.-6p.m. (9 hours)
C 8:30 a.m. -4:30p.m .,
or 8 a m .-4 p.m. (8 hours)
So, S lid
$244 80
D 9:00
a.m.-4:00 p.m.
(7 hours)
(10% disc.)
Out City In City
chi Idren is set to meet at marshall and
Bagley C om m unity Centers. Classes
run from 9 a m u ntil noon. C hildren
ages 2-1/2 to 5-1/2 w ill enjoy activ­
ities centered around a w eekly theme
including arts and crafts, science,
Thursday. Programs begin M o n ­
day, June 26 and continue u n til Aug.
nature walks, water play, recycling,
cooking, drama and music. C hildren
2-1 /2 yearsold must be to ile t trained.
C hildren must bring th e iro w n lunch.
Pay fees by the week or by’ the
month. Scholarships are available
to those in need. For more inform a­
tion contact Teresa W illiam son at
Parents can sign up for classes
that meet either tw o days a week,
three days a week o r four days a
week. Classes run M onday through
Representatives of The Community Cycling Center of
northeast Portland at their table during Saturday's Juneteenth
celebration at Alberta Park.
Political Congress Of Black
Women’s Convention
U.S. Senator C arol M oseley
Braun T o Be Keynote Speaker A t
Banquet H o n o rin g E le ctive And
A p p o in tive Women In
“ 1st Class Guarantee"
The N P C B W E n te rta in m e n t
Commission w ill hold a special meet­
ing during the Convention. TheC om -
mission, w hich is responsible fo r
launching the "gangsta’ rap" cam­
paign tw o years ago, is co-chaired by
w ho nearly tw o years ago launched
the “ war” against gangsta rap and its
M elba M oore, D ionne W arw ick and
T erri Rossi, a high ranking entertain­
obscene, misogynous and degrading
lyrics that target black women, w ill
ment industry executive.
July 5th through July 9th, 1995, at
the Red Lio n Hotel in Seattle, Wash­
ington. The Convention w ill mark
Singles & Seniors, I can help you!
er corporations.
P olitical O ffice
The N ational P olitical Congress
o f Black Women, Inc. (N P C B W ),
hold its 1995 B iennial Convention,
This convention w ill also bring
together prom inent women leaders
from the grassroots, corporate and
p o litica l w o rld regarding the state o f
the A frica n Am erican fa m ily and
N P C B W ’ s decade o f service to the
political and economic empowerment
o f A fric a n Am erican women.
com m unity.
The theme o f this ye a r’ s Con­
vention is “ The A frica n American
W o m e n 's Covenant: R e vita liz in g
O u r C om m unity Through P olitical
and Econom ic Parity .” The chair o f
the Convention is Hon. V ivia n Caver,
agenda w hich w ill create a plan so
that A frica n Am erican women can
influence and affect the current trend
w hich seeks to “ turn back the c lo c k "
fo r Black Am erica.
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African-American Studies
A t the convention, the women
leaders w ill put forth a five year
C h a ir o f the Puget Sound N PC B W .
C onfirm ed speakers at this his­
to ric event are: U.S. Senator Carol
M oseley Braun; form er U.S. Sur­
geon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders;
Betty Shabazz; M y rlie E v e rs -W ill­
iams, N A A C P Board Chair; B rig.
General Irene T ro w e ll-H a rris, A ir
N ational Guard; Rev. W illie Bar-
row ; Hon. Lois DeBerry, Speaker
Pro Tempore Tenn. House o f Rep.;
Advertise In
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Call 503-288-0033
Lt. Gen. Edward D. Baca, Chief,
N a ti’ l Guard Bureau, Wash., D C.,
Hon. Shirley W ilcher, U.S. Dept. o f
Labor; Governor M ike I .ow ery, State
o f Washington, and Hon. Gary Locke,
K in g C o u n ty Executive, Seattle, W A
and many more.
N P C B W Chair, Dr. C. DeLores
Tucker, the organization’ s leader and
convening founder, recently led an
attack on T im e Warner and its satu­
ration o f the music industry w ith
m isogynist “ gangsta’ rap music to
children across the country and the
stance it w ill take against the music
industry giant, Tim e Warner and oth-
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