¡* U'*. • ? * r •"n*ruJC** rnbqi I hi P ori land O bserver • J une 21, 1995 Steens Sets Grand Opening S tee n ’s C offeehouse holds a G rand O pening C elebration Sunday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. You are invited to attend and savor P ortland’s best coffees, teas, espresso drinks, and Italian sodas. Enjoy outstanding pastries and desserts bv P ortland's prem ier bak­ erie s and ex p e rien c e L IV E , the sounds o f som e o f the best Jazz art­ ists in the Northwest. The music features Ron Steen, N ancy King, Tom G rant, M ichael A llen H arrison, M ary K adderly, Leroy Vinnegar, A ndre St. Jam es, Peter Boe. Shirley Nanette. Ralph Black, N orm an Sylvester, and more! We d love to see you there! Steen's C offeehouse is located at260l N. E. M artin L uther King, Jr. Blvd. (C orner of M LK & Russell Streets next to V essels and D oris’ Cafe) (503) 284-2026 V essels will be opened from 10 a m. to 6 p.m Family Bike Event <& Bate CHOICES Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. Bike race «& kool kid/family event all day Sunday June 25 at Woodlawn Pk (9th & NE Dekum). SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS • • • • • Prizes & Activities- Bike race for kids! • Food & drink! • Bikes, helmets, other cool bike stuff! ’ Trick bike demo & very fast racers! Free bike safety checks. To be in the kids bike race call the Community Cycling Center at 288-8864. Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 For your free initial consultation. Community Potluck Picnic N Saturday, July 15th From 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM or drop by 2407 NE Alberta fo r the form. Please Join Us, You’re Invited! Governor Targets Crime A Bicycle Repair & Safety School for Kids BIK E SA L E S Road, MTN, Hybrids, Cruisers, Collectables, BMX & S E R V IC E Tune ups, Overhauls, Flats, New & Used Parts 20% off helemts & access w/ bike buy Volunteers & donations apoprcciated! 2 4 0 7 N E A lb e r ta 12-7 p.m. Mon-Fri / 10-6 Sat Continued from front ▲ “We are getting tough on crime, but the best way is to keep kids out o f the criminal ju stice system," the gov­ ernor reiterated. K itzhaber believes that violent criminals ought to be kept out o f soci­ ety, but said public safety should d e­ fine punishm ent and prevention. House o f Umoja Executive Di­ rector Johnny A. Gage said he was impressed with the governor’s com ­ mitments to crim e prevention. “lie talked the talk and is walking the walk,” Gage said. Gage said with enough funds, the 503-288-8864 Landlord/Tenant Small Business Law Product Liability Criminal Defense Collections program could pursue a relocation tran­ sition program for these kids. House o f Umo ja O utreach Coor­ dinator M arcus Branch said the grant "W e need more then twice this amount, but this effort is greatly ap­ preciated," the executive director said. was overdue. "We have kids waiting to get into these beds, it's been diffi­ cult," Branch said. i Jack & Jill of America We are currently requesting in­ terested N on-profit Black O rgani­ zations to apply to. Jack Jill o f A m erica Jackie Robinson Foundation Grant Sub­ m ission d ead lin e: N o v em b er I, 1995. Jack & Jill o f Am erica Inde­ pendent Proposal Foundation Grant Subm ission deadline: Novem ber I, Outdoors behind the Housing Authority Community Center, 8920 N. Woolsey Ave. Hosted by the Three C ’s Citizens ra Committed to Community. 1995 Project Awards $2,000 - $20,000. Request for guidelines contact President Gail Thomas Phone: (503) 833-6815. M ailing Address: G ail Thom as 11 I SW 5th Ave., Ste. 2600, Port­ land, OR 97205. Project D evelop­ ment: C ora Smith. Your hosts will provide hamburger, hot dogs, buns, and beverages. You Provide: Favorite side dish, salad or dessert to share. CCC is a non-profit school, donations Freeway Signs To Urge Driver Courtesy 0OÍN CAR WASHES Ifyou drive Interstate 5 betw een Portland and Salem , y o u 'v e seen them: slow er drivers in the center and left lanes, and frustrated drivers w eaving in and out o f traffic trying to pass, creating a danger for fellow I m otorists. 1. E xperim ental signs on 1-5 be­ tween Salem and W ilsonville will rem ind drivers to use the right and (Renter lane for through travel, and tfte center and left lanes for passing. The signs are being installed by the Qregon D epartm ent o f T ransporta­ tion during T ransportation Safety M onth to prom pt safer driving in the increasingly dense traffic on one o f O reg o n’s busiest highways. • “T he mix o f traffic sp e e d s--5 5 mph for trucks and 65 mph for cars - - som etim es leads to frustration if ¿low er-m oving traffic uses the left and center lanes,” said Brant W ill­ iams, O D O T traffic engineer. “The new signs will rem ind drivers that they should keep to the right w henev­ er possible, and that passing should .always be done on the left.” W illiams said drivers will see three different signs when driving the route. Tw o large signs in each direction show a black-on-w hite pic­ togram o f three highway lanes, label­ ing the right lane as a travel lane, the center lane as a passing/travel lane and the left lane as a passing lane only. The tw o large signs have differ­ ent m essages across the bottom on a bright yellow background. The first says 'B e C ourteous - Keep Right Except T o P ass’; the second says ‘Left Lane Y ield T o Faster T raffic.’ D rivers also will see sm aller black- on-white signs along the left shoul­ der that say ‘Left Lane Yield To Faster T raffic.’ The signs are being installed as an experim ent to gauge driver reac­ tions. In six months, O D O T will eval­ uate how effective the signs are in changing driving patterns. “ W e’re rem inding drivers about two basic safe driving rules: keep to the right except when passing, and only pass on the left, w here you are more visible to other drivers,” said W illiams. “ W hen drivers keep right, it will cut dow n on im patient passers w eaving through traffic. T h at's d an­ gerous behavior and puts everyone at risk o f an accident.” The suggestion for the signs cam e from Rep Ken Strobeck, R- Beaverton, who has been driving 1-5 every day to the Legislature. “ I’ve seen a num ber o f close calls on the freeway, with people passing on the right and w eaving in and out o f traf­ fic,” Strobeck said. ‘ If y o u 're not passing, keep to the right. It's the safest and most courteous thing to do.” Strobeck and W illiam s said the signs are not intended to give drivers freedom to break the 65 mph limit. “ If the safer drivers keep to the right, I hope it'll be easier for the police to spot the dangerous speeders out there and stop them before they cause a w reck,” Strobeck added. “ T ra ffic co n g e stio n on th is stretch o f 1-5 is only getting worse. The new signs should help remind everyone o f the driving rules o f the road that will keep 1-5 safer for us all,” Strobeck said. 94 M AZDA MX6: 229.28 per tom obile dealers from across the country. T onkin accep ted the aw ard from Sports Illustrated President Don Ellim an, A IA D A President W alter H uizenga and legendary football coach Bill Walsh. “Sports Illustrated is delighted to honor Ron Tonkin with one o f our annual All-Star Dealer A wards,” said Elliman. “His contributions are a credit not only to the international automobile industry, but to his com ­ munity, and we are proud to recog­ nize his efforts,” Elliman continued. ÏÏTIfe Jîn rila n h (©baerüer 93 G M C SO N O M A Ext. Cab 4X4: 2 4 9 .4 1 per mo. I Low M iles! 66 m os|1|L,^ A W w ) ( ) ( ) ()() C ' a s h t r 4 i j M > J ^ F l4C + 7111 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. (between Portland Blvd. & Lombard St.) ¡ $-jóò 50) 'HES C O IN C. 7111 N.E. Mä VALID' King, Jr. Blvd. RU 6-30-9 94 C A D IL L A C D E V IL L E : 399.96 per mo. Loaded including L e a th e r, 72 m os, 9 .9 9 A P R , 2400.00 C ash/trade down, O .A .C., Lie + Title Extra, Total o f paym ents 28,7 8 9 .9 2 , C ash price 2 3 ,9 9 0 .0 0 #P280 94 BU ICK LESABRE: Loaded Lowmiles! W as 19,990 N ow 17,990 #P349 7111 N.E. [ _____ VAL ID THRU 6-30-9 255-3840 Expires 6/9/95 P O N T IA C -B U IC K -G M C Dealer Receives Prestigious Industry Award I Ron Tonkin, o f Ron Tonkin A uto D ealerships in Portland has Been nam ed a regional w inner o f the (995 S ports Illustrated A ll-S tar D ealer A w ard it was announced M onday, M ay 22. Tonkin, a long-tim e dealer in th e Portland area, accepted the hon­ o r at an aw ards banquet at the J.W . M arrio tt H otel in W ashington, D C. held in conjunction with the A m er­ ican International Autom obile D eal­ ers A ssociation’s (A IA D A ) A uto­ m otive C ongress, w hich was attend­ ed by nearly 1,000 international au­ C A R S • TRUCKS• VANS drive in today ! 9990.00 #P445 94 PONILA Loaded, i, From Pri 3 AM : Choose ,990 #P359 94 PO N TIA C G R A N D PRIX Loaded, including ABS and Dual A ir Bags M any to C hoose From Priced as Low as 13,990 #P19 1 92 GEO. Casst #G R50 o, Air, 990.00 92 C H R Y SL E R LEBA RO N : A uto, Air, Power W indow s + Locks W as 10,990 Now 8990 OO#PS38A 91 BU ICK C E N T U R Y L oad­ ed O nly 38,000 M iles W a s9990.00 N ow 8990.00 «BS95A T itle T o tal o f Paym ents 16 ,4 6 1.0 6 , C ash p ric e 14,990 #G S214A 9 4 PO COUPE: Now O n l^ j B IR D 11,990 94 PO N TIA C SU N B IR D S E ­ DAN: Loaded, including ABS, A ir and Pow er Locks + W indows W as 11.990 Now 9 990.00 #P295 91 PO N T IA C G R A N D AM: A u to , A ir W as 8 9 9 0 .0 0 N o w 6990.00 KP236B 95 BUICK RIV IERA: 499.87 per mo. Loaded, including Super­ charger, Low M iles, 72 mos, 9.99 A P R., 2000.00 C ash/trade down, O .A .C., Lie + Title Extra, Total o f paym ents 35,990.64, Cash price 28,990 #G S 196A 94 BUICK CEN TU RY : Load­ ed including A B S ,9 T o C h o o se From Priced as Low as 11,990 #G S246A 94 BUICK REGAL: Loaded, including ABS; 5 T o Choose From Priced As Low As 13,990 #P420 90 BU ICK LESA BER : L oad­ ed including Leather W as 8990.00 Now 5990.00 0B S84A 94 BUICK SKYLARK: Load­ ed, including ABS and Air Bag 13 To Choose From Priced as Low as 93 PON TIAC SUNBIRD: Auto, Air, ABS. W as9990 0 0 Now 7990 00 #P537A 89 G M C 1/2 P ic k U p : 350 V8, Auto, SLE, Tow PK; L oaded; W as 10,990 N ow 8 990.00 #G S 2 6 9 A E)CF 1