P age B4 J une 21, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Honoring Achievement “Still I Rise’’ Ai Fu st Interstate Bank, we can help you get Editor's Note: This is the last o f a special series on Portland s Debutantes. Ithas given usagreal hunt irtnprcscnl to the public the 1995 Debutantes and h T IFYOU DON’T into a dream home you never dreamed you THINK YOU’D QUALIFY could afford W ith our i Cerese Spears a senior at S t Marys Acad­ emy, is the daughter! illiirleine and Adolph Spears. young, strong, beautiful black woman am open and frank about how I feel. So think I bring honesty to the group. I think "A s a debutante 1 bring the joy o f bring a uniqueness and style all m y own. I think I bring a positive attitude, that is willing to accept constiuctive criticism Cavaliers W orking with so many talented, articulate, unique, natural, heautiful.ebony, ethereal, and dignified young men and women. These young men and woman ate ready to take their place in society and prepared to m akeagrcal contribution. This year has been one of much joy, pleasure and some pain and heart breaks, but all and And with that I love to make those arounc me laugh and happy 1 try not to be a slac ker and I don’t like slackers around me. I try hard and I like those around me to do their best also. Overall I think I bring a love for my fellow brother and sister, that will allow me to do whatever it takes to help impmve themselves.” Prospective Debutante Joette Renee Kleckley, a senior at Cleveland High first-time-buyer FORA HOME LOAN, School, is the daughter ofM arie Kleckley. programs, low down- CONGRATULATIONS, 1 1 Nasheeka Lowe payment plans and fixed being. I lovem yselfm orc than anythingin the world. I think this is very important as a black woman, and in these days you THAT’S THE FIRST or variable rate options. must put yourself first You will do fine in life ifyou make yourselfhappy, andenjoy . '1 it at the sam e time, because you arc doing it for you. I think you need to rem ember Joette Kleckley we have home loans to QUALIFICATION. accommodate almost J 4 everyone.„So stop by and • talk to a First Interstate representative today you O Congratulations 1 “Still I Rise" (passage 5) “Leaving behind nights o f tenor and fear. I Rise. Into a daybreak that's won- drously clear. I Rise. may be in order O ther conditions may apply. that there are a great deal o f wonderful characteristic that I bring to Les Femmes. Through the last 17 years of m y life I have gathered a great vast knowledge from my experiences. Growing up being an "atmy brat" with both parents in the Arm ed Ser­ Prospective Debutante SashaCherel I Coxeff, a senior at St. Marys Academy, is vices I have gotten use to moving around a lot making new friends where ever I go, the daughter of Cheryl and Rocky Coxeff “As a debutante I bring uniqueness, because there is none like me. I bring respect for others and most importantly adults. I bring my strong morals and values LaShawanta Spears strong and gocxl up bringing from my parents. As a Chnstian I bring my faith in Prospective Debutante LaShawanta Sasha Coxeff “Being a strong minded, intelligent, but adaptable young black female, I feel The last 4 Debutantes are Sasha ChercllCoxelf.LaShawantaCereseSpears, Nasheeka Dionne Lowe, Joette Renee Kleckley. God,my honorinGodanti my trust inGod. I bring Love in Les Femmes as a debu­ tante.” LENO® © 1995 First Interstate Bancorp. yourself. Everyone in your life has a meaning and should be treated with re­ spect. But you should always try and enjoy the joy o f being yourself and loving you for you. Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope o f the slave. 1 Rise. I Rise. I Rise. that have been instilled in m e from the First Interstate Bank C i SZ l F Loans subject to credit approval all we have had a great year. and leaminge veil ll k >ugh you were bom to one family or another, it is sometimes the people that are not related that are closer to you. For true sisterhood we need to get beyond all tilings that hold us back and keep us down. W e need to be strong and Prospective Debutante Nasheeka Dionne Lowe, a senior at Grant High School, is the daughter o f Janet Grove and Kenny Lowe. “W hat 1 bring to the Les Femmes is a havefaithinallscctionsofourlife.W eneed to learn to have the strength to say we arc sony when we are wrong, and the courage to stand up for our convictions when we feel we are right.” P ressed F or W orking C apital ? P ress H ere . N ow ! Your business is growing fast. So fast that your bank can't solutions to small businesses nationwide. 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