T he P ortland O bserver • J une 14, 1995 E &M Community Market 909 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 YMCA Offers Summer Discovery B y D anny B ell The YM CA w hich has had a 120presence in Portland recently opened a b ranch in N orth/inner Northeast Portland to serve the needs o f the inner-city. Located at the Matt D ishm an C om m unity Center, 77 N.E. Knott. One of the various program s adm inistrated from this office is “ S u m m e r D is c o v e ry D a y s .” G eared to serve children from p re -K in d e rg a rte n to the fifth grade, it provides a w holesom e menu o f activities to keep ch il­ d re n o c c u p ie d a n d d e v e lo p growth. The program operates from three different sites, H um bolt, Jam es John, and Sabin E lem en­ tary schools. Sum m er D iscovery Days begins June 26 and runs 10 weeks through A ug 31. There is a fee for the services provided, how ever financial as­ sistant is available. The Y ’s Sum m er D iscovery Days offers pouporri o f activities for youth. Arts and crafts, group gam es and an assortm ent o f field trips. O perating hours are between 7am to 6pm Field trips are schedule b e­ tw een 9am and 6pm. C hildren will return to the child car site 4pm at the latest from the trips. There will be a num ber o f mini excursions, such as outings to the park and sw im m ing weekly. The form at o f the program revolves around idea o f discovery and each w eek will have its own individual them e. T he Jam es John and H um bolt sites will provide m orning snack, lunch and after­ noon snack inclusive at no extra cost. T he Sabin site provides free m orning and afternoon snacks. Parents will have to provide lunch for their children at this site. A m a jo r field trip to the Y M C A ’s residential sum m er camp in G resham , is scheduled during the sum m er so the children may fam iliarize them selves with that experience. F a w n M c D a n ie ls , B la c k A chievers Program D irector says the Y tries to encourage leader­ ship ability in all its program s in­ Phone: 2 8 5 -6 3 5 2 Hours: 7am - 11pm E very Day c lu d in g " S u m m e r D is c o v e ry D ays.” W e feel that all children can learn she stated. She also said that each site will be staffed by experienced per sonnel fam iliar with child-care. Each site will be under the super­ vision o f a D irector w ho has met C .S.D . a d m in istra tiv e re q u ire ­ m ents and has had am ple experi­ ence as an Y M CA child-care em ­ ployee. The w hole program has been certified by C .S.D . and the H ealth D epartm ents. Ms M c D a n ie ls also c o m ­ m ented that there are num ber of other program s that are offered by the Y that m ight be o f interest to m em bers o f the com m unity, such as Y. W O LF, an youth leadership program. Black A chievers a ca­ reer goal oriented program and drug-free basketball, a youth bas­ ketball program em phasizing ab­ staining from drugs. For those interested in Sum m er Discovery D ays or any o f the program s m entioned in this article you can contact R osalyn W ilder, office m anager 294-3855. 12 Pk. 12 Oz. Cans Selected HAMM’S BEER Johnson also cites increasing dem ands as director o f tennis at St. Johns Racquet C enter and as multi- participation coordinator o f the U S. Tennis A ssociation’s Pacific N orthw est region. Johnson has coached at W il­ son for eight years. D uring his tenure the team won 4 consecutive Portland Inter­ scholastic L eague district titles, three league cham pionships and placed second four tim es in d is­ trict, three tim es in league and finished second twice in the boys 4-A state cham pionships. H is overall coaching record during the period w as 75-16-3 and Forum To Address Non*Profits, Clients The Black United Fund o f O r­ egon will hold a com m unity forum entitled "The S taff’s Role In Board D evelopm ent," to help non-profit agencies better serve their clients. The session will outline the re­ spective roles o f board and staff, exam ine the team w ork required in board/staff relations and explore the s ta f f s role in helping the board iden­ tify and recruit new board m em bers, identify when policy m aking isn’t enough and outline the process of developing a "w orking board." Arty Trost, co-author o f G ain­ ing M om entum for Board Action and consultant with O rganizational D ynam ics will present the forum. Trost draw s on 20 years o f experi­ ence w orking with board m em bers of not-for-profit agencies. The session will be held W ednes­ day, June 28 from 9 a.m. to noon at the N ortheast Precinct com m unity meeting room at 449 N.E. Em erson. Registration is $7.50. A ttendance will be lim ited. For in fo rm atio n call A rtangia Presley at 282-7973. Don't Forget Sunday Is Father's Day! JU N I COKE PRODUCTS 2 Lb. Darigold O MEDIUM CHEDDAR CHEESE tDep.orCRV Where Appi. 0OIN CAR WASHES Coach Johnson Gives Up Duties For Kids N Tennis Don Johnson, head coach o f the W ilson High School boys ten­ nis team has announced his resig­ nation todevote m ore tim e as ch ief executive officer o f Kids N ' T en ­ nis, Inc. 12 Pk. 12 Oz. Cans Selected drive in today .' C A R S • T R U C K S • VANS 7111 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. ^between Portland Blvd. & Lombard St.) 65-7 in the PIL. “ I h av e been tru ly been blessed with quite a few good team s and a lot o f great players,” Johnson said. “I would like to issue a special thanks to the parents o f my players past and present for allow ing me the opportunity to work with their children. Their faith and trust has been greatly appreciated,' Johnson added. ! 41 O F F SUPER WASH W ljH PQLISH& WAX 0 O /i 7111 N.E. WASHES l ^ < king, i n t Jr. Blvd. VALIDTTiRU 6-30-9 _________________ _ (REG. $5.00) C oin car washes 7111 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd ____ VALID 6-30-9 to 1. Com plete, sign and mail the Application/ Agreement below to: A m erican State Bank 2737 NE M artin Luther King Blvd. Portland, O regon 97212 V IS A CARD 2. You can now get your own VISA CARD Be sure to include your money order or personal check in U.S. dollars for $625.00 or more (in increments o f $600) made payable to American State Bank. Receipt of funds opens a savings account in your name. Each increm ent o f $ 6 0 0 .0 0 deposited in your savings account establishes a $500 line of credit for you. 3. /u w e Your new V IS A card w ill arrive within three weeks. I f your request is denied for any rea­ son, you w ill receive all your money back, including the $25.00 application fee. • BAD CREDIT • NO CREDIT Call our Bankcard Department (5 0 3 ) 282-221 0. • BANKRUPTCY ctEorr DocuMvao. S. AMlKahOD Pa P m 323 A u u a l P ucaauat aaw u t .. Lai, PaymaM P m S13, AaaaaJ ) M a n ta n ftM F P m M ! M 3 . Caah Advaaot P m 33or 2 t wtucIWMr r Owr n» uni « F a e llS -O r a c a Ptnod 2) day«. * « « * • «»«afe dui« • LOW INCOME b r » SECURED VISA APPLICATION / SAVINGS ACCOUNT AGREEMENT Name: Address. City:___ State: Home Phone: ( . Zip: Work Phone' ( . Social Security Number:. Birthdate: Name of Employer:____ M y chock or (not In a than M 2 3 0 0 ) _____________ _________ i , , * ' " • 1 warn to open a V IS A account I uodaniand that tba mtaraai aavmga account al American Stale Bank w ill • a m M collateral for my Secund V IS A account and i i tally inawad by F D IC Signature: Date: American State Bank, Portland, Oregon • Member FDIC i