Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 14, 1995, 25th Anniversary, Page 15, Image 15

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    T he P ortland O bserver
Adams-McClure Soars
M ost new businesses start smal I
and grow slow ly. But not Adams-
M c C lu re an A fric a n A m e ric a n
owned, fo u r-co lo r process p rinting
Airtex Clinics Provides Auto Career Training
D avid Douglas H igh School is
participating w ith A irte x Products,
th e w o rld 's largest independent man­
ufacturer o f water and fuel pumps, in
the A irte x H igh School Partnership
company. S hortly after Bob Adams
began the business in June 1994, he
landed a $4 m illio n per year con­
tract w ith the Integer G roup, the
agency o f record responsible fo r
purchasing Coors B rew ing compa­
Each semester at participating
high schools, an A irte x sales repre­
ny’ s prom otional materials. Adams-
M cC lu re ’ s w o rk on C oors’ four-
co lo r point-of-purchase materials
led to contracts w ith other corpora­
tions, b rin g in g the company more
than $5.5 m illio n in gross sales be­
covers the te c h n o lo g y o f w ater
pumps, fuel pumps and electronic
fuel injection systems. T h e clin ica lso
includes instruction on actual instal­
fore the end o f its first fu ll year o f
The nationw ide program assists
vocational teachers in the education
o f future autom otive technicians.
sentative w ill conduct a c lin ic that
R o b e rt A d a m s ; P re s id e n t o f A d a m s -M c C lu re , Inc
A dam s-M cC lure’ s success re­
sulted from investments in special­
ized equipm ent and knowledgeable
sta ff capableofproducinghigh qual­
$1.9 m illio n . Adams also owns a
ja n ito ria l supply and equipment com ­
ity w ork. A form er em ployer w ill­
ing to place its faith - and its busi­
experience gained from running this
ness — w ith a start-up company,
added to the good fortune.
“ O ur relationship w ith Adams-
M cC lure has been very p o sitive ,"
said Ray F. T indel, general manag­
er o f Support Services fo r the Inte­
pany, w hich he purchased in 1991
w hile s till employed at Coors. The
company gave him the confidence to
explore his most recent business ven­
tures. When he saw an opportunity to
acquire p rin tin g equipment, Adams
ger G roup. “ T h e ir a b ility to partner
w ith us to meet our often expedited
tim elines, combined w ith a great
approached Coors and Integer.
In addition to prin tin g the point-
of-purchase materials, Adams p rin t­
ed the Coors heritage calendars for
the com m unity relations department.
The c o lo rfu l calendars, w hich fea­
sensitivity to cost and material waste
issues assoc iated w ith inventory pro­
duction, has been great.”
ture A frican-A m ericans who contrib­
uted to developm ent o f the Am erican
West, are popular w ith schools, go v­
Coors and Integer’ s manage­
ernment agencies and individuals.
“ We have been pleased w ith the qual­
ity o f w o rk perform ed by Adams-
ment knew B ob Adams from his
seven years as a materials manage­
ment agent in the Coors purchasing
department. He left Coors in De­
cember 1993 to establish N ational
Re-Pack D istrib u tio n Services Inc.,
a packaging d istrib u tio n company
w ith a five-year contract to ship
C oors’ packaging items to th e ir dis­
tributors. Gross sale fo r 1994 were
press is capable o f p rin tin g four-
c o lo r process, tw o a dditional c o l­
ors o f ink, and an aqueous coat on a
single pass through the machine.
The company is one o f a few
printers n ationally that combines
design and p rin tin g w ith extensive
M cC lu re ,” said Moses Brewer, as­
sistant national program manager fo r
Coors C om m unity Relations.
A d a m s -M c C lu re operates a
state-of-the-art production fa c ility .
Its centerpiece is a m illio n dollar,
high speed six-co lo r, 28" x 40" press
w ith an aqueous coater tower. The
p o st-printing capabilities, in clu d ­
in g :
m o u n tin g /la m in a tio n ,
d ie c u ttin g , and packaging. The
management team has over 55 years
experience in the point-of-purchase
arena, one o f the com pany’ s most
unusual jo b s in 1994 was assem­
b lin g and shipping kits o f “ Jurassic
Park” prom otional materials.
A dam s-M cC lure is headquar­
tered at 1245 S. Inca in Denver in a
40,000 square-foot production fa­
c ility and main sales office. The 22
employees who w ork there, are man­
aged by Steve O ld a n i. Partner
Randy M cC lure, runs the compa­
n y ’ s Dallas sales o ffic e . Adams-
M cC lure also maintains a sales o f­
fice in D e tro it, managed by Ed
each semester The w in n in g student
receives an award from A irte x. A ll
students who participate in clinics
receive certificates o f achievement.
O th e r v o c a tio n a l s u p p o r
p ro v id e d by A ir te x in c lu d e s o n ­
g o in g in d u s try and te c h n ic a l in ­
fo rm a tio n fo r use in cla ssro o m
in s tru c tio n , p rin t and v id e o m a­
te ria l fo r the s c h o o l’ s a u to m o ­
tiv e lib r a r y and access to a to ll-
fre e te c h n ic a l a ssistance lin e .
H ig h sch o o ls across the U n it­
A ir te x H ig h S ch o o l P a rtn e rs h ip
P ro g ra m .
A irte x Products, a U IS compa­
ny, is the w o rld ’ s largest m anufactur­
er o f water and fuel pumps. The
company also supplies a complete
line o f fuel injection system icplace-
ment components, including injec­
tors, sensors and seal kits.
A irte x also markets a broad line
o f hydraulic brake parts and non­
asbestos disc brake pads under the
A irtex/S afe Line brand.
ed States are p a r tic ip a tin g in the
A irte x developed the program
in response to the gro w in g vocation­
al needs o f autom otive students.
‘O ur research tells us that school
systems across the country need the
assistance o f business and industry
to provide advanced technology, in­
dustry innovations and hands-on ex­
perience,” says Nelson T. K irkw o o d ,
A irte x national sales manager.
“ A dvanced autom otive technol­
ogy has created w hole new rech-
niques and approaches in the servic­
ing and diagnosing o f fuel delivery
systems,’ K irk w o o d said. "K n o w in g
how these systems operate gives to ­
At West One Bank, we make checking
day's students a d efinite edge.”
accounts easy. We give you a wide variety
As part o f the program, A irte x
recognizes an outstanding student
of accounts from which to choose, all with
access to Automatic Teller Machines. Come
in and talk to us.
A d v e rtis e In
(T he
^ lo r tla itò
Knappe. This month they plan to
(O h s e m e r
open a sales o ffic e in A tlanta which
w ill be managed by Cecelia M orris.
Call 503-288-0033
M em ber FD IC
Preparing for tomorrow's careers
'u r o n g in u l
in Portland Public Schools today.
Thank You, Business Partners! ©
T o lt e li
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