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We don’t wan, people to jus, sa> You did a good project’ . We want to touch peo­ ple and make a difference in their lives.” According to Kee, the central message o f Show up! can be found in one o f his favorite cuts, “ I Surren­ d e r.” "The emphasis is on surrender­ ing totally. A ll we need to do is live and serve the Lord. This song is very personal to me, because I wrote it as a message to aloved one who loves my music, but remembers my past.” The past that Kee speaks of, is his former life as a cocaine dealer and addict. Many members o f the choir share sim ilar and equally pow­ erful testimonies o f deliverance. It is their liberation from what could be termed as “ impossible” situations which causes them to minister with New Life C o m m u n ity C h o iiïè à tù r^ sincerity and conviction. “ People appreciate realness” Kee says. “ We don’t try to impress people. We are free from other’s opinions and that enable us to really minister. It’s what makes New Life so special.” The choir, which consists o f over 30 members, was formed in 1981 Their initial years were spent lending their vocal talents to projects for well-known gospel artists. In 1987, New Life recorded their first album. On Marriage by L. R on H i bbard o f a potential marriage partner; it is entitled Yes Lord on Tysco, Records While response to the album was favorable, nothing could have pre­ pared them for the tremendous pop­ ularity o f their 1989 release. Wait On Him. Thisalbum, propelled thechoir into the forefront o f the industry and attracted the ty'pe o f follow ing usual­ ly enjoyed by secular performers. Wash Me and We Walk By Faith, their following releases were received by critics and fans al ike with an equal, i f not heightened sense o f enthusi­ asm and excitement. Despite their commercial suc­ cess and widespread respect among industry peers. New L ife ’s members still find their greatest satisfaction in watching the effect their lives, testi­ monies and music have on people across America. For many o f these young people, the choir has been a family, encouraging them to pursue and realize their dreams. Individuals who were once labeled as “ products o f their environment” are now hair­ dressers, songwriters, recording en­ gineers and managers o f businesses Their vision is to help others break free from the chains o f poverty, ad­ diction and oppression which once enslaved them New Life and Kee’s comm it­ ment to effecting change is not only seen in their music ministry It is also evident in the businesses and social programs they have started in order to raise the standard o f living ofthose in the Charlotte area and round the country They are investing in others the same faith and support Kee in­ vested in them I hey believe it is not enough to say that Jesus Christ can change a life, Christians must also help to provide the avenues that w ill assist others in improving their lives. Maintaining contact with their audience is very important to New Life. “ You can’t save them i f you don’t know them.” Kee states, "Y ou have to be in touch with society'and know what s going on. We believe in becoming all things to win souls.” Reverend Kee’s By any means nec­ essary approach’ to evangelism, has been wholeheartedly adopted by the choir Whether it be through street m inistry’, feeding the homeless, or challenging inner-city youths to a game o f basketball, they are deter­ mined to find a door that w ill open the opportunity for them to introduce others to the God who changed their lives. In fact, Kee consistently states that the choir’s music which thrills audiences in both America and Eu­ rope is merely an "attention-getter” that enables them to go across the country spreading the good news o f Jesus Christ. I he music certainly accomplish­ es its purpose and Show Up! is guar­ anteed to broaden their appeal. This recording has something for every­ one Selections such as “ Show U p !" and "Made Up M in d" which have been exciting concert goers for the past six months, are sure to please the contemporary lover. W hile, foot- stomping cuts like “ He li Welcome M e" and "God Has Been So G ood" are sure to take listeners back to the ole’ days when the anointing fell so strong that it felt like the air condi­ tioner blew hot air Rounding it out are a few soulful ballads, which are guaranteed to inspire refreshing prais­ es and worship. This album is more than just catchy lyrics, accentuated by inno­ vative music. It is more than a collec­ tion new o f songs which can be learned for choir rehearsal. I t ’ s an in v ita tio n to share the v is io n o f over 30 young people w ho have made up th e ir m inds to p ro c la im to others the d eliverance and jo y they have found in Jesus C h ris t. Regardless o f what the gospel listener is lo o k in g fo r, it is g u a r­ anteed to Show U p! on N ew L if e ’ s latest release. A L T E R N A T I V E not so easy to gauge their capability Communication is the root o f regarding sex, fam ily or children, or marital success from which a strong b \ M. I saacs **-- • ■ — The ......................... * their sanity. that night descriptive language bor in vain to rear their children or union can grow, and non comm uni­ parents, foster parents and others In the past, efforts were made to used should not be included in adult the children for whom they are re­ have, it seems, tried every alternative cation is the rock on which the ship Most people know there are sev­ establish sanity with inkblots, square vocabulary; and these were school sponsible. A ll efforts to place foster w ill bash out her keel. in caring for children, except the eral types o f profanity and several blocks and tests with marbles to find children. What shocked me the most children in homes are in vain i f the instructions as laid down in the B i­ In the first place, men and wom ­ methods o f profanity o f which we out i f anybody had lost any. The was, some adults sat and smiled at adults in that home do no, believe ble The incident mentioned is one en aren’t too careful “ on whom they become occasionally aware during resulting figures had to be personally this behavior. It makes you wonder i f and teach godly ways. up and marry In the absence o f any among many, that makes it apparent our daily activities, and it never fails interpreted with a crystal ball and these kids have any adults responsi­ The behavior seen on this bus basic training about neurosis, psy­ that all such efforts have failed. We to shock and distress us. then reinterpreted for application. ble for them; or i f anyone love them cannot be purged without the teach­ chosis, or how to judge a good cook must stop rearing “ fools” who de­ I found myself, after several In Scientology, there is a test for at all, especially enough to teach ings o f Christ being instilled in the spise instructions and bring shame or a good wage earner, that tricky, years, riding a number 10 bus to sanity and comparative sanity which them that this behavior is not accept­ children. Without honor and respect treacherous and not always easy-to- on us and their parents. The love o f North Portland It was a trying and is so simple that anyone can apply it. able anywhere a man is nothing but a fool laying identify thing, called “ love,” is the God must be taught and reproof must shameful experience, for I found my What is the “ communication lag” o f Even i f there is no religious up­ open his folly. It is an unhealthy be given, in order for any child to be sole guiding factor in the selection o f se lf bombarded with vile, profane the individual? When asked a ques­ bringing in the home, some sort o f opinion that says these children “ swift to hear” , “ slow to speak” , and mates. It is too much to expect o f a language and observed coarse, loud, tion, how long does it take him to guidance on behavioral traits should should not be disciplined; an opinion “ slow to wrath” . Children must be society above the level o f ants to be obnoxious behavior issuing from a answer? When a remark is addressed be evident by the time children reach that w ill lead these children to death taught to be wise in deportment and entirely practical about an institution group o f teen age boys and girls. to him, how long does it take for him their teens. Are these the soon to be or behind bars, in adulthood. The conduct “ Better is a poor and wise as basically impractical as marriage. From the moment they boarded the to register and return? adults who w ill be giving birth to Bible says “ spare the rod and lose the c h ild than and o ld and fo o lis h Thus, it is not amazing that the bus at Lloyd Center and at 33rd near The fast answer tells o f the fast children o f their own. and what kind child” . k in g , who w ill no more be ad­ misselection o f partners goes on with Broadway, peace and tranqui Iity were mind and the sane mind, providing o f human beings w ill they rear? God has said, “ H onor they m on ish e d ” . (E c c le s . 4 :1 3 ). In such abandon. destroyed. There was no consider­ the answer is sequitur; the slow an­ There are just no alternatives Father and M oth er that thy days O rder For C h ild re n To Be Em ­ There are ways, however, not ation for the bus driver (who hap­ swer tells o f downscale (into a state better to instill in children than those may be long upon the land w hich b ra ce d In T h e C o v e n a n t Of only to select a marriage partner, bu, pened to be a woman) nor for other ofdecreased awareness; into the low ­ expounded in the Word o f God, for the L ord thy God g ive th thee;. Grace, They M ust Be B ro ug ht also to guarantee the continuation o f passengers on the bus. Teenage girls er level emotions, such as apathy, rearing concerned, sober controlled (E xod. 20:12). “ A ll the c h ild re n To God. “ For the prom ise ( o f that marriage; and these ways are were calling each other “ bitches” ; anger, etc.) Marital partners who have human beings. “ There is no wisdom shall be taught o f the L o rd ; and grace) is unto you, and to yo u r simple. They depend u niform ly on boys were fond I i ng them se I ves open­ the same comm unication lag get nor understanding nor counc i I against great shall be the peace o f thy c h ild re n , and to a ll that are afar communication. ly and making remarks about which along; where one partner is fast and the Lord” . (Prov. 2 1:30. Unless adults c h ild re n .” (Isa. 54:13). o ff, even as many as the L ord our There should be some parity o f “ whore” they would “ get it on w ith” one is slow, the situation w ill become fo rtify their beliefs in God, they la­ Schools, Children’ s Agencies, God shall c a ll” . (A c ts 2 :39). intellect and sanity between a hus­ unbearable to the fast partner and band and wife for them to have a miserable to the slow one. successful marriage. In Western cul­ ...T h e su bject o f m arriage < ture, it is expected that the women co u ld not be covered in many 8138 N Hudson shall have some command o f the chapters, but here is g ive n the Portland, OR 97203 humanities and sciences. It is easy to (503) 283-3558 ‘ Church (503) 283-0169 • Home basic clue to a successful m ar- Ms Evelyn Collins founder-of the Grace Collins Memorial Center establish the educational background Elder Tom Moore, Pastor riage — C om m un ica te ! and better known as Miss Collins is presently recuperating from a skin graft to her leg. We would like to solicit your prayers for this long-time community Sunday School 9:30 A M. activist. 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue Sunday Morning Worship 11.45 A M. A ll questions may be directed to 2 8 1 -6930, ask for Irma or LaRan (between Powell & Foster) Spiritual Bankruptcy: What Heritage Have We When Our Children Go Astray? Lighthouse Church Of God In Christ Coffins Recuperating FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH Portland, Oregon 97206 SU N D AY Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm F R ID A Y Evangelistic Service 7:00pm D A IL Y Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm Tuesday Prayer/Bible Band 7:30 P.M. Friday Worship Service 7:00 P.M. "Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor And Are Heavy Laden, And I Will Give You Rest. Take My Yoke Upon You And Learn Of Me." Matt. 11:28-29 We have a place for you. Come fellowship with us! (503) 774-5470 PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr. Dr. Ida M. Simpson d\/[anfi IBafztiit Chuidi 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 • • • • • YPWW 6:30 P.M. Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service - 1 1 :00am Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 We invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is AU. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor A Welcome Is Awaiting You! Mt Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. '/(fifa (fine o j a '/C nc/ ?/ ( '/to n MetHopr .(RM* J : 0 0 -7 :0 0 fim SPa/ufafeuy Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, JO: O O am - 6 : O fftn t Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00am on K B M S A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY 2808 M . .X inp t/u e V .AliMayJnr/M.H (508) 2 8 8 -5 2 )0