M ay jK 31, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Walnut Park: Mayor Says More To Come ' if ■ n r & m W. w Continued from M etro Mayor Vera Katz and Richard Brown were special dignitaries at the Walnut Park opening. Members of the Humboldt school drill team and choir performed at Saturday’s festivities. Attending the celebration were (from left) Cart Talton o f the Portland Development Commission, Don Currie and Valerie Curhe. Mother Dear's Tasty Pastries owner Anorvia Hardy of the Walnut Park Center with Lou Boston of the Arena Project. Rep. Margaret Carter. D-Portland, Walnut Park Retail Center state e< its best. Photos by Duane Lewis . jt y. -* ! * UM* Oregon lottery funds to partially fi­ nance the Walnut Park project. She recalled the extensive legis­ lative efforts made to win approval. “Being here with you today is the combination of several years of dogging the establishment to let them know that northeast Portland couldn ’ t take it anymore," Carter recalled. PDC commissioner and chair of the center’s leasing, Carl Talton re­ called the controversies that sur­ rounded how the site should be de­ veloped to meet the needs o f the community. “But this controversy had a posi­ tive effect by elevating the interest, the visibility and the commitment and allowing us to reconfirm our objectives," Talton said. He added that what should be remembered about the retail park is that seven community business own­ ers have been given a chance to grow and succeed. Speaking on behalf o f the King Neighborhood A ssociation, Fred Stewart observed that the construc­ tion of Walnut Park has sent a new feeling of confidence throughout the neighborhood. There is a renewed sense that north/northeast is a good place to do business,” Stewart stressed. The city purchased the vacant Walnut Park Fred Meyer store in 1993 and directed the Portland De­ velopment Commission to assist its redevelopment. The Walnut project gulped about $1 million from the city’s Bureau of Housing and Community services and $1.5 million from the city’s gen­ eral funds. Al Irl ■ w Hundreds o f people enjoyed the center's grand opening at the comer o f northeast KiHingworth and Martin Luther King Jr. King Neighborhood President Fred Stewart (f Police Precinct Commander Bruce Prunk and Richard Brown at the opening o f Walnut Park Duane Washington, one of “The Buffalo Soldiers’ attending the center's opening.