•■ T O .<* • * • « , »•>» ’♦... T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 'S t u T ¿ rS»Ä-*; ^ A ,* W < & i.> ; .¿-•^ â î ,<: \ / ? y ’. V f » . - - ;,? ., 31, 1995 P age A5 "Still I Rise” Honoring Achievement Editor's note: A s part i f a spe­ cial series leading to the annual Les Femmes Debutante <& Cavalier Ball in June we introduce you to a set o f prospective Debutantes. Along with many community activities most o f our debutantes are very active in their churches, schools, tutoring programs for younger chil­ dren and other social groups. As we have learned in the past “It takes a whole village to raise a child" and the Les Femmes members along with the parents, churches and schools take pride in working with the young ladies to instill values, morals and encouragement. This years ball Chairperson Ms Joann Travis and her co-chair Ms Rica Brooks along with the members of Les Femmes have worked hard to make this a great affair. In keeping with our theme for the year “Still I Rise” each week will feature a passage from the poem, (passage 2) Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides. Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like tear­ drops, Weakened by my soulful cries. This issue of The Portland Ob­ server will feature Debutantes, Chas­ tity Danielle Clegg, Bahia Anis Cross, Shanetra L e’Shay Fesser, JaJuan Lynette Finch and Shontale Marie Jackson. Prospective Debutante Chastity Danielle Clegg, a senior at Jefferson High School, is the daughter of Mary and Leonard Clegg. What I bring to Les Femmes as a Debutante. “Black. The color that I am. It tells a lot about my ancestors, and it S h a n e tra L e 'S h a y F e s s e r makes me push hard to get to my goals. Coming to the Les Femmes makes me proud to be around such beautiful black men and women get ting together to make things right, doing things that make the black community look good. I give the Les Femmes my pride and my dignity, cause we are all black and w e’re all proud. Beautiful. From the inside out, I show my beauty with no words. By the way I walk, the way I sit, the way I dress, the way I listen, the way I carry m yself with grace, pride dig­ nity and beauty. Young. Not wise enough to know what is around the corner or w hat’s in store for me, yet young enough to learn a little more. Talented. Meaning that I can do what ever I put my mind to. Respectful. Meaning that when I leave home, I leave with everything that my mother and father taught me. Female. Meaning that there are not many like me, or who can com ­ pare to me. S h o n ta le M arie J a c k so n Bahia A n is C ro ss 1 Chastity D. Clegg a black, beau­ tiful, young, talented, respectful fe­ male. I come to Les Femmes all woman ready to take on the world and dominate!!”h)0*0*0*ospective Debutante Bahia Anis Cross, a se­ nior at Benson High School, is the daughter of Joy and Ray leary, Henri and Zhalih Cross, “I Bahia bring a spirit of happi­ ness to Les Femmes as a debutante. I believe that happiness is the most important thing. I believe that part of the reason I was created was to en­ sure happiness in peoples hearts and how can I do that if I have no happi­ ness in my own? I bring purity of heart. 1 strive every day to keep my heart and motives pure. The last thing I bring to Les Femmes as a debutante is a spiritual essence and a diverse flavor. I share with the other debu­ tantes a desire to be close to God by demonstratinggood morals and main­ taining our positions in what we be­ lieve. A diverse flavor because any debutante will tell you “The girl is definitely different” and I take pride J a J u a n L y n e tte Finch in that.” Prospective Debutante Shanetra L e’Shay Fesser, a senior at Jefferson High School, is the daughter of Y olanda M cC orvey and Randy Fesser. What I bring To Les Femmes As A Debutante... What I bring to Les Femmes as a Debutante is my personality, my character, my charisma and most of all my goal to succeed in life. There are a lot o f good things about myself that I can offer to Les Femmes. Some of these things can’t even be said. It would be my body language in a certain situation, it could be how I carry myself when I am out with my friends or relatives, but what is most important and the thing I can’t forget is the fact that I am a young African American Women, who is going to do something with her life. Besides the fact that I am on my P ’s and Q ’s at home and at school I feel that Les Femmes will help me becoming a mature well rounded woman. I feel that I can offer Les Femmes C hastity D anielle C legg my opinion and feelings. I think that as Les Femmes being the well established organization that it is that my opinion can help them help me. Prospective Debutante JaJuan Lynette Finch, a senior at Benson High School, is the daughter of Billie Finch. I feel that I bring a sense of peace to Les Femmes. I am not a person who looks for or takes part in conflict. Instead, I try to help to calm frazzled nerves and have the situa­ tion resolved by talking and not fight­ ing. In addition to peace, I think that I also bring happiness, a strong faith in God, and a patience for the man trials and struggles of everyday life. The reason that I possess these qualities is that I have an immensely giving and trusting parent Which in turn makes me trustworthy and re­ sponsible. So I guess that one could sum it all up to say that I bring the love and upbringing from my mother to the Les Femmes Debutantes and Cavaliers. Prospective Debutante Shontale Marie Jackson, a senior at Grant High School, is the daughter of Gloria and Edwin Jackson. "W hat I bring to Les Femmes as a debutante is a positive attitude and support. I came to Les Femmes to support the positive cause and have a good attitude about it. The com m u­ nity service activities that we do makes me feel good about m yself and my community, this means a lot to me. Even though debutantes is real tim e c o n su m in g I still try to makeh)O*O*O* to everything that we have. Some times it gets frustrating when your stressed everyday. I try to manage may time the best way I can with school and work. I feel I have a good attitude towards people. Some times I am too nice and people try to take advantage of that. That is what I bring to Les Femmes as a debutante. The senior debutante program director is Rena’ Allen & co-direc­ tor is Dolores Jeffries. Clyde Pays Dividends FUNIN THE SUN Trade To Houston Builds Drexler's Value B y D anny B ell A m o n g st a ffic ia n d o ’s o f the gam e the ju ry is still out, o b se rv ­ ing th at it w ill be a few y ears before the D re x le r-T h o rp e trad e can o b je c tiv e ly be a s s e s s e d . H ow ever “ v a lu e ” like “b e a u ty ” is o ften a m atter o f p ercep tio n . W h at is fact is that as the p o st-se a so n p ro g re sse s the play o f C lyde D rex ler has been p iv ­ otal to H o u sto n ’s su ccess. And on reflectio n th a t’s w hat i t ’s all about re ta in in g the c o v ­ eted N .B .A . ch a m p io n sh ip . A lth o u g h D rex ler is a le g iti­ m ate a ll-sta r d e stin e d for the N a­ tional B ask etb all A sso c ia tio n ’s Hall o f Fam e, the naysayer voiced an o p in io n that he w as aging and that his sk ills w ere d im in ish in g O ld fa th e r tim e w as e n ­ croaching on his ab ilities to glide. But as he has d em onstrated w ithin the last w eek he can both sky and g lid e w ith the best o f them . C ly d e a v erag ed 17.4 in the se rie s a g a in st Phoenix even a fte r not sc o rin g in one gam e due to illn ess . In gam e one a g a in st the S p u rs he sco red 25 p o in ts and p u lled d o w n 12 re b o u n d s and in g a m e tw o he c o n tr ib u te d 23 p o in ts w ith 6 reb o u n d s. As M ike F ra tte llo o f T N T S p o rtc a s tin g team c o m m e n te d “ when M icheál Jordan cam e back there w ere 17 gam es left (in the re g u la r se a so n ) he ju s t d id n ’t have e n o u g h tim e to fit in. But in D re x le r’s situ atio n he cam e back w ith 35 gam es le ft.” “ Its like Rudy T o m jo n av ich said d u rin g the p la y -o ffs your goin g to see th in g s happen and the team is going to sta rt to com e to g e th e r.” “ D re x le r h as p la y e d long e n o u g h (w ith H o u sto n ) to feel c o m fo rta b le and fit in w ith the ro ta tio n .” So we return the idea o f p e r­ c e p tio n . Ju st w hat did H ouston w ant w ith D re x le r and his b a l­ loon paym ent to m ake it w orth th e ir w hile to trade one o f the p rem iere reb o u n d in g forw ards in the league. I w ould like to p ropose the m a rk e tin g c o n c e p t o f D rex ler r e tu rn in g hom e and re u n itin g w ith H akeem O lajaw o n a m em ­ ber o f Phi S lam m a Jam m a. T hen a n o th e r a sp ect is the ta le n t and a b ility D re x le r brings to the gam e. As a num ber tw o guard he can sh oot from the p e rim e te r, he m oves w ell w ithout the ball, he is d a n g e ro u s p e n e tra tin g to the b a s­ ket w here his m oves m ake deadly inside and his ab ility to pass e x ­ cep tio n a lly w ell for a tw o guard d o u b les the th re a t, and he is one o f the best reb o u n d in g guards playing c u rre n tly . T hat dear re a d e rs m akes for a c o m p le te package. A n other m itigating factor for H o uston is that V ernon M axw ell is gone for the rest o f the season due to p ersonal pro b lem s. If D rex ler was sup p o se to be insu ran ce he is paying back p re ­ m ium s in less than h a lf a season. So in light o f p reced in g a r ­ g u m en t, H ouston ap pears to be reap in g b enefits already from the trad e. A nd w ith all due re sp e c t C lyde has a leg itim ate shot at a c h a m p io n sh ip ring this year. B ut all this w ould not have h appened if the B lazer front o f­ fice had not offended C lydes sen sib ilitie s o f fair play. M isco n stru ed or not C lyde felt that the B lazers w ere not g iv ­ ing him fa ir tre a tm e n t so he w anted out. T his even after sta tin g that he loved P o rtland and w anted to re tire here and ho p efu lly w ork in the B lazer front office. H ow ever fate stepped in and w ith any luck this could be his year. Don’t let those kids waste an­ other summer parked in front o f the t.v., instead give them a summer they will never forget! Parents, now is the time to grab a Portland Parks & Rec­ reation Summer Program Guide and sign the kids up for summer camps that will keep them busy all summer long! Science, dance sports fitness, foreign language, drama and arts! Portland Parks has a summer activity for everyone. What: Portland Parks and Rec­ reation’s Summer Program Guides! The guides include over 2000 class­ es and activities offered throughout the city, as well as a map showing the i n i t v n centers, o n locations o f com m n unity schools, pools, and City Arts pro­ grams in your neighborhood. When: Summer Guides will be available now. Registration by phone begin June 5th a, the Parks Reservation Center, 823-2525, (Visa and M astercard only) from 8:30am to 7:00pm. Mail- in registration begins immediately. Summer classes begin Monday, June 19, 1995. Where. Guides can be found at Multnomah County Libraries, City Hall and all Park’s facilities. Or, call us at 823-2223 and w e’ll mail one to your home. SHOOTOUT FO R CHR IST! THREE-POINT SHOOT-OUT CONTEST 128 NE Russell, Saturday, June 10, 1995 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. FREE Fried Chicken & Grilled Hamburgers Speaker: Eric Knox Bible Temple Center Opens Summer Program Trophies and Prizes WIN a Walkman, basketball, Grace Collins Sets Summer Youth Activities B y D anny B ell T he G race C o llin s M em o rial C e n te r is g earin g up to p ro v id e a m enu o f su m m er a c tiv itie s at no cost for the c o m m u n itie s’s youth. B eg in n in g Ju n e 10 “S h o o t O ut F or C h ris t” w ill in au g u rate the su m m e r. “ S h o o t O u t F o r C h ris t” is a th re e -p o in t sh o o t-o u t c o m p e titio n , that is fo llo w ed by a p re se n ta tio n by a local youth p a sto r (June 10 it w ill be E ric Knox o f B ible T em p le C h u rc h ) after the p re se n ta tio n by the p a s­ 4 tor, p a rtic ip a n ts break up into gro u p s fo r d isc u ssio n o f issu es re g a rd in g C h ristia n ity in th e ir lives. A fte r the d isc u ssio n there is an a lta r c a ll. F o llo w in g the a lta r c a ll, th ere w ill be a ham b u rg er and c h ic k e n feed du rin g w hich tim e tro p h ie s and p rizes w ill be aw arded. A lso in June w ill be a free field trip for 6 -12 y o u n g ste rs to an Act III T h e a te r for a m ovie. T hen on the 24th o f June the C o llin s C e n te r w ill h o ld its m onthly “ S hoot For H o p ” . Shoot F or H op is now in its fo u rth co n ­ tin u o u s year and sev en th year as a w hole. “S h o o t For H o p e ” e n ta ils I on I b a sk e tb a ll c o m p e titio n and best o f 10 freeth ro w s. T he c o m p etitio n is follow ed by a sp eak er w ho a d d re sse s the dan g ers o f drugs and alc o h o l, and the m erits o f a w ork eth ic and e d u c a tio n . T he program is clo se d with or music cassette! O.S.U. Football Movie the d isp e n sin g o f refresh m en ts and p re se n ta tio n o f p rizes and aw ards. The C o llin s C e n te r w ill also be in v o lv ed in p a rtic ip a tin g in F e llo w sh ip o f C h ristia n A thletes B ask etb all day cam p in T igard from July 17-21. Shoo, Ou, For Christ is a once a month program. W atch the Port­ land O bserver for further announce­ ments regarding any of the activities mentioned. You can contact Danny a, 281-6930 or 249-3750. Come for a fun time ages 9 - 2 0 plus for info, call Danny at 249-3750 all participants m ust stay for com plete program for food Sponsored by Grace Collins Memorial Community Center üTIjc |J o v tIa n ò O ìh s c ru c r celebrates its... I UMIVERSAHV