P age A4 M ay 31, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Former President To Speak At UO Commencement Field. During her visit, Aquino will visit with Kultura Pilipinas, a Phil- ippine-American student group, as well as members o f the local and statewide Filipino communities. A q u in o ’ s com m encem ent speech w ill address democracy in the Philippines. She also w ill re­ ceive an honorary doctorate at the ceremony, the first honorary degree to be bestowed by the university in 49 years. U O President Dave Frohnmayer w ill confer the honor­ ary degree and president over the commencement. “ We are honored to have a per­ son o f Corazon Aquino’ s stature speak at the uni versity’s commence­ ment,” says Frohnmayer “ She is a champion for democracy and hu­ man rights whose courageous ac­ tions have helped make the world a better place.” Aquino’ s visit highlights the U O ’s long association with Asia and the Philippines. Students from the Philippines have studied at the university since 1906. Corazon Aquino, the former president o f the Republic o f the Philippines who is credited with toppling a dictator and restoring democracy to her country, w ill ad­ dress the Class o f 1995 on Sunday, June 11, during the University o f Oregon’ s 118th spring commence­ ment. Approximately 3,400 spring- term degree candidates and fall- and winter-term UO graduates are eligible to participate in the spring ceremonies which begin at I p.m.at Hayward Field in Eugene. In the event o f rain, the com­ mencement ceremony will be held indoors at McArthur Court. Indoor seating for the general public will be limited. Tickets will be required and will be available beginning at 12:30 p in. on commencement day at the ticket booth outside McArthurCourt. No advance tickets will be available. F o llo w in g commencement, members o f the public may greet Aquino at a reception in her honor from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the covered tennis courts adjacent to Hayward Del’s Care Center’s Third Annual Parade Kids of all ages joined in Del's Care Center's 3rd annual neighborhood parade on Saturday May 20, to help celebrate National Nursing Home Week 1995 - a week of activities to celebrate the lives of care center residents and those who care for them every day. It is as absurd to p r e te n d that one cannot love the sam e w om an alw ays, as to p reten d that a good artist needs several v io lin s to e x e c u t e a p ie c e ol FATHER’S DAY IDEAS Give The Gift O f H elping in P romise K ixg — Africa is in the news again and it’s about the Fboln virus originating from that continent. But whether tha is correct is what I choose to address. It’ s baffling that whenever west­ ern scientists fail to diagnose a mys­ terious disease, it’ s origin is quickly blamed on Africa. And that immedi­ ately transmogrifies the continent in the minds o f the ignorant as a den o f death and diseases. This is unfortu­ nate. Some reports says Ebola is an animal disease found mostly in green monkeys that inhabit the K ikw it re­ g io n o f Zaire and that contact with These monkeys provoked the disease ^epidemic. What an absurd thought. 'Monkeys o f all shades and colors have been in Africa for as long as creation. The report did not mention that can continent One may wonder why? It’s the simple fact (hat life begins in Africa. And the fact that Africa needs much o f what the western medical community considers basic health c.are delivery And so what? Years before now Africans relied on herbs to cure diseases cause by viruses. Even today western doctors rely on African herbs for their research A ID S , Ebola and other diseases are not from Africa, creation is. The question is, do viruses have the alchemy to play themselves mys­ teriously only in Africa?. Or are oth­ er continents immune from these contagious disease? Or where does cancer, tuberculosis and influenza comes from? I need an answer. Let it be known that infectious disease has always plagued humani­ ty and many disease more familiar to America than Ebola are also more threatening. That is the truth folks. researchers from Sweden were in the K ikw it region experimenting with monkeys and other animals. It also did not say that even though you have abundance o f animals o f all species, there has not be any report o f an African kissing or having intimacy with anim als. How are viruses spread? It’ s true that to every region in the world whether in Samaria or in Switzerland and even in this country there is an occasional outbreak o f a contagious disease. And what is fun­ ny is the phenomenon o f looking elsewhere for it’s origin and that the scape-goat place is always the Afri- Did You Know? (NAPS)—A great variation on lasagna includes th re e c h eeses a n d smoked salmon in red clam sauce. Local bookstores now carry Phenomenal Woman (Random House $10) a book of poetry by Maya Angelou. There’s a kit to help you get junk mail distributors to remove your name from their lists. Called The Junk Mail Extermination Kit, it costs $6 and can be ordered from InfoWarehouse, Lie.: 1-800- RID-JUNK (743-5865). On Sunday, May 28, public te le v is io n w ill c a r r y t h e N a tio n a l Memorial Day Concert, w ith G e n e r a l C o lin Powell, Ja so n Robards, O ssie D avis, (NAPS)—This year, give Dad a gift that he can really use and one that the kids can afford—the gift of helping. B ill S t u a r t , d e v e lo p e r of CleanTools'“ car care products including the absorber', recom­ mends starting with a basic task like washing the car. “Kids can be involved at any age,” said Stuart. “The trick is to teach them how to do it and make it fun.” “The neat thing about cars,” Stuart adds, “is th at when your kids are done, they’ll be able to see the results.” In addition to helping Dad, they also learn responsibility and pride in a job well done. Start with a basic car care rou­ tine, after all, kids love to play in the w ater. A ttached are some helpful tips you can cut out and save. Helping dad around the house As you get your kids involved is a great gift for Father's Day. there are a couple of things to remember. They’ll be interested Automotive specialty stores, such as long as you show interest in as AutoZone, CarQuest, Pep Boys, them, so work with your children and TrakAuto carry the absorber; as you show them the ropes. Take hardw are stores including Ace, extra time to explain each step. Coast-to-Coast, HWI and True Demonstrate and be patient. Value; or the automotive section of As a special gift, give Dad the Kmart, Target and Wal-Mart. absorber to dry the car, then show For more information on the him you really care by putting it absorber or CleanTools products, to work for him. call (800) 654-3933. Local bookstores now carry Chic Sim ple Cooking and other books in the Chic Sim ple line, designed to help simplify your life. For information about Aqua- Check Pool & Spa Test Strips, con­ tact a pool and spa dealer. Duffy Waldorf, PGA Tour top- f in i s h e r , r e p r e s e n t s M ille r Brewing Co.’s Sharp’s, a leading ncn-alcohol brew and advises golfers that in Golf, as in many of life’s other pursuits, a positive but re a listic a ttitu d e can be your strongest advantage. If private corporations attempt­ ed to provide postal service, they would have to raise rates dram a t- i c a l l y , s a y s t h e Am erican Postal Workers Union. Marilyn McCoo and more. Every Shedd’s Spread Country Crock purchase give you Country Fresh Taste...Guaranteed. (NAPS)—Are you grieving a loss of some kind? Perhaps you have lost a loved one to the experi­ ence we call death. Perhaps a pet has died. Perhaps a relationship you treasure has ended. Or your company has told you your job is being phased out. Loss always hurts. Sometimes the pain feels as if it will never end. B ut life alw ays goes on. James Dillet Freeman, writer and poet laureate for Unity School of C hristianity, compares life to a road “that winds among the hills of tim e.” People, says Freem an, are travelers on that road. “Some pass quickly beyond the bend in the road... some walk be­ side us all the way,” he writes. “Some seem to creep along, and some pass as swiftly as runners. But life cannot be measured in terms of time, only in terms of living.” It is springtime in the northern hemisphere. New plants are push­ ing through the soil; birds are returning from their winter homes. What appeared to be a loss last November is returning as new life this spring. Author Richard Bach has written: “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the mas­ ter calls a butterfly.” For a free pamphlet on how to deal with loss, call 1-800-669-0282 and ask for “Another Dawn.” 'fflo u t o 1. 2 737 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97212 You can now get your own VISA CARD Sven i f j f o n Am>e A m i.- — Martin Luther Truck O f The Future N ow Being B uilt Com plete, sign and mail the A pplicatio n / Agreement below to: American State Bank V IS A CARD Io prop Iip a sad anil disrouraged mind is better than to conquer a kingdom. 2. Be sure to in clu de yo ur money order or personal check in U.S. dollars for $625.00 or more (in increments Of $600) made payable to Am erican State Bank. Receipt o f funds opens a savings account in your name. Each increm ent o f $ 6 00 .0 0 deposited in your savings account establishes a $500 line of credit for you. 3. Your new V IS A card w ill arrive within three weeks. If your request is denied for any rea­ son, you w ill receive all your money back, including the $25.00 application fee. • BAD CREDIT I N D IV ID U A L S • C O U P L E S • F A M ILIE S • G RO UPS ■ a • NO CREDIT Z I • BANKRUPTCY 0 < □ -J « > Ui Z PHOENIX RISING FOUNDATION K HIV Mental Health Services County IHV Vouchers Accepted ut 2 2 3 - 8 2 9 9 | I I U ► V» Û. Insurance & Sen Sliding Scale fees Usa f- Mas/emanl (503) 282-2216. . _ . *• Applicano» P « J 23. Annual PefctMaar I r « S O . C m » Advaaor Faa f t or J * “ p m a r . O w r Tha Lam i Fat S I J: Oract Ptnod 23 day*. We <■< me a m * U i bJ m c . m e t a l lo c onfiée the Datate. m SECURED VISA APPLICATION / SAVINOS ACCOUNT AGREEMENT ) Name: n m > r -t I Address: City:. State Home Phone: (. Zip Work Phone (_ Social Security Number:. Birthdate: LT m Pay, Eve & Sai. appoint merits Call our Bankcard Department • LOW INCOME 2 I D 1 C < - < Z 0 (NAPS)— All new from ground up and designed to bring new quali­ ty to th e ro u g h and re a d y w o rld of w o rk in g tru c k s is th is Ford L o u isville. T he truck w ill be m a n u fa c tu re d at the m am m oth Ford Kentucky Truck Plant— the w orld's largest com m ercial truck produc­ tion facility, with the equivalent of alm ost 100 football fields under one room. The truck was designed with input from more than 5,000 trucking professionals, which resulted in a room ier cab, increased driver com fort, more ease of serviceability and attention to under­ hood detail. F in d in g H e lp In The M idst O f Loss Name of Employer:____ X M y check o f (no< last than S623 0 0 ) ____________ ___________is < y** .1 “P * " * V l s ^ *coounl 1 “ « ‘•F .itn d that