Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 31, 1995, Page 12, Image 12

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M ay 31, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver
Nike Recycles Old Shoes
i-rom tethered and warn to a playing surface for sports. Worn out athletic shoes (left) a re n a r t n f th o
when Nike,earns wdh ,he Pod,and Tra,, ¡Haters ,o M l a hasKetba,, coud a, ,he new Biater Boysand Gids
Tri-Met Hires
New Policy
A person to lead policy and stra­
tegic planning at T ri-M et has been
hired by the public transit agency.
In the position, David Yaden
w ill be responsible for coordinating
government affairs, strategic plan­
ning, media relations and employee
comm unication functions for the
“ The community expects that
light-rail and T ri-M e t make a posi­
tive difference in whether this region
remains a good place to live or not,”
says T ri-M et general manager Tom
Walsh. “ We intend to meet that ex­
pectation. Yaden’ s jo b is to help make
sure we do.”
Yaden form erly was director o f
the Oregon Department o f Energy
and a special assistant to U.S. Secre­
ta ry o f T ra n s p o rta tio n N e il
He served as manager o f Corpo­
rate Planning at Nerco, Inc. and also
managed a public opinion research
firm .
In 1985, he was a member o f a
blue ribbon committee on T ri-M e t’ s
Yaden fills a post previously
held by Brian Playfair, who w ill con­
tinue his role as general counsel and
serve as executive director o f human
POIC's 3rd
Annual High
The Portland Opportunities In­
dustrialization Center, Inc. (Portland
O .I.C.) Alternative Learning Center
w ill hold its 3rd Annual High School
Graduation June 17, 1995 at 2:00
p.m at Portland Community College
Cascade Campus Auditorium, 705
North Killingsworth Street, Portland,
OR. a record number o f students (27)
w ill receive high school diplomas.
Six students w ill graduate with hon­
ors. These students have several ca­
reer choices which include higher
education or vocational-technical or
other skills training. Mrs. Rosemary
Anderson, Executive D irector o f
Portland O.I.C. w ill be the featured
Portland O.I.C. Alternative Ed­
ucation Program, under the direction
o f Rosemary E. Anderson, Execu­
tive Director, and Dr. Samuel E.
Kelly, Director o f Education, serves
middle school and high school at-
risk and dropout students referred
from the Portland Public Schools,
Youth Service Centers, Juvenile
Court, otherjuveni le diversion agen­
cies, and the community.
Portland O.I.C. is accredited by
the Northwest Association ofSchools
and Colleges (NASC), registered by
the State o f Oregon as a private
school, and approved by the Oregon
Department o f Education to serve
handicapped children. The school
received a NASC Accredited With
M erit Award for 1994-1995.
Housing Our Families lias re­
ceived the national Rudy Burner
Award and $50,000 for excellence
fo r its renovation o f the M aya
Angelou Apartments in north Port­
land. The form er C olo nial Park
Apartments, once tom by problems,
now emphasizes fam ily livin g and
Family Advocates
Artwork by Angela Medlin depicts a community of people joined in love, working together, sharing
together and leaning on the other for strength. Medlin was chosen as one of 17 artists for the
Washington Park fence painting project for the Westside Max construction.
Albertina Kerr
Centers Names
New Board
Albertina Kerr Centers named
several new members to its board o f
directors at its annual board meeting.
Board members each serve three-
year terms.
Appointments installed at the
meeting include Peter Bhatia, Kevin
Director, Ronald Graybeal and Brent
Bhatia, managing editor at the
Oregonian, joined the board because
o f a desire to become actively in­
volved in the community and to ex­
press a commitment to children.
Director, a stock broker and vice
president o f Black & Company, has
served asco-chairofthe Kerr Annual
Auction and has served on the board
at D irector’ s Furniture Company,
Black & Company and the OM SI
council. D irector’ s knowledge o f
A lbertina’s programs and fam iliarity
with staff led to his desire to jo in as
a board member.
Graybeal, a partner at Deloitte
& Touche LLP, is currently a board
member at Livable Oregon, Inc. and
a past board member at North Port­
land N urse Practioners C lin ic .
Graybeal noted his dedication to chil­
dren’ s causes as reason for his board
Hessel, vice president o f finance
at Hessel Tractor and Equipment
Company, noted the respectability o f
the agency’s reputation and desire to
assist in children’s causes as reasons
for jo in in g the board.
West One
Bank Earns
Top Rating
West One Bank o f Oregon has
just received an “ Outstanding” rat­
ing for the institution’s Community
Reinvestment Act program.
The Division o f Compliance and
Consumer A ffairs o f the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, re­
cently reported that the bank’s staff,
management and directors “ are ac­
tively involved in supporting, devel­
oping and overseeing a strong pro­
The evaluation was based on an
examination conducted by the agen­
cy as o f Dec. 1994.
The Community Reinvestment
Act o f 1977 was enacted for the
purpose o f encouraging financial in­
stitutions to help meet the credit needs
o f the communities in which they
An institution is assessed on its
record o f helping to meet the credit
needs o f the entire community, in­
cluding small business owners and
low-and moderate-income neighbor­
In addition, individual board
members’ and bank employees’ vol­
unteer community services and out­
reach efforts are tracked through the
agency’s contact with a variety o f
local government and community
groups which deal w ith economic
development, education, housing and
shelter services, rural development,
and special needs indigenous to the
ÍT h c J ío r U a iib (O b s e rv e r
celebrates its...
Questions about
n rt la nò
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M etro
L oans
F rom
U.S. B a n
H o iv can u>c help?
Call for a free refrigerator magnet!
ju sji B A N K .
Metro Recycling Information
2 3 4 -3 0 0 0
Oregon State Treasurer J im H i 11
has issued more than $14 m illion in
state bonds to finance a state-of-the-
art training school for seeing eye
dogs. The fa cility, which is being
built in Boring, w ill also teach blind
people in the use o f the dogs.
“ I am proud to have been part o f
helping bring the guide dog school to
Oregon. This unique facility w ill help
Oregonians now and in the future,
overcome their disability,” H ill said.
The bonds w ill be paid o ff by
revenues generated by Guide Dogs
for the Blind, Inc., a non-profit group
located in San Rafael, C alif. The
corporation was founded in 1942,
training dogs and instructing blind
persons in the use o f the guide dogs.
it isn t. You d o n t have to be a m illionaire, live in a fancy house,
or have m ore cred it th an IJo n ald Trump. You see, we look at your
application individually. Because, after all, y o u ’re an individual.
So if y o u ’re in th e m arket for so m e th in g to drive, sit on, live in,
o r anything else, tu rn to U.S. B ank for a loan today. To apply, ju s t call
1 -8 0 0 -U S -L O A N S . O r stop by yo u r n e ig h b o rh o o d branch. You ju st
m ight drive o ff w ith a 92 A ccord (or w hatever toots yo u r horn).
Bonds To Build
Seeing Eye Dog
/ A p p l y i n g for a loan sh o u ld n ’t be intim idating. A nd at U.S. Bank,
Here’s a wonderful opportu­
nity to make a difference in the
lives o f so many-by strengthening
families. Join our team o f advo­
cates who work w ith parents and
their children. As advocates o f
Childrens Groups, or the 24 Hour
Parent Helping and the Tri-C oun­
ty C hild Abuse Hotline. You can
contribute to a healthier communi­
ty and really make a difference.
Complete training provided. For
inform ation C all Lynette 238-
Sarong it* a sim ple garm ent
c a rry in g the im p licit p rom ise
th a t it w ill n o t lo n g sta y in
— E .B . White
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© 1995 U.S Bank
C o m -E n g