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J I . a . 2 • ' ▼.'V J T ï i4* k r * ’ < 2 fc ij» \* r , - ’ *♦•• * ' T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 24, 1995 ---------------------- —------------ ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- be used to further their intended purpose, subject to the Court's may have against Woodmen I f you wish to exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you may use the form provided by Woodmen and Class Counsel which w ill make use o f the below in this Notice or you may submit your own request for information and investigation they have expended in bring­ exclusion You must mail any Request for Exclusion to the following: ing the Class Action and the State Court Actions Woodmen has also agreed to contribute $2,500.000 over a fisc year period (in an amount o f $500,000 per year) to UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF MISSISSIPPI JACKSON DIVISION The Woodmen Litigation c/o Clerk o f the Court United States District Court for the enhance and improve its youth programs. This contribution is intended to improve the opportunities for and the partici­ LORENE NEALY, et al. vs. Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society Southern District o f Mississippi 245 E. Capitol St. pation in Woodmen's youth programs by African-American youths who arc Woodmen certificate holders. Determination of how these funds w ill best be used to furdici their intended Jackson, Mississippi 39201 purpose w ill be made in the same manner as the determina­ tion on use o f die funds for the enhancement and improve­ NO. 3:93-CV-536 BN Your exclusion request must set forth your full name and cur­ rent address Your written request for exclusion must be post­ marked no later than July 15, 1995. I f any other method of ment of Woodmen's Equal Access Plan AFRICAN-AMERICAN CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF WOODMEN OF THE WORLD/OMAHA WOODMEN LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY S du « R? In addition, the following amounts w ill also be distrib­ § c LM ^ ' g ! W S M - o r ju d g m rn t(s) entered in connection w ith the Settlement and expenses, any indiv idual awards to Class Representatives, E R Q Q E Q F C L A IM P R O C E D U R E If you do not exclude yourself form the Settlement Class and payments of fees, costs, and expenses incurred in calcu­ lating. administering and distributing Settlement benefits); and (2) any interest or other income earned by the Cash Settle- ,NSURANCE PREMIUMS' A™ i quest, the dale o f receipt shall govern Class M em bers who do nut tim ely seek exclusion shall be bound bv any order)») maining from the Cash Settlement Fund (after distributions to the Settling Class Members, any awards o f attorneys' fees mem Fund after the Funding Date, net o f income taxes, if NOTE. THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD/OMAHA WOODMEN LIFE INSURANCE SOCIFTY IN V O l V F H S I K delivery than United States M ail is used for an exclusion re uted to the United Negro College Fund: ( I ) any amount re­ ’ ' 0 0 D U E N 0 F ™ E' PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY SINCE IT MAY AFFECT YOUR LE G A L R IG H T S y h ii mav re cw TITLED TO SHARE IN THE PROCEEDS OF THIS PROPOSED CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT THIS N O T IC F TELLS Y° U COVERED BY THE SETTLEMENT AND GENERALLY DESCRIBES THE LITIGATION THE POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AND YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS UTIGATI0N' ™ E as set forth above, and you wish to share in the proceeds of the Cash Settlement Fund and receive other benefits as set any A ll contributions and distributions o f U N C F under these forth above, you must submit a completed and timely Proof provisions shall be subject, at UNCF, to the condition that a t Claim Form no later than July 15. 1995. these funds shall be made available by U N C F on a first prior­ you have filed and served any objections pursuant to this N o­ ity basis to Settling Class Members, on their own behalf and tice, you w ill be barred from sharing in the distribution o f proceeds of the Settlement Fund if you have not requested or heir at law, to assist such persons in attending the college exclusion from the Class and you fail to submit a properly o f their choice. I f no such persons apply, or if the funds are completed and timely Proof o f Claim form. IMPORTANT I f you received this notice in the m ail, a Proof o f Claim tribute them as scholarship grants to other African-American form is enclosed Woodmen certificate holders per or other publication, and you would like a Proof o f Claim ALL SETTLING CLASS MEMBERS WHO DO NOT TIMELY EXCLUDE THEMSELVES FROM THE I AW^lllT wn I BE BOUND BY THE PROPOSED SETTLEMENT IF IT IS APPROVED BY THE COURT If you are reading (his notice in a newspa­ C L A IM S ^ L ^ ^ A S F ^ Y Q L 0 0 NQT form, you may obtain one by calling, toll-free. 1-800-927- 2987 or by written request addressed to Class Counsel You FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 1-800-927-2987. ERUM TH E S E T T L E M E N T O F T H E CLASS A C T IO N must mail your Proof of C laim form, or send written requests for a Proof o f Claim form to: This notice is given pursuant to an Order o f the United States District Court for the Souihem District o f Mississippi not request exclusion from the Settlement Class, then in re­ turn for the settlement benefits outlined above vou w ill be Class Counsel II the Proposed Settlement is approved, and if you do nation on the basis of race or any other protected status for many years. In 1992 Woodmen supplemented that policy with Jackson Division (the "Court” ), dated April 28, 1995, condi­ Steven A. Martino, Esq. One Shell Square Box 46 a proactive plan to become a more diverse organization. An Equal Access Plan was adopted to focus increased attention giving Woodmen a General Release On August 3, 1995, the Court w ill hold a Fairness Hear­ ing at the Federal Courthouse located at 245 East Capitol on m inority members and recruiting activity, particularly within the African-American community. Woodmen asserts thal this diversity initiative is achieving positive results and against Woodmen, and against certain additional releasees as defined in the Stipulation, involving, relating to. arising out In your written request, you must include your name and your o f or affecting the application for, underwriting of. purchase current address Street, Jackson, Mississippi, (the "Fairness Hearing") so the Court can determine whether the Proposed Settlement is fair, has the full support o f Woodmen's Board o f Directors and its of, or the failure to receive or enjoy benefits under or in con­ The Proof o f Claim form is designed so that you may Executive Officers. junction with, insurance issued by Woodmen. This General tionally certifying a class action for settlement purposes on behalf o f the Settling Class Members as defined above. reasonable and adequate, and whether the Court should enter final judgment approving the Settlement Agreement and dis­ miss with prejudice the action against Woodmen. The Fair­ ness Hearing w ill also provide the Court the opportunity to neys fees and reimbursement o f expenses in connection with the prosecution o f this action, and individual awards to Class Release w ill include all kinds o f claims that you may have against Woodmen relating to Woodmen insurance, including, for example, a claim for alleged intentional and deliberate tance. at no charge to you, by calling I -808-927-2987 If you desire legal assistance, you are free to retain an attorney of theft by any Woodmen employee, agent, independent con­ your choice. At the same time. Woodmen asserts thal it remains com­ mitted to its diversity initiative among its members, consis­ D E S C R IP T IO N O F T H E CLASS A C T IO N A. W hile Woodmen denies any wrongdoing or liability with ment to come forward, provide information about such a l­ leged conduct, and receive fair compensation. ther notice. D E F IN IT IO N O F T H E CLASS tent with its Equal Access Policy, which is to seek qualified For purposes o f settlement only, the Court has condi­ members on a nondiscriminatory basis and to provide all members with equal access to and allow their participation in tionally certified a class action against Woodmen o f the World/ Omaha Woodmen Life Insurance Society ("Woodmen” ) on Woodmen's lodge system, lodge events, fraternal benefits and behalf o f the class defined as "all African-American/black all other fraternal activities on a nondiscriminatory basis persons who were issued insurance by Woodmen, paid Woodmen insurance premiums, and/or paid Woodmen lodge T H E PROPOSED S E T T L E M E N T The detailed terms o f the Proposed Settlement are set forth in detail in a Stipulation o f Settlement dated April 28. dues on or before April 30, 1995, and who claim to or alleg­ edly have been injured or have suffered damage as a result of 1995 (the "Stipulation"), which has been filed with the Court. Woodmen's allegedly discriminatory practices or policies." B. The terms are summarized in this Notice. T H E N ATUR E O F T H E A C T IO N States District Court for the Southern District o f Mississippi against Woodmen The class action plaintiffs ( “Class Repre­ 1-800-927-2987 if you have any further questions sentatives"), Lorene Nealy and Pamela Mathews, are certifi­ cate holders o f Woodmen. The Com plaint, as amended, A. CASH PAYM ENT The Proposed Settlement, if approved by the Court, w ill alleges that Woodmen engaged in wrongful conduct in refus­ result in a cash payment for the benefit of the Class o f a total ing to afford the Class Representatives and members o f the class (lie full benefits o f the terms and conditions o f their con­ tracts as certificate holders o f Woodmen on the basis o f race; and that Woodmen intentionally refused to afford the Class Representatives and members o f the class the same right to age o f 18). incompetents (persons who are mentally or physi­ bers, or their legal representatives or heirs, for payment of cally incapacitated), or deceased Settling Class Members on benefits ordinarily payable under any certificate o f insurance whose behalf you are submitting a claim. issued by Woodmen to such Settling Class Member, provided all payment obligations have been met by that Settling Class Proof o f Claim form must be signed by the claimant, or by the claimant's parent, guardian or legal representative Member. F A IL U R E T O T I M E L Y F IL E A P R O O F O F C L A IM F O R M W IL L R E S U L T IN Y O U R C L A I M B E IN G D IS ­ C L A S S R E P R E S E N T A T IV E S A N D C L A S S C O U N S E L were afforded to white certificate holders o f Woodmen. The Complaint also alleges that Woodmen committed fraud and fraudulently concealed its wrongful conduct from its A fri­ F R O M T H E C A S H S E T T L E M E N T F U N D AS W E L L AS O T H E R N O N -C A S H B E N E F IT S . IF Y O U D O N O T R E ­ Michael G Crow; and Charles Victor McTeer The Class Representatives and Class Counsel believe that Class Representatives and Class Counsel have entered into the Stipulation after weighing its substantial benefits against the probabilities o f success or failure, and the long delays that would be likely if the case proceeded to trial. ing attorneys' fees. At the Fairness Hearing, Class Counsel w ill request the Court to award attorneys' fees in an amount F O R E V E R B A R R E D A N D C A N N E V E R A G A IN BE be paid from the $18,000.000 Cash Settlement Fund w ill be paid from the Cash Settlement Fund. The following amounts w ill also be paid from the Cash Settlement Fund: ( I ) Each Settling Class Member shall be reimbursed from purposes does not mean that the Class Representatives would have been successful had the case gone to trial. The Court the Cash Settlement Fund monthly dues at a rate o f $ I 00 has made no such determination, and the proposed Settlement per month from the date o f certificate issuance until is not to be construed as an expression o f any opinion by the April 30, 1995, for each month that dues were paid to Woodmen for membership in Woodmen's lodge and fra­ Court as to the merits o f any o f the claims asserted as"nst Woodmen. R ELA TED A C T IO N S AND S IM IL A R C L A IM S (2) Several other actions were previously pending against A N D D IS M IS S A L O F Y O U R C L A I M B Y T H E C O U R T . T H IS M E A N S T H A T I F Y O U D O N O T F I L E A P R O P - E R L Y F IL L E D O U T P R O O F O F C L A IM F O R M NO available for distribution shall be the Cash Settlement Fund o f $18,000,000, reduced by any award by the Court o f Class B R O U G H T IN T H IS O R A N Y O T H E R C O U R T . F O R F U R T H E R I N F O R M A T IO N T H IS N O T IC E IS O N L Y A S U M M A R Y . The alloca- lion plan for cash and insurance benefits set forth above was derived from the best information available to Class Counsel ta N D IIW N iiU F T H L S L n L L M L N I Under the Stipulation, Woodmen w ill have an opportu­ nity to cancel the settlement if it is not approved without modi­ fication by the Court or any appellate court. Woodmen w ill also have the right to cancel the settlement if it concludes that too great a number o f Class Members have requested exclusion their having served as Class Representatives, which awards amended, and has asserted affirmative legal defenses. The fact that the Court has certified a class action for settlement Y O U R O N L Y O P P O R T U N IT Y T O M A K E A C L A I M , A N D F A IL U R E T O T IM E L Y F IL E A P R O O F O F C L A IM F O R M W IL L R E S U L T IN F O R F E IT U R E O F R IG H T S L A T E R T H A N J U L Y 15,1995 , Y O U R C L A I M W IL L BE reimbursement of (he costs and expenses, all o f which would tatives be awarded up to $50,000 each in connection with Q U E S T E X C L U S IO N F R O M T H E S E T T L E M E N T O F T H E C L A S S A C T I O N , T H I S S U IT R E P R E S E N T S There has been no agreement between the parties regard­ proval o f the Settlement. The "Net Cash Settlement Fund" tionally, Class Counsel w ill request that the Class Represen­ can-American/black certificate holders Woodmen denies all allegations o f the Complaint, as This is a standard provision to safeguard the set­ at the time this Stipulation was entered into. Neither Class Counsel nor Woodmen know how many Settling Class Mem bers in categories (3), (4) and (5 ) w ill submit Proof o f Claim forms. I f you would like further information in the form o f estimated ranges o f cash and insurance benefits based on ac­ tual and projected responses, you may call Class Counsel at 1-800-927-2987 tling company from settling one class action and then facing the prospect o f another. Furthermore, the complete terms o f the Settlement Agree­ ment, and all other pleadings and relevant documents in this litigation, are on file and may be examined or copied during RI GHTS A j NDQFTlQfgQF l i E T l l I NG CLASS MEMBERS 1. You M ay Remain a Settling C la n Member, and your interests as a member of the Settlement Class wUI be represented by the Class Representatives and C la n Coun­ sel, at no cost to you Individually. You w ill be bound by regular business hours al the offices o f the Clerk o f Court. United States District Court for the Southern District o f Mis sissippi, 245 E. Capitol Street, Jackson. Mississippi 39201. IF Y O U H A V E A N Y Q U E S T IO N S R E G A R D IN G T H IS ternal system and for the benefits associated with thal any judgment or final disposition o f the litigation, and may N O T IC E , T H E P R O O F O F C L A I M F O R M O R A N Y membership; Each Settling Class Member whose certificate was is­ participate in the benefits available as a member o f the Settle­ M A T T E R S T H A T W I L L B E C O N S ID E R E D A T T H E ment Class provided that you submit a Proof o f Claim Form F A IR N E S S H E A R IN G , D O N O T C O N T A C T T H E sued by Woodmen on or after June 1, 1992, and who was as set forth below. C L E R K O F T H E C O U R T . A D D R E S S A N Y Q U E S T IO N S L You May Remain a Settling Class Member and Either Represent Yourself or Hire a Separate Attorney to Represent You at Your Own Cost. I f you wish to represent C A L L 1-800-927-2987. Woodmen in state courts in Mississippi and Alabama ( “State Court Actions"), which actions arose out o f the similar fac­ not placed in a Holding Lodge, (i.e„ a “5200" series lodge tual allegations as did this class action, but asserted claims or any lodge to which a Settling Class M em ber was for state law fraud as opposed to racial discrimination These State Court actions were filed on behalf o f certain individual wrongfully assigned on the basis o f race), shall receive $300.00 from the Cash Settlement Fund; plaintiffs who were represented by the same attorneys who After these distributions, the Net Cash Settlement Fund will are also Class Counsel in this case. Settlements in the State Court Actions, as well as settlements o f similar claims by ner: certain other individuals represented by Class Counsel who (3) be allocated to Settling Class Members in the following man­ T O CLASS C O U N SE L A T T H E ADDRESS B E LO W O R Class Counsel Steven A. Martino, Esq. yourself or to hire a separate attorney, you or your attorney must file an Entry o f Appearance with the Clerk o f Court and One Shell Square send a copy o f Class Counsel and counsel for Woodmen, al Box 46 the addresses set forth below. Such Entry o f Appearance must New Orleans. Louisiana 70139 Each Settling Class M ember whose certificate was is­ be filed by July 15, 1995. had no« yet filed suit, were negotiated by Class Counsel and sued by Woodmen prior Io June I, 1992, and who was placed in a Holding Lodge, as defined above, shall re­ 3. You May Remain a Settling Class Member and Object to the Settlement. Any Settling Class Mem ber who Jackson. Mississippi Woodmen at the same lim e as the class settlement. In con­ junction with the negotiation o f the settlement o f the class ceive a per capita share o f 50% o f the Net Cash Settle­ does not elect exclusion from the Settlement Class and who By Order o f the Court Judge W illiam H. Barbour. Jr action and the State Court Actions, Woodmen and a partner o f one o f the law firms that is Class Counsel also negotiated (4) separate settlements o f several other actions against Woodmen in w hich the p la in tiffs alleged u n la w fu l treatm ent by Woodmen, but not on the basis o f race. Upon request, the objects to the Proposed Settlement must mail such objections, along with all other papers or briefs he or she wishes the Court sued by Woodmen prior to June I, 1992, and who was to consider, to the Clerk o f Court at the address set forth be­ low, on or before July 15, 1995. If the person filing the ob­ receive a per capita share o f 377)% o f the Net Cash Settle­ ment Fund;and DATE: April 28, 1995 A form is provided below for you to use to opt-out or exclude jection intends to appear personally at the August 3, 1995 yourself from this Settlement Class Action Please mail this form to The Woodmen Litigation, c/o Clerk of the Court at Fairness Hearing described above, he or she must file with the address provided above. Each Settling Class Member whose certificate was is­ the Clerk o f Court, on or before July 15, 1995, a Notice of sued by Woodmen on or after June 1, 1992, and who was placed in a Holding Lodge, as defined above, shall re­ Any Settling Class Member who does not I f you wish to explain why you have decided to opt-out, please S E T T L E M E N T N E G O T IA T IO N S A ND TH E P O SITIO N S O F T H E PARTIES file objections in the lime and manner described above is for­ include your explanation in the space provided on the form A ll o f the extensive settlement negotiations were con­ ceive a per capita share o f 127:% o f the Net Cash Settle­ ment Fund. ing these settlements. D. ment Fund; Each Settling Class Member whose certificate was is­ not placed in a Holding Lodge, as defined above, shall Court may permit disclosure o f additional information regard­ BARRED FROM S H A R IN G IN T H E D IS T R IB U T IO N O F P R O C E E D S Nealy and Pamela Mathews, as Class Representatives to rep­ of $ 18,000,000 ( the “Cash Settlement Fund” ), upon final ap­ and expenses o f calculation, administration and distribution of the cash and non-cash benefits o f the Settlement. Addi­ Each claimant's resent all Settling Class Members. The Court has also desig­ nated as Class Counsel Steven A. M artino; Don Barrett; not exceeding 28% of the total value o f the cash and non­ cash benefits afforded to the class by the Stipulation, and for curred in prosecution o f the class action, and the fees, costs A L L O W E D A N D Y O U R B E IN G The Court has designated the following Members, Lorene Counsel's attorneys’ fees, reimbursement o f all expenses in­ use real property, i.e„ to use the local Woodmen lodges, as A separate Proof of C laim form must be completed for each individual claimant, including minors (persons under the tractor, or representative o f the premiums paid or cash value accrued on a certificate o f Woodmen insurance This Re lease, however, w ill not affect claims o f Settling Class M em ­ the Proposed Settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate If the Proposed Settlement is finally approved by the Court, these w ill be your benefits if you do not request exclusion from the Settlement Class. As this is only a summary, you are encouraged to call In August 1993, a class action was filed in the United New Orleans, Louisiana 70139 respect to the allegations made by (he Class Representatives and the individuals in the Related Actions, it takes these alle­ who feel that they have been subjected to discriminatory treat­ Representatives This hearing may be continued without fur­ This General Release w ill release any and all claims you may have or have had complete it yourself If you have any questions about the Proof of Claim form or procedure, you may request assis­ gations seriously and would like to correct any problems which may exist. Entering into this Stipulation w ill enable those consider Class Counsel's application for an award o f attor­ C. Whether or not on behalf of their children and any other designated relative not exhausted by scholarship grants to such persons within 30 years, then U N C F may make the funds available and dis­ (5) ever foreclosed from raising any objection to the Settlement. below. You are not required to include any explanation, how Any Settling Class Member whose objection is overruled w ill ever, in order to opt-out and exclude yourself from the Settle­ I f any Settling Class Mem ber falls into more than one of still be bound by any judgment or final disposition o f the liti­ ment Class Action. categories (2), (3 ), (4 ) and (5) above, he or she w ill be con­ gation. Copies o f all objections (including copies o f all other ducted by Class Counsel and Woodmen at arm's length and in good faith. The Class Representatives contend that all claims made by them in the Action have merit. Nevertheless, the Class Representatives and Class Counsel recognize and have taken into account the uncertainly and the risk of the sidered to belong only to thal category that w ill result in the papers or briefs the Settling Class Member wishes the Court T h e re b y elect to exclude myself from the Woodmen S e t t l T highest cash award to thal Settling Class Member. to consider), and Notices o f Intent to Appear that are mailed to the Cldrk of Court must also be mailed to Class Counsel I ment Class Action: outcome o f any litigation, especially complex litigation such B. as this; the difficulties and risks inherent in the trial o f such The Proposed Settlement also provides that Woodmen w ill pay $ 1,600,000 to fund the purchase of paid-up whole an action; and the economic benefits to Class Members made Intent to Appear PAID-UP IN SURANCE and to counsel for Woodmen at the following addresses: Class Counsel available through prompt implementation o f the Settlement life insurance ( "Paid-Up Insurance Fund"). This insurance Steven A, M artino, Esq Agreement as explained below w ill be ..sued only Io Settling Class Members falling within One Shell Square Subject to the approval of the Court pursuant to Rule 23 o f the Federal Rules o f C ivil categories (3), (4), and (5) above, and shall be distributed to Box 46 Jackson, Mississippi each category based on the percentages set forth above for New Orleans, Louisiana 39225-2687 lieve that the terms o f the settlement w ill provide substantial each category. 70139 benefits to the Class Members, and the Class Representatives and Class Counsel deem the settlement to be fair, reasonable, distributed equally among the Settling Class Members A ll future disputes relating to or involving the Paid-Up Insur­ adequate, and in the best interests o f the Class Members. ance w ill be determined by binding arbitration under the Fed­ Woodmen, while continuing to deny all allegations of wrongdoing or liability whatsoever, but bearing in mind the burden, inconvenience, risk and expense o f litigation, desires to settle and terminate all claims against it, without in any way acknowledging any fault or liability. Woodmen further desires to pul to rest forever all claims which have or could have been asserted against it by the Class Representatives, or any member of the Class who has not tim ely excluded herself or him self from the Class. Woodmen asserts that it has had a policy o f nondiscnmi- eral Arbitration Act. 9 U .S.C. f I . f l sfij. MEASE nU N TLIC IILV : NAME ADDRESS: I CITY: I PHONE: ( ___ 4. If You Choose to Remain a Settling Class Mem­ ber (under Options 1,2, or 3 above). You Must Complete a Proof of Claim Form to Receive Any Benefits. I f you O T H E R BENEFITS T O T H E CLASS In addition. Woodmen w ill establish a fund for the en­ hancement and improvement o f its Equal Access Plan in the amount of $1.000,000 over a five-year period ($200,000 per year). This fund is intended for use in hiring staff, develop­ any o f the benefits afforded by the Proposed Settlement, you ) | CLASS M E M B E R : __________ I S O C IA L S E C U R IT Y N U M B ER : must complete the appropriate Proof o f C laim Form (see be­ low) and execute an appropriate release, before any benefits w ill be afforded to you or cash payments made. 5. You May Request Exclusion From the Settlement ing systems, conducting surveys, training Woodmen associ­ Claas. I f you elect to be excluded from the Settlement Class, ates and lodge officers in order to enhance the implementation o f Woodmen's Equal Access Policy throughout its lodge and you w ill not be bound by any judgment, disposition or settle fraternal system. Determination o f how these funds w ill best - S T A T E : ____ Z IP CODE: I S IG N A T U R E O F decide to remain a Settling Class Member, in order to receive C. DATE: P.O. Box 22687 Procedure, the Class Representatives and Class Counsel be­ Within each category, the insurance w ill be I Counsel for Woodmen Lawrence J. Franck, Esq. ment o f the class action, but you will also bave no right to receive any cash or other benefits offered by this Settle- ' lOPTIONALl I I have decided to opt-out o f the Settling Class because I * P age B3 You w ill retain and be free to pursue any claims you supervision, w ill be made by Woodmen with the advice o f Class Counsel pursuant to an Agreement to be entered into IMPORTANT NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION AND FAIRNESS HEARING *