T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 24, 1995 P age Recruitment Begins For 1995-96 Year The Northwest Service Academy is looking for people w ho w ant to make a difference in their com m uni­ ties and earn m oney for college while doing so. “If y o u ’re looking to further your education and kxtking forachal- lenge in your life, then I would say. Yes! Do this!’ W hat w e’re doing is going to affect the future,” says Carl Lam pm an, W hite Salm on resident and current N W SA member. In return for one year o f service ( 1700 plus hours), m em ber will earn an educational aw ard o f $4,725 good for tuition at an accredited college o f their choice or vocational school. The voucher m ay also be used to pay o ff existing student loans M em bers also receive a w eekly living allo w ­ ance. M ost im portantly, they gain the sense o f satisfaction that com es from h elp in g o thers and “giving back” to the com m unity. T he N orthw est S ervice A cad- G old Favors Elimination O f C orporate Kicker Law em y is part o f A m eriC orps, the n a­ tional service program created by C o n g ress w ith stro n g b i-p artisan support in 1993. A m eriC orps/N W SA focuses on com m unity rev italiz a­ tion and environm ental restoration. Projects have included riparian res­ toration, outdoor school program s, w ild life h abitat re sto ra tio n , trail building, H abitat for H um anity c o n ­ struction, historical preservation, and many other successes in the co m m u ­ nities along the C olum bia River, T he service academ y is now accepting applications for the se r­ vice year beginning S eptem ber and running through A ugust 1996. T he academ y plans to recruit ap p ro x i­ m ately I (X) m em bers in tw o centers, one in T rout Lake, W ashington and the other in the P ortland M etro area. All applications m ust be received by June 15. F or m ore inform ation and an application call (503) 695-3740. Portland Painters Go Public Seventeen Portland artists have started a three week task to create huge paintings covering I,(XX) linear feet of plywtxxf fence surroundingthe construc­ tion site of the future MAX station in the parking lot between the Washington Park Ztxi and World Forestry Center. T he com pleted paintings in the W ashington Park fences project will be unveiled to the public at an o p en ­ ing celebration T uesday, June 6 from 5 p.m . to 8 p.m . T he paintings, sponsored by T ri-M e t’s W estside M A X Public Art Program and the R egional A rts C ulture C ouncil, will be on view through m id -1996. Artists are Rick Austin, M anda B eckett, Jim B lashfield, M ichael Brophy, R ebecca C am pbell, Judy Cooke, Kay French, the collaborative team of Gregory Grenon and M ary Josephson, David H apgood, Stephen Hayes, A ngela M edlin, W illiam Park, Lucinda Parker, Laura Ross-Paul, Phil Sylvester and M argo Thompson. The paintings range in length from 40 to 144 feel — a scale rarely available to artists, according to cura­ tor Kristy Edmunds, who worked with the artists during the winter to plan the exhibition. The painters will be m ix- >ng their paints from three prim ary colors, plus black and white. T he painters will work betw een M ay 13 and June 2. T he site is a busy trattic area as well as an active c o n ­ struction zone, so visitors are urged to be very cautious. W ritten guides to the artists and their w ork are available from T ri-M et at 2 3 9 -2 150. Serious Questions Raised By Domestic Terrorism T he tragic b om bing o f the O kla- hom aC ity federal building has aw ak­ en ed a new fear o f terro rism in A m erica, and raised serious q u es­ tions about param ilitary activity tak­ ing p lace inside the U nited States. At this w eek’s program, David Fidanque will explain why he believes broad free speech rights may be the m ost pow erful w eapon in the fight against hate groups. Lee Teitsworth will discuss the F B I’s role in defend­ ing our com m unities against dom es­ tic terrorists, and will exam ine pro­ posals developed by the Clinton A d­ m inistration in response to the O kla­ hom a City tragedy. Bill W assmuth will explore the issues that m otivate hate groups and the rhetoric that drives the militia movement. This timely discussion will be m oderated by aw ard-w inning televi­ -FREE­ POWER Ads 4 insertions for the price of 3 $1950 Maximum of 15 words. Place your ad 4 times, pay for only 3 insertion. Must run 4 consecutive issues. POWER Ads Phone: 288-0033 ’lace Your POWER Ad Today Or Write Your POWER Ad On This Blank And Mail To: POWER Ads PO Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208 ( llie celebrates its... T h e O reg o n S enate has a g olden opportunity to do a favor for all O regonians this w eek, acco rd in g to Senator Shirley G old (D -E astside Portland). S h e ’s urging her co lleag u es to elim inate the corporate kicker law starting in 1997. S e n a to r G o l d ’s p r o p o s a l is p art o f th e H B 2 2 0 2 m in o rity r e p o r t, w h ic h is e x p e c te d to c o m e b e fo re th e S e n a te th is w eek . T h e b ill c h a n g e s th e k ic k e r p a y o u t so th a t ta x p a y e rs w ill re c e iv e a c h e c k in D e c e m b e r in s te a d o f r e c e iv in g a tax c r e d it on th e ir 1995 tax r e tu r n s . S e n a to r G o l d ’s m in o rity re p o rt d o e s th a t, p lu s it a d d s a c la u s e th a t w o u ld r e p e a l th e c o r p o r a te k ic k e r a f te r th is p a y o u t. T h e re p e a l w o u ld ta k e e f f e c t in th e 1 9 9 7 -9 9 b ie n n iu m . U n d e r h e r p r o p o s a l, th e p e r s o n a l k ic k e r w o u ld n ot c h a n g e . "T he O regonian called the k ick er law a ridiculous O regon tax policy in a M ay 14 editorial, said G old. "T he editorial said the kicker requires clairvoyance in econom ic forecasting." T he kicker law says that if state revenues are 2% m ore than w hat w as forecasted at the beginning o f the biennium , the surplus m ust be refunded “It puts us in a position o f alm ost hoping that the econom y w o n ’t grow too m uch,” Boid said. "The O regonian said it best - 'th is is n u ts.” ’ T his y ea r’s kicker refund will give corporations a 54% tax reduction next year. Individual taxpayers, on the other hand, are getting a tax credit of ju st under 6% . “It’s ju st an o th er tax loophole for the w ealthy. It’s tim e w e got rid o f it.” A nother bill, HB 2263, w ould get rid o f the kickers. T hat hill has been stalled in the H ouse. S en ato r G o ld says her m inority report on HB 2202 w ould give the S enate the o p p o rtu n ity to do the right thing on the kicker issue. X IG G V E H S IR V Una OOO rfim g ta y w© tonisi IffeifouT h A fee 901 TToIEo fcs©Iiawim IPbiriHanadlp Omegmn What's Your Opinion on Garbage and Recycling? MY BROTHERS BAR-B-Q Metro and the local governments in the region need your help in planning for garbage and recycling services. Your opinions will help create a new regional Solid Waste Management Plan to carry us to the year 2005. Please plan to attend the public meeting listed below. We'll present a brief overview of the planning process and then turn our attention to you. For more information, call Kelly Shafer Hossaini at 797-1503. PLUS 7339 N. E. MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. PORTLAND, OREGON r “TRY THE REST THEN COME HAVE THE BEST” CATERING SERVICE AVAILABLE DINE IN OR TAKE OUT PLACE ORDERS BY PHONE OR FAX Tuesday, June 27 7 to 9 p.m. Key Issues • Residential recycling program expansion • Business recycling program expansion (503) 283-0201 (503) 283-0203 FAX • Efficient service delivery HOURS SUN - THURSDAY 1 0 :0 0 A.M. TO 9 :0 0 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY 1 0 :0 0 A.M. TO 1 1 :0 0 P.M. sion reporter and anchor Lars Larson. The event is held at the Benson Hotel, M ayfair Room. Program runs fro m 12:15 p .m . to 1 :15 p m . Lunch reservationsandcancellations, call 222-2582 by 2 pm Thursday, May 25; $ 1 1 members, $15 non-m em bers. k iit it CO bswuvr Metro Regional Center Room 370 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland • Disposal cost containment • Solid waste system financing FEATURING M ETRO • Garbage transfer station capacity BAR-B-Q DINNER & CREOLE D ISH ES PROPRIETORS: EDDIE AND JOSIE RICHEY USCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 1975 Singles & Seniors, I can help you! H A n k in o A m e r ic a * o n "1st Class Guarantee” A-ZEBRA . rmls ÊT G et $300 tow ards your next vacation Realty Inc. 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 George A. Hendrix MBA, GRI, Broker (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 Y o ijr o $ T R$ c t ■ CUT E NEW, RETURNS OVERSTOCK 4069 N.E. M.L.K. Blvd & 162nd & Division (Division Crossine L IQ U ID A T IO N OUTLET nuw c d u c k in g a c c o u n t a n d V i rsati i P h o to C huck C a r d c o m e s wit h disc o u n t s w orth $ 3 0 0 . The sk y ’s the lim it at BofA. Because, for a lim ited good on one ticket to anyw here in the U.S. that tim e, every new checking custom er will receive U nited, U nited E xpress o r S h u ttle by U nited $300 worth o f U nited A irlines discount flies befo re D ecem b er 15, 1995. certificates. Sim ply open a personal A nd, anyone can use them . Like those checking account and apply for your friends o f yours w ho w ere especially V ERSA TEL Photo C heck Card. W e’ll hand you nice to you all last year. T his special o ffer ends four certificates w orth $50 each and four more June 30, 1995. So pack y o u r bags an d h u rry to worth $25 each. It’s that easy. Each certificate is y o u r n e a re st b ran c h today. C O M E A N D SEE W H A T Y O U R M O N E Y W IL L B U Y A T 5 0 % T O 7 5 % O FF R E TA IL I I I I I I L . W % “ How about we fly to San Francisco? ...or maybe Hawaii What the heck. 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