•'. . ' .• . • .• ’ • . j • •• i ' -* t’ f L - . • w ;» v v . < >.-*• Z - * . . ? / - ! - - , - ' * •• * . . . 1. , JfS. *■ '• •.*• • .. »■' .) » ' * ..• _ .Jt»i , M M tarfi '< P age A2 T he P ortland O bserver B 1— i s ; ' I I 1 j f Editorial Articles Do Not Neccassarily Reflect Or Represent The Views Of The Jflortlanh ffihsvrucr Staff r y _________ 3{ 1 jy \ epublicans have pub- lished their plans to balance the budget. They claim that all will sacrifice, but the reality is very different. They have slashed programs for the weak, the young, the disabled, the poor, the elderly and the unem ployed-w hile protecting those for the strong. Republican conservatives as­ sume »hat the U.S. m ilita ry is weak; our corporations need more subsi­ dies; the rich need more money, t d remedy this and balance the budget, Republicans w ould force the elderly to pay more fo r health care, cut food and n utrition fo r infants and c h il­ dren, increase the cost o f college, decrease support fo rth c unemployed, put more fam ilies on the street, raise taxes on the w o rkin g poor, and slash aid to the cities. The most insecure in our s o cie ty-th e young, the old and the w e a k-a re squeezed to provide resources fo r the stro n g -th e Penta­ gon, the wealthy and the corpora­ tions. W hy balance the budget? The w hole purpose is to stop mortgaging disabled. Fewer poor children w ill I he fight over these budget plans w ill say much about the direction o f this country over the next decade. The fig h t begins now in the House and Senate Budget Committees, and w ill culm inate in the 1996 elections when Am ericans must decide w heth­ C O A L IT IO N The House Budget... Forrest Gump-O-Nomics our c h ild re n ’ s future fo r our current consum ption Yet the Republican plan w ould do worse: it slashes in­ vestments vita l to our fu tu re -in edu­ cating the young, in tra in in g our w orkers, in b u ild in g a 21st century infrastructure, in re b u ild in g our c it­ ies and putting people to w o rk -w h ile stickin g the next generation w ith the b ill fo r the dam age-,he increase in the sick, the weak, the illiterate, the despairing, the violent and the lost. Bubba-G um p Shrim p w ould have er to stay on a conservative course. I, is tim e to act! Cal I your legislator and House Budget C hair John Kasich and Senate B udget C h a ir Peter D om enici and register your opposi­ tion to balancing the budget on the backs o f the poor, the elderly and the caught hell purchasing th e ir first shrim p boa, under this budget. Some specifics from the conser­ vative W all Street Journal: The eld­ e rly w ill pay as much as $900 a year weak. Forrest G um p said that life is like a box o f chocolates. When you more fo r health care. Job training programs w ill be slashed by 25% or more. College students w ill pay thou­ sands more in interest for loans; schol­ arships fo r the needy w ill be cut 10%. M ore homeless w ill camp on our open it you never know what you are going to get. The House Budget is U n like a box o f chocolates. When you open it now you Do K now what you are going to g e t-robbed. Forrest Gum p was Right: “ Stupid is as stupid does” —i f Congress passes it. streets, as a b illio n dollars is cut from programs to house the e lderly and Bomb Blast In Oklahoma Exposes The Enemy From Within S a stunned nation witnessed the tragic human toll of the worst ilar attacks in Beirut and other parts o f the M iddle East. domestic terrorist attack in U.S. history, the search for the perpetrators of this heinous act immediately began. enemy reached a frenzied pitch, a Jordanian Am erican was detained in Cj \ There was utter d is b e lie f that such a horrendous act could be com ­ m itted in Oklahom a C ity, the heart­ land o f Am erica. What kind o f per­ son or group o f people could com m it such a dastardly deed9 The frantic search for those re­ sponsible for the bombing revealed some fatal flaws in the American cul­ ture and character. The initial reports indicated that two “ m iddle eastern looking men" were seen fleeing the scene shortly after the explosion. The Nation o f Islam was even b riefly men­ tioned in some o f the early reports (though there are hardly any “ middle eastern looking men” in the NOI). There was immediate rush to judge­ ment that this terrible crime was com­ mitted by Islamic fundamentalists or individuals tied to Arab organizations in the M iddle East. Experts on terror­ ism were seen on all the major national networks making comparisons to sim As the search fo r an external route to Jordan, roughed up and treat­ ed extremely bad . A11 across the coun­ try “ m iddle eastern lo o kin g ” people and Islam ic religious organizations and agencies came under intense scru­ tin y. M any people who appeared to fit the m iddle eastern lo oking pro file were subjected to harassment and in tim id a tio n . It was clear that the U.S. governm ent was saliva tin g , w a itin g to capture a m iddle eastern B e r n ic e P o w e l l J ackson 3« er picture is indelibly imprinted in my mind. A young African Ameri­ can woman whose whole life changed in that moment of the explosion in Oklahoma City. H er name is Dana Bradley, a 20 year-old m other o f two. She lost her leg in the explosion. She lost both her ch ild re n , one 4 months and the other 3 years, in the explosion. And Dana B radley lost her mother in the explo­ sion. D ana B ra d le y has been in m y th o u g h ts and m y p ra ye rs each day sin ce I fir s t heard h e r s to ry . H e r d o c to r says she is an in s p ira tio n to e v e ry o n e . The fa c t th a t she can even open her eyes to face the m o rn in g is c e rta in ly and in ­ s p ira tio n to me. There are hundreds o f other sto­ ries o f lives forever changed by that O klahom a C ity bomb blast. Stories ignored the enemy from w ithin. The A tlanta based Center fo r D em ocratic Renewal, underthe lead­ ership o f the renowned c iv il rights activist C.T. V ivia n , has been w arn­ ing o f the danger o f the radical right fo r nearly tw o decades. But A m e ri­ ca’ s penchant fo r racism, stereotyp­ ing and scapegoating has blinded the nation to the cancerous enemy from w ith in : the W hite Aryan N ation, the Skin Heads, citizens m ilitia s, the re­ surgence o f the K lu K lu x K ian and Neo N azi groups - v iru le n tly racist, sexist, h om ophobic, an ti-se m itic, a n ti-c a th o lic , ra d ic a l rig h t w in g type so that another Libyan style bom bing raid could be conducted to groups who are armed, dangerous and destructive. punish the offending A rab nation. Then came the composite photos o f the prime suspects, John Doe #1 Politicians, governm ent leaders and the media have looked the other and John Doe #2.1 thought to myself, these are odd looking middle eastern types. A middle eastern looking man with a crew cut? The arrest o f John Doe #1, a White male who has been identified as a member o f a right wing extremist group called the Patriots, was a telling commentary on A m eri­ can society. W hile the nation looked fo r an external enemy, America had Civil Rights Journal: bv way as a fu ll-b lo w n monster has been g ro w in g w ith in this country; a mon­ ster that is being fed by the rise to prom inence o f right w in g conserva­ tism w ith its emphasis on W hite C hristian values and the preserva­ tion o f “ wester’’ ( W hite) civ iliz a tio n ; a monster nurtured by the likes o f Ronald Reagan who began to exploit the latent and overt racism in the Am erican character to & gain --------------- . . . . . » * * ■ | p x o v r litica u i i v « l l advantage. Playing the “ race card” has become an acceptable tactic in Am erican p o litics w ith code words and images lik e w e lfa re reform , crim e, im m igration, W illie Horton, and now affirm ative action being used as “ wedge” issues. The G ingrich-/D ole Contract on America is the latest racist, sexist, homophobic, Eurocentric scheme o f the radical right; a scheme which is giving encouragement to right wing fanatics. A range o f dangerous fringe groups are motivated by the false con­ viction that the ills o f American soci­ ety are attributable to the racial, cul­ tural, gender, gender orientation, and religious defects ofcertain unwelcome, unpure, segments o f the American population. The enemy from w ithin is also being fed by a declining standard o f living for poor and working people and increasing economic insecurity in the face o f growing inequality in this nation. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Indeed, it is the rich and the super rich, the transnational corporations, the White male privileged elite that is the real source o f most o f the nation’ s ills and problems. Learnings From The Heartland - ones lost, o f injuries re o - f • loved cei ved and stories o f caring and brav­ ery and faith. But there is a learning from that te rrib le event as w ell. I t ’ s really very simple. In the words o f the great from the Qubilah Shabazzcase, which centered in M inneapolis. I t ’s the learning that a governm ent which does not respect the rights o f in d iv id ­ uals, w hich tips over into entrap­ when a U.S. A tto rn e y pays a known drug user and inform ant already in the witness protection system and facing yet new drug charges to cor­ written to me concern­ ing legislative matters. T h is p o lic y has been c a r­ rie d o u t fro m the v e ry b e g in ­ n in g o f the L e g is la tiv e Session. I b e lie v e I re p re se n t a ll O re g o ­ n ia n s and am o b lig a te d to an­ sw e r th e ir le tte rs . I re g re t th a t th in g s are m o v ­ in g so fa st these days th a t I, a nd/ o r m y s ta ff, m ay n o t be able to re sp o n d to a ll le tte rs b e fo re the s u b je c t o fc it iz e n in q u ir y is v o t- whose p o litic a l aspirations have been brought to an abrupt halt be­ fore the road block o f “ O ld Age and < com m ents on this issue from readers of the Portland Observer. Many say they have given a great deal of thought to the matter, and for some time. S urvivors Insurance” (O A S I) fo r non-whites. It has been revealed that W ilson, who has made illegal im m igration a key issue in his fle d g ­ lin g presidential campaign, d id in I In m a k in g the ro u n d s o f “ p e o p le -p la c e ’ in the Northeast, fly I ’ ve encountered o nly a few, black Professor Mckinley Burl o r w h ite , w h o saidthat they felt threatened, o r anticipated econom ­ ic harm from the surge o f im m i­ fa ct e m p lo y an u n d o c u m e n te d Latin Am erican in his household. It always seems left to one o r more o f | m y readers to put a new but relevant spin on things. I like the fo llo w in g . John D ixon, a form er student | grants. o f mine, w ritin g from Atlanta, says, “ I hope you make it a point in your series on Im m igration to emphasize that a good case can be made that the great wealth o f C a lifo rn ia (and I f they are being honest, then they w ill find themselves in agree­ ment w ith Clarence Page, the w ide­ ly-read A frican American colum nist for the Chicago Tribune newspaper: F lorida) was created by m inorities, “ Immigration, as an issue, is not about immigrants. It is a measure o f the public stateof mind at any given time and its sense o f economic security” (W ell, i f you say so). many o f them so-called undocu­ mented aliens.” He went on to detail how the agricultural riches o f the land were “ m inded” w ith the p oor­ ly-paid la b o ro f Mexican men, w om ­ Given that was a rather tongue- in-cheek statement, M r. Page does en and children. Dixon proceeded, to cite my I go on to expose Peter B rim elow to a brighter light; this author o f the best­ seller, “ A lie n N ation” is also the se­ nior editor o f Forbes Magazine and in the particular case, the inventions o f the A frica n Am erican genius, Frederick M cK in e ly Jones. He in ­ the National Review. The tw o repre­ sent conservatism at its best (?/), the latter magazine having been found­ ed by the Right W in g ’ s darling, the viper-tongued W illia m F. Buckley. This wordy, but tongue-tied bigot probably thinks that only fe llo w Yale graduates q ualify as the proper type immigrants for occupation o f the In­ dian’ s land. We may add to the roster o f racists and hypocrites such standouts as the C linton appointees to high positions in government who it turned book Black InventorsofAm ericaand vented the refrigerated truck (Patent No 2,475,841), and the Refrigerated ra ilro a d box ca r (P a te n ts N o . 2,696086 & No. 2,780,923). W ith these two great innovations, C a lifo r­ nia and Florida could now ship per­ ishable fruits and vegetables all over the continent. It is easy to see how the j invention o fth is black man has creat­ ed trillio n s o f dollars in wealth (but for who?). Gov. Wilson questions A ffirm a tive Action. And yet it is we have so many greed-ridden hypocrites who wish to be sure that not even the children o f I out ju st loved the low-wage services o f “ A lien N ation” Latin American the exploited laborers and inventors domestics, but couldn’ t bring them­ shall benefit from their parents toil selves to the point o f paying their and inventions. As I remember its, these bountiful lands o f C alifornia social-Security taxes. It is a wonder that author Peter B rim elow does not choke on his own cynical bile when he writes o f the “ ethnic and racial transformation” o f America and the diluting o f its rich European heri­ tage” ; More o f the “ B ell Curve” . C a lifo rn ia G ov. Pete W ilson has ju s t jo in e d the ranks o f those and the rest o f the Southwest once belonged to the fore fathers, these “ undocumented aliens” . I have be­ fore me “ Abraham Lincoln: Great Speeches” (Dover edit.) and on p.21 he leaves no doubt the wrongness o f | the “ M e x ic a n W a r” (The JfJorHanit (©hseruer (USPS 959-680) com ic strip philosopher Pogo, “ We have seen the enemy and the enemy is us.” We are n u rtu rin g our own ner a young woman whose whole life has been troubled by her father’s OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION assassination, w hich she witnessed Established in 1970 by Alfred L. Henderson our country as those who seek to bom b it. hom e-grown variety o f terrorist here in A m erica and we needn’ t hasten to blame others. at age 4. Where is the ju stice in such a case? The Q u b ila h S habazz case re -o p e n e d o ld w o u n d s in the A f ­ ric a n A m e ric a n c o m m u n ity . It re­ These tw o learnings from our nation’ s heartland need to be consid­ ered together i f we are to avoid re­ Joyce Washington—Publisher The PORTLAND OBSERVER is located at 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 503-288-0033 * Fax 503-288-0015 Predictably, there has been a rush to pass legislation to prevent such terrorist actions. W h ile we must do everything w hich legally can be done to protect Am erican citizens an federal workers in the future, we must be careful not to over-reaction is ju s t as dangerous as under-prepa­ ration. T hat's the second learning from the heartland to w hich I was refer­ ring. I t ’ s the learning w hich comes from the story o f another young A f­ rican Am erican woman. It comes op e n e d w o u n d s caused w hen Ms. S h a b a z z ’ s fa th e r, M a lc o lm X, w as m u rd e re d ju s t as his v is io n was e x p a n d in g and his dream was b e g in n in g to fo c u s . It re-opened peating the mistakes o f the past We terror strikes o u r nation. And we w o u n d s caused w h e n the fe d e ra l g o v e rn m e n t spied on bla ck A m e r­ icans lik e M a r tin L u th e r K in g , seek to protect us all. Jr. fo r decades ju s t because they d a re d to speak tru th to p o w e r and to c h a lle n g e o ld ra c is t system s. The Q ubilah Shabazz case is a tro u b lin g page in this co u n try’ s legal history books. I t ’ s a sad day fo r us all o r n o t b e fo re the le g is la tio n is v o te d up o n , I w il l c o n s id e r th e ir am com pelled to respond to your report < on “Tiernan: Enemy or Emissary?”, co m m e n ts and o p in io n s re g a rd ­ in g p e n d in g le g is la tio n . Rep. Tiernan may be a question mark to you, but to me he is an I invite Oregonians to continue exclam ation p o in t! H isexdam ations about m in o ritie s and w o rkin g people ed upon. I w a n t the v o te rs o f the State to k n o w w h e th e r I re sp o n d to w rite to me on any legislation o f interest to them. I want to know what the voters o f this State th in k about proposed legislation w hich I may be called upon to pass judgm ent. ^ jfi are not lost on me. I f they are lost on you, I need to rethink m y respect for you. Rep. T iem an w ill continue to issue exclam ations that hurt poor people, black people, public employ­ Mike Fahey, Sr. Representative District i 7 ees, women and m inorities in general so long as the media fails to hold him I Deadline fo r all submitted materials: must not rush to blame Arab people o r any other group o f people when must protect the c iv il rights o f every citizen o f our country even as we In the meantime, let us pray fo r Dana B radley and a ll the victim s o f the bombing. A n d let us pray for Qubi lah Shabazz and her fam i ly . And may justice flo w down like waters and righteousness like an e ve r-flo w ­ ing stream. Articles:Friday, 5 :0 0 p m Carter because she is entertaining. To me, clowns, and monkeys are Second Class postage p a id at P ortland, O regon The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. M anuscripts and photographs should be cle a rly labeled and w ill be returned to entertain. She is w ell respected fo r her a b ility to represent them, not fo r her entertaining a b ility. Hank Miggins Portland, Oregon If accompanied by a s e lf addressed envelope. A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and can not be used in other publications or personal usage, w ithout the w ritte n consent o f the genera> manager, unless the clie n t has purchased the com position o f ° 1994 T H E ^ R T L A N D O B S E R V E R . A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D , R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O L E OR IN P A R T W IT H O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D . S ubscriptions S30.00 p e r y e a r The Portland O b s e rv e r-O re g o n ’ s Oldest A frica n -A m e rica n Publica- 885 , T t T x, 7 a ,i° nal N ew sPaPer A sso cia tio n -F o u n d e d in P m ,T he * a,,Onal A d v e rtis in g Representative Am algamated Publishers, Inc, N ew Y o rk, N Y , and The West Coast B lack Publishers A ssociation • Serving Portland and Vancouver S ubscribe 3Tl)e ^ lo rtla n it Of)bseruer TX ? v rtJ r dm bSeT , nan re Sent Directly T° Your Home For Only $30.00 Per Year. Please Fill Out, Enclose Check Or Money Order, And Mail To: S ubscriptions T he P ortland O bserver ; PO B ox 3 1 3 7 entertaining. I wonder w hich one Rep. Tiem an thinks Rep. C arter is. He must know that the voters o f her D is tric t did not send Rep. C arter here Ads: M onday Noon POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Portland Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. accountable. The State Legislature is fo llo w in g the media lead on this man. I must have missed the Emissary point o fy o u r story. I did not miss the fact that he likes to listen to Rep. ( lik e McNamara?). ment, w hich overreaches its legal authority may be ju s t as dangerous to Send your letters to the Editor to: Editor^PO Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 instituted a policy of answering all letters have been impressed by the level of the I p u u ic iliy Heiter (fe fffie (Sedi ter p jj The New Wave Of Immigrants III: The Controversy Rages On w ill pay more taxes w hile the a fflu ­ ent pay less. \Z a n ta g e P o in t 5\ p e r s p e c t i res ge, nutritional support; fewer poor people w ill get food stamps Public libraries w ill close. The w orking poor P ortland , O regon 9 7 2 0 8 Name: __ Address: _________ ;____________ ___ C ity , S tate:__________ Z ip-C ode: JT hank Y ou Fow R eadinq T he P ortland O bserver