Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 24, 1995, Page 11, Image 11

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I he
P ortland O bserver » M ay
24, 1995
P age
Honoring Achievement At Annual Ball
Continued from M etro
shines in me is my a bility to laugh. I
talk about the things that I bring into
the group but there are also things
that I gain. I have made friends with
a lot o f people that I would have
teach and share new ideas with oth­
ers. But perhaps most importantly 1
w ill bring my w ill to always want to
learn. I hope that by me participating
with Les Femmes, I can and w ill
become a better person,” Bowles said.
Clark, a senior at Grant High
School, is the daughter o f Shirley
Block and Curley Clark.
“ What do I bring to Les Femmes
as a Debutante? When I first looked
at the question I was stuck because I
wasn’t to sure how to answer. But the
more I thought on it the more I seen
some o f the qualities that I have that
could make the group o f 95 a better
one. I am very friendly and outgoing
person. I get along w ith just about
anyone. Also I think I bringm y laugh­
ter. I can always find something to
make people laugh about. I think the
quality that I have that really out­
never spoken to even with people
that I thought I d id n ’t like. Les
Femmes is an organization that I am
glad I joined. It gives me a chance to
put out all this energy I have in a
positive way with positive people,”
Clark said.
Henderson, a senior at Benson
H igh School, is the daughter o f Rob­
in and Jimi Henderson.
What I bring to Les Femmes
Debutante is... a Io, o f self respect
and self confidence, a open mind to
learn new things and try new adven­
tures. I bring maturity and apprecia­
tion ofthe way my parents instilled it
in me. I have a fun, easy going per­
sonality and greet everyone with a
smile. I bring responsibility for my
actions which I use to be a leader. I ’m
caring and loving to people I know
and people I don’t know. I bring
organization and quality in things
that I do. I bring style and a positive
attitude by the way that I present
myself and dress. I bring coopérât ion
and reasoning to every argument and
situation I ’ m involved in. Last but
not least I bring m yself because I
know where I ’ve come from and who
I am," Henderson said.
Hopkins, a senior at Benson H igh
School, is the daughter o f Wanda and
Stanley Hopkins.
“ I believe that I bring to Les
Femmes a positive enthusiastic per­
sonality. I strive to be a great encour­
agement and a peer model to the
others around me by doing what I
know is the right thing. I think by
being in this group I w ill make won­
derful, lasting friendships where I
can help people to make decisions
S e c u rity L ig h ts A d d ed To
A re a H o m es
Continued from M etro
mas in A p ril electricians.
“ We had a large crew o f 24
volunteer electricians at work on this
project, with two at each home. It
was great to see their enthusiasm for
helping their neighbors have safer,
brighter homes,” Edwards said.
Friberg Electric Co., an Oregon-
Columbia NECA member, provided
two service trucks which moved from
home to home distributing electrical
supplies used by the volunteer Local
48 members, including two ladders,
and miscellaneous materials.
Friberg Electric Co. provided
two service trucks which moved from
home to home distributing the elec­
trical supplies, includingtw o ladders
and miscellaneous materials.
“ This is just wonderful,” said
K e lly Holland, one ofthe home own­
ers who benefitted from the program
“ It ’s a real community service. A
little extra security like this w ill go a
long way in our neighborhood and
it’ s personally gratifying to see that
these people care about what goes on
in our neighborhood.”
IB E W Local 48 Business Man­
ager Ed Barnes said he was very
proud ofthejoum eym en and appren­
tices who chose to participate.
Health Screening For Seniors
Legacy Visiting Nurse Associa­
tion is offering during May, Health
Screenings for adults 55 and older.
The free screenings may include gen­
eral physical assessment, nutrition
testing, blood pressure check, foot
care evaluation, medication review,
pulmonary functions, cancer educa­
tion, and vision and glaucoma. Blood
tests are optional at a $5 fee.
Legacy V N A ’s Senior Health
Screening program conducts 25
screenings a year a, senior and com­
munity centers located throughout
the Portland metropolitan area. The
screening team includes registered
nurses, respiratory therapists, podia­
trists, dentists, pharmacists, medical
laboratory technologists, ophthalmol­
ogists and dietitians.
Clinton Advisor
Visits Humboldt
Continued from M etro
That means i f they need a stur­
dy pair o f boots to get a construction
job, the caseworkers find them boots.
Ifth e y have children they can’,
leave, the case workers find them
child care. I f they need more job
skills, the case workers find an ap­
propriate training program.
In fla tio n B uster D ry C lean in g Special
M.00 OFF
On Any Dry Cleaning Order
O f $12.00 or More
Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
Noi Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons
In fla tio n B uster D ry C lean in g Special
s8.00 OFF
On Any Dry Cleaning Order
O f $20.00 or More
Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I
To date, the project has placed
70 people back into jobs and anoth­
er 31 into training programs, out o f
519 households contacted.
A c c o rd in g to the Portland
D evelopm ent C om m ission, the
average cost per placemen, is
$843, compared to the thousands
o fd o lla rs n o rm a lly expended on
creating one new jo b .
G rigsby C o n stru c tio n
C ho sen For C lin ic
Grigsby Construction, Beaver­
Portland community.
ton, has been named general con­
It was designed by Mahlum &
tractor for the M u llik in Medical
Nordfors Smith Gordon, architects,
Group C linic at 6435 N. Greeley
Avenue Portland. Theclinic, which j
The $1 m illio n project was
is expected to be completed in Au­
awarded on the basis o f a negotiated
gust, 1995, w ill be occupied by a
bid to a Grigsby team which in­
group o f general practice physi­
cludes subcontractors MSI Mechan­
ical Systems (plumbing); H VA C ,
The 7,40C square foot contem­
Inc.; Omni Electric Contractors;
porary wood frame building w ill be' ' Kerr Contractors (site work); and
an attractive addition to the North
Cascadian Landscaping and others.
5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008
that w ill affect them in the future.
Because o f my solid firm b elief in
God, and my personal relationship
with the Lord Jesus Christ, I am able
to share and express myself on a level
that w ill encourage other people
around me to grow spiritually, men­
tally, and emotionally. Many people
have told me that I have a wonderful
ability to speak my mind without
hurting others, which allows me to
socially interact well with people. I
am blessed to have people in my life
that have taught me the importance
o f having high moral standards and
values Because o f this, I know that I
w ill bring an enthusiastic and posi­
tive influence to Les Femmes,”
Hopkins said.
Program d ir e c to r fo r the
even, is Rena’ A lle n and c o -d i­
rector is D olores Jeffries. A lle n
can be reached a, 222-9663, e x ­
tension 142.
1 n
In fla tio n B uster D ry C le an in g Special
Drapery Cleaning
Lined & Unlined Any Size
Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added
I Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Exira I
Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
In fla tio n B uster L a u n d ry Special
Laundered Shirts
I W ith $10.00 Incoming D ry Cleaning Order I
Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
I Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I
¡= = C 0 U P O N ~ = j
In fla tio n B uster D ry C lean in g Special
’12.00 OFF
I In fla tio n B uster D ry C le an in g Special f
IDry Cleaning or Laundered Pantsl
On Any Dry Cleaning Order
Mens or Womens
O f $30.00 or More
Ext. 1150
$2.99 Per Min.
Must be 18 yrs of age.
Pro-Call Co.
(602) 954-7420
HAP Opens Section 8 Waiting List
On June 1,1995, the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) wil
accept applications for the Section 8 Housing Assistance
Payment Program (Certificates and Vouchers) for all bed­
room sizes. Applications will be taken only from families who
claim a Preference under the Federal Preference law: fam i­
lies who have been displaced through no fault of their own;
families living in substandard housing (i.e., condemned) anc
families paying more than 50% of their income for rent anc
Families eligible for Section 8 must apply in person at
Hollywood East, 4400 NE Broadway, Portland, June 1, from
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Tri-met bus lines to the site are 77, 75,
12 and 28. The MAX line stops three blocks from the
Hollywood East building.
On first Tuesday of each month, (except July 1995) at HAP
offices at 135 SW Ash, from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM, we will
accept applications from the first 100 Federal Preference
applicants. The tenant-based waiting list will be kept open for
special needs' populations or clients with special agencies,
such as the terminally ill and case-managed or referred
homeless individuals
You must come in person to apply. Applications will only
be accepted at the address listed above. The Housing
Authority does not accept phone applications. (Hearing
impaired individuals with a telecommunication device for the
deaf (TDD) may call 226-0695 with Name, Address, Social
Security Number, and Telephone Number.) To request rea­
sonable accommodation for a disability, please call 273-
4570, five (5) days prior to each opening date.
You must bring social security numbers for all family
members. During these special application hours, there will
be long lines and a waiting period. HAP is unable to provide
child care or baby-sitting facilities.
The Housing Authority of Portland believes no man, woman
or child should ever be barred from housing because of race,
color, age marital statues, religion, sex, mental or physical
landicap, family status, or national origin.
Equal Housing
Sub-Bids & Material Quotes
ODOC Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute
Chiller Replacement
Pendleton, Oregon
Bid Date: May 26, 1995 • 3:00 PM
4246 SE Belmont - Portland, OR 97215
(503) 230-9359 Fax # (503) 230-9363
CCB #63907
We are an equal opportunity employer and request bids for subs and
materials from disadvantaged, minority, women, and emerging small
business enterprises.
You can now get your
Com plete, sign and m ail the A p p lic a tio n /
Agreement below to:
American State Bank
2737 NE Martin Luther King Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97212
Be sure to include your money order or
personal check in U.S. dollars for $625.00 or
more (in increments Of $600) made payable
to American State Bank. Receipt of funds
opens a savings account in your name. Each
increment o f $ 600.00 deposited in your
savings account establishes a $500 line of
credit for you.
Soem g f j f o a A & o c A a d . '
Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
slot Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons