P age B 3 T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 19, 1995 - f. vw ? . • A '; : / U OF 0 DOMINATES TRACK by D anny B ell is greatly reducing one’ s salary. M any baseball players w ho had previously commanded mu Iti-m il lion d o lla r contracts are fin d in g that i f their statistics are not in the atm o­ sphere, th e ir salaries are plum m et­ Montana Calls It Quits ing. sas C ity fo r $310,000. He made $3.5 m illio n w ith T o ro n to last season. “ I re m e m b e r m a k in g $5 an hour,” Borders said. " Y o u have to keep things in perspective. The sala­ ry I ju s t signed for, you could make $5 an hour fo r about 15 years and not make that kind o f m oney,” Players and agents use last w eek’ s wage negotiations as an in d i­ cator that current rules can accom ­ modate the owners position that wag­ es need to be lowered and revenues players, because o f loss o f revenue, are p a yin ge co n o m ica lly,” Hendricks franchise rests on its co m p e titive ­ ness. I f the b ig m oney clubs are the o n ly ones to a ffo rd high-priced ta l­ ent, then th e o re tica lly, they could changed.” T om B ro w n in g w ent from $3.5 to have gone fu ll cycle. W ith respect to the owners o f markets w ith high three years and re lie ve r John Ranco m illio n to $300,000 when he signed w ith K ansas C ity . B o b W e lc h attendance and deep pockets, clubs d ro p p e d fr o m $ 2 .9 m illio n to $225,000 w ith Oakland. Bud B lack orado Rockies and F lorida M arlins, were able to seek out and secure the who made $2.65 m illio n last year w ith San Francisco, signed w ith high price free agents. The ironic footnote to this w hole C leveland fo r $350,000. A c tin g com m issioner Bud Selig episode may be summarized by a c o m m e n t fr o m agent R andy history, when he agreed to a con­ tract extension valued at $11.5 commented that the free agent a ctiv­ ity is “ incredible, ju s t in cre d ib le .” Dave Stewart dropped from $3.5 Hendricks. “ The players say all along. We want a fa ir m arket value and the club w ith San D iego that w o u ld earn him m illio n through the 1998 season. m illio n to $1 m illio n when he signed should exercise restraint and operate $275,000 i f he made the team. He C arter set a reception record last w ith O akland on Saturday. But he season w ith 122 catches. d id n ’t seem to mind. “ W hat the owners are doing now, on a budget: The owners say We can’ t do that unless the players give made $2.96 m illio n last year. “ Teams and players lost a lo t o f us a rtific ia l mechanisms. “ We have an eight-m onth labor w ar and the end result is we have m arket-driven salaries that are fa ll­ money in the last few months,” B o r­ ders said. “ M aybe this is the way things are go in g to be fro m now on.” on rig h t now isn’ t anymore than what ing p re cip ito u sly and the strike, as o f contend that some sort o f revenue it should have been.” In a deal that has generated the necessity, forced owners to adhere m ost co n tro ve rsy am ong agents, catcher Pat Borders signed w ith Kan­ com m itted enough, can adhere to prudent business practices, but the sharing is in order. H ow ever, that can be done w ith o u t im posing an a r tifi­ cial ceiling: i.e. salary cap, and should football. His agent is orchestrat­ ing a ceremony w hich w ill in ­ clude friends and fa m ily o f the quarterback. Carter Rewarded Chris Carter, w ho five years ago was picked-up o f f w aivers by the M innesota V ik in g s , became the highest paid player in team Talley Moves To Falcons probably shou Id have been done years ago, w ith o u t asking us to fix their problem s,” he said. “ W h a t’ s going D aryl T a lle y, called the heart and soul o f the B u ffa lo B ills de­ fense, has jo in e d the A tla n ta Fal­ Sara Jessie from the University of Oregon, Women's Track cons after becom ing a free agent. He has agreed to a tw o -ye a r co n ­ tract reportedly w o rth $1 m illio n a year fo r tw o years. (Photo by John Giustuna) by D annv B ell On a blustery day Saturday a freshman and a senior came to the BASKETBALL Gill Returns A fte r a week o ff, Seattle Su­ personic guard K e n d a ll G ill re­ turned to the team after being treat­ ed fo r c lin ic a l depression. Dooley Moves Up perform ance Saturday, having al­ ready posted 41 -8 1 /4 on her firs t to turn in the second fastest 200 tim es in Oregon history. Sara Jessie a senior came out o f B efore I was concentrating on my marks. I ’ ve had three fru stra tin g D ooley, w ho is 29, w ill become inches in the trip le ju m p . The tw ilig h t meet w hich fo l­ years. I questioned m y a b ility . N o w I ’ ve got m y fiv e back. the youngest active N C A A D iv i­ sion I basketball coach, succeed­ lowed the day long developmental Jessie has not lost sight o f her ing Eddie Payne, w ho left the meet, gave the crowd o f 2,305 a school fo r Oregon State. glimpse at a handful o f athletes head­ marks. “ I w o n ’ t be happy unless I ju m p ed fo r the 1996 O lym pics decathlete Dan O 'B rie n , hammer thrower Lance 4 3 -p lu sa n d I kn o w th a t’ s there” she said. “ Same w ith the long ju m p . Deal. Steeple Chaser Danny Lopez. T w e n ty plus, I kn o w its there. I ju s t O re g o n s o p h o m o re q u a lity fo r conference o f N C A A be the favorite in the K en tu cky Derby, w ill miss the race because cham pionships. A lth o u g h the weather c o n d i­ meters. A ndrew s tim e was 3.44:5 a o f a chipped bone in his left leg. tions were not conducive to record personal best and met the p ro v is io n ­ C raig Lewis, the c o lt’ s ow ner and setting times some o f the p e rfo r­ trainer, said L arry The Legend mances were impressive. Johnson in on ly his second 100 al q u a lify in g tim e o f the N C A A O ’ Brien the w o rld record holer in w ith a th ro w o f 168-09 and the long needed to au to m a tica lly q u a lify fo r ju m p w ith a ju m p 25-1/2. tucky hopefuls w ith an im pres­ sive w in at Santa A n ita on A p ril 8, beating previously unbeaten A f­ the N C A A . But even Johnson was surprised Deal the A m erican recorder in the hammer, easily won w ith a toss when he returned and turned in 20.46 ternoon Delites, and 2-year-old a u to m a tica lly q u a lify in g fo r the o f2 4 8 -0 7 . Lopez was out sprinted at the fin ish by Samuel K ib ir i in the champion T im b e r C ountry. N .C .A .A . cham pionship and tu rn ­ steeplechase. OREGON CITY FORWARD MAKES ALL AMERICA ?m Oregon C ity H ig h School in regon C ity, Oregon, has been named has a 3.5 grade-point average and this year’ s Parade A ll-A m e ric a w ill attend the U n iv e rs ity o f C on­ igh School G irls Basketball Team. necticut. M em bers o f the Parade A ll- $&■ U n iv e rs ity , and M ic h e lle M a rcin ia k, WALK FOR HUMANITY T iffa n i Johnson. Latina D avis, T iffa ­ ny W oosley, Laurie M illig a n , N ik k i a pledge-walk hosted by Portland’s habitat for M cC ray, V onda W ard, A b b y C onklin and Dana Johnson o f the U niversity humanity, may 6,1995, 9 a.m., vernon school, call A m e ric a G irls B a ske tb a ll Team , w hich was founded by Haskell Cohen o f Tennessee. Three fo rm e r Parade A ll-A m e r­ ican w om en w ho rose to national jan at (503) 287-9529 for more information. in 1977, tra d itio n a lly go on to star in prom inence are Lynette W oodard, a college basketball. O ther Parade A ll-A m e ric a n s in graduate o fth e U n iv e rs ity o f Kansas, w ho played a few years o f profes­ , the states w ith the most players on e team C a lifo rn ia , N ew Jersey and this ye a r’ s fin a l fo u r were Rebecca Lobo and Nykesha Sales from the sional basketball w ith the Harlem G lo ve tro tte rs, C heryl M ille r o f the linois each have three. A rn o ld averaged 24 points, 13 U n ive rsity o f C onnecticut; O lym p ia U n iv e rs ity o f Southern C a lifo rn ia , Scott, Jam ila W id e m a n , Vanessa Nygaard, K ristin FolkL Kate Starbird, w ho is now a te le visio n com m entator and was recently inducted into the C h a n d ra B e n to n , N a o m i M u lit - auaopele. H eather O w en, Rachel B asketball H a ll o f Fame, and Anne D onovan o f O ld D o m in io n , who hemmer and Anita Kaplan ofS tanford played p ro fe ssio n a lly in Japan The entire team, w hich is select- I a n n u a lly by co lle g e coaches, outs and recruiters, w ill be an- tunced Sunday in Parade. It in- udes 40 athletes fro m 20 states, ith five each from Indiana and le x - bounds, 3 assists and 2 steals a im e d u rin g her se n io r season, ram m y has been the most dom inat- g player w e’ ve had at Oregon C ity. f S ■■ the heptathlon, w on the develop­ mental pole va u lt w ith a ju m p o f 17- 3/4, then to o k the tw ilig h t discuss had jum ped to the to p o f the K e n ­ and she’ s a real team oriented p la y­ er,” said her coach. Brad Smith. She ’ •Z’. W Lem ora to fin ish second in the 1500 o f the season Johnson tore - up the track fo r a personal best o f 10.27. H is tim e was ju s t shy o f the 10.22 Tam m y A rn o ld , a 6 ’ 3" forw ard ■ • have been done years ago. B en The horse thought by most to career-ending in ju ry. The horse r- W hat is the remedy? Owners have to be patient. Anderews was ju s t a step behind fo rm e r O re g o n ru n n e r Shannon was out o f the derby, but was uncertain when the in ju ry o c ­ curred. He added that it was not a lio n when he signed w ith Texas. Last M onday, Teddy H iguera made a deal her sport. “ I ’ m com peting again,” she said meet record w ith a leap o f 42 feet 4 chance to set times o r marks to T ew ksbury dropped from $3.5 m il­ Jessie a ttributed her huge im provem ent to a new p h ilo so p h y on her co m p e titive slum p in her fin a l college students, but it gave them a Y ’ * • ■ ■ . $3.25 m illio n to $ 1.25 m illio n when he signed w ith San Francisco. Bob w ith a 19-4 3/4 leap. year at Oregon, and set a school and Derby Contender Injured s tric tly to budgets. The owners when th ird and fin a l ju m p o f the day. E a rlie r she w on the long ju m p Joe D ooley was named East C aro­ lin a ’ s 19th head basketball coach. The meet was non-counting fo r lio n d o lla r contract, there were three players to take a b ig shave. T erry M u lh o lla n d dropped from ju m p she im proved to 42-4 on her As expected, assistant coach HORSE RACING signed fo r $5 m illio n over tw o years. H ow ever, fo r every m u lti-m il- ■ gon invitational T rackand field meet ship smoke the field in the 100 meters and then returned 40 minutes later such as the N ew Y o rk Yankees, C o l­ 1979. Jessie also turned in impressive ing the U o f O on a fo o tb a lI scholar­ w ith the Mets fo r $9 m illio n over ing the second best 200 meter tim e set by D O N C olem an’ s run 20.39 in fore fro n t as stand outs at the O re­ at H ayw ard Field in Eugene. P atrick Johnson w ho is attend­ >3 ; ’ ’ r : -5 • • I • - buy a cham pionship... the big man over five years. Pitcher Pet H am ish re-signed party that he is re tirin g from pro - Because in sports, the v ia b ility o f a reflected in a lot o f the signings. It’ s an in d ica tio n that the m arket has w ill announce this week at a gala ♦ . f - i- V ’ i ,*.% , The high-revenue clubs have lost $700 m illio n in revenue because future H all o f Famer Joe M ontana • • vfrA-.- been the o n ly ones to sign players to m u lti-m illio n do lia r contracts, some­ what va lid a tin g th e owners concerns. o f the strike. H ow ever, the argum ent appears there,” Houston Astros General M an­ ager Bob W atson said. “ I t ’ s been increased. The owners m aintain they have , said. eats up the little man. Catcher C hris H oiles re-signed w ith the O rio le s fo r $17.5 m illio n “ I t ’ s a ch a n g in g m a rke t out It has been co nfirm ed that . OWNERS SCALE SACK WAGES In the language o f some agents and general managers, the phrase is cal led “ ta kin g a shave.” W hat is “ tak­ ing a shave?” In baseball parlance it FOOTBALL . A SUNNY 910 AM w FanneeM »« F oundation Bank ;