A pril 19, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B2 (f)bsgrxnttg Citizen Volunteer Honored Some 4.500 young people and their families will have a place to play baseball and soccer th is year in part to the efforts o f Harry Chattee. Chaffee, w ho has over 10 years coaching experience, worked w ith Clark County and the H.B. Fuller Company to pave the way for estab­ lishment o f a park in Salmon C reek. I his joint effort ofthe county, H.B. Fuller and local sports groups, is help to create H.B. Fuller Park, which will be a community park for picnicking, w alking and recreation. Also involv ed in the creation ofthis new sports complex are Salmon Creek Soccer and Salmon Creek Little League. In recognition o f this contribu­ tions, Chaffee has been honored by the Portland Trail Blazers as an out­ standing citizen activist and volun­ teer. "Harry knew additional sports field were needed an he pushed for a coordinated effort to secure the H.B Ful ler site in a long-term lease agree­ ment,” said County Parks Director Del Schleichert. "He feels strongly that sports for kids are the best anti­ dote against alienation and gang af­ filiation.” A c c o rd in g to S c h le ic h e rt, C h affee heard from a p la y e r's parent, who w orked for H.B. F u ll­ er, th at the com pany had a p o licy Fun For Preschoolers Vancouver Parks and Recre­ ation Little Tykes afternoon pre­ school class has openings for chil­ dren ages 2-1 2 to 5-1/2. The class meets at Bagley Community Cen­ ter. 4 1 0 0 P lo m o n o n , M onday through W ednesday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Morning preschool classes at M arsh all C e n te r, 1009 E. McLoughlin. and Bagley Center run from 9 a m . to noon Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thurs­ day. Both programs feature art, mu­ sic, stories, finger play, learning ac­ tivities, field trips and special holi­ day activities and cost $ 108 per month ($72 city resident). Some scholar­ ships are available for city residents. Spring session start Monday. April 10. Nominations Sought For Leadership Award Nominations are now being ac­ cepted for Vancouver'sannual G en­ eral George C. Marshall Public Ser­ vice Leadership Award. The award was instituted in 1989 to recognize an individual's commitment to pub­ lic service and demonstrated leader- ship potential. The competition is open to C lark County residents only. To qualify' for the award, an individual must be an actively in­ volved Clark County resident under age 30 and have completed a four- year college degree. Selection will be based on demonstrated leader­ ship ability, commitment to public service, academic achievement and potential for an ongoing leadership role in public service. General Marshall, Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 1953 and author o f the post-WWII Marshall Plan, was commander o f the Vancouver Bar­ racks in the mid-1930s. This award was created in his honor in cooper­ ation with the General George C. Marshall Foundation in Lexington, Virginia. The 1995 recipient will be an­ nounced by Vancouver Mayor Bruce E. Hagensen at a public ceremony at the George C. Marshall House on Vancouver’s O fficers' Row on Fri­ day, July 7. The recipient will earn the opportunity to tour the Marshall Foundation in Lexington, Virginia and participate in the Leadership Clark County Program. The Marshall Leadership Award program aims to acknowledge, encourage and sup­ port potential leaders in our commu­ nity. Nominations must be com plet­ ed and returned to the M ayor’s office (PO Box 1995. V ancouver. WA 98668/210 E. 13th Street. Vancou­ ver, 98660) or postmarked by June 6. Nominations must be submitted by individuals or organizations. Prev ious recipients ofthe award are: Cindy Gibbon, John Mcllvain, Steven Dearborn, Douglas Sessions, Paula Martin and Darin Atteberry. Ail information submitted with nominations will become property o fth e City o f Vancouver. o f m aking co n trib u tio n s in c o m ­ m unities w here th eir plants w ere located. S ince the com pany w as b u ild in g a new p lan , on 136th S treet, and they ow ned an e m p ­ ty parcel betw een the p lan t and the main road. C h a ffe e d e c id e d to a p p ro a c h co m p a n y e x e c u ­ tiv e s and the co unty w ith his plan. The 20-acre park is at the south­ west corner o f Northwest Second Avenue and Northwest 139th Street in the Salmon Creek area. H.B Fuller provided the property and ClarkCounty is building ball fields, picnic areas and providing m ainte­ nance and equipment. Vancouver Now Washington's Seventh Most Populous City Population gains from recent annexations have boosted Vancou­ ver to seventh on a list o fth e state’s largest cities. In February, the state Office o f Financial Management certified V ancouver’s population at 64,350 residents. This moves Van­ couver ahead o f Yakima (60,323) and behind Federal Way (estimated at 73,500). Seattle tops the list at 531,400. In January, Vancouver added 5,099 residents as a result o f the 112th Avenue Area annexation. In December 1993, the local popula­ tion grew by 16 when the Port o f Vancouver was annexed. These fig­ ures were compiled during a city- coordinated census o f the newly annexed areas in Decem berand Jan­ uary. "For every new resident, V an­ couver gains approximately $47 in annual sta te -sh a re d re v e n u e s,” points out C ity M anager John Fischbach. “This money translates directly into municipal services for local residents." Vancouver now covers an area o f 26.08 square miles or 16.692 acres. By comparison, the city had a population o f 46,615 and covered 10,006 acres in 1990. V ancouver's population is expected to grow by 1.000 or more in early June when occupancy estimates for newly con­ structed housing are calculated. April Is Earthquake Preparedness Month Would You Know What To Do If A Major Quake Hit? The Clark County Emergency Services Department wants Clark County residents to be earthquake prepared. Emergency Services is spreading the word that April is Earthquake Preparedness Month in Washington State. This month o f earthquake awareness is also being observed in Oregon and California. “W e're sending the message that people need to be ready before a quake occurs,” said Tom Griffith. Director o f the County's Emergen­ cy Services Department. “We know that a quake will certainly occur at some point and it’s important for people to haveea plan.” Boise-Eliot Kids Honored For Food Video They were passed up for an O s­ car. but Boise-Eliot Elementary stu­ dents' video-production and screen­ writing abilities didn't go unnoticed. Students won first prize from the Oregon Department o f Educa­ tion in a 1995 Nutrition Awareness Contest for a video they produced on the school's Share A Meal Day pro­ gram. Fifth-graders produced a video o f themselves preparing and sharing a meal With the help o f a profession­ al chef, students served lasagna, bread, fruit and low-fat milk. During the weeks before the cookins event, students learned about nutritional issues including, the ben­ efits o f eating meals together, choos­ ing a healthy diet, sanitation and safe­ ty. Share A Meal Day, sponsored by the Portland School D istrict's Nutrition Services Department and Sysco Foods, is designed to promote the nutritional and social benefits o f eating together Griffith said families should fig­ ure out ahead o f time what each family member would do, where they would go and plan to meet if a quake struck. County and City o f Vancouver employees will be getting earthquake prepared by participating in a volun­ tary “Drop, Cover, and Hold Drill” on Wednesday, April 26. At about 9 a.m., participating departments will be notified by supervisors that a sim­ ulated m ajor earthquake has oc­ curred. At that point, they’ll be in­ structed to drop under a desk or stur­ dy table and stay under cover and hold on to the desk or table. G riffith w ill also be m eeting w ith c o u n ty d e p a rtm e n ts to an- Tiernan: Enemy Or Emissary? Skill Center Students Graduate sw er q u e stio n s and d isc u ss sa fe ­ ty o p tio n s. (E m e rg e n c y S e rv ic ­ es can also p ro v id e c itiz e n s in­ form ation ab o u t e a rth q u a k e p re ­ p a re d n e ss by c a llin g G riffith at 737-191 I.) And to get up-to-date informa­ tion about the potential for earth­ quakes in Clark County, the state Department o f Natural Resources will offer an informational session at 7 p.m. on April 12 in the Clark Public Utilities Community Room, 1200 Fort Vancouver Way in Van­ couver. Stephen P. Palmer o f the W ashington State Division o f G e­ ology will present a report on the relative earthquake hazards in the Vancouver urban area. The Portland Community Col­ lege Skill Center will graduate 672 students on Friday with a ceremony at 2 p.m. in Terrell Hall on the PCC Cascade Campus. T he c e n te r at N o rth Killingsworth and Albina offers pro­ grams in GED, office technology, construction technology, skill tech­ nology, ship technology and an evening personal computer program. Individuals representing the Trail Blazer Oregon Arena Project, community agencies and staff, will also be honored during the ceremony for their support for the center. unuTV zzn Great Pizza, Great Price, Free Delivery 3747 N. Lombard Portland, OR Lombard: (503) 286-8481 Portland: (503) 283-3676 Serving all o f north Portland Locally owned BUSINESS HOURS: Sun-Thurs 4:00 - IO:p.m. Fri & Sat 4 :0 0 - 11:30p.m. Look fo r our Weekly Specials! Continued from front ▲ “ T hey are in it (p o litic s) to m ake d eals. T hey d o n ’t care, ju s t as long as they m ake a d e a l,” the law m ak er fum ed. He a lso has no reg ard s for c a re e r-p o litic ia n s . “ T h e y ’re w illin g to say or do a n y th in g to get a way back and I d o n ’t have a lot o f resp ect for th a t,” he said. H is a ttitu d e to w a rd issues th a t a ffe c t the com m on man or the poor have p itch ed him against m any w ho feel he is u n co n cerned a b o u t the u ltim a te fate o f the less p riv ile g e d . A m ong m in o ritie s he is seen as e v il, m e a n -sp irite d and even a c ru d e racist. H is re c e n t a tta c k s on Kay T o ra n , the A fric a n -A m e ric a n ad- m in is tr a to r o f th e C h ild re n ’s S er­ v ic e s D iv isio n , his alleged m is­ tre a tm e n t o f testim o n y by black R ep A vel G o rd ly . D -P o rtlan d , and his a tta c k on affirm ativ e a c ­ tio n has h e lp e d b u ild a ca se a g a in st him . But T ie rn a n said he is tar from b ein g a ra c ist, but did not say m uch ab o u t his re la tio n sh ip w ith b lack folks. He ch allenged anyone to look into his b a c k g ro u n d and find ra c ­ ism. He said th a t those who call p eo p le ra c ist should be held a c ­ c o u n ta b le b e c a u se the dam age said. T iernan is not ru ffled by the sp ate o f c ritic ism and c o n d e m n a ­ tion. H ehas lined-up about 45 bills to present befo re the H ouse. W hat m ight be the m o th e r o f all b attles for T ie rn a n w ould be his attem pt to p riv a tiz e m ost state ag en cies. If he has his w ay, the g o v e rn ­ m ent prin tin g sh o p and the c o r ­ re c tio n s d e p a rtm e n t w o u ld face p riv a tiz a tio n . T iernan is a lso b ra c in g to undo state e m p lo y ee union gains, slash the n um ber o f sta te w o rk ­ ers and reform c o lle c tiv e b a r­ gaining. A m ong his b ills is one th at w ould m ake it im p o ssib le for lo­ cal g o v ern m en ts to ra ise tax es, no m atter w hat. “ If I have my facts and I b e ­ lieve the cause is c o rre c t, 1 am a g g ressiv e and I d o n 't back o f f , " he said. (Sunday thru Thursday only) DISCOUNT COUPON * ® % $.75 off M edium Pizza $1.00 off L arge Pizza $1.50 off Colossal Pizza Sot Valid with Any Other Offer Pepperoni SML 6 80 Can. 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BANK Rates subject to change Consumer deposits only M in im u m investment $50(1. m axim um investment $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal Annual Percentage Yields accurate as o f A p n l 17, 1995 O ffe r ends M ay 19. 1995 M em ber F D IC