Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 19, 1995, Image 7

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    Volume XXV Number 16
C ommitted to cultural diversity
April 19, 1995
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o in in u n i t u
a I c n h ¿i r
PCC Cascade Holds Job
A job fair will be held Monday be­
tween 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the Cascade
campus o f Portland Community College,
705 N. Killingsworth. The fair is spon­
sored by the students and the college’s
career services.
YWCA Offers Fitness
The YWCA Portland Fitness Cen­
ter, 1111 S.W. I Oth Ave., offers “Begin-
| nings” an on-going class that meets at
! 5:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays
and is open to the public, geared to wom­
en with physical abilities restricted by
J weight, age or inactivity. For informa-
| tion, call 294-7420.
Summer Camps For
Summer camps for children, ages 7-
12, providing a week in the woods, with
activities that include arts and crafts, swi m-
ming, basketball, softball, volleyball, hik­
ing, nature walks and campfire programs,
are now being scheduled by the Salvation
Army. Christian values and Bible stories
are emphasized during the sessions. All I
! church denominations are welcome.
Scholarships are based on need. Call
Quinton Markham at 234-0825.
Songs To Herald
General Strike and guitarist Carrie
Sessarego will perform labor songs on
Saturday, April 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the
Rexall Rose Cafe, 2403 N.E. Alberta,
j The event is sponsored by the Oregon
Socialist Party to celebrate international
1 Worker's Day.
May Day Events At The
The Washington Park Zoo celebrates
J May Day with special events on April 29
and 30. On the main stage. May Pole and
ethnic dancing will be featured. Garden-
i ing exhibits and children’s activities are
also planned.
L.-v.A ¿ S '
(Photo by Donn Thomas)
First Gladys McCoy Citizen Award
ong-tim e volunteer citizen
:itize n
n r i l 27,
97 1995
IQQ s at 5:30 - p.m.
_ in
• the 2nd
activist, William (Bill) Gordon,
floor A uditorium o f the Portland B uild­
87, of Portland, has won the
ing, I 120 S.W. 5th A venue, Portland.
first Gladys McCoy volunteer Award.
The long list of co-sponsors accompa­
The presentation will be made by
nying Gordon's nomination includes state
Judge M ercedes D eiz on b ehalf o f the
representative Avel Gordley, Portland City
C itizen Involvem ent Com m ittee (C IC )
Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury and Jim
o f M ultnom ah C ounty on T hursday,
Davis, Legislative Director o f the Oregon
State Council of Senior Citizens.
A m ong m any a c c o m p lis h m e n ts ,
G ordon served as advisor to the first
Area Agency on Aging, helped establish
the Oregon D epartm ent o f Senior Ser­
vices, and worked with hom eless advo­
cate Mitch Schneider to create a $25
Musicians To Cram
Over 70 bands will fill 11 stages at
Memorial Coliseum Saturday for the an­
nual Musicians Ball. All styles o f music
will be represented. Tickets are $ 18. Doors
I open at 5 p.m.
PCC Cascade Library Opens
The Lloyd Athletic Club plans to
celebrate national Arbor Day by proving
J tree planting kits donated by Weyerhauser.
Stop by anytime on Friday, April 28 for
j the free kit and learn more about what is
I being done today to insure a healthy envi-
I ronment for tomorrow.
The Portland School District is tak­
ing applications for its Summer Scholars
program at Benson High School for stu­
dents in grades 8-12 Resident and non­
resident students can take two three-week
“semesters" for credit. Some scholarships
are available Call 280-5783.
Calendar information will be given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
private funds for low-incom e housing.
The G ladys McCoy Award is p re­
sented in conju n ctio n with N ational
V olunteer Recognition Week and high­
lights M ultnomah C ounty’s annual V ol­
unteer Award Ceremony.
The winner's name plaque will be on
permanent display in the County Courthouse.
Ceremony Will
Honor Crime
TheCInldren’s Museum at 3037 S.W.
2nd is planning a “tree-mendous" Earth
Day Celebration on Saturday. Kids can
meet some favorite trees in Lair Hill Park,
create a poetic gift for a tree of their own
and make a pussy willow wands. You can
| bring an old magazine to Omokunle Vil­
lage and turn it into a beautiful “beaded"
Summer Scholars Sign­
up Taken
Good weather greeted
children during a hunt for
Easter candy Saturday at
Legacy Emanuel
Children’s Hospital’s
Healthy Kids Fair. Area
youngsters got a chance
to look inside a Life Flight
helicopter, play a mini
version of the Discovery
Zone, decorate Easter
bags and create a thumb
Earth Day Fun For
Lloyd Club To Mark
Arbor Day
^ ' and Commun”V Colle9e library on the Cascade Campus was celebrated recently with a
K a s0 provl^ es space ior classrooms was made possible by 1992 voter approval o l construction
(Photo by Donn Thomas)
’O Lini O
James H.
ive local residents have been
named officers of United Way
of the Columbia-Willamette.
James H Ward of southwest Portland
begins his second term as chairman of the
Ward is dean of the graduate school of
social work a, Portland State University.
Michael M. Morgan was named chair-
man-elect; Peter W Melhuish Sr. was ap­
pointed treasurer; James D. Kuhn was ap­
pointed assistant treasurer; and Neva T.
(. ampbell was elected secretary .
Named to the board o f directors were
James J. Curran. Mark Kralj, Kim W.
Ledbetter. William A. Weber, Robert F.
Governor Kitzhaber Appoints
Bill Wyatt Chief Of Staff
o vernor
K itzh a b e r
accomplishment and leadership in both busi­
announced that he would
ness and public life. I know he will make a
appoint Bill Wyatt as Chief of
significant contribution to my office and to
Staff. Wyatt, currently President
the Oregon Business Council, will start
Wyatt com es to the G o v ern o r’s o f­
April 10 and will succeed Tomlmeson.
fice after more than seven years as Pres­
Imeson, who served as the chair of
ident o f the Oregon Business C ouncil.
Gov. Kitzhaber's transition committee
The council is a private non-profit o rg a­
and as interim chief of staff, will return
nization consisting o f 45 c h ief execu­
to his position as Vice President of
tive officers o f O reg o n 's largest busi­
Public Affairs at PacifiCorp.
nesses. Its function is to focus the atten ­
"I feel especially fortunate to be able to
tion and energy o f those c h ie f ex ecu ­
bring a person of Bill Wyatt's caliber to my
tives, and the resources they represent,
administration as chief of staff.“ said Gov.
on key long-range public policy issues
Kitzhaber “ He has a distinguished record of
facing Oregon
Weis and James Wilson
United Way provides funding for more
than 180 local human service programs ir
t lackamas. Multnomah. Washington anc
Clark counties.
The Victims-Witness Unit o f the Clark
County- Prosecutor's Office will conduct a
special Courthouse ceremony beginning at
11:30 a.m. on Friday, April 28.
Immediately after the courtroom cere­
mony. the C ourthouse flag will be lowered as
a sign of respect to those w ho have died.
"W e'd like to invite all citizens to at­
tend. said Amy Kendis, coordinator of the
county's victims-Witness Unit. “Our unit is
dedicated to helping crime victims by assist­
ing them in understanding the criminal jus­
tice system and ensuring their compensation
rights We believe this ceremony is an impor­
tant way to raise community awareness about
victims' rights and needs.
I he unit, underwritten by funds through
the state Crime Victims Compensation Act,
was formed in 1982 to help victims o f crime
by explaining the criminal justice system.