P age A6 A pril 19, 1995 • I he P ortland O bserver ALL PIZZAS ARE CREATED EQUAL . 1 T * *), - - ■ ' • freshest Ingredients • Old World Tradition $ 2 0 0 OFF ANY PIZZA ANY SIZE Expires 4-26-95 Hurry In D E C alling All Kids! H e re 's Y our C h a n c e To W in A W e e k 4 th A t T h e S u m m e r F o re s try D a y C a m p !! Who Can Enter? All kids who will be 8.9. or 10 by the beginning of the camp ses­ sion (June 19-23). How do I Enter The Contest? Submit an essay on “why we should take care of our forests”. The essay shouid be no more than two pages, and you can include another sheet with a draw ing, ifyou like. All o f the pages must be no larger than 8 1 2 X 1 1 " . The essay must be accompa­ nied by the application and two let­ ters o f support from a non-family member (you pastor, scout leader, neighbor, teacher, etc.) Submit your essay and letters of support to your school office at your school by noon. Monday. April 7. What Do I Get If I Win? In addition to feeling like a winner, 50 students will receive scholarships to a week-long Sum­ mer Forestry Day Camp at the Magness Memorial Tree Farm in Wilsonville, which is run by the World Forestry Center(see descrip­ tion below). The scholarship includes trans­ portation, so all you have to do is show up at Dishman Community Center, whereabus will pickyou up in the morning (at 9:00 AM) and drop you offin the afternoon (around 4:00 PM). The day camp will be held form June 19-23. Snacks will be provid­ rts S u m m e r Sem ester Ä r t Classes ANNUAL ¡S ffi ed but you will have to provide your own lunch. Winners will be contacted by Wednesday. April 19. Charles Jor­ dan. Director of Portland Parks and Recreation, will present certificates to the winners at the Earth Da\ at Dishman Celebration on Saturday April 22 at 10:00 AM. The Magness Memorial Tree Farm The day camp is based on the internationally successful Project Learning Tree (PLT) environmen­ tal education program. Students w use cooperative learning and prob lem solving skills in a closely super vised, outdoor "field" setting to ex­ plore forest ecology and related en vironmental challenges. The tree farm is a 70 acre demonstration for est and outdoor education site locat ed on Parrett Mountain between W ilsonville and Sherwood. Oregon The site has a large natural area and nine separate management units, in addition to a small stream, antique logging equipment, and a 60' high historic fire tower. The day camp program is m anaged by the E ducation De­ partm ent o f the world Forestry C enter and features both m use­ um and tree farm s ta ff members, in addition to guest instructors and volunteers from local natu­ ral resource organizations. For information or question on the contest, call Michelle at 823- 5108 or David at 823-5120 Innovative, in -d ep th , a rt classes fo r kids and young adults ages 4 -1 7 . HEART SHAKESPEARE C " _ ìU s e lf relianc e, discover new friendships and explore our community. He welcome all youth without regard to race religion, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, or disability. Sessions all summer long C a ll Kathy Bass fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n 45S-34&4 < ’ > -- OMSI SUMMER SCIENCE , CAMPS & CLASSES S pend a w e e k e x p lo rin g the world of science outdoors with OMSI's fun, exciting summer science camps. B Or le a rn a b o u t chemistry, computers, f j the science of sports and more at OMSI’s F itness C a m p week-long classes. One-day adult and family adventures too! PNC» THERE'S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! Experience the best visual arts preparatory program in Oregon. Open to high school students that will be juniors, seniors, or who are graduating this year. July 8-August 4 ■ 2-D and 3-D studies instructed by professional artists • Portfolio Development ■ Exhibition of art work ■ Gallery and studio visits ■ Scholarship program Programs are available for children ages 4 to 18, adults & families. To r e c e iv e a fre e c a ta lo g , c a ll: (503) 797-4547 o r (503) 797-4545 To receive further information call PacHk Northwest College of Art ; Admission Office (503) 226-0462 Red Hot Savi nos Farm Fresh Corn On The Cob • First of the season! • SAVE AT SAFEWAY! 1-Pound Lucerne Butter >•«- • * « - g ite • FIRST 1, additional at regular price • SAVE UP TO 420 r, Boneless B eef . V <> Af «ZjAf 7 / / i . Studio Arts 19 through A p ril 25,1995 at your nearby Safeway store. C w M te * U H ig h School S u m m e r In s titu te 1945 SE Water Ave. • Portland, Oregon 97214 • (503) 797-4000 -y U 7 VX/n ZitWs • OREGON MUSEUM OF SCCNCE ANO INDUS TRY - ‘ ■ à ’ U at Multnomah Greyhound Park 224" & Glisan in Fairview Live Blues Featuring The Paul deLay Band » - • and at all fa stix x O u tlets WTTlflUH JEWBH COMMHTY CWTER « •*» ? 2 2 2 -9 2 2 0 v/tty EER LOVERS M a rk Y o u r C A LEN D A R S! • f * • „ * ’ ' Bottom Round Roast •o r Rump Roast •SAVE UP TO 1.40-Lb T **' We provide • * an * opportunity • •» • H for M ALL 1M*> • Sum • Miro YOUTH to learn S o f tb a ll, s o c c e r , g a m e s , tra c k & field, sw im m in g , f i t n e s s t e s t i n g & more!' /> » S Tickets Now On Sale TYGRES DAY CAMP ♦>l FOR ALL KIDS! • * • * *" ' v\- . - T \ , ; , ■•r E Call for a free catalog: 226-0442 '■ V P April 7 - M ay 14, 1095 Classes begin June 19. Eat, drink, educate, organize, dance. For Wonutioa: Portland Pacevorb 236-3065 H alf d a y s e s s i o n s begin J u n e 19 ■ El IRVIN Monday May 29 PARK (memorial day) 1995 ne7lh/ 12 noon to 6 pm FYemort M Extension Program V, PNCA JUS37 FAIR tAacxaaoy] F o r k id s a g e 9 - 1 3 ■ ■ J? f ^ H 49 ■ lb lo^SSr weeUy Saiewi^Siving^Guiie! m - u r i hlSVvfefiK ± Alto ▼ yva > iv 77‘ ■ ■ each EnJ°V Ex,ra Savings With The EXTRA In-Store Safeway Savings Guide Available at your Safeway store.