Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 19, 1995, Page 11, Image 11

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    T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 19, 1995
P age B5
Lfb ddorinf LsGenwrg o f
Lavanious Allen
Jan. 29, 1918-April 10, 1995
O ccupation: Auto Repair Mechanic
Cause: Pneumonia
S u rvivo rs:
Son— Don Allen, Portland, Oregon
M o th e r - Pearl Allen, Portland, Oregon
B rothers— W illiam Allen, Autry Allen, Lloyd Allen, Lawrence Allen,
Jerry Allen and M arvin Allen o f Portland, Oregon,
Sisters— Ozell A vritt, Joyce Allen, Strachan and B illie J. Porter
all o f Portland, Oregon.
Preceeded in death by Father, Rev. Daniel E. Allen, Sr. and by a
brother Daniel Allen who died in Portland on Feb. 18, 1995.
Also survived by a host o f nieces and nephews.
Steven Raymond Phillip Gillespie
Bom August 11, 1976; Santa Rosa, California
Died April 6, 1995; Portland, Oregon
Funeral Services were Wednesday, A p ril 12, 1995 at Portland Metro
Assembly O f God, 5004 N. E. 6th, Portland, Oregon.
O fficiating Pastor M ark Strong.
Steven attended Humbolt grade school and Whitaker M iddle School,
he received his G.E.D. in 1994. He loved basketball, listeningto music and
He leaves to mourn his passing, his father Steven Gillespie, Sr.,
mother Susan Sharp, brothers, M arvin M itchell and Demarcus Gillespie,
sisters, Clarice M itchell and Stephanie Gillespie.
His grandparents, Iva and Edward Manning, play brother, Dee
Brown, aunts, M ary Sharp, Saundra Lomax and Carol Lomax and Michael
Anderson, and a host o f nieces, nephews, fam ily members and friends.
It's A f amity Affair
Join us for fun and fla ir as the
Business and Professional Wom­
en o f Mt. O livet Baptist Church
present it’ s first fashion show, A
Collage o f Fashions, featuring all
o f G od’s children.
Gaze upon a parade o f fash­
ion surprises from your favorite
stores, and our own closets. Watch
eagerly for unexpected models.
W in door prizes and much more.
Come witness what God is doing
at Mt. Olivet, and receive a bless­
On Saturday, May 6, 1995
from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Family
Life Center, 8725 N. Chautauqua
Adultdonations: $5.00, Youth
- $2.50, Children 12 and under are
free. Tickets may be purchased at
the door.
A ll proceeds w ill go to the
B.P.W. Gertrude Crowe Scholar­
ship Fund.
Amanda, Gabriel, and Ryan, ages 6, 4, and 3
Meet three beautiful siblings
who visit each other once a week,
and are waiting to be permanently
reunited. These siblings a iO riio flg
200 Oregon chi Idren currently await­
ing an adoptive family.
Bright-eyed, gregarious, Aman­
da, age six, craves adult nurturing
and attention. Playing with dolls
and dressing up in feminine clothes
keep this little girl occupied. Large
for his four years, Gabriel, is enter­
Loving Monte
tained by almost anything, and pre­
fers outside play. Stuffed animals
and musical toys are also favorites.
"Three-year-old Ryan is a very active
little boy who tries hard to keep up
with his older brother. Ryan is often
clingy around adults, but he responds
well to clear limits, and is easily
These three beautiful children
have made so much progress in over­
coming theirabusive past. In alo vin g
and supportive fam ily, they w ill con­
tinue to flourish.
I f you have dreamed o f an in­
stant family, please consider adopt­
ing a sibling group like this one!
Oregon agencies waive or reduce fees
for the adoption o f Oregon's older
children, and pre-adoption trainings
are offered statewide. To learn more,
call The Special Needs Adoption
Coalition at 222-9661. Outside Port­
land call 1-800-342-6688.
l/a m a n /lta ¿/iao
Samantha Rae Gershowitz, the daughter o f Larry Jay Gershowitz and
Deborah Elizabeth Baltus o f Portland was bom March 11, 1995 at Good
Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center She weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces.
Her brothers are Shane an Kyle Baltus. Maternal grandparents are Don and
Diane Ferris o f Portland
iVomen In Ministry Conference
Women In M inistry Conference
Sponsored by International Renewal
M inistries o f Multnomah Bible C ol­
lege and Biblical Seminary. This year
the conference w ill be held from
A p ril 27-29 at the Red Lion Hotel/
Jantzen Beach.
As you know, we work closely
w ith the Mission Portland office
which is located on this campus. We
understand that you are an integral
part o f the Ethnic Network. As you
minister with those from other ethnic
backgrounds, we want to request you
to please encourage the women in
your church/organization to partici­
pate in the upcoming conference for
In years past, we have seen very
little or no participation at this con­
ference from the ethnic groups here
in the Portland area. Hence, we want
to extend a special invitation to the
women in your sphere o f m inistry
We desire to see a wide spectrum o f
our community participate in htis
conference and have been earnestly
praying to that end-so that as His
Body we may unitedly grow togeth­
As the workshops indicate, the
women w ill return better-equipped
to serve others and personally en­
couraged in their walk with the Lord
I f you should need more brochures,
or have any questions on the confer­
ence, please feel free to call us at
The Enemy Within
J ohnny R ichey
I have been around since the beginning o f time. I was here when man
was created. I was created too. I ’ m a little older than most. I was angry at
the Creator’ s creation and I ’m angry with you Because o f my anger, I was
put out. I have caused many to jin , many to die, and many to k ill. It is what
I love. I am in those who are proud, those who cheat and steal, and those who
sell drugs. I need to shed blood, I hunger for sin. I'm what you are becoming.
I w ill fight for you until I ’m judged. I don’ t have long to be w ith you, I must
leave but you can come, come with me.
I w ill give you all that you desire, fine cars, beautiful homes, and
money. A ll o f this is yours i f you w ill come w ith me. I offer you the world
for your soul ify o u want what I want. I ’ m your Father i f you believe in me,
worship me. and all that I give you. For I am w ith you. Even death w ill not
part us, for I w ill be with you. I ’m the enemy within.
Piedmont Church Home Buying Fair
There are m any program s o f­
fe rin g assistance to home buyers
that c u rre n tly need p a rticip a n ts.
An in fo rm a tio n a l m eeting to
spread the w ord to p otential home
buyers w ill be held on T hu rsda y,
A p r il 20 at 6:30 p.m.
P re sen ters w i ll be Jana
R ip le y o f C ro n in & C aplan Re­
a lty G rou p and C la u d ia Pfenning
o f US H om e Loans.
This informal meeting w ill be
held at P iedm ont P resbyterian
Church, located at 5760 N.E. Cleve­
land Ave.
Topics w ill include Project Down
Payment, which provides down pay­
ment and closing cost assistance to
Portland eastside residents, as well as
Home Buyer Club information and
Portland Housing Center information.
F or a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n ,
please c a ll the church at 285-
( / ( f t t5 )C t r 1 (C % / ( I f f < /
Clarissa McCloud, the daughter o f Tracy McCloud was bom March
21, 1995 at Emanuel Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces.
f&V ^Jaitl ¿fîFlissîottarg
ffas/tfon M la/em cnf
^Baptist (Clturrlt
bßy f i d e
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147 • Study Phone: 289-1911
April 16-22, 1995
Sunday Service 10:45
Sunday School 9:30
Bible Study 6:00
Evening Service 7:00pm
7:30 pm nightly
Pastor, Re. James C.E. Faulkner
(fine o f a M in d W tjdcceMolieb
M fo-rdn ieu can
dm eúcatt
SHeoYapr Aft M e
( fo n
ty fe d n e ld a u - f f a id a y
2104 NE Hancock Street
corner o f Schuyler, I block north o f Broadway)
Phone: (503) 287-7649
Preaching from God’s word
Soul stirring music
Prayer for your needs
A mountain top experience
Russell Fields - Pastor - Evangelist
4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue
(between Powell & Foster)
Portland, Oregon 97206
Sunday School 9:30am
Morning Worship 10:45am
Evangelistic Service 7:30pm
Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm
Evangelistic Service 7:00pm
Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm
(503) 774-5470
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30am,
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio M inistry each Sunday. 8:00am on KBM S
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
(503) 240-PRAY
PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson. Jr. • Dr Ida M. Simpson
IB a ftiii CfuMidi
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
J :O O -f:(!(fittt
V ffP alttu iay
J O : O C a m - 6 : O O /ttti
2808 ^Ad 'H a t fin Mufftet ¿King
dflie V >/tiff n a y fa d ie u (503) 288-5246
Lighthouse Church Of God In Christ
8138 N Hudson
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 283-3558 * Church (503) 283-0169 * Hom©
Elder Tom Moore, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A M.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:45 A M.
YPWW 6:30 P.M.
Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 P.M.
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am
Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm
Church Phone Number
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is AU.
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
Tuesday Prayer/Bible Band 7:30 P.M.
Friday Worship Service 7:00 P.M.
“Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor And Are Heavy Laden,
And I Will Give You Rest. Take My Yoke Upon You
And Learn O f Me. ’ Matt. 1128 29
We have a place for you. Come fellowship with us!
A Welcome Is Awaiting You!