• • Fa ir -' • P agi B5 Tm P ori i and O bserver • M arch 15, 1995 MITSUBISHI MOTOR SALES OF AMERICA, INC. OUT OF CAR EXPERIENCES Beginning March 8 .ClarkCoun- ty employ ees will be striving to have as many out o f car experiences as possible. It's all part of a county effort to promote alternative forms o f transportation such as taking the bus. b ic y c lin g and w alking. Carpool ing also wi 11 be urged as C lark County joins in with other state agen­ cies and local businesses to be Oil Smart. Clark County’s Out o f Car Ex­ perience Month is its way o f partici­ pating in the statewide Oil Smart campaign whose goal is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. On March 8. county employees are urged to use alternative forms of transportation on Lose Y our Car Day. Clark County Commissioner John Magnanowill be commuting to work by using the Salmon Creek Park and Ride and taking C-Tran. On M arch 15, the county will sp o n so r W h a t’s My Bus Line D ay. A C -T ran re p re s e n ta tiv e w ill be at the dow ntow n cam pus to help em p loyees figure out the best bus route to use g e ttin g to and from w ork. On M arch 22, it’s H ey, H ey, You Can S hare My R ide Day. E m p lo y e e s are e n c o u ra g e d to carp o o l and atten d a brow n bag lu n c h at St. P a u l’s L u th e ra n C h ru c h at 13th and F ra n k lin S treets to hear about C -T ra n 's r id e m a t c h i n g p r o g r a m th a t m atches up carp o o l b u d d ies. And on M arch 29, the c o n ­ clu sio n o f O ut o f C ar E x p e rie n c e M onth w ill featu re free d o n ated p iz z a for e m p lo y ees w ho found sound com m ute a lte rn a tiv e s at least tw o tim es d u rin g the m onth. REPLACE WIPERS IN GOOD WEATHER Nighttime driving in unfamiliar territory is difficult when you’re tired. Add a little rain plus a smearing, noisy windshield wiper and you have a potentially dangerous finale to a long day on the road. To prevent this scenario, plan to quit driving before dark, suggests the Car Care Council, and be sure your lights and windshield w ipers are OK. W indshield wipers are among the most popular replacement items on a car. To be sure you select the right type and size for your particular vehicle, shop for wiper blades in good weather. You’ll see various aerodynamic features, single, dou­ ble and triple blade designs and some with rubber boots to prevent freez­ ing. Some brands offer a selection o f colors. The best time to learn how to install wiper blades is while you are in the store. There you can compare instructions on the packages and, if necessary, ask questions. Take the old blade in with you, as sizes range from 15 to 22 inches and blade as­ sembly connectors vary from brand to brand, vehicle to vehicle. When choosing a blade that must be adapt­ ed to your vehicle, be sure the pack­ age includes necessary fittings. If the wiper blade holder still is serviceable, you may want to buy blade refills only. But the frame and the arm that holds the squeegee should be replaced periodically for best wip­ ing performance. The squeegee it­ self, being subjected to the elements, should be replaced every 6 to 12 months. The stunning design o f the 1995 3000GT VR-4 reflects the ultimate in luxury sports car sophistication. An advanced 3.0-liter, 24-valve double overhead-cam (DOHC) twin-turbocharged, twin-intercooled V6 engine provides 320 horsepower at 6,000 rpm, while four-wheel disc brakes with anti-lock brake system (ABS) provide precision braking. N ew -for-’95 features include 245/40ZR-18 tires mounted on 18-inch chrome - plated alloy wheels, revised suspension tuning and a newly designed optional power sunroof. Other standard features include: a six-speed Getrag manual transmission; all wheel drive; four wheel steering; Active Aero; leather seating surfaces; electronically controlled suspension; driver - and passenger - side air bags; air conditioning with environmentally friendly non-chlorofluorocarbon (R 134a) refrigerant; and M itsubishi/Infinity audio system. Options include a six- disc compact disc (CD) player and manual or power sunroof. Car Care Comer Preventive Car Care Can Save Lives Car Care Council COUNCIL URGES ANNUAL BRAKE “ PHYSICAL" When a child on a bike darts out in front o f a moving car, he's taking a big chance. If the driver o f the car isn't sure about the condition o f his brakes, he’s taking an even bigger chance. Brake inspections are one of life's little details that car owners should tend to without fail, says the Car Care Council. It should tend to without fail, says the Car Care Coun­ cil. It should be taken care o f at least annually, like getting a physical, be­ cause your vehicle is, indeed, and extension o f your body. With most braking systems hav­ ing over 150 different parts, not to mention the advent of computerized anti-lock systems, more o f us will leave this job to the well-equipped pros. If faced with the “good, better, best” option, consider that there’s no room for anything less than the best in brake work. Insist on quality parts from a reputable source. When having any type of work done on a vehicle, it helps to know the lingo. Brake inspections are no hoses for leaks, kinks or blockage; 6) brake fluid level. (note: For close scrutiny, items / through 4 should include the re­ moval o f all fo u r wheels.) The Council states that the hy­ draulic system should be flushed and replaced as part o f a brake system overhaul. Occasionally , brake problems will occureven though the system has been thoroughly inspected and maintained. The good news is that these problems rarely pop up without warning, but once such symptoms surface, they rare­ ly go away by themselves. (C C C ) - A ccidents directly attributable to neglected vehicle maintenance (worn brakes and tires, poor vision, loose steering, etc.) could be costing the American public billions of dollars annually. This statement, from the Car Care Council, is based on a National H ighw ay T raffic Safety Administration estimate of $137,5 Advertise In (Ehi' Pull: car pulls to one side when brakes are applied; Drag brakes fail to release com­ pletely, Excessive Noise: brakes squeal or chatter; Low Pedal: pedal height seems different than normal; Pulsating Brakes: jerky sensa­ tion as the car comes to a stop; Grab: brakes grab with the least Don’t Stretch Your Luck With The Timing Belt Car Care Council Care Council, being susceptible to wear, the belt should be checked and adjusted (or replaced) periodically. Check your owner's manual for your vehicle's specific service recommendations, which may vary from model to model. Unlike a windshield wiper, battery or spark plug, which give some warning before total failure, a timing belt usually fails without notice, often disabling the vehicle on the spot In some cases the result is severe engine damage. Unfortunately, concludes the Council, there is no way, other than inspection, to know whether or not your timing belt is "running out of time." Call 503-288-0033 stresses the need for greater concern for safety maintenance. Beyond the econom ics, concludes the Council's statement, is the impact of personal injury , loss of life and property. Consider that for every American lost during the 42 days of Operation Desert Storm several more died on our nation's highways because of accidents due to a vehicle failure Both types of losses are both trag ic and unacceptable, and certainly the latter is preventable. BYE’S BODY SHOP B o d y W o rk - P a in tin g GEORGES AUTO A n d F e n d e r R e p a ir HAS MOVED FROM: MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BLVD. 2 5 YEARS TO: OF ESTABLISHED BUSINESS 7636 N. NEWALL AVE. /0% o ff Sen ior Citizens (503) 283-8624 PREVIOUSLY CALLED GEORGE AUTO CARE IS NOW CALLED PRESIDENTIAL AUTO OWNER: TOM BYE 6430 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 284-8775 CHECK IT OUT. WESTON New 1 9 9 5 Buick LeSabre Oust' 3.8L V6, power scat. Keyless entry, remote trunk & mirrors, cruise, tilt, pwr windows & locks, pwr load cassette & pwr antenna, custom alum wheels, ABS brakes, dual air bags & much more! (BS45, BS46, BS57. BS59. BSI13 & BSI 62). P O N T IA C - B U IC K - G M C Look After Your Car (CCC) - Some psychologists say our automobiles are extentions of our ( personalities . that when you sec a car that's obviously well-kept and running like a fine timepiece, you can expect that the driver probably wants to present his best to the world. But what impression do you get when you sec a dented, rusted, smoking clunker ’ Thumbs down! Car Care Council urges motorists to look after their cars billion annual cost o f vehicle accidents. Subtracting a third of which are D U.I. related driver impairment, this still leaves an accident tab totaling more than $90 billion. Five to fifteen percent of this cost might be averted through periodic inspection and maintenance of vehicles, according to industry estimates. Even the more conservative figure, which would place a $4.5 billion price tag on mechanically related accidents, ^Jurtlauh <|[)liscrucr Warning signs include: pressure; different. Hard Pedal brakes require ex­ Among the points included in a cessive pedal pressure. close inspection: I ) pads and shoes An annual brake inspection is a for lining wear; 2) all wheel cylin­ good habit to acquire, says the Coun­ ders; 3) calipers, drums and rotors; cil, so make it a point to set an inspec- 4) all hardware; 5) brake lines and (CCC) - One of the most perfectly coordinated devices to modem man is the automobile engine. Its valves and pistons work in concert with the spark plugs and the fuel injectors, thousands of times per mile, with microsecond accuracy. An integral part of this phenomenon is a flat rubber belt with notches that engage teeth on the camshaft pulleys. When this timing belt breaks or even slips, the coordinated opening and closing of the valves is, to say the least, interrupted. So is your trip The timing belt is lighter and quieter than the conventional timing gears or chain, and it requires no lubrication. But, reminds the Car tion date that’s easy to remember. Sometime during National Car Care Month (October) is one suggestion from the Council. Or, because a safe car benefits the entire family, consid­ er having the inspection done as a family gift. Unsafe brakes wreck more than just cars... they wreck lives. W ant to know m ore ab o u t brakes? The Council offers a free pam phlet, “ How To K eep Y our Brakes From Letting You down.” Send a stamped, self-addressed en­ velope to Car Care Council, Depart­ ment B, One Grande Lake Drive. Port Clinton, Ohio 43452. B uick B onanza S ale 6 to choose from! $ 2 0 .4 9 9 5 Days Only, March 15-19 New 1995 Buick Park Ave -fc Best In Class Service -fc Lower Prices! * Always High Trade Allowance! Ask For Clarence Larkins * ,s***»* 655-2166 • 22555 SE Stark • 255-3840 . 3.81. V6, auto, program door locks, keyless entry, dual power leather seals, dual eoniforlemp air conditioning, rear seal eomforlemp, air conditioning, theft deter­ rent sys, concept sound cassette sys, tach & gauges, elec trunk, pull down, twilight sentinel III) lamps, ABS brakes,dual air bags & so much more! (BS55, BSIII3 & BSI 14) 3 to choose from! $ 2 6 .7 9 9 J * , fe 'fe > ■, •SV