» R iw iiar y 22. 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Blazers Send Drexler To Houston feels sad to m iss som eone. D rexler was nothing but a class act in all my interactions with the humble Blazer. D rexler had a huge am ount o f success as a Blazer and this truly was his town. M ore im por­ tant than his success on the court was his achievem ents o ff the court as a quality person and dedicated family B y E ric N oon The PortlandT rail Blazers made the biggest trade in franchise history last w eek, trading Clyde D rexler and Tracy Mun-av to the H ouston R ock­ ets for pow er forward O tis Thorpe. 1993 s e c o n d - ro u n d d r a f t p ic k M arcilo N icola and a conditional 1995 draft pick For D rexler, the trade was a dream com e true. Not only did D rexler get his wish to be traded to a team in conten­ tion for a cham pionship, h e 's re­ united with his old college team ­ mate. Hakeem Olajuwon and back in Houston with his family. D re x le rs contributions to the franchise are rem arkable and in the same note his contributions also led to his departure. Drexler felt he w asn’t treated fairly by m anagem ent and his contributions to the organization w eren't appreciated. “It was the nature o f the beast at the tim e," said Blazer radio play-by- pla\ announcerBillSchonley. “Clyde wanted to move on and it's time for this franchise to move on.” And Shonz went on to say, “and w hatever trade Bob (W hitsitt, gen­ eral manager) does 1 think it's going to benefit the franchise dow n the line.” W hitsitt claims he made the trade w ith H ouston in rec o g n itio n o f D rexler's contributions to the team over the years. N ot the case, Trader Bob had his back against the wall with D rexler dem anding a trade and got the best player he could for D rexler and by chance it happened to be Houston. Cham pionships have dom inated conversations betw een D rexler and O lajuw on for years now. Sure a lot o f these folks focused on the one chance man. Trail Blazer General Manager Bob Whitsitt (from left) newly acquired forward Otis Thorpe, and coach P.J. Carlesimo at a press conference following the trade of Clyde Drexler. (Photo by Eric Noon) that slipped away in the 1983 NCAA title game against North C arolina State. M any o f those exchanges be­ tw e e n th e lo n g tim e frie n d s nodoubtably surrounded the thought that som e day they could win the big one together. “I'v e learned how to lose. Now I w ant to learn how to win the big one,” said the anxious eight-tim e all- star Drexler. It’s probably pretty safe to as­ sum e that O lajuw on put in a good w o rd w ith m a n ag e m en t for the D rexler trade, know ing his talent and w hat he could bring to the Rockets as they try to defend their NBA title. “Clyde, h e’s a professional.” O lajuw on said. “You always know what to expect o f him. H e’s a w orker every night.” D rexler and M urray had to wait a little extra longer to play in their first gam e as R ockets as T horpe had to pass his physical in Portland be­ fore the trade was finalized. They sat on the Rocket bench for the firsth«jU, until the trade w ent through last Thursday. “I was jum ping up and dow n, the coaching staff was very happy, the play ers were all hugging," Drexler said, o f the half-tim e announcem ent. “It was great, and it’s a great feeling to be w anted.” I ’m happy for D rexler and M ur­ ray being able to go where they can contend for a cham pionship, but ju st like it feels good to be w anted, it also Murray was also a talented player and got lost in the shuffle as a player, but not as a person. Murray kept his head up and w orked hard and now it’s going to pay o ff for the young man who never got a lair shake as a Blazer. Losing D rexler in this trade will hurt the team in many ways as Drexler did so m any things for the team with his all-around play. On the other hand, the team needs to m ove on and play some of the young guns o f the future, like Jam es R o b in so n and A aron M cK ie, who will lead this team into the new Rose G arden next year. O tis T horpe (32) isn 't exactly young, but he brings a lot o f skills to the court and can score in the paint, som ething the B lazers have been lacking for years. “W ell, like I alw ays said, I like to take one gam e at a tim e,” said the new Blazer, as he got acquainted with his new locker room .” Anything can happen and th a t's my attitude, th a t’s been my attitude, and that al­ w ays is going to be my attitude." Not only did the Blazers get one o f the best pow er forw ards in the gam e, the Blazers got a man who know s how to win and brings a w in­ ning attitude night in and night out. There's gcxxl players, there's great players and there' s w inners and in Thorpe I think Portland has not only a great player, they have a winner. Benson Falls Short To Cleveland B y D anny B ell BRIEFS Drexler, Walton Lead In Vote B ill W a lto n and C ly d e D rexler led all vote-getters in balloting for the Blazers L eg­ endary Line-up and Sweepstakes, presented by Bank O f America. M ore than 23 ,0 0 0 votes were cast throughout O re g |n as fans and m em bers of the media were asked to select their 100 all-tim e favorite Blazers players and coach in honor of the team 's 25th Anniversary season. The following players com ­ prise the Blazers Legendary Line­ up: Bill W alton and M ychal T ho m p so n , centers; M aurice Lucas, Buck W illiam s, Calvin Natt and Sidney Wicks, forw ards; C lyde D rexler. G eo ff Petrie. Terry Porter and Jim Paxson, guards; and Jack Ramsay, coach The players and coach have been invited to attend the Blaz­ ers home game against the Se­ attle S uperS oncis on Friday. M arch 24 where they will be formally introduced at a special halftim e ceremony. Athletes Sought O regon's Colum bia chapter of Special Olympics has launched preparations for the spring sport season and is recruitng athletes for X to 10 training program s in four sports to start in late F ebru­ ary and early March. G ym nas­ tics. pow erlifting, track and field and volleyball coaches arc also being sought Interested athletes and coaches should call 230- 1146 lor more inform ation. T he C leveland W arriors, the P IL 's also rans this year, sent the state 'sn u m b e ro n e team ree 1 i ng to i ts first defeat o f the season, 59-58. An exciting fourth quarter rally saw B en so n 's 11 point lead evapo­ rate in the last six m inutes o f the game. Senior Leonard Prescott, who scored all 20 of his points in the second half, m ade a five-foot ju m p er to register the upset victory. C leve­ land outscored Benson 18-8 in the final period and brought their win- loss record to 15-5 overall and 11-5 in league. They will face Marshall and Roosevelt in their last two games o f the season. "W e h aven't beaten any of the ranked team s in our league and I kept telling the kids they needed to beat one o f them if they expected to be anything more than just aso-so team," said C leveland coach Tom Beatty, w ho was bouncing around like a M exican ju m ping bean am id the throng of players and fans when the gam e ended. “The kids really stepped up and played their hearts outs," Beatty said. Prescott, w ho scored the team 's last seven points, com m ented, “this should show the rest o f the state w e're acham pionship-caliber team ." Senior guard Gary Burks scored 14 points to lead the Techm en, whose record now stands at 19-1 and 15-1. “It's hard to keep (an unbeaten seaso n ) g oing esp ecially in this league," said coach Don Emry of Benson. "W e'v e had several gam es we might have lost but we m ade the big plays to win the game at the end, we just d id n ’t get the big plays here." The gam e was close until late in the third quarter when Benson went on a 9-0 run to gain a com fortable lead at 50-39. That m argin cam e with 6:49 left in the gam e as B en so n 's Edw ard Lincoln connected for two free throw s. Then. Prescott, a 6’-1" guard, hit from the field and senior forward G abe Stew art stole a pass, drove the floor and was fouled in the course of scoring. H e m ade the free-throw w hich ignited the hom e crow d. The score now was 52-48, Benson. T he T echm en had num erous Cougars Blast Ducks B y D anny B ell The scuttlebutt before the game by both sides was that it m ight be an im portant game, but it w asn 't a piv­ otal game. A win or loss for Oregon wasn't going to determine the rest of the season or jeopardize their first ever NCAA tour­ nament appearance in 34 years. H ow ever, after a 76-59 shel­ lacking by W ashington S tate on O reg o n 's hom e court, a rude aw ak­ ening daw ned on the Ducks. Facing ranked A rizona and A rizona State this weekend (to put it m ildly) is an uphill battle, if th ey 're going to keep their playoff hopes alive. O reg o n 's perform ance w asn’t exactly NCA A tournam ent caliber as they shot a dism al 2 9 .1 percent from the floor (21 of 72) and 9.5 percent from 3-point range (2 o f 21). “A big surprise to m e." said UO Coach Jerry G reen. “1 really d o n 't know what to tell you. I think this is the worst basketball game we played all year We probably h av en 't done anything like this at home since our first year." B efore 10,0X6 fans. O regon played too jittery and too much in a hurry, missing 20 of their first 24 shots That dug them an early and deep hole from which to extricate them selves. “The heat was on them, more than it was on us," W ashington State Coach Kevin Eastman said. M ark Hendrickson, the Cougars standout pow er forward, said W SU fed o ff the cro w d 's noise and chal­ lenged the student section during the warm-ups. “ It kind of got us m otivated.” H endrickson said. "I think we kind of surprised them (Oregon) with the intensity we cam e out with A lot of team s com e in here and get scared. If you act intim idated in this place, th ey ’ll really get on you." O regon played such a lackluster game that Eastman spoke in defense of the Jerry Green program. “ It's already been a (great) year for O regon." he said. “ I hope one gam e for the local people d oesn't take away from some trem endous accom plishm ents already gathered." The Ducks, trailing by as many as 15 points in the first half, went into the break down. 35-23. Oregon made one mini-run to pull within nine, but the Cougars were able to respond and extend their lead to 24. ‘There's a lot of ways to take tlie crowd out of a gan ic I -'irst. m) three' s. the place explodes after a three. And no high energy plays,” was how he explained coming into Mac Arthur Court and domi­ nating No. 19-ranked Oregon. The tell o f the tape was ju st as disappointing. The D ucks' box was a disaster. Starting forward Darryl Por­ ter w as 1 for 8 from the field. F or­ ward Jeff Potter follow ed suit with 2 for 8. The Ducks leading scorer O r­ lando W illiam s was 2 for 9 and point guard Kenny W ilkins, who plays an im portant role in their offense was 2 for 11 with 3 assists. T h at's a recipe for failure when four o f the starting five are 7 for 36 from the field. “O ur offense just w asn 't click­ ing tonight, said D amon Runyon of O regon. "W e cam e out flat. This was an important gam e we needed to win and these guys feel pretty depressed But what I love about this team is the fact w e'll use this as m otivation and just work that much h a rd e r.' Said Green, “no excuses W SU deserved to win They were the bet ter team They were really ready to play, mentally and physically." O regon was sitting on top ol the bubble for an NCAA bid. Has the bubble burst ’ Slay tuned, stranger things have happened WORLD GYM - ST. JOHNS 7522 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97230 2 8 3 -5 4 0 4 OPEN 24 HOURS - DAYS A WEEK Give The Gift o f Health k I opportunities to win the gam e but w eren 't able to take advantage of them. They were only 1-12 from the field and six for eight from the free- throw line in the final quarter. B e n s o n 's la st lead ca m e on tw o free th ro w s fro m E arl C la rk , w h ic h m ad e it 5 9 -5 7 w ith 1:12 r e m a i n i n g in th e g a m e . B u t P re sc o tt re sp o n d e d w ith tw o from the fie ld . C la rk m issed a to u g h sh o t on th e in s id e an d his p a ss to S te v e F ra n k lin w en t aw ry w ith th re e se c o n d s le ft in the g am e - an d th a t w as it. < ■ fl ■ it— s».