Volume XXV Number 6 Serving the community through cultural diversity February 8, 1995 ; B (Life ^ o rtla n h (©baerlier NHi Young Moms To Compete In Science Bowl n in m u n i t u a l e n ò a V CC Blazer Fan Event Planned T icke ts w ent on sale th is week fo r “ Fandem onium ,” a firs t-e v e r pub- lie gathering hosted by the T ra il Blaz- ers and Fannie Mae, where fans o f a ll ages w ill meet team members, p a rtic ­ ipate in in te ra ctive games and a c tiv - ities, vie w N B A action videos and : e njoy m usic. The event w ill be held I Feb. 25 at the O regon C on ven tion Center. A d m issio n is $5. j t ■ j ( Les Femmes Host Black History Event Les Femmes w ill host a special ' event fo r pro spe ctive D ebutante and C a v a lie r y o u th g ro up s to present I black h isto ry, p oe try and ethnic fash- I ions to parents and frie n d s on Sunday i at 3 p.m. at the Em anuel H ospital C onference C enter. The C avaliers w ill also g ive th e ir annual trib u te to ! Les Femmes members. Rose Pruning Demonstration Set L lo y d C enter w ill host the P o rt­ land Rose S o cie ty's 30th annual Rose 1 Instructor Joel Shapiro and students Kyla Pruning D em onstration on Saturday i from 1 1 a m. to 4 p.m. The event ! ay the words “teen mother” coincides w ith the best tim e to prune and many people think of I roses so they are in bloom fo r the f problems, drugs and welfare. Rose Festival in June. The Rose So­ V isit the Monroe Program for pregnant c ie ty recomm ends p ru n in g between and parenting students in northeast Portland Feb. 2 I and M arch 17, a fte r the risk and you’ ll find eight young women answer­ o f a hard freeze has passed. ing questions about biology, physics, chem­ istry and math. The students are preparing to go head- You can jo in the fun at the “ Have [ to-head w ith other high school teams on a H e a rt" Fashions on Ice show this ! Saturday at Portland State University in the weekend at the Ice C halet at L lo yd Bonneville Power Adm inistration Science i C enter. Proceeds from skate rental Bowl. and donations w ill b e n e fit the M ake- | The question and answer competition is A -W is h Foundation o f Oregon. Show i tim es are at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. both i Saturday and Sunday. S See Fashions On Ice I I ! ; Get Help On Building A Business John Preston o f The M assachu­ setts In stitu te o f T e ch n o lo g y, w ill discuss how to b u ild a company, fund- I ing strategies and g lo b a l c o m p e ti­ tiveness in a fo ru m at the Oregon I G ra d u a te In s titu te in B e a ve rto n . T hursday. Feb. 16 at 6 :30 p.m. A ! reception w ill begin at 5:30 p.m. For reservations ca ll 233-1224. Response Sought To Abortion Attacks Fem inists w ill discuss w hy at­ tacks on a w om en 's rig h t to a b o rtio n are increasing and how to fig h t back, Thursday, Feb. 16 at the N orth w e st S e rvice C e n te r b o a rd ro o m , 1819 N. W. Everett. The discussion is spon­ sored by R adical W omen. Hospital Head To Talk Economy Dr Peter Kohler, president o f the Oregon Health Sciences University, w ill explain the importance o f higher educa­ tion on Oregon's economic future during the Portland C ity Club luncheon Friday in the M ayfair Room ofthe Benson Hotel. For reservations call 222-2582. SUBMISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. » * • « * * * * j j merican poet, essayist and Students o f C la rk C olleg e. Future series lecturer Nikki Giovanni, whose guests inclu de M aya A n g e lo u , A m e ri­ work reflects her pride in her can author, poet and e n te rta in e r w ho is African-American heritage, will speak best know n fo r her strong p o rtra y a ls o f Friday, Feb. 17 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at A fr ic a n - A m e r ic a n w o m e n and Z e v Clark College. Kedem , s u rv iv o r o f the H olo cau st and A G io v a n n i w ill present the lecture Racism I 0 I at the Student C enter in G aiser H a ll. T ic k e ts are $5. A reception in her honor w ill be held at 5 p.m ., also in the Student C enter. The engagem ent is part o f a 1995 W in te r Lecture Series by the Assoicated f» * * June and hopes to get accepted into a school that “ w ill allow me to get the training that w ill help me give my daughter the life she needs and desires.” S co ttin a M a rin o , 17, grew up in Oakridge, Ore. and says she was a “ goody- two-shoes” until getting on drugs at age 14. A fter being arrested for burglary, she spent the last three years in ja ils and institutional schools. M arino has been clean and sober for more than six months. She hopes being on the team w ill help her get into the University o f Oregon where she plans to study intemation- al business. Shapiro said neighboring business have been supportive o f the young women’ s ef­ forts. Pizzacato Pizza w ill give them a pizza party after the competition and Tickle Tree Bookstore and Mako chiIdren’ s clothing store has donated g ift certificates. Barring “ complications,” Monroe team members w ill meet the competition wearing royal blue T-shirts representing their school. Team members and alternates in addition to Bertelson and Marino are Aminah Cham­ bers, Alesha Zirkle, Maggie Bronski, Sara Desmond, Winter Evelyn and Kyla Keeler. an actor. G io v a n n i’ s earliest c o lle c tio n s o f po­ e try , in c lu d in g B la c k F e e lin g , B la ck T a lk , and B la c k Judgm ent, p ub lish ed in I9 6 8 , capture the m ilita n t a ttitu d e o f the c iv il rig h ts m ovem ent d u rin g that tim e. In later w o rk , G io v a n n i began to lo o k inw ard and focus on fa m ily and personal relatio n ships. H er w orks from th is perio d include Re: C re atio n (19 70 ), M y House ( l 972), The W om en and the Men (1 975) and C otton Candy on a R ainy Day (1978). H er recent w orks have stressed a glo ba l o utlo o k. She has also w ritte n c h il­ d re n 's books and poems and sold re­ co rd in g s o f her poems and o f her co n ­ v e rs a tio n s w ith p ro m in e n t A f r ic a n - A m e rican w rite rs James B a ld w in and M argaret W alker. A ngelou w ill speak on M arch 6 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the c o lle g e 's O ’ Connel Sport C enter G xm nasium . T ic k e ts are S25 or $ 10 fo r students. Kedem depicts his life story in the film Schindler’ s List. His free lecture. Schindler’ s List - A Survivor Celebrates L ife w ill take place on Thursday, Feb. 9 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Foster Auditorium . For tic k e ts , v is it or c a ll the C la rk C ollege B ookstore at (3 6 0 ) 6 9 9 -0 149 or the V a nco u ver Y W C A (3 6 0 ) 6 96 -0 16 7. T ic k e ts w ill not be sold at the door. James May, Tom McDonald Elected To Urban League ames May andTom McDonald have been elected to the Board of Directors of the Urban League of P o rtlan d . The announcement was made by Urban League Board Chairm an Michael Lewellen. A lz h e im e r’ s Disease C enter o f O regon, A m e ric a n Red C ross (O re g o n T r a il C hapter), H O S T. (H om e O w nership One Street A t a T im e), Needy K id s Fund, and N o rth /N o rth e a s t Business A sso cia ­ tio n . Tom M c D o n a ld serves as V ic e Pres­ ident, Sales and C lie n t Services fo r the J James M ay is President and C h ie f E xecutive O ffic e r o f Legacy Emanuel H o sp ita l & H ealth C enter. He is also C h ie f O p eratin g O ffic e r fo r Managed H ealthcare N orthw est. M r. M ay holds a M B A. in Finance and H ealth A d m in is ­ tra tio n from the U n iv e rs ity o f C hicago. His co m m un ity service a ffilia tio n s in ­ c lu d e b o a rd m e m b e rs h ip in th e P ortland T ra il Blazers and the O regon A rena C o rp o ra tio n He is responsible fo r revenue re la tin g to te le v is io n , ra d io , R ip C ity M agazine, arena a d v e rtis in g , and P ortland In te rn a tio n a l A irp o rt ad­ v e rtis in g . He is also responsible fo r pre ▼ Continued to page B3 P ortland Housing A uthority Reorganizes Tom McDonald Juneteenth Planning Gets Underway V olunteer drivers are needed to provide rides during P o rtla n d ’s annual “J u n e ­ teenth’’ celebration. Every year, a gathering o f friends and neighbors encompassing the entire commu­ nity is held in June with food and entertain­ ment at Bethel AM E (A frican Methodist Episcopal) Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave Organizer Clara Peoples said drivers are needed for taking people between the church and E & M Community Market, 705 N. t * *• (Photo by Donn Thomas) a qualifying round for the National Science Bow l in Washington, D C. The Monroe team is the first all-preg­ nant or parenting team to compete in the national competition. They also are the only spec ial education team in a competition made up o f high schools teams consisting o f top science students from Oregon and southwest Washington. The Monroe team is coached by teacher Joel Shapiro. Team member Amy Bertelson, 16, placed third in an Oregon State speech contest last year. She is w orking towards graduating in Giovanni Talks On Racism in Series Valentines Crafted At Dishman Y o u r special little one, ages 6 to i 12, can make that special som ething d u rin g a V a le n tin e c ra ft class M o n - day from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the D ishm an C o m m u n ity C enter, 77 N .E. K n o tt. The event is one o f several V a le n tin e c ra ft classes being held around the c ity by P ortland Parks and Recreation. For more in fo rm a tio n call 823-2525. Keeler (from left), Amy Bertelson, Winter Evelyn and Scottina Marino prepare for High School Science Bowl competition. Killingsworth. which is participating with special sales and activities during the event Peoples said she's also looking for addi­ tional businesses to sponsor tables. “ Juneteenth" is held to celebrate black history and the estimated time the news o f President Lincoln's Emancipation Procla­ mation was received in parts o f the South The executive order freeing slaves was pro- claimedJan 1 8.1865, but took several weeks by mule and buggx to reach many black Americans Barry Philpott Edwinna Moaning The H ousing A u th o rity o f P o rt­ land has im plem ented a reo rg a n iza ­ tio n , crea ting a single departm ent fo r its lo w -re n t p u b lic housing p rogram , o rg a n iz in g new e xecutive re s p o n s ib il­ itie s and paying more a tte n tio n to the management o f lo c a lly -fin a n c e d lo w - Judi Pitre incom e housing. The o rg a n iz a tio n was in c o rre c tly id e n tifie d in a h eadline in our Feb. I e d itio n We regret the e rro r. The H ousing A u th o rity o f P o rt­ land provides housing services fo r o ver 2 0,000 lo w -in c o m e fa m ilie s th ro u g h ­ out M u ltn o m a h C ou nty.