Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 08, 1995, Page 8, Image 8

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    F ebruary S, 1995 • T he P ori land O bserver
P agi AS
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(Elje |Jorthxxxò (lf)h sem er
Anthony Hankins Appointed First
In-House Designer For JCPenney
fìhythum Shebop Jasz
Recipe For Sensational m u­
Combine: Three young woman
p o sse ssin g
u n q u e stio n a b le
funkability with equal part mellow
grooves and classic Rhythm & Blues
influences. Add liberal amounts o f
hip-hop styling, seductive lyrics,
funky break beats, sensual vocals
and dramatic visual style.
Yields: One outrageous serving
o f On Edge.
C h e fs note: No need to cook.
simply give disc a spin in your CD
player, sounds guaranteed to satisfy
most musical appetites.
C o lle c tiv e ly know n as On
Edge and d u b bing them selves the
“ Q ueens o f F unk,” C in cin n ati,
O h io n a tiv e S h e b o p , A tla n ta ,
G eo rg ia native Ja sz and O rla n ­
do, F lo rida native Rhythum are
serv in g up their own unique and
spicy m usical mix with the re­
lease o f th eir se lf-title d debut
a lb u m on M o to w n R e c o rd s .
W hile one m ay be tem p ted to
dism iss the trio as ju s t an o th er
ad d ition to the a lre a d y crow ded
m arket o f girl g ro u p s, take note:
ON E d g e ’s sound and style is
anything but m ore o f the status
quo. From their outrageously, funky
persona to the distinctly different
and necessary vocal contributions of
each group member, the trio offers
up a debut album which accomplish­
es the ability to establish a unique
personality for the group.
All American Girl
JCPenney gets serious about
fashion with the appointment o f
their first in-house designer, An­
thony Mark Hankins. The twenty-
five year old African American
designer has been appointed to cre­
ate a signature collection o f ready-
to-wear fashion that will answer the
needs and capture the imagination
o f today’s contem porary urban
Accolades for Hankins started
early: At the age of seven, he de­
signed and stitched a suit for his
mother to wear to a wedding, and the
results were so spectacular, he start­
ed designing and sewing clothes for
other women in the town. A native of
Elizabeth N.J., Hankins started de­
signing prom dresses, theatrical cos­
tumes and marching-band uniforms
while still in high school, After grad­
uating, he attended the Pratt Institute
in Brooklyn, N.Y., then traveled to
Paris to study at the Ecole de la
Chambre Syndicate de la Couture.
Later, he received hands-on training
with fashion notables Yves St.
Laurent, Willi Smith and Adrienne
Today, Hankins’ success lies
in creatingacollection that is whim­
sical, spirited, but always carefully
and deliberately coordinated: Each
piece in the collection can be teamed
with the coordinated top, skirt or
pants to create several additional
outfits. Unlike many designers
whose inspiration comes from their
favorite w aif or glam our girl,
Hankins’ muse is his own mother.
He designs for what he terms the
"undeserved woman”, real women
living real lives whose body types
are not always flattered by size 6
runway styles.
The Anthony Mark Hankins
Anthony Mark Hankins
Collection is inspired by the festive
and vibrant colors o f Brazi I and Cuba.
Multiseasonal looks burst with col­
orful prints and geometric designs,
and evoke an undeniable ethnic feel,
calling to mind a Latin carnival. The
lively mix o f prints, the flowing lines,
the machine washable fabrics, the
touch o f elastic that offers “room for
expansion" at the waist, and the easy
mix and match versatility have made
his line an undeniable hit with the
JCPenney customer.
Priced affordable within the
range of$35 to $95, Hankins’ line is
both designed and manufactured in
the United States. It is available
exclusively in over 250 JCPenney
department stores all across the
country, as well as in the JCPenney
Fashion Influences catalog and their
other specialty catalogs.
Exuding a confidence and cha­
risma unusual for this twenty five
years, Hankins exuberantly pro­
claims. “ I’ve designed these clothes
to take the stress out o f dressing.,
and with their intense colors and
drama, they’re going to take that
working girl to a faraway place!”
President orders all to landing site!
Planet Java invades
Memorial Coliseum!
Davis VYrid it I ivinniiH
plays Margaret Kim, a spirited young
college girl living at home with her
Korean parents in San Francisco.
M uch o f the sh o w ’s prem ise
is based on m aterial from C h o ’s
stan d -u p routine, w hich is h e a v i­
ly a u to b io g ra p h ic a l. S piked with
wry com m entary reg ard in g pa­
ren tal a ttitu d e s and the social
d ilem m as o f g en eratio n X ’ers. it
in clu d es com ic tak es on her life
ex p e rie n c e as one o f a m inority
and a p erson o f color.
Executive producer Gary Jacobs
is delighted to have the opportunity
to break new comedic ground in “All-
American G irl.' Says he. "In bring­
ing the Kim family to life, we hope to
show some o f the unique aspects o f
Korean-American culture, but at the
same time the stories will demon­
strate how many o f their experiences
are universal, and immediately com­
prehensible to all."
NBA Stay In Sc hool Spedai T o Air
Chart-topping musicians and the
hottest television stars will appear in
the annual NBA All-Star Stay in
School celebration to be telecast Sat­
urday, Feb 11 from America West
Arena in Phoenix, Ariz The one
hour special will be broadcast simul
taneously by NBC, TNT, Nickel
odeon and Black Entertainment Tele­
vision (BET) at 9 a m
Paul deLay
Nancy King
Dan Balmer Group
“All-American Girl’’- Stand-up
comic Margaret Cho stars as
the wry and witty Margaret Kim,
a free-spirited young Korean-
American college student who
is at constant odds with her
more conservative, traditional
extended family in “All-
American Girl." The new half-
hour comedy series airs
Wednesdays at 8:30 PM (ET/
PT) on ABC.
For Many generations now,
brave and hopeful Asians have left
their native countries to seek a better
life in America, forever altering and
enriching the social landscape from
coast to coast. But for the first time,
this fall, one Asian family will emi­
grate to yet another golden land o f
opportunity—that o f primetime tele­
Stand-up comic Margaret Cho
stars in “All-American Girl,” the new
ABC comedy series focusing on the
generational and cultural conflicts
between a spirited young Korean-
American woman and her more tra­
ditional family. Created by Gary
Jacobs, the series is produced by
Sandollar Productions, Inc. and
Heartfelt Productions. Inc. in associ­
ation with Touchstone Television
Cho, who recently won the Stand-Up
Comic Audience Award a, the 8th
Annual American Comedy Awards,
Rink Martini
Juggling by
Rhys Thomas
Storytelling by
Susan Strauss
Ray Nelson Jr.
author of
Shrews Can't Hoop
Your KIOZONE host,
Angel Ocasio
The live show where
Kids and p a re n ts p la y
messy games and stunts
from the h it shows
F am ily D ouble Dare and
What W ould You Do?
Snow Falling
on Cedars
by David Guterson
Place Where the
Sea Remembers
by Sandra Benitez
Travels in Europe
with Rick Steves •
Edge Walking on
the Western Rim
Tom Spanbauer
Davis Wright Tremaine presents the world’s largest coffeehoui
A benefit for Oregon Public Broadcasting
1:00 PM & 4:30 PM
Two Slime-filled Shows!
Tickets on sale NOW at the Coliseum Bo«
Office and all Ticketmaster Outlets. Tickets
subject to convenience charge at the Boi
Office and all ticket outlets.
For groups o( 20 or more coll 797-9604
FEBRUARY 1 0 ,1 1 , 12
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5:30-10:00 pm
Saturday, February 11
Charge by phone - 224-4400
Ticket Prices - 54.50 $10.50 $12.50
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10:00 am —10:00 pm
Sunday, February 12
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General Admission $ 6 ‘
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with adult
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