Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 08, 1995, Page 4, Image 4

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    F ebruary
P age
City Program
Activities For
Oregon Teens Hunger To Fight Famine
Across the state, thousands of
young people are getting reads to
fieht hunger by joining in the annu­
al 30 Hour f amine, sponsored by
the International Christian Human­
itarian organization W orld V ision
Over 3.200 Oregon residents are
among the more than 130.000
American students who have al­
ready committed to help teed the
hungry at home and overseas by
aoinn without food tor 30 hours.
Y oung people from schools,
ch u rch es, youth g ro u p s and c iv ­
ic o rg a n iz a tio n s are busy re ­
c ru itin g sp o n so rs to su p p o rt
th eir 30 hour fast. Last y ear,
m ore than 100.000 p a rtic ip a n ts
raised over SI .3 m illion through
s p o n s o r p le d g e s . T he fu n d s
raised are used to fight h u n g er
through W orld V ision p ro je c ts.
“These kids continually aston­
ish us with their energy, commit­
ment and enthusiasm." says W orld
Vision’s A ’Lexa Hawkins, nation
director o f the 30 Hour Famine
“They have a real passion to make
a difference in their world. We can
learn so much from their example!"
To join the 30 Hour Famine,
partic ipants obtain sponsor books and
supporting materials by calling the
30 Hour Famine Hot Line at 1-800-
7-Famine. From 1:00 p.m. on Friday,
Feb. 24 to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, Feb.
25, the participants will go without
food, taking only water and fruit juic­
es. While they're not eating, many
groups will keep busy by addressing
the needs in their own communities --
assisting in homeless shelters, serving
through May 12.
The free program is aimed at
children kindergarten through sixth
grade Kids First is a structured rec­
reational program and requires that
emergency information and photo
consent forms be filled out tor all
participating children. This is not a
licensed day care operation. Children
are supervised at the site until they
leave the program at 5 p.m. The sites
are unsupervised after 5:15 p.m.
If you have questions about
y o uth p ro g ra m s c a ll T eresa
Williamson or Pattie Amann at 696-
in soup kitchens, and cleaning up
their neighborhoods.
W orld Vision’s 30 Hour Fam­
ine is well-established intemation
ally as an effective way to raise
awareness o f world hunger. Last
year, nearly 1 million participants
worldwide raised over $20 million.
In our fa rlllly you II be pleased Io find 150.000
square feel of column-free exhibit space,
a ballroom spanning 25.200 square feet and
2H separate meeting rooms You'll also find
everything you need to stage a successful
convention, tradeshow. meeting or banquet
Call today for rales and availability
O regon
C enter
tomers do not borrow against a credit
line or pay interest on any unpaid
balances, as they would with a bank
credit card.
The new card w ill be accepted at
more than 11 million merchant loca­
tions throughout the world that dis­
play the Visa logo and accept Visa
credit cards.
When the VERSATEL Check
Card is used for purchases, merchants
will provide customers with a sales
receipt at the time the purchase is
made. In addition, all VERSATEL
Check Card purchases -- and the
name and location o f merchants
where purchases are made -- will be
listed on a custom er's monthly bank
statement. This will provide custom­
ers with a detailed record o f all Check
Card purchases.
"The VERSATEL Check Card
The O reg o n Convention Center is
on e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e
action e m p lo ye r and contracted
w ith the OCVSN to provide
m in o rity m a rke tin g services.
Call (503) 288-0033 to Advertise in
(Ebr JJn rfla tth (Ohsevner
is a multi-purpose card that will open
the door to a range ot BofA financial
services,’’ said Barri. "It’s a Check
Card and ATM card rolled into one.
When using the card for ATM ser­
vice, customers will have access to
their linked Bank o f America ac­
counts through our network o f more
than 5 .5 0 0 V E R S A T E L L E R
ATMs are convenient for rou­
tine transactions like cash withdraw­
als, deposits, and transferring funds
between accounts, and for a host of
other financial services, such as mak­
ing mortgage or auto loan pay ments,
and IRA investment account depos-
The new Check Card can also be
used to pay for purchases at more
than 44,000 Interlink merchant loca­
Christian J. Camp
“Credit Problems Come See Me ”
6500 N. E. MLK Jr. Blvd.
Open 7 days a week 9-6 pm
Auto Wholesale Inc.
O regon
5 0 3 /2 3 5 - 7 5 7 5
Bank o f A m erica has a so lu ­
tion for any one who hates to w rite
ch eck s or carry cash when s h o p ­
ping, a new ATM card that w orks
like a check w ith o u t the h assle o f
w ritin g a check. T his w eek. B ot A
w ill in tro d u c e its V E R SA T E L
C heck C ard in O regon.
The VERSATEL Check Card is
like an electronic check that can be
used as a s"bstitute for both checks
and cash, according to Jim Barri,
vice chairman o f retail banking. It’s
as easy to use as any Visa card.
Customers simply present the card
when purchasing goods or services.
They sign a sales slip as with any
Visa purchase. The difference with
the VERSATEL Check Card is that
the purchase amount is automatical­
ly deducted from the customer’s Bank
o f America checking account. Cus­
P oru and O bserver
We’re making II
our business
to accmnmodale yours
Exciting recreational activities
for children including arts, sports,
storytelling and special events have
been developed tor the Vancouver
Parks and Recreation Department s
Youth Services newest program. Kids
First, based at Image elementary
School, 4400 NE 122nd Ave
Program hours are 3:30 to 5
p.m., Monday and Friday, Jan 6,
“30 Hour Famine” volunteers
8, 1995 • T he
ou. d o n t corns.
ís s
m s to d a y , dJ ca n t s a n s
y o a any m onsy
San JJumawn
Need Help! No Problem!!
C r e d it P r o b le m , O K
We Offer
To Anyone
B a n k r u p tc y , O K
N o C re d it, O K
E s ta b lis h C r e d it
Over 100 Cars To Choose From
Financial Experts On Duty
T ho m aso n
B udget C enter
6 5 6 -9 9 1 5
Phone # 232-3100
419 E. Burnside; Portland, OR 97214
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