$ P age A3 T he P o ru a n i ) O bserver • F ebruary 8, 1995 (Ftp ^lortlanò ;» Z.«- (© bseruer Building Permit Process Changes Portland has a new building per­ mit application process for one and two fam ily homes. A guide has also been devel­ oped to help custom ers prepare the site plans w hich are required as part o f the application. It contains the steps necessary to com plete the per­ m itting p rocess and easy to use w orksheets. The new process will allow cus­ tom ers to arrange appointm ents for perm it review s for new R3 dw ellings w hich include singe-fam ily residenc­ es, duplexes and tw o-unit rowhouses. O ne new goal for city officials is to ch eckapplicationsw ithin 10 w ork­ ing days. Bureau o f Buildings officials said the city is continuing efforts to m ake services accessible and effi­ cient. New OLCC Rule To Require Liquor Liability Insurance Starting M arch I, 1995, new applicants for liquor licenses that allow sale o f alcoholic drinks must show proof of liquor liability insur­ ance coverage o f $3 0 0 ,0 0 0 or a $300,000 bond before their licenses are granted. Public events that in­ clude the sale o f alcohol and expect to draw 300 or m ore people daily will also be required to have the insur­ ance that becam e effective on Jan. I. "B usinesses that apply for a bar. restaurant or tavern license before M arch I will be exem pt form the new requirem ent,” said G ene Hallman, c h a iro fth e board. He also noted that sponsors o f special events who have had a liquor license for an event before M arch 1, will be exem pt from ance. T he O rego n L iquor C ontrol Com m issioners recently adopted the rule requiring liquor liability insur- the rule at future sim ilar events. According to Hallman, state law requires liquor licenses to demonstrate holds liquor licensees liable if the busi­ ness operator or employees illegally sell alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person or a minor and a third party is killed or injured by the visibly intoxi­ cated person or minor. "T his new rule is a safeguard for O regonians, w hose livescan d ram at­ ically and in som e cases unalterably be ch an g ed by a drunk d riv e r,’ Hallman said. The new rule exem pts current bar, restaurant or tavern licenses. Grocery stores and other liquor li­ financial responsibility in order to be licensed. O regon's Dram Shop law Public Invited To 1995 Alameda Home Tour Five architecturally significant hom es on the A lam eda ridge will be featured as part o f the upcom ing 1995 A lem eda Home Tour. The event takes place on Sunday, March 1 2 ,1 1 :00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and fea­ tures several interesting architec­ tural styles within this historic Port­ land neighborhood including a home on the National Register o f Historic Places. The 1995 A lam eda Home Tour is a benefit to raise funds to trans­ C ro n in & C a p la n R e a lty G ro u p , s p o n so r o f last y e a r ’s A lam eda H om e tour, will again participate as a m ajor sponsor o f fo rm th e a ilin g p la y g ro u n d at A lam eda Elementary School into a revitalized urban green space that would be a com m unity resource for the neighborhood. It is part o f an a m b itio u s e f f o r t to r a is e o v e r $100,000 to im prove and upgrade the playground. The tour was o rga­ nized by the A lam eda C om m unity Play ground C om m ittee w ho w orked with hom eow ners in the n eighbor­ hood to make som e o f the finest hom es available for the tour. they represented were: Jody Vemholm, Haines, representing Baker County; Emily Schm idlin was crow ned as the 1995 O regon Dairy' Princess during cerem onies at the Quality Inn, in Salem, Saturday night. Emily is the daughter o f Leonard and Betty Schm idlin, and represented W ash­ ington County dairy farm ers in the D airygold and Stockw ell M anufac­ turing, and will be aw arded more continuing education scholarships at the end o f her reign. Emily. 18, has been active in 4- 11 for eight years. She has won nu­ m e ro u s a w a rd s s h o w in g h e r Ary shires. A senior at V ernonia High School. Emily has received academ ­ ic aw ards for world geography, phys- d ay e v e n in g . Incum bents re-elected are John Lively, executive d irector o f the Eu- gene/Springfield M etropolitan Part­ nership; M arvin B erkm an, M .D ., anesthesiologist with M cK enzie A n­ esthesia G roup; and D onna Buell, Buell Chapel. N ew ly elected to the board are M aureen M aine, ow ner o f PICO Inform ation S ystem s, Inc.; Jam on Kent, superintendent o f the S p rin g field S chool D istrict; and Frances Jean Phelps, executive di­ rector o f the R elief N ursery. The non-profit parent corporation, which operates M cK enzie-W illam ette H os­ pital. has a 15-m em ber board o f d i­ rectors. In his annual report. B oard I hair B i 11 M cCabe noted the hospital ’ s goal in affiliating with Planetree is to fo­ cus on providing patients m ore ac­ cess to health inform ation and edu­ cation, and to involve their fam ilies as much as possible in their care. A ccording to Met abe, this fits the m anaged care environm ent because shorter hospital stays accentuate the need for patients fam ilies to under- &T& ? Advertise In I (Flic ^Lìnrtlattò v 1 1 • . i , ■ ‘z ’ X- .. O. «*- . « * Z. X 1 • " 'Z (iDbscrucr V i ? •••, •- X. ■••/•I* - •v»-. Call 503-288-0033 ñ ñ . v n \ Invade Dishman W h o : C hildren in grades 2-5 E m ily S c h m id lin ical science, algebra, biology, phys­ ical education and is a m em ber ot N ational H onor Society. She also p articip a tes in her church youth group. Emily plans to attend Pacific U niversity next year. She has one sister M elissa, and bothers, Pat, Matt, W h a t: FREE Environm ania P rogram -class­ es that teach kids to appreciate the fragile environm ent around them and the interesting ani­ m als that depend on it. W h e re : D ishm an C om ­ munity C enter, 77 N E Knott, •u. ‘Ñ íw • •••..♦ X - «4. : 7 POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS : 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street 228-4651 W hen: W ednesday nightsJanuary 18-February22, 1995; Sessions from 3:30pm - 4 :3 0 p m fo r a g e s 6 -9 and 4:30pm -5:30pm for ages 10- dustry leaders. Princess candidates spent a day and a h alf proceeding the coronation in speech and poise com petition, being evaluated by a three ju d g e pan ­ 12. el forp o ise. appearance, personality, dairy know ledge, and public speak­ ing. Candidates for the 1995 Oregon Dairv Princess and the dairy areas "stand their illness and participate in their recovery. C h ief Executive O fficer Roy J. O rr called 1995 a year for partner- shipsbetw een M cKenzie-W illam ette and other health care organizations. O rr cited the partnership between M cKenzie-W illamette, SurgicalC are A ffiliates, PacificSource and local physicians to build the M cKenzie Surgery C enter this year on Country Club Road in Eugene. He also noted M cK enzie Health Care, a partner­ ship launched in 1994 that integrates efforts o f the hospital and 160 physi­ cians. and the grow ing relationships with insurance partners. "W e are in an age when many hospitals are hop­ ing to surv ive the storm o f c h a n g e ," he said. "W e re not happy with that We are taking an active role in creat­ ing our future as a high quality health ; -, care provider.” A ccording to 1994 C h ie f o f M edical S taff Robert Gunderm an, M .D., some serv ices are up while the average length o f stay is down. "A c­ tivity with M edExpress, our w orksite em ergency m edical treatment ser­ vice increased more than 40 per­ c e n t," he said The average length of stay fell slightly, from 3.26 days to 3 .1 3 . It’s Easy to Measure Your Savings. It’s easy to measure your savings. Just grab your oil dip stick and measure the level in your tank. Then call Housewarmers _ _ 1 1 ___ __ 4.^ /viTA»- thAfO R eg ister: Call D ishm an C om m unity C enter. 823-3673 F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n about the classes or how to register, cal I the Portland Parks and Recreation Hotline at 823- 2223 V/TT. There is no tim e like the present to start educating your children about the w onders o f nature. P o rtlan d P arks and Recreation and the Bureau ot Environm ental Services have created the E nvirom ania pro­ gram to help teach kids how to ap p reciate our. environm ent and the interestinganim als that depend on it. Happy Birthday Gregory Taylor at Washington Mutual. Bank Of America Announces New “Invest place By any Phone” Service existing BAIS services. *• Investors can now m anage their portfolio over the telephone, through but simply allow s clients an ad d i­ an innovative Invest By Phone ser­ vice. BofA Investm ent Services, inc. (BA IS) has established a toll-free tional way to conduct investm ent business. U nlike other bank servic­ es. however, investm ents purchased num ber, by w hich custom ers can access inform ation on investm ents through Invest By Phone are not FD IC-insured and are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by. Bank o f Am erica or any o f its and even make purchases “ Invest By Phone is the ultimate in convenience for very busy people who still want to actively m anage their investm ents." said Peter Bauer, vice president of BAIS Invest By Phone does not re- affiliates. Sim ply by calling the Invest By Phone toll-free num ber ( I-800-427- 9633), custom ers may request infor­ mation about various investm ents. for “ i " m ore m utual funds. They may also purchase mutual funds, m unicipal notes or bonds, or U S. treasury bills, notes or bonds C ustom ers may also request a brokerage account applica- Correction: In article “It Takes An Entire Village To Dream,“ Kevin Fuller was featured with Cristi Larry, not Marjorie Arigbon. tion. Invest By Phone allow s clients the ability to respond to investm ent opportunities a, a m o m en t's notice, w ithout having to leave their hom e, office or car Invest By Phone hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. M onday through ANNIVERSARY tEhr ^ ' ’ r t ln n b (ß h e e ru e r celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary Friday ’ «>M»e’W-íC -A'«' • - - - . *-*l i V • •» • 823-3673 Peter, G reg, and Eric. O utgoing State Dairy Princess D orothy Rupprecht crow ned P rin­ cess Emily and received $4150 in scholarship m oney from several in­ w v. J »r- y* 7” / < ‘ T* •* ?t» McM innville, Yamhill County. Six Elected To Medical Services Board M e m b e rs o f M c K e n z ie - W il­ la m e tte M e d ic a l S e rv ic e s e l e c t­ ed six b o a rd m e m b e rs at th e c o r ­ p o r a tio n ’s a n n u a l m e e tin g T u e s ­ House M ajority Leader Ri­ chard Armey, R-Texas. called Rep. Barney Frank. D -M ass., "Barney Fag” and then apolo­ gized, after an interview with re­ porters. Frank is a hom osexual. AuTossie Boeckman, Canby, repre­ senting Clackamas County; Bobbi Jo Coleman, St. Paul, Marion County; Danise Hill, Tillamook, Tillamook C o u n ty ; J e s s ic a Jo h n so n , state-w ide event. First A lternate was Danise Hill, ofT illam ook, represent ing T illam ook County. D anise re­ ceived $600 in scholarship money. Bobbi Jo Colem an, o f St. Paul, Dairy W omen. D uring her reign. Princess Emily will be involved in state-w ide dairy prom otional activities as a part-tim e em ployee o f the O regon Dairy W om ­ en. She received an $800 course from C in d erella's School o f Professional Developm ent, ot Salem , one thou­ sand dollars in scholarships from Republican Takes Back Comment ■ >' New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies the 1995 A lam eda Home Tour. Tickets for the 1995 A lam eda Home Tour are $15 and can be purchased at Fred M eyer FASTTIX outlets or charged by phone - 224- TIXX. T ickets may also be pur­ chased at T he A rrangem ent, 4210 NE Fremont, and at A lam eda E le­ mentary School. 2 7 3 2 NE Fremont. 1995 Oregon Dairy Princess representing M arion C ounty, was nam ed second alternate and received a $250 scholarship. The M iss C on­ geniality silver pitcher aw ard w ent to A uTossie B oeckinan, o f C lackam as County . Six county princesses from across the state com peted in the two day event, sponsored by the O regon censed businesses that sell only pack­ aged (to go) m alt beverages and w ine are not subject to the insurance re­ q u irem en t W inery, brew ery and g ro w er's sales privilege licenses who do not sell drinks o f w ine and beer at their businesses are also exem pt Any business that sells alcohol­ ic drinks that w ants to change their business structure, sell 50 percent o f th eir ow nership or apply for ad d i­ tional license privileges must m eet the new licensing requirem ent, ac­ co rding to Hallm an. í A > , A» < • < ■ -7