P age B 3 T he P ortl and O bserver • F ebruary 8, 1995 RSVP Has Received Many Volunteer Job Opportunities For Seniors KIDSO N THE BLO C K puppe­ teers are needed by Epilepsy Associ­ ation o f Oregon to perform 20-m i n ute scripted material about epilepsy and to answer questions form audiences o f elementary school children, main­ ly in the Portland metro area. Pup­ pets are life-sized, about the size o f a three-year old. TOURISM ! FUN! Greet visi­ tors from all over the world Hand out maps and brochures. A know l­ edge o f Oregon would be helpful. Work 4 hours per week. A M or PM JANTZEN BEACH STATE W E L­ COME CENTER. OREGON H U M A N E SO CI­ ETY w ill train H U M A N E E D U C A ­ TORS to go to HEAD START and other preschools, kindergartens and first grades to teach children about safety around animals, how to handle pets and pet responsibilities. This is done mostly during school year. A C A D E M IC VO LU N TEER S needed to give supportive, individu­ alized tutorial assistance to adoles­ cents in an academic setting. Two hours per week is minimum volun­ teer tim e requirement. A L B IN A YOUTH O P P O R T U N IT Y SCHO O L, IN C ., 3710 N. Mississippi. F R IE N D /C O M P A N IO N S to provide friendship and support to / / adults with developmental disabili­ ties D EP AR TM E N T OF H U M A N RESOURCES volunteer program, Friends Project. One to four hours per week. V IS IT O R IN F O R M A T IO N BOOTH GREETER NEEDED A T THE GROTTO, NE 85th and Sandy Blvd. Greet visitors, give out assort­ ed brochures and sell elevator tickets and a few tourist g ift items in a newly opened G ift Shop building. RSVP has many wonderful op­ portunities for volunteers who would like to either serve as drivers or do general clerical work. Call Helen Whal at the RSVP office, 229-7787 to learn about these and other volun- teerjobopportunities. RSVPisapart o f the Corporation for National and Community Service. It is sponsored by Legacy Health System at Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Cen­ Client Services Coordinator .5 FTE; potential full tim e. $8.50/ hr. 12:30 - 4:30 pm M -F. BA psychology; com puter e xpe­ rience re q u ired;clie ntintakes; d a ta b a s e m a n a g e m e n t. Phoenix R ising Foundation, Inc. 223-8299 for application. FT Administrative Assistant FT A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is ta n t needed for busy adm inistra­ tive office in O regon's only non-profit w om an-controlled abortion clinic. O versees MIS and assists director. Strong pro-choice attitude a m ust. W ord p ro c e s s in g , d e s k to p p u b lish in g , and d a ta entry skills required. Good oral and w riting skills. Salary and b en­ efits DO E. If you possess these skills and w ant to put your politics into action, send letter of interest and resum e to : P e r s o n n e l, F e m in is t W om en's Health Center, 1020 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 200, Port­ land, 97232._______________ ter. James May, Tom McDonald Elected To Urban League invo lvem en t includes vo lu ntee r w o rk fo r the N o rth /N o rth e a s t Business A sso ciatio n, M u ltip le S clerosis S ociety o f O regon, and U n iv e rs ity o f Oregon Founda­ Continued from M etro m ium seating products and the S uite/P referred Seating services program in the Rose Garden. M r. M cD o na ld holds a B .A . in En­ glish lite ra tu re from the U n iv e r­ sity o f O regon. H is co m m u n ity tio n . The Urban League o f P o rt­ land is a n o n -p ro fit, co m m u n ity - based human service, econom ic and social ju s tic e agency serving a t-ris k youth and fa m ilie s , stu­ dents, jo b seekers, and seniors in the m etro area. The League is one o f 113 loca l a ffilia te s o f the N a tio n a l FT Clinic Services Director U rban League. FT C linic S ervices D irector in O r e g o n 's o n ly n o n - p r o fit w o m a n -c o n tro lle d ab o rtio n clinic. O versees clinic operations, su ­ p e rvisio n , and im p le m e n ts new program s. Strong pro- choice attitude and m anage­ m ent experience a must. E x­ cellent judgm ent, strong or­ g a n iza tio n a l, in te rp e rso n a l, and analytical skills required. Health care m anagem ent ex­ perience required. Salary and benefits DOE. If you possess these skills and w a n t to put your politics into action, send resum e and letter of interest to: Fem inist W om en's Health C enter, 1020 NE 2nd Ave, Ste 200, Portland 97232. 1995 SPRING YOUTH TALENT SHOW BRING YOUR WHOLE FAMILY !!! WHEN: MARCH 2, 1995 (Thursday) WHERE: Martin Luther King Elementary School (4906 N.E. 61 TIME: 6:45 pin to 8:45 pm DONA TIONS: 14 & OLDER $2 $1 5 -1 3 FREE UNDER 5 JEANIE’S CLEANERS Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special £ 1 I " I I Skirts I UJ I E Q. I I ' UJ Bring in one gel one FREE Lined, White & Silk Extra 25 Cents In-Coining Dry Cleaning Orders Only £ ? Dresses ■ n Bring in one gel one FREE Program Director New A dult Day C are In N/NE P ortland. M A + 2 yrs e x p e ri­ ence or BA+7yrs. Experience in program m anagem ent, su­ pervision, resource develop­ m e n t, o u tre a c h , c o a litio n building, gerontology. Know l­ e d g e o f is s u e s o f a g in g , d e m e n tia , c a r e g iv in g . $25,000/y r Resum e: VOA-LD, 537 SE A lder St., Ptld, OR 9 7 2 1 4 . E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F/D/V Accounting Clerk F u ll- tim e a c c o u n tin g c le rk needed to perform a variety of routine accounting and/or pay­ roll duties. R equires a high­ school d iplom a or equivalent and one-year varied and re­ sponsible accounting or book­ k e e p in g e x p e rie n c e . A c a ­ dem ic training in bookkeep­ ing, accounting or payroll pre­ ferred. A utom ated accounting system experience preferred. Send cover letter and resum e to: Log Accountant Portland based tim ber invest­ m ent m anagem ent firm seeks a highly m otivated individual w ith three years w ork experi­ ence in log accounting. Re­ sponsibilities include process­ ing incom ing bureau scale, paying contractors and invoic­ ing c u s to m e rs . C a n d id a te m ust be a service oriented team player w ith good com ­ m unication and interpersonal skills. C om petitive salary/ben­ efits package. W e are an equal opportunity em ployer. Please send resum e to Vicki Reber, O ne S.W . C olum bia, Suite 1720, Portland, OR 97258. H um an R esources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. T ro u td ale, OR 97060 R esponses must be received no later than Friday, Feb. 1 3 ,1 9 9 5 . An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F/D /V School Bus Drivers Portland Public Schools Is now accepting applicatio ns. W e provide paid training, exc ben­ efits, exc starting w age, guar­ anteed hours. Apply at Port­ land Public Schools, T rans­ portation Dept., 716 N.E. M a­ rine D rive, Portland. Equal opportunity-affirm ative action em ployer. Drug and sm oke- free w orkplace. ___ MLM PROS! Telemarketers W e are looking for 10 aggres­ sive telem arketers. You m ust w ork w ell w ith all races. You m ust be a team player: • goal oriented • success driven • m oney m otivated W e prom ote from w ithin to m an­ agem ent. If you like selling to people and believe in helping our youth find a better life, then call 774-399 1,774-6046 o r 7 7 4 -5 9 4 4 a n d a sk fo r J a m e s W h itfie ld o r S c o tt Lewis. Production Material Planner G row ing vitam in mfg com pany seeks exper. M aterial Plan­ ner. R esponsible for overall flow o f m aterials including g e n e ra tio n o f p ro d u c tio n schedules and ensure inven­ tory levels utilizing m aterials to fullest extent. Q u a lif: 4 year degree o r equiv., APIC S cert, or equiv., five years planning/ sch e d .e xp .,p re v. PC spread­ sheet, W P. Benefits after 90 days. Please send resum e to P.O. Box 13480 Portland, OR 97213, or apply in person at 3580 NE Broadw ay, Portland, OR 97232 betw een the hours of 1-5 pm M-F. W e are an equal opportunity em ployer. 1 1 ,1 1 Production Shop Floor Supervisor Local mfg. com pany Is seeking Shop Floor Super, fo r Pkg Dept. M ust have two+ years of supervisory exp. in pkg or mfg and 2+ years of related college w ork or equiv. Hours are M-F 6:45 pm to 7:00 am . Starting pay is $7-$9 hr. plus excellent benefits package. Please apply or send resum e to 3580 NE Broadw ay Port­ land, OR 97232 M -F betw een 1 -5 pm. W e are an equal op­ portunity em ployer. $4.00 OFF O n A ny D ry C leaning O rd e r O f $12.00 or More (A tu in ? ! ¿| S u its M e n s o r W o m e n s n ! n | 2 piece • Bring in one gel one FREE W hite Silk, Suede, Cord. & V iw i l In-Coming Dry Cleaning <’ rdets O ily Good On In-Coming Dry Cleaning Orders O nly E I Not Valid W ith Any Other Special Prices x I JEANIE'S C LE A N E R S __________ J Q. X UJ JEAN IE'S C LEAN ER S • _ _ _ _ _ _ ______________I COUPON In fla tio n Buster D ry C leaning - pvcial InBation Buster Dry Cleaning Special QÇ White Silk, Rayon & Velvet Extra In-Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only JE A M F .'S C L E A N E R S R esponses m ust be received no later than Friday, Feb. 1 3 ,1 9 9 5 . INFLATION BUSTER COUPON SPECIALS 5 4 0 3 NE 4 2 N D AVE • P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 8 • (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -0 0 0 8 Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special X Hum an Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. T routdale, OR 97060 $1,500 To $10,000 Per Week No Inventory Requirements - Ever! Unlimited Depth - No Breakaways! Let Gold USA Show You The Way! Call 1-800-693-5230 Portland based tim ber invest- m e ntm anag em ent firm seeks a highly m otivated individual w ith three years w ork experi­ ence in credit. R esponsibili­ ties include m aintaining cu s­ to m e r c re d it file s , issu in g w eekly custom er stat. reports, as w ell as general adm inistra­ tive duties. C andidate m ust be a service oriented team player w ith good com m unica­ tion and interpersonal skills. C o m p e titive sa la ry/b e n e fits package. W e are an equal opportunity em ployer. Please send resum e to Vicki Reber, O n e S.W . C olum bia, S uite 1720, Portland, O R 97258. FOR MORE INFO. REGARDING TIPS EVENT: CALL PHILIP HOPSON (287-7203) ORAL. GREEN(283-2724) OR SHERA GREEN (230-3889)7(282-7605) Planned Parenthood of the Co- lum bia/W illam ette. Seeking com m itted individual w ith ex­ tensive d e ve lo p m e n t b a c k ­ ground, ability to raise m ore m oney in a m ore com petitive m arket. Reply w ith co ve r let­ ter and resum e by February 15th to: PPCW , 3231 S E 50th, Portland, O R 97206. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Full O r P art-Tim e Earn $500 T o $1,500 W eekly C all (800) 867-1255 or (713) 867-3495 M.I.P. Program ; 1926 W. 18th #163; Houston, TX 77008 Credit/Admin. Assistant SPONSORS: I H A V E A D R E A M , D R E A M E R S CLASS 2 A N D T H E C H U R C H O F T H E L IV IN G G O D PG oJT H i IN S P IR A 'I IO N A L C H IO R On C all bus driver needed. R e­ quires m inim um of a high­ school diplom a or equivalent and one year experience as a licensed driver with a valid com m ercial d rive r’s license. Send cover letter, resum e and proof of C D L license to: Work From Home! S P E C IA L G U E S T S : K IR K G R E E N (Solo) K IN G S C H O O L C H O IR A M A N ( D r i l l Team ) A n d re B a ke r D ire c to r K IN G S C H O O L F IR E F O X E S (A fric a n D ance G ro u p ) Development Director Driver M ental Health JEANIE'S CLEAN! n (A UJ CC £ ! UJ ___ ' t i r COUPON COUPON In fla tio n Buster D n ( leaning Special Draper) Cleaning .99 A Pleat Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special at Sweaters S' Bring in one get one tZ) I UJ | Free L ined A Lnlined Any Sizeing Added DC professional Pleated - Pick-up & Rchung Extra D l I In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only JE A N IE S C L E A N E R S JEANIE'S CLEA N ER S UJ I I j I----------- o» co I Pants Ó) Bring in one gel one W) I UJ 1 FREE El DUi * 4 /* rP ** * I lnnation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Mens or Womens Lined White, Silk, Cord, Suede & Velvet Extra x j In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders O nly w O’ ____ I — i I in I 2 I I I. In fla tio n Buster Dry C leaning Special in I J L. InBation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Laundered Shirts .80 No Limit I------ 1 I m i O’ I 1 1 J 1 Pleated, Boxed, Extra -Size 12 & Under Extra w | | In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders O nly E | | JEAN IE'S CLEAN ER S X I I COUPON In fla tio n Buster D ry ( leaning spei «1 $8.00 Oft On Any Dry Cleaning Order Of $20.00 or More G o o d O n I n C u m in g D r y C le a n in g i » r d e r O m y N o t V a l i d W i t h A n y O t h e r S p e c ia l P r ic e - LU JEANIE S C LEA N ER S m CT I ) co I co (Z) UJ DC Q. X UJ L. . Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special - im P ‘ O’ I 1 I I Blankets Any Size Bring in one gel one FREE Down Extra ,In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only JEAN IE'S C LEAN ER S X| Ul , InBation Buster Dry Cleaning Special $12.00 OFF On Any Dry Cleaning Order Of $30.00 or More S i Ciood On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orden Only Not Valid X With Any Other Special Prices 1 1 J u. in 2 1 JE A N IE 'S C LE A N E R S (Z) UJ DC Q- I I I I I Ul I