Volume X X V Number 6 Serving the community through cultural diversity Join In Celebrating Our Preparing For Science Bowl Black History Saluted A team o f pregnant and parenting students prepare to compete in high school academic tournament. See Metro, inside. Rev. John Garlington Jr. was a pioneering leader in Portland's African American community. See Black History, page B6. A IIN IV E R S A R Y WIi e February 8, 1995 ® r 250 Blazer Player Pledges For Vernon Kids WEEK THE I N n entire class of students from Portland's inner city has again . been adopted into a program that can guarantee them a college education. A 2 1 Ron Brown Investigation Pushed The nation’s first black Secretary o f Commerce last week came under increased Congressional scrutiny because ofhis com plex business dealings. Republicans are pushing a probe o f how Brown was able to earn more than $400,000 from the sale o f a company in which he says he invested no money. Schools Plan For Earthquake Concerns about earthquake prepared­ ness in Portland public schools has been heightened follow ing last month’ s earth­ quake near Seattle. School district person­ nel are evaluating more than 100 school buildings and facilities to determine where upgrading is necessary Stevie Wonder Will Not Run Music legend Stevie Wonder says he is giving up on plans to run for mayor o f Detroit The 44-year-old icon, said last week, “ I thought about the whole political thing, but thought, realistically, that music is the best platform to express how I feel.” W onder’s next album ’‘Convention Peace” is due out in March. L ; ___ __________ __________ ________ ___________________________________ Portland Trail Blazer Chris Dudley addresses the students at Vernon Elementary after his $300,000 contribution to "I Have A Dream” foundation. Program founder Eugene Lang of New York is seated at right. (Photo by Donn Thomas) , ‘T; _ . ... v-.;.-.. ..T ■ -.-.S, ■ For the second consecutive year, Port­ land entrepreneur Roy Jay has been pre­ sented an economic development award from the Oregon Assembly for Black A f­ fairs. Assembly president Calvin Henry said Jay has been outstanding in develop­ ing economic opportunities for blacks in Oregon. In particular. Jay was cited for elevating Portland’ s national v isib ility as being a future destination for m inority conventions, conferences and meetings. Number On Assistance Grows College Fund Supported The United Negro College Fund is the nation’s leading black non-profit organi­ zation in total fund raising and at number 69 ranks among the top 100 o f all U.S. charities. During fiscal year 1994, UNCF raised $91 m illion. The organization raises funds to support students and programs at 4 1 private, historically black colleges and universities. Probe Now Targets Ministers The Whitewater investigation into PresidentClinton’s business dealings while he was Governor o f Arkansas last week expanded its probe into monies the Clinton campaign allegedly gave to ministers to get out the black vote during the 1980s. The White House immediately denounced the probe asa “Republican inspired fishing expedition.” * *“ V ▼ Continued to page A5 , Portlander Honored Jay Praised For Efforts W ith the ta lk o f w elfare reform abounding in the Congress and Clinton administration, the Census Bureau says that more Americans are now on public assistance. But the poverty rate has not changed, in 1993, 15 percent o f all Am er­ icans were poor, a rate that is not statisti­ cally different from the previous year. ... Portland Trail Blazer Chris Dudley made the effort possible by making a $300,000 contribution, the largest individual donation in the history o f the Oregon “ I Have A Dream,” program. It is also the largest g ift from any professional athlete in the 14-year history o f the national “ I Have A Dream,” foundation. Dudley’ s support w ill enable 76 fourth grade students from Vernon Elementary School at 2044 N.E. Killingsworth, to partic­ ipate in the program. Other sponsors are Lynn and W. Page Mesher and Diane and Terrence Pancoast. As “ dreamers" they are promised $4,000 in college scholarships i f they successfully complete high school and stay away from drugs and crime. In the meantime, the students benefit from special programs ofeducational enrich­ ment during school. Dudley and Eugene Lang, the founda­ tio n ’ s national founder, attended the an­ nouncement o f the sponsorship at the school during an assembly on Tuesday. This is the second class from the north and northeast Portland community to go into Kamau Sadiki A Portland man has been named a 1995 Black Engineer of the Year. Kamau S a d ik i, a h y d ra u lic engineer w ith the U.S. A rm y C orps o f E ngineers, w ill be one o f 15 special honorees at a Feb. 18 awards co nve ntio n in B a ltim o re , M d. S adiki is responsible fo r co m p ute r m o d e lin g o f the h y d ro -e le c tric system o f dams in the P a c ific N ortheast and southeastern U n ite d States. A native o f South C a ro lin a , S a d iki earned a b achelor o f science degree in c iv il eng in ee rin g from H ow ard U n iv e r­ s ity and has been em ployed w ith the C orps since 1980. He served as the fir s t b la ck e m ploym ent program manager at the c o rp ’ s d iv is io n o ffic e . S a diki is a c tiv e ly in v o lv e d in co m ­ m u n ity service, in c lu d in g w o rk as a s c i­ ence a d v is o r to the Oregon M useum o f Science and In d u s try 's A lb e rta Science For K id s , an a fte r school program fo r A fric a n A m e ric a n e le m e n tary school c h ild re n and as an a dvisor to O M S I’ s Y o u th A liv e ! science in te rn s h ip p ro ­ gram. He is also chairm an o f the board o f d ire cto rs o f the B la ck E ducation C enter, an independent A fric a n A m e rican edu­ cation in s titu tio n . He has studied A fric a n arts and h is ­ to ry in the N ile V a lle y , is fo un de r o f the S irius S tudy G roup, a P ortland associa­ tio n fo r the study o f classical A fric a n c iv iliz a tio n s and rece n tly returned fro m B ra z il w here he studied capoeira, an A fric a n -B ra z ilia n m a rtia l art fo rm . He and his w ife , A m in a , have tw o c h ild re n , Kum asi and Z aire. Minister Group To Hear Police Complaints rea residents who may have a Alliance officials said there w ill be no complaint against Portland interrogations, no badgering or any form o f police can now get assistance harassment from the Albina Ministerial Alliance of Alliance staff members are not investi­ north and northeast Portland. gators, but w ill assist in the completion o f A The a llia n ce and the P ortland P olice B ureau’ s In te rn a l In v e s tig a tio n A u d it­ ing C om m ittee is w o rk in g to create an atmosphere where in d iv id u a ls w o n ’ t feel in tim id a te d to file a c o m p la in t against the p o lice proper forms and forward them to the police bureau’ s internal affairs division. It w ill be the responsibility o f the person with the com­ plaint to follow -up the action. The alliance office is located at 1425 N.E. Dekum Tad McDowell pushes the commands to operate a new multimedia jobs network computer at Lloyd Center, the first of the Oregon Employment Department machines installed in the Portland area. Job Help At The Mall n in n o v ativ e m ultim ed ia system that puts information about jo b s erv ice s and com m unity pro g ram s at fingertips of Oregonians has been inaugurated at Lloyd C enter in northeast Portland. A The new netw ork uses computers, housed in a kiosk and equipped w ith touch screen technology , to provide information about job openings, unemployment, insur­ ance and community programs. the The state Employment Department re­ cently unveiled the machine at Lloyd Center as one o f the first o f 169 o f the units to be placed in public buildings across the state. The Lloyd Center kiosk is located on the shopping m all's third floor food court. EDITORIAL HEALTH SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT RELIGION CLASSIFIEDS BLACK HISTORY A2 A6 A7 A8 B2 B4 B6 t