February I, 1995 Serving the coinmunit) through cultural diversity Volume X X V Number 5 » . * . 4 •. • •4 < > ? '• « ♦.’¿ ‘i ' a ^ Ìo rlla n ò (©beer lier n m m u n it u a le ñ ó a V Child Welfare Head To Talk Drugs SECTION B Portland HUD Reorganizes Hective January 3, 1995, HAP implement- C ed its first reorgani­ zation in a number of years. -I ’. * • ■ ' * * . a ■ -c. .> ;e ; • v X .i.y . y.."* • -5-. /* 4 V- • *•< • ", ’ X. ♦ -\ Poisoning Prevention Targeted ' Ju d i Pitre, D e p u ty E x e c u tiv e D irector • t i ' Chamber Presents Legislative Leaders Nuts, Bolts Of Networking Jazz Saxophonist To Perform Barry Philpott, L ow P e n t Public H ousing D irector Comprehensive Grant Program. The reorga­ nization is an essential step toward site-based management and improved service in H AP’s public housing properties. (4) Edwina Moaning has been promoted to Director of the Section 8 Department. This promotion reflects Edwina’s as­ sumption o f full responsibility for manage­ ment o f the Section 8 Program during the past year and recognition o f the Program as a department-level operational responsibility. (5) Management ofH A P’s locally-owned properties has been separated from Mainte­ nance, and Joe Pribil will report to the Exec­ utive Director. This change reflects the need to plan carefully for the growth o f our fastest grow- ing enterprise. Property Management With 300 new units under construction at Fairview Woods, 13th and Market and Dawson Park; with a possible purchase o f another 200 in the next 60 days; and with as many as 50 new special needs units coming along, this enter­ prise could have approximately 1,400 units under management by the end of 1995. And there is every reason to expect continued growth in 1996 and beyond. If y o u ’re not sure w ho you should co n ta c t to do your b u sin e ss w ith H A P, call the person you have alw ays w orked w ith here. The lik elih o o d is that you will continue to do so. If that d o e s n 't w ork call me at 2 73-4503, and I ’ll be happy to give you help. '.f q - í -'N v ,. *■ fe -'x- 7>ç,y S." -v;.•’«•-»/> •' ” •’i’, \ r *. • Ü»4 ■* World Focus On Russia R ita Moore, assistant professor o f po­ litical science and international studies at Portland State University will present Rus­ sia: Is Democracy Possible? during a free lecture at noon Wednesday, Feb. 8, in room 190 o f the university's school o f b u sin e ss a d m in is tra tio n , 631 S.W . Harrison. L Il Valentine Stories, Songs Presented The Albina branch o f the Multnomah County Library, 3605 N.E. 15th will present Have a Heart, a special presentation o f Valentine stories, songs and crafts for chil­ dren. Saturday. Feb. 11 at 2:30 p.m. All materials will be provided. T - - P e p . A v e ! Gordly, D -Portland, s ta n d s to s p e a k to a g ro u p o f civic le a d e rs m e e tin g a t D oris's C afe o n S a tu rd a y to d is c u s s legislative is s u e s for A fn ca n A m ericans. Summer Camps Planned By PAL Summer camps are now being planned by the Police Activities League. Schools and parents are encouraged to contact PAL to be on the mailing list for advance mate­ rials. Call 823-0250 for more information. SUBMISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. 0 7 S e n . Bill M cC oy, D -P ortland (right), listens to th e priorities. P h o to s B y D onn T h o m a s Neighbors Expand Foot Patrol A c o m m u n ity c rim e p r e v e n tio n g ro u p is e x p an d in g its foot p a tro l to take back the stre e ts o f n o rth and n o rth ­ east P ortland. The B eech S treet P atro l plans to jo in fo rces w ith the new B oise N e ig h ­ borhood C om m unity P atro l. A com m unity o rg a n iz in g m eeting w ill be held M onday at 7 p.m . at the A lbina Y outh O p p o rtu n ity S ch o o l, 3710 N. M ississip p i. The B oise N eig h b o rh o o d A sso c ia ­ tion, H ousing O ur Fam ilies and the Black U nited Front are su p p o rtin g the effo rt. The new p a tro l w ill be m o d elled after the B eech S tre e t P atrol, w hich is said to have tra n sfo rm e d w hat w as once a 24-hour drug m ark et into a q u ie t, s ta ­ ble street. D ressed in b rig h t yellow ja c k e ts and c arry in g c e llu la r p h o n es, the g ro u p has m ade th e ir p re se n c e know n w ith o v e r 75 people m o b ilized to w alk on the p a tro l. Organizers said the volunteers keep com­ ing night after night because they know they are helping break a cycle o f violence in north and northeast Portland Inspired by the success, B oise n e ig h ­ b o rh o o d re sid e n ts are w o rk in g to c reate a second patrol th at w ill focus on drug zon es in th e ir area V o lu n te e rs are n e e d ­ ed to get the p a tro l o f f the gro u n d If you cannot attend the meeting, but want to volunteer or get more information, call Housing Our Families at 335-0947. >■ - V * # ■ W>"ÏW»- . «JWJfWW» v is