Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 01, 1995, Page 6, Image 6

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    F ebruary 1, 1995 • T he P ori land O bserver
P age A ô
EMO Celebrates 77th Annual Meeting
I he 77th Annual Meeting o f
Ecumenical Ministries ofOregon was
held on Tuesday. January 3 1 ,1995 at
b 00 pin. at Trinity Episcopal Ca­
thedral Featured speaker was Dr.
Albert Penny backer of the World
and National Councils of Churches
of Christ
Highlights of the evening were
presentations of several awards. Ec­
umenical Service Awards were pre­
sented to Portland City Commission­
er Gretchen Kafoury for her advoca­
cy for the homeless, her work on
domestic violence and work with
Mr Donald McClave, Execu­
tive Director of the Portland Cham­
ber of Commerce, for his work in
civil and human rights for Gays and
Lesbians and his work in ecumenism;
Ms. Cornetta Smith, Executive Di­
rector of the Albina Ministerial Alli­
ance, for her work on behalf ot the
poor and powerless; Mr. David
Dougherty for his work on behalf of
the gravely ill and dying
The Vollum Ecumenical Human­
itarian Award was presented to the
Meyer Memorial Trust for its signifi­
cant achievements in enriching the
quality of life for all Oregonians.
The Ecumenist of the Year
Award went to The Rev. Daniel
Bryant, pastor of the First Christian
Church in Eugene for this efforts at
improving Jewish Christian relations
when a synagogue in Eugene was
shot at and for his efforts at bringing
the churches in Eugene together in a
new ecumenical organization
A new Award honoring the late
Dr. Paul W right, former pastor ofthe
First Presbyterian Church in Port­
land. and the late Bishop Paul
Waldschmidt, Bishop ofthe Roman
Catholic Church, has been established
by Ecumenical Ministries ot Ore­
gon. The Paul Award was presented
to Rabbi Joshua Stampfer of Port­
land for his work in improving Jew­
ish. Christian and Muslim relations
and his over 30 years in interfaith
ministry , as well as his work in hu-
man rights.
The Annual Church Accessibil­
ity Award honoring the church who
has done outstanding work in mak­
ing its facilities and programs hand­
icap accessible was presented to As­
cension Lutheran Church of Medford.
Another highlight of the pro­
gram was the inaugural performance
of the Ecumenical Gospel Choir un­
der the direction of Vernon Brazzle.
The choir will perform in the future
at various EMO events.
Retiring Board Members of Ec­
umenical Ministries of Oregon was
honored and new Board Members
installed. Ms. Bonny Groshong was
installed as the new President. Ms.
Groshong is a member of the Evan­
gelical Lutheran Church in America
(ELCA). She is the former President
of the Oregon Synod of ELCA and
recently retired from the American
Cancer Society, Oregon Division.
She is m arried to Dr LeRoy
Tlaonii l^ n th dCoivinólnj eoCect u re -
( onceiving ^Jhe iV lotherli
Workshop-Stories From Our Motherline
Naomi Ruth Lowinsky, author of The Monterline: Every Woman’s
Journey to Find Her Female roots, will articulate the concept of the
Motherline, and how it is vital to the understanding of our lives whether
we be men or women in a lecture on Friday, Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the First
United Methodist Church. Collins Hall. 1838 SW Jetterson, Portland.
Cost is $10 at the door.
Stories From Our Motherline, a workshop on Saturday , Feb. 18 from
9:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.. offers men and women an opportunity to reflect on
the my steries of origin and their own Motherline. 1 he workshop will be
held at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Fireside Room. 1624 NE
Hancock. Portland. Cost is $60. Please bring a photograph, a piece of
jewelry or clothing, or any other article that carries the mana of your
For more information, please call Oregon Friends ot C.G. Jung, a non­
profit. educational organization, at 223-3080.
^yctr/vitniy Q&ervices
The Four Noble Truths of Bud­
dhism will be discussed during regu­
lar Sunday services in the month of
February at The God Connection.
Center for New Thought Christiani­
Buddhism began as a sp iritu ­
al movement about 500 B C. I he
truths constitute B uddha’s basic
theology, from which alm ost ev­
erything he taught logically un­
folded They offer reasons for
and solutions to life 's difficult
Because of the truth's uncanny
similarity to Christian principles of
living, many Christians believed
Jesus lived his “lost years" in the East
learning about them. For more infor­
mation contact Rev. Casey Chaney
or Rev. Berdell Moffett at 643-7591
The services are held on four
Sundays, beginning Feb. 5 from 10
a m. to 11 a m. at the Westgate Plaza
Meeting Center West, Room 105.
3800 S.W. Cedar Hills Blvd.
3 T |c f j o r t l a n i t © b s e r u e r
Wishes You A Happy New Year
As We Begin
Our 25th Anniversary
O f Publication.
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
W orship Serv ices 8:00am & 11:00am.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30am.
Bible Study. W ednesdays. 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00am on KBMS
,1 Teach in g Church With .4 Reaching M inistry
Dr. Jam es E. M artin, Senior Pastor
Personal Peace In The Midst Of The World
A day of prayer and reflection
will be held on Saturday, February
4 .1995 at St JamesCatholicChruch
(N.E. Kirby and East Second
Streets) McMinnville, OR The
theme of the day for this annual
Inner Peace Retreat will be "How
Do 1 Experience Personal Peace In
The Midst O f The Tensions And
Turmoil O f The World." Principal
presenters will be Father Jack
Mosbrucker and Sister Kathleen
Stupfel, SNJM. This day of prayer
will be held from 9:15 a m. to 3:00
p.m. the retreat is sponsored by the
Archdiocesan Office of Justice and
Peace, Office of RENEW, and Cath­
olic Peace Ministry in Oregon.
Father Jack Mosbrucker holds
a Master of Sc ience degree in phys­
ics from the University of Notre
Dame and a Sacred Theology Mas­
ters from Dubuque Theological
School. He was a Pastoral Fellow at
the Menninger Foundation, provid­
ed counseling and consulting tocler-
gy and religious from 1972 until
L ^ b itiu x r y
Hasten Payne Jr.
Services will be held Thurs­
day at 11 a.m. at the Killingsworth
Little Chapel of the Chimes, for
Hasten Payne Jr. of Portland who
died Jan. 26, 1995 from cancer.
Payne, 56, was employed at
FreightlinerCorp Hewasadrafts-
man and designer.
He was bom in Lake Village,
Ark. and moved to Portland in
He was a U.S. Air Force vet­
eran and graduated from Benson
High School in Portland where he
was the first black student to com­
plete the school’s aviation pro­
Survivors include his wife
Stephanie of Portland; two sons
Ronald and Kenneth, both of Port­
land; a daughter. Rhonda of Port­
land; a daughter, LeAnn of New
York City; and a sister. ArthurMae
and her husband, Christopher of
Burial will take place at Rose
City Cemetery in Portland.
“ Serving The Lord W ith Gladness” Psalm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 1 i 05
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
3605 N.E. Mallory Ave.
(503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97212
Feb. 12, 1995 1:00 p.m. CH 11
Feb. 17, 1995 4:00 p.m. CH 27
Feb. 18, 1995 11:00 a.m. CH 33
Date: Friday, February 3rd, 7:00 p.m.
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: Faith Temple Church
4223 S. E. 62nd; Portland, OR 97206
You Have Seen Him On The Prove God Now TV Ministry.
Now Come To Hear This Great TV Concert.
Presented By - Prove God Now Miracle Crusade
Benny J. Pritchett
For More Information Please Call 282-7631
Please Come! All Seats Are Free
Benny J. Pritchett, One Of The Greatest Gospel Singers
Direct From Los Angeles, California
The Lords Prayer
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debtors,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For
thine is the kingdom, and the Power, and the glory forever.
Amen! Matthew 6: 9-3
( 5 & r t/t A s n n m in c e m e n t
Baby's Name: Tianna RaShay Washington
Portland, OR
W eight: 7 lbs 3ozs Length: I9 l/4
Brothers/sisters: Rocky & Lesha Washington
G randparents/P aternal: Marie & Nathaniel Carter, Milwaukee
G randparents/M aternal: Fidelia Collins & Ronnie Washington
G reat G randparents/M aternal: Mr & Mrs C leveland W illiams
G reat G randparents/M aternal: Joyce & Dawayne Washington
<£t. <^l/[axlz
(IP luig P l
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am
Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm
Church Phone Number
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is All.
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
(greater j^ ah tt Stephen
jUiBBtonar^ ¿¡Baptist ffliptrcli
Asian Vicariate. ArchdioceseofPort-
land; Adrienne Stacy, Parish Out­
reach Team Facilitator. Archdiocesan
Office of Justice and Peace; Joan
Legg, President, Southern Oregon
Vicariate and Charter member of
Rogue Valley Fair Share: Otto \\ ild.
Youth Minister, St. Andrew Parish.
Portland; Tom Kinzie. President.
Catholic Peace Ministry in Oregon;
Frank Fromherz, Director of the
Archdiocesan Office of Justice and
Peace and the Campaign for Human
Development; Debra Farrington.
Assistant to Congressman Peter
DeFazio and Coordinator of the St.
Alice. Springfield Justice and Peace
Commission; Sr. Juanita \ illarreal,
SSMO. Pastoral Associate at St.
Martin de Porres Parish, Dayton; and
Ed Glad, member ofthe Archdiocesan
Renew Team.
The cost of the retreat is $5.00
per person. For information con­
cerning registratio ncontact the
Archdiocese of Portland Office of
Justice and Peace (503) 233-8361
(503) 240-PRAY
We Welcome You to The
1988. and has been Pastor at St.
Charles Parish in N.E. Portland since
1988. Father Mosbrucker has been a
leader in church-based community
organizing with the Portland Orga­
nizing Project.
Sister Kathleen Stupfel. SNJM
was born near McMinnville, OR. She
joined the Sisters of the Holy Names
in 1938. She taught in various Catho­
lic elementary schools in the Portland
area for 20 years, and has served as a
school principal and administrator for
the Holy Name Sisters. She currently
works at the Care Center at Mary Ihurst.
She has been active in the Catholic
Committee of the People of Faith
against Bigotry, a member ofthe Port­
land Organizing Project, and serves
on the core committee ofthe Faith and
Sharing Retreat.
Small group facilitators include
Sister Arnadene Welton Bean, SNJM,
Assistant Provincial for the Oregon
Province of the Sisters of the Holy
Names; Reverend Vincent Minh,
CSsR, Episcopal Vicar for Southeast
42.24 S.E. 62nd Avenue
(between Powell «St Foster)
Portland, Oregon 97206
Sunday School 9:30am
M orning Worship IO:45am
Evangelistic Service 7:30pm
Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm
Evangelistic Service 7:00pm
Prayer 12 00pm & 6:00pm
j&b ^Jaul ¿¡Missionary
¿¡Baptist (Ctfurcl)
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147 • Study Phone: 289-1911
Sunday Service 10:45
Sunday School 9:30
Bible Study 6.00
Evening Service 7:00pm
Pastor, Re. James C.E. Faulkner
Lighthouse Church Of God In Christ
8138 N Hudson
Portland, OR 97203
(503) 283-3558 * Church (503) 283-0169 * Home
Elder Tom Moore, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 A M
Sunday Morning Worship 11:45 A.M
YPWW 6:30 P.M
Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 P.M
Tuesday Prayer/Bible Band 7:30 P M
Friday Worship Service 7 00 P M
"Come Unto Me All Ye Thai Labor And Are Heavy Laden,
And I Will Give You Rest. Take My Yoke Upon You
And Learn Of Me." Matt. 11 28 29
We have a place for you Come fellowship with us!
(503) 774-5470
PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson. Jr • Dr. Ida M. Simpson
A Welcome Is Awaiting You!