F ebruary 1, 1995 • T he P ortland Q bsi rvi r P age A4 4.00 Black Scholar - Ms. ‘Natural’ Soul Science Scholars Program Commit­ tee She has been selected to receive a 1994 Youth Citizenship Award by Soroptim ist International and re­ ceived special recognition for aca­ dem ic accom plishm ent trom the Northwest Black Pioneers at its 28 January 199$‘Gala Celebration'held 1993. B e sid e s b ein g a m em ber o f the N a tio n a l H onor Society and c o n sisten tly m ain tain in g su p e ­ rio r tr a d e s . Tova is en ro lle d in G r a n t's In stitu te for S cien ce and M ath (IS M ) and M ath. E n g in e e r­ in g , S c ie n c e A c h ie v e m e n t (M E S A ). She is an active m em ­ ber o f G ra n t's H um an R elations C o m m ittee and plays V iolin w ith in Salem. T ova has tw o sib lin g s and co m es from a sin g le -p a re n te d , lo w -incom e B lack fam ily. W bile m a in ta in in g s e lf - k n o w le d g e , T o v a has stepped c le a r of false ste re o ty p e s that pro m o te low e x ­ p ectatio n s and achievem ents. H er siste r T a ra was the only accu m u ­ lative 4 .0 0 B lack g rad u ate and B lack V a le d ic to ria n in P ortland P ublic Schools last year and is now a p re sid e n tia l S cholar a t­ te n d in g O regon S tate U niversity in C o rv a llis. T o v a 's younger s is­ ter K elva attends G rant High and the S trin g s E nsem ble. Tova Joanna Johnson has re­ cently been nominated for national recognition by the Oregon National Tova Joanna Johnson C o lo ra d o C ollege in C o lo rad o Some Honors, Awards, Mem­ berships, ETC: • (OHSU) Oregon Health Sci­ ences University -- Apprenticeship as a Research Assistant. Research Areas. Muscular Dystrophy, DNA and Pediatrics. Summer o f 1994 - 392 hours. Lab o f Dr. De-AnnPillers. • MINFORS II Conference Par­ ticipant, 23 Oct. 93' thru 26 Oct. 93', at Oregon State University in Cor­ 1993 • (SKY) Special Kiwanis Y outh Club Member, Grant High School, vallis 93) 1994-95 • (MESA) math, Engineering, Science Achievement, Grant School, 1994-95 • (SB1) School o f Business & Industry at Grant High School (1991- “It Takes An Entire Village To Dream” Police Arrest 20 Crack Cocaine Dealers Residents Lead Improvement Panel Vocational Village High School Celebrates King’s Life Twenty street crack cocaine dealers were arrested Friday night after officers posed as buyers. The arrests were part o f sepa­ rate police efforts dealing with neighborhood crime issues. After the sale o f the drug, the sellers were arrested. Police said the majority were charged with distribution and possession o f a controlled substance, schedule II. The officers focused on loca­ tions along northeast Cleveland Avenue, northeast Killingsworth and northeast 16th Avenue. Public Inform ation O ffice C.W. Jensen said the areas were targeted based on information from neighbors and police officers about narcotics activity. Sonja Tucker The Boise Citizens Improve­ ment Association announced the re­ cent election of Sonja Tucker, chair­ p erso n . and E ld e r S te w a rt Minnieweather, co-chairperson. Neighborhood meetings are held the first Monday o f each month at since 1991 • Human Relation Committee member, Grant High School, since Springs. is a 4 .0 0 Freshm an. T ova's future includes a possi­ ble career in Pediatrics, Genetics Research or Forensics Medicine and Law. She is the daughter o f Lulu R Stroud-Johnson and grandchild to the late Kelley Dolphus Stroud, first Black Phi Beta Kappa graduate at Stewart Minmeweather since 1991 • (NHS) National Honor Soci­ ety, Grant High School Chapter, since 1993 "H onors” Classes at Grant, . 1995 «rt* K I -»I_Uln/4 Black Dirt- Pio­ orc Oregon Writing Northwest • Festival held at Portland State neers Award University 4 May 1991 • 1994 Oregon Finalist, Nation­ . IQ90-91 Presidential Outstand­ al Science Scholars Program Award ing Academic Achievement Award • 1994 C ertificate o f High • 1990 Project Business Certifi­ Achievement, Academic Scholar­ cate -f Accomplishment Award ship, from UofO . 1993.94 "Superior” Honors, • 1994 Oregon Alliance o f Black Grant High, 4.0 GPA - J u n io r School Educators Student Achieve­ . 1992-93 "Superior” Honors, ment Award Grant High, 4 0 GPA - Sophomore • 1993 Optimist Club o f Lloyd • 1991-92 “Superior" Honors, Center Essay “Freedom Our Respon­ Grant High, 4.0 GPA - Freshman sibility to Preserve” Contest. Award­ . 1994.95 M em ber N ational ed Second Place Honor Society • 1992-93 B la z e rs’ BA SIC . 1993.94 M em ber National Award for Scholastic Improvement Honor Society Concepts • Other School Community Vol- • 1992 Minority High School unteer Service Student Research Apprentice pro­ • 1994 Usher at Senior Gradua- gram, (NIH) N at’ 1 Institutes o f Health tion/Commencement Certificate Received • 1993 Holiday Card-Making • 1992, June, Introduction to for Senior Citizens Research Certificate Award . 1993 Nursing Home Holiday • 1991 Forest Service Volunteer Caroller — 31 hours, Mt. Hood National For­ • 1992-93-94 Academic Tutor­ est, Certificate o f Appreciation Re­ ing Volunteer ceived • 1991 to Present - Violinist w • 1991 Oregon Alliance o f Black Grant Strings and Acting in School School Educators Certificate ofm er- Plays it • Interests Include “Pediatrics, • 1991 Selected to submit writ­ Genetics Research and Forensics ings and attend Seventh Annual Albina Youth Opportunity School, 3710 N. Mississippi. The Boise neighborhood encom­ passes the area o f inner north and northeast Portland from 1-5 to Mar­ tin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd. and Skidmore to Fremont Street. Advertise In (Tin' ^ J o rtla n fi (D b srru rr Call: 503-288-0033 Grocery Workers Fail To Qualify For Jobless Benefits G rocery w o rk ers lo ck ed out o f the w o rk p lace by em ploy ers d u rin g a 1994 strik e a g a in st Fred M eyer sto res do not qualify for jo b le ss b en efits, a c c o rd in g to a ru lin g y e s te rd a y by th e s ta te E m ploym ent D ep artm en t. The decision affects 1,380 peo­ ple represented by Local 555 o f Unit­ ed Food and Commercial Workers who were employed by the Safeway, Albertson, and Kienow chains, as well as other stores. These workers applied for unemployment insurance last year after employers declared a lock out an refused them work during a 12-week strike against Fred Meyer that ended November 12, 1994. Under state law enacted by the Legislature (ORS 657.200). a work­ er involved in a labor dispute is dis­ qualified for unemployment bene­ fits. According to yesterday's ruling, “This situation [was] clearly a labor dispute. Since these individuals were unemployed due to a labor dispute. they were not qualified for benefits. An administrative Law Judge at the Employment Department issued the decision after holding hearings on October 25. and November I, Marjorie Arigbon and Kevin Fuller 1994. T he E m p lo y m e n t D e p a r t­ m ent sent co p ies o f the ruling y esterday to the 1,380 applicants. T hey have the rig h t to appeal, but m ust file an a p p lic a tio n with the state E m ploym ent A ppeals “ 1 have a dream that one day my children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character...” These w ords—spoken by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the great March on Washington more than 25 years ago-w ere passionately brought Join us in celebrating JJortlanb ODbseruer’s Twenty-fifth Anniversary. DV j January a n u a ij 30. B oard □ by JRANIE’S CLEANERS inflation buster coupon specia ls Portland, OR 9?218 • ( 5 0 3 ) 287-0008 5 4 0 3 NE 42N D AVE • i COUPON Innation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Skirts Bring in one gel one I REE I med. While & Silk Extra 25 Cents In-Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only _____________________________________________ i i-------------- in Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special SI I ¿ II iß Dresses Bring in one get one 11 fr ee s '. ! X I UJ , White Silk, Rayon & Velvet Extra ln-Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only 1 JE A N IE 'S C L E A N E R S _____ ----- 1 r Drape:' Cleaning 99 A Pleat I nbned Any Si/cing Added niñeo rtii) — •» I .. A V. D.ibnrtit ated • - i • Pick-up Rehung 1 Exira .•ssionul NN 11’11*11 I Pic IV*»UV r i, Coming Dry Cleaning < Jrdcrs Only COUPON lì COUPON Inflation Buster D r '( l e a n i n g Special Inflation B uster Dry C leaning Special *11 Sweaters I I 4 I iß I ï I X UJ I , Laundered Shirts .80 No Limit COUPON in O) CO in UJ Œ Pleated, Boxed, Extra -Size 12 & Under Extra In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only qj JE A N IE 'S C L E A N E R S m O) co - I I in I I UJ Inflation B uster Dry C leaning sp e i .1 $8.00 Oft On Any Dry Cleaning. ()fder Of $20.00 or More in ci §• £ i G o o d O n In C o in in g » r y ( le a n in g o u t e r O n ly X > N o t V a lid W i t h A n y O t h e r S p e c ia l t ’ n e e . JEANIE S Cl EANERS I COUPON in .1 r ' o i Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Blankets in Any Size Q. Bring in one get one Œ a. F R E E Down Extra ,In Coming Dry Cleaning UJ Orders Only JE A N IE 'S C L E A N E R S _____ JE A N IE S C L E A N E R S in ? ! cö I Í UJ W hite Silk, Suede, Cord & V Ivd L In-Coming Dry Cleaning > ’r.!ei s (>. JEANIES_CLEANERS__________ J [______ x 2 I FREE UJ. Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices -------- 1 In flat ion B uster Dry C leaning Special 9 <*»1 S u its M e n s o r W o m e n s 2 piece • Bring in one get one Œ O f $12.00 or M ore Good On ln-Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only % _____ I i_ . COUPON Inllation B uster Dry ( leaning Special Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning K, '.cun O) 1 JE A N IE 'S C L E A N E R S JEANIE. S f T E A N E R S ____________ , t_------- ___ i _______________ r- JE A N IE ’S C L E A N E R S ______ Lined to I i fe at a school assembly by Antwan Ross a student at Vocational Village High School in northeast Portland As schools paused to pay honor to A merica's King o f nonviolence. Vocational Village involved more than 20 students in a program that was filled with music, skits and pos­ itive messages. The students were reminded that "what one person does, make a dif­ ference" when Torn Leselle became Rosa Parks and re-enacted Decem­ ber 1,1955. This is called the begin­ ning o f the Civil Rights Movement- -the day that one woman decided she was simply too tired to move, and too tired to take unjust laws any longer. Each student was challenged to make a positive difference in their own lives and then for someone else. Kevin Fuller, The Oregonian in Ed­ ucation manager and Cristie Larry , Portland State University counselor told the students to “wake up and start living the dream.” At the conclusion o f the pro­ gram, students, staff and guests feast­ ed on fried chicken, red beans and rice, cabbage, corn bread and sweet potato pie. The program was planned by Marjorie Arigbon who works close­ ly with students at Vocational Vil­ lage High School Ms. McCulloe and Mr. Larry who are staff members at Vocational Village. UJ Z I X 1 UJ I JEANIE'S CLEANERS___________ , u $12.00 OFF On Any Dry Cleaning Order Of $30.00 or More Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orden Only Nol Valid in o> co EXPIRES 1 Tova Joanna Johnson, 17 year old Black Senior attending Grant High School in northeast Portland, has maintained a straight' A record­ ed while compiling a most-impres­ sive list o f accomplishments Among other things, Tova com­ pleted Research Apprenticeships at Oregon Health Sciences University during the Summers o f 1992 and 1994 During 1993 she was a Re­ search Assistant in the University o f Oregon Institute o f Neuroscience Summer research Fellowship Pro­ gram. I ova was also a participant in the MINFORS 11 conference held at O reaon State University in October (UofO) University o f Oregon Institute o f Neuroscience Summer Research Fellow ship Program -- Research Assistant (Lab o f Dr Ry Meeks-Wagner, Institute of Molecu­ lar Biology) Summer 1993 -- 273 hours Area o f Research: mapping a gene in ‘Arabidopsis • (OHSU) Oregon Health Sci­ ences University - Apprenticeship. 432 hours -- Summer 1992 (Lab ot Dr Robert E. Brummett, Oregon Hearing Research Center) • (ISM) Institute for Science & Mathematics at Grant High School, With Any Other Special Pnces I JEANIE’S CLEANERS I _____________________ J